
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," September 16, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Back of the Book" segment tonight: "Did You See That?" An appalling situation out of Denmark. A tourism agency there put out an ad featuring a single woman trying to find out who fathered her baby.

Click here to watch the ad!


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. My name is Kan (ph), and I'm from Denmark. This here is my baby boy. His name — his name is Alvis (ph). Yes, I'm doing this video because I'm trying to find Alvis's (ph) father. We met one and a half year ago when you were on vacation here in Denmark. I don't remember where you are from and I don't even remember your name.


O'REILLY: Excellent. With us now, FOX News anchor Jane Skinner. I can't believe the country of Denmark puts this thing out. Why would they do that?

JANE SKINNER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: One female commentator said it's like trying to sell the idea, "Come here. We've got beautiful blonde women who will have one-night stands with you."

O'REILLY: That's what it was.

SKINNER: And interestingly enough, the tourism agency, the CEO is a woman. And when you say what were they thinking? This is what she said they were thinking. We thought this was a good, sweet, really harmless story of a mature, responsible woman who lives in a free society. We were trying to create a positive view of Denmark. They put it on YouTube.

O'REILLY: Are you kidding me?

SKINNER: It wasn't on television. It was actually on YouTube. Got close to a million hits.

O'REILLY: Was ACORN behind this? Can we blame this on ACORN?

SKINNER: The reaction though, as you can imagine, was incredulous.

O'REILLY: Look, Denmark is a liberal country, but they're not crazy. But they did pull this off the air.

SKINNER: They did. After about four days or so.

O'REILLY: Four days.

SKINNER: Four days.

O'REILLY: So let me get this straight before we move on. Denmark wants people to go visit, so they put up a single mom who doesn't know the name of the father.

SKINNER: Oh, and she's an actress. We should point that out.

O'REILLY: This didn't really happen.

SKINNER: That's not real and that's not her baby.

O'REILLY: This is a script. But you wouldn't know that.


O'REILLY: I mean, that's pretty convincing. But they think that having a woman giving birth out of wedlock, not knowing the father, is going to make people come to Denmark.

SKINNER: After a drunk one-night stand.

O'REILLY: Excellent. Oh, yes.

SKINNER: And they pull it. But you know, if you think about it in this day and age, it's linked…

O'REILLY: It's on YouTube.

SKINNER: It was linked to 83,000 Web sites.

O'REILLY: We have a problem here in the United States. Not looking at Denmark. We have all kinds of crazy student violence going on. Now, school has only been in for about a week in many places. Look what happened on a school bus. Roll the tape.





O'REILLY: What was that all about?

SKINNER: All right. Bellville, Illinois, across the Mississippi from St. Louis, if people aren't familiar with the area. A 17-year-old kid, the one who is the victim there, gets on the bus. Supposedly the fight was over a seat. Nobody would give him a seat. He moved somebody's book bag and sat down anyway. Fourteen- and 15-year-olds start pummeling him not once but twice. They took about a five minute break. But 14- and 15-year-olds have been suspended. By the end of the week we're going to learn whether they — potentially they may face criminal charges in this. And a couple of the kids who were sitting there watching, laughing, egging them on have also been suspended for five days.

O'REILLY: No one has been charged with a crime yet. At first, they said it was racial, because the assailants are black and the victim is white. Bus driver didn't break it up. Disturbing. I would have pulled the bus over and called 911. That's what...

SKINNER: Interesting. People feel — there's disagreement on that, because the bus driver says he did what protocol calls for: calling dispatch and finding the safest place. He thought the safest place was school, which was a couple of minutes away.

O'REILLY: But you can die in that time.

SKINNER: But so could he. You know, that's what the supporters of the bus driver would say. They have one of the toughest jobs in the school district.

O'REILLY: I know.

SKINNER: Because you actually want to go in and break up that mob of kids. You put yourself in danger as well.

O'REILLY: You have cameras on school buses now. Pretty much says it all.

SKINNER: Then today they put a security guard on that school bus.

O'REILLY: All right, Jane, thanks very much. Jane Skinner.

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