
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 16, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Alison Spann's father was the first American killed in Afghanistan. He was shot during a prison riot when she was only 9 years old. The man blamed for the uprising, Mullah Mohammed Fazl, was just released from Guantanamo in exchange for Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. Now, 12 years ago, we spoke with Alison's stepmother, right here On The Record.


VAN SUSTEREN: And how old are the children?

SHANNON SPANN, WIDOW OF CIA AGENT MIKE SPANN: Alison is about to turn 10, and Emily is 4. Jake is 10 months.

VAN SUSTEREN: And how are they doing?

SHANNON SPANN: They're doing well. As well as could be expected, I guess.


VAN SUSTEREN: Alison Spann joins us now. Good evening, Alison.


VAN SUSTEREN: Alison, I never know what to say in these circumstances. You know, I feel terrible for you having lost your father. We covered it. We all felt it. I imagine the swap is a swap that it certainly has caught your attention.

ALISON SPANN: Definitely. It was quite shocking when I first heard the news.

VAN SUSTEREN: How did you learn the news and what do you think?

ALISON SPANN: I first heard the news, I had heard about the Bergdahl swap and I immediately called my grandfather and consulted him about current affairs like I usually do, and he said to me I think that two of the prisoners who were just swapped were present when your father was killed. And at first, I was completely shocked and I called my stepmother and she surfed around and she confirmed that was true. So, as a whole, my family and I just had discussions about it and we were all extremely shocked, and saddened that our government would do something like this.

VAN SUSTEREN: What do you think would have been the better idea?

ALISON SPANN: You know, it's hard to say because it is a tough situation. But I believe that the Obama administration could have come up with a better solution. I don't think that Americans negotiating with terrorists should ever happen. You know, it's being debated right now whether or not Obama consulted with Congress but to me it should never be a question is if the president consulted with congress before making a decision such as this.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, you were old enough. You were 9 or 10 years old when this happened and you got to grow up without a father. I mean, I'm curious to know how it's been for you knowing that your father was the first one who was lost in Afghanistan?

ALISON SPANN: It's always hard growing up without a father. You always think will milestones in your life. I wish he had been there. I recently graduated from college and I thought about him and my mother all day. There is also a great sense of pride. I'm very proud to be the daughter of Jonathan Michael Spann, not because of the way he died but because of how he lived. He instilled so many great things in me, and I'm so proud of him. I'm grateful that I was his daughter.

VAN SUSTEREN: As you have seen things sort of a rule unfold in the last couple of nights in Iraq, obviously not where your father died, your thoughts about war and our foreign policy is what?

ALISON SPANN: We are in a crisis situation. I think that Americans have become complacent. I think we need to start becoming aware and updated on current affairs. I think that the American people it need to expect more from their leadership than what we are getting right now. The only way to do that is to stay updated on what's happening, and you know, put pressure on the government and question the decisions being made.

VAN SUSTEREN: Alison, thank you very much for joining us. And again, you know, I'm terribly sorry about your father, and you having to grow up without your father, but your father was a hero. Thank you.

ALISON SPANN: Thank you, Greta.