
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 29, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Back of the Book" segment tonight: The actor David Schwimmer made it huge on the sitcom "Friends," as you know. After acting in some films like "Band of Brothers," he has now turned to directing. This week his new film called "Trust" opens across the country. It deals with the very explosive topic of sexual predators on the Net.

Here now is Mr. Schwimmer. So what is the main point of the film?

DAVID SCHWIMMER, ACTOR/DIRECTOR: The main point is really to get people talking more about parenting in the age of technology. And my other hope is that I get to blow people away with some of the greatest performances of actors in film today.

O'REILLY: Now I understand the film deals with a 14-year-old girl, all right, getting caught up in what?

SCHWIMMER: Well, basically, like most kids today, she meets someone online who she doesn't know and befriends them. And in her case, it leads to a pretty intense romantic relationship over a period of several weeks and months until she finally meets the guy, and he turns out to be in his 40s rather than a teenager, as he pretended to be.

O'REILLY: And what happens to the girl?

SCHWIMMER: Well, she's raped.

O'REILLY: She is? So there's a crime committed.

SCHWIMMER: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: Now, this is, you know, obviously this happens in real life. I mean, there are plenty of cases of this kind of stuff happening all over the United States. What attracted you to the material? Do you feel that this is an underreported crime? Do you feel it -- there has been a lot of publicity. On this program, we do a lot of this kind of reporting. Why did you want to make a movie centering around this? Not an uplifting movie.

SCHWIMMER: No, but it is empowering. The victim, this 14-year-old girl, is empowered by the end of the film, and her relationship that's really tested with her father is -- develops into a richer and better relationship actually. I wanted to make the movie because I've been involved with this organization called the Rape Treatment Center in Santa Monica, California, for the last 14 years. I'm on the board of directors of the Rape foundation. I met countless victims, child victims of sexual assault and rape, and their parents. And after speaking to many fathers, I was really moved by how this kind of trauma impacts the entire family.

O'REILLY: Absolutely.

SCHWIMMER: The fathers that I spoke to talk about a kind of incapacitating rage.

O'REILLY: Why -- you don't have kids, right?

SCHWIMMER: I'm actually expecting in two months.

O'REILLY: OK, congratulations for that.

SCHWIMMER: Thank you.

O'REILLY: Why did you want to get involved with this? Why did you go on the board of that?

SCHWIMMER: For several reasons. I felt that this issue traditionally has been directed towards women in terms of education, prevention and where they can go for assistance as victims, and there's really been a gap in trying to get the message out to men. And I was approached with that aim to try -- as a man in show business, some kind of celebrity, to try to get the message out. And for personal reasons, I have many friends that are victims of -- child victims of sexual assault.

O'REILLY: Really?

SCHWIMMER: Yes. And two former girlfriends, long-term relationships, were also child victims of sexual assault.

O'REILLY: Well, as you know, we did the Jessica's Law campaign here, and out in front of that. Did you, when you made it big on "Friends," did you say to yourself I have an obligation now that I'm rich and famous?

SCHWIMMER: A hundred percent. That's the way I was raised. I mean, you know, when celebrity, the crush of celebrity first happened, I was approached by dozens of organizations. And I took a step back and, instead of spreading myself thin and lending my name here and there, I thought I'm going to dedicate all my resources, my talent and my energy and my commitment to one that means the most to me. And because for personal reasons, as I described, this was the one I felt I could really make a difference here. So that's what I did.

O'REILLY: Was it hard getting the movie made? Not easy in Hollywood getting...

SCHWIMMER: Incredibly tough.

O'REILLY: Did it because of you, right?

SCHWIMMER: Well, really they did it because of Clive Owen.

O'REILLY: The star of the movie.

SCHWIMMER: Yes. He signed onto it, and then Catherine Keener. Everyone really committed to this because they read the script. Clive has got, you know, two daughters, 12 and 14.

O'REILLY: Right.

SCHWIMMER: He read it. He saw the impact that it had on him and the potential impact that this issue is having on young women, and he wanted to do something about it, like all of us.

O'REILLY: Good for you, Mr. Schwimmer. You know, you're using your fame and your money for good purpose. The movie is "Trust," opens on Friday. We want everybody to check it out. Thanks for coming in. Pleasure to meet you.

SCHWIMMER: Thank you.

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