
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," February 20, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Contact from the missing college couple.

Amy Scott and Daniel Querzoli have been missing since Valentine's Day, six days ago. Now, this is a bizarre story. First, the pair borrowed a friend's car after dinner, although they each have their own cars, and then they never returned. Then it gets stranger. Any placed a cryptic call on Sunday afternoon to a friend. And now, even more bizarre, and Daniel's father says he received a letter supposedly from his son. What does it say? And is it really from Daniel? You'll see that letter in just a moment.

But first, news about a police report filed the day the couple took off. Joining us live in Massachusetts is Maria Papadopoulos, reporter for The Enterprise of Brockton. Welcome, Maria. And tell me, what is this police report that was apparently filed on the day that they had dinner, Valentine's Day?

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MARIA PAPADOPOULOS, THE ENTERPRISE OF BROCKTON: Well, Greta, Dan went into Providence police station the day that disappeared, on Valentine's Day, and he filed a police report. He filed a written assault — a written complaint. It was a simple assault and battery complaint. And according to that report, Dan had apparently gone to his girlfriend, Amy's, apartment in Providence. He had gone there with the intent to try and get her to confront a drug problem, alleged cocaine use. And there was some physical contact between the two, according to the reports, and he went to police and reported that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, did the police actually charge her, charge Amy at all that evening with any sort of sexual — or any sort of assault, rather?

PAPADOPOULOS: Providence police are saying that because Dan and Amy disappeared later on that night, they haven't had a chance to investigate that complaint that Dan filed. They haven't been able to contact him.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did Dan actually get medical care?

PAPADOPOULOS: He — according to the police report, he stated that he was planning to go to the emergency room to be seen after filing the report. Whether or not he went to an emergency room in the Providence area, it is not known.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, here's where it gets more bizarre, although there are so many elements of this that are bizarre. He goes and files a police complaint on her on Valentine's Day, says she's got a drug problem, he's going to the hospital, but instead, he ends up going out to dinner with her on Valentine's Day night, is that right?

PAPADOPOULOS: That's right.


VAN SUSTEREN: Yes. Go ahead.

PAPADOPOULOS: According to — I spoke to one of Amy's roommates, who leant the couple the car that they left in or that they disappeared in. He said that they had gone out to dinner and that things seemed fine when he last saw them.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know where they went to dinner?

PAPADOPOULOS: That is not known. I don't know.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, between the time he got home from reporting the assault at the police station — I don't know if he stopped at the hospital or not — do you know if he went over to pick her up, and did anyone see the two of them together at that point?

PAPADOPOULOS: They were seen by roommates later on in the evening, when they had returned back to Amy's apartment in Providence. Then Amy had asked one of her roommates, Can I borrow your car? He gave her the keys and then went to bed, he said, assuming that he'd see them the next day. He woke up. He saw his car was gone and — as were Amy and Dan.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Both Amy and Dan have a car, right?

PAPADOPOULOS: They both have their own cars.

VAN SUSTEREN: So that's weird, that they'd borrow a roommate's. Now, they left — they left behind wallets?

PAPADOPOULOS: They left behind their own vehicles. They left behind cash, money, credit cards, and cell phones. Their cell phones also left behind, and they are now with Providence police.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, the phone call, that was on Thursday night that they had dinner. On Sunday, when the phone call was made, was that made to a roommate by Amy?

PAPADOPOULOS: Amy called one of her — no, Amy called a friend of hers in New Jersey, and that friend then alerted Providence authorities.

VAN SUSTEREN: What did she say to that friend?

PAPADOPOULOS: She said, We're fine, but it was a very vague — she was very vague about her situation.

VAN SUSTEREN: And of course, that's the phone call that was tracked to some place in Illinois, is that right?

PAPADOPOULOS: That's right.



PAPADOPOULOS: We have more information, Greta, which is a little bit more disturbing. I spoke to Dan's father just a few hours ago, and he said that Providence police notified him that Amy has made another phone call. This went to her mother's a cell phone, apparently — again, Dan's father told me that Providence police told him Amy called her mother on her cell phone just before 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time this evening and said that they are in grave danger, which puts a whole new light on this situation.

VAN SUSTEREN: Indeed, it does. Thank you, Maria. And speaking of Daniel's father, Brian Warren does join us live in Washington. Brian, let's — I mean, let's pick it up right there. What can you tell me about this phone call about 6:00 PM to Amy's mother?

BRIAN WARREN, DANIEL'S FATHER: Yes, I received a phone call from a Detective Weston (ph) from the Providence police stating that Amy's mother had called and said that she had received a phone call from her daughter and that she was in grave danger and that she needed to pick her up. The thing is, Amy's mother would not disclose the location of where Amy made a phone call from or why they're in danger at all. And since then, I've been trying to make phone calls to Amy and Amy's mother and Amy's brother, and they haven't picked up the phone. So I'm at a loss at what to do, and I don't understand. It gets more and more bizarre as we go on.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know if — is it that Amy's mother has the information, apparently from Amy as to where Amy is, but that she will not tell the police...

WARREN: That is correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: ... that Amy's mother won't tell the police? Did she say...

WARREN: That is correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have any information from the police as to why Amy's mother won't say where she is?

WARREN: No, she would not disclose the location or why they're in trouble at all.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was your son mentioned in that phone call at all?

WARREN: I believe that she said that she is no longer with Danny, and Danny isn't in danger. Amy is in danger. Amy's family's in danger, and her roommates are in danger. That's what I got from the police.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, this is obviously — I mean, a bizarre story that's even getting more bizarre.

WARREN: Yes. I don't understand this at all. I'm at a loss at what to do. Like I said to the detective, if they go to pick up Amy and bring her back and she doesn't have the right answers, what's my next step? And he said simply, Call the FBI.

VAN SUSTEREN: What did the Providence police say that they told Amy's mother?

WARREN: Well, they simply wanted information and she just wouldn't disclose it. She just said — in fact, I think the conversation ended with her hanging up.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why did she even call Providence police if she wasn't going to provide this information? Any idea?

WARREN: Exactly. I don't know. It's totally bizarre. And...

VAN SUSTEREN: All right...

WARREN: Go ahead.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Let me ask you — I mean, let me just jump a little bit. On Saturday — you received a letter with a postmark from Saturday, is that right, from your son?


VAN SUSTEREN: Is this letter really from your son? And hold it up for us, if you have it.

WARREN: I believe it is, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: OK. We've actually got it on the screen now. You recognize that handwriting as being that from your son.

WARREN: Yes. I took some of his schoolwork, you know, and compared it and I put it beside there. I'm no handwriting expert, but it looks like his handwriting, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: What does the letter say? Can you read it to us? I can't read it from the screen.

WARREN: "I am writing to let you know I am on a road trip with Amy," period. "We will be back for school on Tuesday," period. "Sorry for the lack of communication. See you soon" — which is really odd. You know, I've never received a letter from my son at all. So under what circumstances this was written, I don't know.

VAN SUSTEREN: And it was regular mail?

WARREN: Regular mail, correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: Postmarked what date and from where?

WARREN: It is post-dated the 16th of February from Syracuse, New York.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. And that would be Saturday, and then the phone call that Amy made from Illinois was Sunday. And then we've got the phone call tonight at 6:00 PM to her mother.

WARREN: Right. That is correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: And we've got a father who is absolutely terrified.

WARREN: I have no idea what to do. I have none. I want your advice at what I should do at this point.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I think the FBI is a good start, and I think someone needs to talk to Amy's mother. You know, that's what I would do. I would get after the police and see if the FBI can't help you, as well. Anyone who can help you, call anybody in sight, at this point.

WARREN: Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: That's my best advice. And we'll help you as much as we can. We put your son's picture up. And we'll continue to help you. Anyway, thank you, and...

WARREN: I appreciate it.

VAN SUSTEREN: ... call us if you hear anything.

WARREN: I appreciate it, Greta. Thank you very much.

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