
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 30, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: A new pro-gun campaign has people upset in Colorado. A couple of billboards have gone up that feature three men that look like Native Americans and the words, quote, "Turn in your arms, the government will take care of you," end quote.

Some Native Americans think this is highly insensitive. So, we go to now to Eric Bolling.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I can't find what's insensitive. OK. So, some Native Americans think it's insensitive. Others think it was accurate. Turn in your guns, we'll take care of you, the government.

A lot of us believe that this national registry is like turning in your guns.

WILLIAMS: What national registry?

BOLLING: Well, the one that the gun law advocates would love to have, realizing --

WILLIAMS: The paranoia, scare --

BOLLING: It's not paranoia, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Let's get back to the topic.


WILLIAMS: That's made up. We have real history of Native Americans in this country, and believe me, the reason they ended up in reservations (INAUDIBLE) as a people has nothing to do with guns.

BOLLING: Before you go ahead and speak for Native Americans, if you read the original Denver Post I believe it was, that article, the comments by Native Americans were, hey, I'm not offended by this.


WILLIAMS: Listen, I'm just telling you, there are Native Americans were offended. But the reason we're going doing this segment is because it is calling attention to Second Amendment rights issues in a way that I think is pretty inventive, but nonetheless, using Native Americans as a straw man to do it.

Some people say, why are you using us? OK, you want to make a Second Amendment argument, go ahead and do it.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It's as offensive as using victims to make your point on the other side.

WILLIAMS: No, it's not.

PERINO: I'm not offended by this at all. I think at that point could be made on either side. It's effective advertising because here we are talking about it.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I have no strong opinions on this whatsoever. It makes you wonder what kind of billboard I would get if I could get a billboard. It would read, Dana Perino ate her twin and I put it in front of her old high school.

WILLIAMS: By the way, you know, it's so non-controversial, why won't the people who put it up allow their games on it. We're anonymous.


ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: Some people think they are making fun of Native Americans. But I think what they are trying to say is, have the Native Americans been armed, it would have been much harder for us to keep our promises to them. I don't think they are making fun of Indians at all. I think it's completely the opposite.

WILLIAMS: No, I don't think they were making fun of them. I said they were using them, as a straw man.


TANTAROS: I don't want to speak on behalf of Native Americans. But if I was a Native American, I would view this as something preserving Second Amendment rights that actually favors my argument.

BOLLING: Do you realize how accurate the point Dana just made? Was when President Obama twice brought out people, the kids of Newtown --

WILLIAMS: Stop, stop, stop.

BOLLING: And says, here is why we need more gun regulations.

WILLIAMS: It's hugely different. People can't speak for themselves. Family spoke and said, we want something done.

All right. Look, we got to go. "One More Thing" is up next. Meanwhile, Eric and I will play cowboys and Indians in the break.

PERINO: Not allowed.

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