
This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," December 15, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Culture Warrior" segment tonight: A viewer warning: The television commercial we're about to show you is on cable TV, but it is very explicit, and some of you aren't going to like it. The Levi's jean company put the deal out, and here's 30 seconds of it.

Click here to watch the commercial.

O'REILLY: Also tonight, Jennifer Aniston making a statement in a similar vein. I don't see any jeans, but I'm sure they're around somewhere.

With us now, the "Culture Warriors," Margaret Hoover and Monica Crowley. Both are FOX News analysts.

Now, Levi Straus, Hoover, is a you know, a pretty traditional brand in America. Pretty traditional brand. This is not on pay cable. This is on basic cable, right? Runs on MTV, those kinds of things. They sent us a statement saying we want men to buy the jeans. OK. We want men to buy the jeans. Is this, No. 1, this kind of a thing in America today, should it be running? Should it on basic television?

MARGARET HOOVER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: This should not be running on basic television that is seen by teenagers. The shows they're showing this on are VH-1, MTV, Comedy Central. It is glorifying licentious behavior amongst teenagers.

O'REILLY: So you say it should not be shown?

HOOVER: It should not be shown. Teenage girls should not see that they need to lie their way into bed with strange men to feel empowered or self-respecting.

O'REILLY: It's a feminist angle you're taking here.

HOOVER: Look, I mean, the guy — every time the guy lies, the girl lies to match him lie for lie.

O'REILLY: Let's explain to the audience who may not have seen the ad as you have seen it, because we've cut it down. The girl in the ad and the guy meet at a bar, and they tell lies to each other. They say they have a better job than they do and this, that, and the other thing. That's what Hoover is referring to. So you're coming at it from a feminist viewpoint that it sends a wrong social message?

HOOVER: But it sends a bad message to teenage girls and boys. You don't lie your way into the sack.

O'REILLY: OK. I got it. OK. The dishonesty and deceit in the ad is what...

HOOVER: At the same time, not empowering for women.

O'REILLY: Empowering, OK.

MONICA CROWLEY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think we're reading way too much into this commercial.


CROWLEY: They're selling jeans.


CROWLEY: And they're showing it on MTV and VH-1. Most of the music videos shown on those stations are worse than that very commercial.

O'REILLY: So it's context.

CROWLEY: I'm saying that it's in context. Also Spike TV. They're trying to sell the jeans. I saw the statement from Levi Straus.

O'REILLY: Right.

CROWLEY: They're gearing it toward a young male demo. Well, this is not the first time a jeans company has geared its — geared their message. Remember...

O'REILLY: All right. So you — wait a minute. I got it, Crowley. I got it. So you're at home and you're clicking through. I'm assuming you're not watching Spike. You're probably watching Lifetime.

CROWLEY: Sometimes I watch Spike.

O'REILLY: OK. So you're whipping through and there — commercial comes on the air and you're sitting there, and maybe you have a 16-year-old son or something like that. No problem?

CROWLEY: Well, I mean if you've got children in the room, that's a different issue.

O'REILLY: It's a problem?

CROWLEY: Again, this is not the first company to do — remember Calvin Klein with a young Brooke Shields? "Nothing comes between me and my Calvins"?

O'REILLY: Yes, but that wasn't nearly as explicit. That was — that was more...

CROWLEY: I'll tell you this. If I'm home alone watching that commercial, kind of makes me want to buy the jeans.

O'REILLY: Really?

CROWLEY: It's a very...

O'REILLY: That makes you, the "Culture Warrior," want to buy the jeans? You want to meet strange guys at a bar and lie to them? Because that's what happens when you put the jeans on. You have to do that.

CROWLEY: I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that.

O'REILLY: Hold on, hold on. Abercrombie and Fitch tried this business.


O'REILLY: And I'm going to come over to you now. Abercrombie and Fitch a few years ago, all right? All of this. You were to use the word licentious. Excellent. And they got hammered. They got hammered. Hammered. Their stock price went down. Parents said, "No way am I allowing my kids to buy this stuff." So it worked against Abercrombie. Is it going to work against Levi?

HOOVER: I think this particular one will. Look, there's nothing wrong with selling sex. That's what jeans commercials are, right? They're trying to be sexy. They're trying to say if you wear our jeans, you'll be sexy. But what they're doing here is they're glorifying, really, behavior that is not going to be empowering or self-respecting for men or for women. So...

O'REILLY: OK. We got that. We got that. I don't know if any jeans can be empowering. I'm not sure. Maybe chinos.

HOOVER: But that behavior…

O'REILLY: Chinos are empowering. Jeans, I'm not sure. All right.

Jennifer Aniston, now, this is a woman who has made a career out of Americans liking her because she's kind of wholesome. Got worked over by Brad Pitt. People felt sorry for her. Comes off as a nice woman. Then she goes up into this magazine and does these shots.

No. 1, I don't care about this. It doesn't matter to me. But is that a smart thing to do in our culture? Is that going to help Jennifer Aniston?

CROWLEY: You know what's funny? I have an outfit exactly like that. I was about to wear it on the program today. Listen, Jennifer Aniston is about to be 40 years old.


CROWLEY: She's gorgeous. She looks fabulous. This is also not the first time she's taken it off for a magazine cover.

O'REILLY: But she did it for fur. Didn't she do it for fur?

CROWLEY: She did it for GQ just wearing a pair of denim shirts.

O'REILLY: So you say it doesn't hurt her in any way?

CROWLEY: Listen, I think it is — talking about empowering. I think for her, given the fact that her marriage went down in flames and that her husband was stolen away by Angelina Jolie, I think for her this is a personally empowering thing and, frankly, for women turning 40 or in their 40s, I think this is dynamite.

O'REILLY: All right.

CROWLEY: Every 40-year-old woman wants to look like Jennifer Aniston on that magazine. That's just the fact of it. I appreciate that you think she comes from a wholesome perspective.

O'REILLY: Listen, I don't know her. She may not. I'm saying that's how she's marketed. She's marketed that way.

HOOVER: Look, she's not...

O'REILLY: She's in a dog movie. It's a dog, "Marley and Me." A dog? Is she going to be naked next to the dog? That's what I want to know.

HOOVER: This is an example, Bill, of empowered.

O'REILLY: Another empower. Everything is empowering.

HOOVER: Not just taking it off.

O'REILLY: He's going to be empowered if he sees that magazine.

HOOVER: Maybe he will be.

O'REILLY: Marley will be.

HOOVER: Are you really going to be frightened by Jennifer Aniston?

O'REILLY: I'm not a dog.

HOOVER: I don't think so.

O'REILLY: I think the dog is going to be confused.

HOOVER: This is not an example of somebody who's selling their soul and taking off their clothes.

O'REILLY: All right. So neither of you have a problem with Ms. Aniston?

CROWLEY: No. I think she looks dynamite.

HOOVER: She looks great. More power to her.

O'REILLY: OK, OK. All right. Because I think the dog, after working with her for all that time, might be a little confused. Maybe we'll get the dog on here and find out. The "Culture Warriors," everybody.

CROWLEY: Looking good is the best revenge, by the way.

O'REILLY: All right. A lot of empowering going on this evening, and that's just the way it is.

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