
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 8, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News alert. Hello, everyone, I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle and there is breaking news overseas, another terror attack, this time in Israel. Gunmen opening fire at a popular market in Tel Aviv; at least three people are dead, several others injured, two suspects are in custody. They are Palestinian cousins who were dressed as orthodox Jews. Check out this dramatic moment when police arrived on the scene.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On camera, but --

GUILFOYLE: One of the hospital, but this police custody. Yeah. John Huddy is there and joins us live now with the latest. Jon?

JOHN HUDDY, FOX NEWS REPORTER: Yeah. Well, Kimberly, this is a beautiful summer evening here in Tel Aviv. Obviously, this restaurants and bars behind me were packed with people and that's when it was shattered by the sound of gunfire. Submachine gun as you mentioned, two attackers according to our sources, cousins from the Hebron area. Hebron is an area in the west bank just outside Jerusalem. It's a hot spot for attacks. We've seen attempted stabbings, stabbings there over the last year, year and a half. But tonight, this attack happened right around 9:30 earlier in the evening when the two attackers opened fire. We understand they may have had submachine guns and they may have been dressed as orthodox Jews to try to blend in and disguise. I talked to several witnesses, two guys who are at the bar, a place called Max Brenner. Again, this is a very vibrant busy area in central Tel Aviv. Again, beautiful evening so there are a lot of people out, and these two witnesses say they heard a rain of gunshots as one described it. He said he saw one of the presumably gunmen opening fire. And that's when a stampede of people tried to rush out of the area. Another woman I talked to said people were falling over themselves, obviously in panic, trying to get out of the area. Right now, let me just show you quickly, behind me, and if my, you need my photographer can push in. You could see the restaurant in the distance. And by the way, police, we were a lot closer in over the last 20 minutes, they've really pushed all of us all being the media, pretty far away from the restaurant. But inside crime scene, investigators are of course looking over the area, trying to gather more evidence. There's a huge contingent as you can imagine of police, of security forces. Unfortunately, this is not the first incident to happen this year, here in Tel Aviv. On New Year's Day, a lone gunman, a lone wolf gunman opened fire in downtown Tel Aviv, killing several people -- again, a busy area, a lot of bars, a lot of restaurants there and once again, the same thing here in central Tel Aviv.



GUILFOYLE: . we're going to take it around the table. We have some questions for you. Eric?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: John, tell us about these gunmen?

HUDDY: Sure.

BOLLING: Are they -- number one, are they apprehended, killed? What's the story? And you said you knew, possibly, where they came from.

HUDDY: Yeah.

BOLLING: Are they affiliated or associated with any of the terrorist groups, Hezbollah or Hamas in the region?

HUDDY: Well, we don't. Well, we don't know that. I don't know the answer to that. They could have been acting, again, the kind of lone wolf type situation or maybe they were connected in some way to some kind of terror cell, but I can't tell you definitively whether that's the case or not. As far as the two attackers, one -- both are in custody. One is in surgery right now. We understand. The other is in custody. Well, I'm not sure of the extent of his injuries, but three people were killed at the restaurant. And about from what we're hearing at this point, 13 others injured, but of course, that number could be much higher. It's a fluid situation. Again, it just happen a couple of hours ago, yet another violent attack here in Tel Aviv, as I said.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Meghan, you have a question for John?

MEGHAN MCCAIN, GUEST CO-HOST: Has there been a rise in these kind of shootings and attacks in the past six months or so?

HUDDY: There's been -- well, there are, basically, there have been ebbs and flows. Last year, late September and mid October, we really saw an increase in the number of attacks. Mostly stabbings, car ramming where the assailants would ram their vehicle up on a, you know, a sidewalk or a bus stop, and then get out and start attacking with a knife. And since then, there have been near daily attempted stabbings, stabbings on mostly border police and security forces along the west bank borders, including Hebron, again, where these two assailants are according to our sources, cousins; that they lived in that area. That's a very, that's a hot spot and has been. Has there been a rise? Again, it comes in waves. We'll see things be very quiet for a couple weeks and then a number of attacks. But this, since the New Year's Day attack has been the worst, thus far. Again, a very busy popular area in central Tel Aviv, a lot of bars, a lot of restaurants, a lot of tourists for that matter.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: John -- it's Juan Williams. I was just wondering, you said they opened fire in a restaurant in the mall. I wonder why they didn't open fire in the mall and what do we know about the victims?

HUDDY: Well, I don't know much about the victims right now. We're waiting for more information. This -- just a kind to set the scene for you a little bit. It's an outdoor area, OK? You can -- let me step out of the way and I'm sure how much you can see. Now you can see some obviously, some police standing there. But there's a large kind of plaza area here. And on the other side, there's a series of towers, condominium towers, apartments. And then throughout the vicinity here there are a lot of outdoor bars and restaurants, a lot of stores, as well. So it's not like, it's an enclosed mall. It's an outside area. And this particular restaurant where it happened, Max Brenner is a very popular restaurant. It's a big restaurant and it's in the central part, really of this, of this shopping area. And you know an area where it's full of bars and restaurants. So, again, a beautiful evening, why did they, you know, they were -- I mean, to answer your question, Juan, bottom line is, this is probably one of the busiest areas of this location. So, you know, obviously they had scoped this out. What we're hearing is they had been in the area, possibly seen walking along the area before going into this restaurant, sitting down and then opening fire.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Tom, you have a question?

TOM SHILLUE, GUEST CO-HOST: Yeah, John -- Tom Shillue. I'm wondering if you're -- you're noticing on the ground. Obviously, Israelis are more used to terrorism than most people are. Is there any contrast to the way that they deal with these incidents in Israel? That you know, choose --for instance, a way we deal with them in this country. As far as people's reaction, how quickly they react? How quickly they bounce back, et cetera.

HUDDY: Well, you know, unfortunately it's been a fact of life here. Of course, the first, second intifadas. Then you had operation protective edge, the war in Gaza. And then after that it was quiet for a couple months, and then these attacks started up. Mostly carried about -- carried out by lone wolf attackers. You know, but as far as people's resiliency, you know, it is a fact of life. It's something people do live with, those who, in particular, survive the first and second intifadas. And just about everybody here in Israel has been affected by terror attacks, has known someone who was injured. A family member, a friend, in the first and second intifadas, even I met a guy was at the gym. He was a border policeman at Hebron, border crossing at Hebron, which is a hot spot, pulled up a shirt, showed me where he was stabbed several times, he had the scars on. So this is an unfortunate fact of life. Do people is traumatizing? Does it shock people? Obviously, those who are here and who witness it, but again, it's yet another attack here in Israel -- guys?

GUILFOYLE: All right. Thanks, John, and much more to come on "The Five." We're going to turn to the presidential race, next, with two presumptive nominees. The general election battle is on, stay tuned.


GUILFOYLE: Welcome back to "The Five" and we now have two presumptive presidential nominees. Hillary Clinton celebrated her historic achievement last night after becoming a first woman to clinch a major American party's nomination. And she didn't waste any time gearing up for the general election, neither did Donald Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON, PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president of the United States.


CLINTON: When he says, "Let's make America great again," that is code for - - let's take America backwards. It's clear that Donald Trump doesn't believe we are stronger together.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: The Clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her private hedge fund. The Russians, the Saudis, the Chinese, all gave money to Bill and Hillary and got favorable treatment in return. The last thing we need is Hillary Clinton in the White House or an extension of the Obama disaster.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Bolling, gloves are off.


GUILFOYLE: Mano a mano, combat between Clinton and Trump.

BOLLING: Yeah, and Trump --

GUILFOYLE: What's going to happen?

BOLLING: Trump is very good last night. He went back on the teleprompter, he stayed, he focused on to Hillary Clinton and that's what he needs to do to win. It's not playing around with these other things, the satellite issues, the rabbit holes, everyone for the media likes to drag him down, and focus on her. She has run as the next President Obama, a continuation of President Obama's wonderful policies.

GUILFOYLE: Third term, yeah.

BOLLING: That she is tapping her base for, to try and get those votes, those left-wing voters that love Obama. She's there. We'll, make her own it. The middle class has shrunk under President Obama. The rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer. Income inequalities widened. Salaries -- numerically, the economy is flat at best under President Obama. If not, well --

GUILFOYLE: African-American community worse off. Yeah.

BOLLING: African- American on employment, income inequality. Again, all the things that you would want to run against, you have it for you, Donald Trump. There she is, she wants that, give it to her.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, Juan, as he was saying a third term, you know, a Barack Obama. You were nodding your head saying yes, because for people that are supporters and liberals, you think that's a fine thing.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I do. I mean, right now, President Obama is approval rate something up, well I think it's like 52, 53. So he is plus in terms of, you know, favorable/unfavorable. So, that's good news for the democrats. And people are going to want, in fact, to claim that Bernie Sanders' base -- we'll talk about it later, but I mean, Obama has the ability to go back to those young people, especially educated young women who backed him and say, it's time to move over and get behind Hillary. So I think in so many ways, you know, she's gonna -- I think there's a meeting tomorrow, Kimberly, between Bernie Sanders and President Obama. That's going to be a critical moment. Vice president --

GUILFOYLE: At Sanders' request.



WILLIAMS: And Vice President Biden said today that, you know, you got to be graceful about it. Give Bernie Sanders some time. But let me tell you, the dogs are out right now, in terms of Democratic Party leadership saying to him, hey, listen, you're not only hurting Hillary Clinton. You're hurting the party's ability to reclaim the Senate, or to go after some of these House seats.

GUILFOYLE: All right, well, it's definitely release the hound's time, Miss McCain. So what do you make of this? It is an historic achievement .


GUILFOYLE: . that she's been nominated, and that's fine.

BOLLING: Can I just jump in here?


BOLLING: And I'm sorry, this Historic achievement that it's the first woman nominated to become president or the first person nominated who was actually under FBI investigation.



BOLLING: Which --

WILLIAMS: Oh. You know what? I think you --


WILLIAMS: That's a rabid shot. That wasn't even a cheap, that's a rabid shot.


BOLLING: Did you have to -- not inaccurate --


BOLLING: I could be wrong. There may have been someone earlier that who is under FBI investigation.

WILLIAMS: Oh, please.


MCCAIN: Well, I was watching this last night, and, you know, it was being hyped up so much as this is historic moment. This is the moment you should be. As a woman, I should be having this emotional reaction. And it was in my apartment with two friends, and we were like, I was like, I don't know if it's just because I'm 31-years-old, I don't, because I've been in politics a long time, because she's an evil woman who is under the FBI investigation who I don't trust to be the nominee, another one president. I didn't feel anything. I don't care if she's a woman. I could not care less. I'm like a classic millennial in that point. I know a lot of people, this is historic to them, but I believe there's going to be a woman president in my lifetime. I hope it's a republican --

GUILFOYLE: Like Condoleezza Rice.

MCCAIN: Yeah, like Condoleezza Rice.

GUILFOYLE: Run, Condi, run.

MCCAIN: Exactly. It's amazing how insignificant it was to me.

GUILFOYLE: Tom, She doesn't have that tingling feeling up her leg, but do you?

SHILLUE: Well, no. I don't, because --


SHILLUE: When you -- maybe it's because she's been in the White House since we were kids.


SHILLUE: I mean it's not -- we know Hillary has been around. It's not like, oh wow, there's something, you know, a woman running. And there -- we all, you know, it's no surprise. I wish we would stop patting ourselves on the back, oh, we're so progressive now. We actually have a woman running for president. But you know, we all know, like we would all love a woman president, we just don't want Hillary. That's, that's the issue.

WILLIAMS: Speak for yourself buddy.

SHILLUE: And she's talking about the glass ceiling.

WILLIAMS: Speak for yourself.


SHILLUE: Well, yes.

WILLIAMS: Thanks you.

SHILLUE: And many, and many of us, Juan.


SHILLUE: But she's going to keep talking about the glass ceiling and everything like, but I mean, it's not impressing m. I'll tell you that.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, somebody who is trying to press up against the ceiling with her is Bernie Sanders, because he's expected to cut his staff in half next week, but he still has no plans to drop out.


BERNIE SANDERS, PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: We take our fight for social, economy, racial and environmental justice to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


SANDERS: I am pretty good in arithmetic and I know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight, but we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get.



GUILFOYLE: All right. Bolling, so he wants to take this fight to Philly. This is about the convention. It's about having a platform there and a strong voice .


GUILFOYLE: . in position.

BOLLING: He has five of the 15 spots that are going to dictate the democrat platform. So what Bernie Sanders is doing right now is carving out a niche for Bernie Sanders, right? The democrats have to be going when is, will he just throw the towel in and get behind her. Remember when Hillary Clinton, three days after she lost the California or whatever the last primary was where Barack Obama got the majority, went from plurality to majority in 2008. Three days later, she not only got out of the race, she endorsed, aggressively endorsed Barack Obama, so you need to follow him. I don't think Bernie is going to do it. He should, the democrats would love him to do it.


BOLLING: He won't, because this is about Bernie Sanders. And you're going to hear more of his socialist platform. His socialist ideals come out when the democrats put together what they're all about in -- in a month from now. End of July in Philly, they're going to tell, this is what the democrat platform is. It's going to be riddled with -- my guess is $15 an hour minimum wage, income inequality initiatives, redistribution of wealth, taxes going up.


BOLLING: And boy, I got to tell you, that ain't going to be good for Hillary Clinton, she can't be loving any of this.

GUILFOYLE: She's going to -- she's getting kind of pressed on both sides and saying, oh, maybe U.S. is also ready for a double woman ticket.

WILLIAMS: You know I was sort of surprised that Bernie Sanders last night, because he took forever, for example to even give a speech, right?


WILLIAMS: He just took forever. I think what's he doing? Then it turns out, not only does he really -- he's reluctant to mention her name. Much less say, I called her to congratulate her. And when he does, and the folks start to boo, he just lets it go on. I'm like what is going on here? That did not look like a classy guy to me or a guy who wants to get out, to get to your point. To the contrary, it looks like Bernie is about Bernie now --

GUILFOYLE: Digging in.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. There was a little -- I read something where once Al Gore had to call Howard Dean and Howard Dean was ranting about, "I don't want to get out. I don't want it." And you know what Al Gore said to him, "Hey, it's not about you, Howard Dean, it's about the country."

BOLLING: Country.

WILLIAMS: But in Bernie's case, he is looking to maximize leverage headed toward Philadelphia.

BOLLING: Interestingly, Howard Dean is also is on yesterday -- this morning or yesterday morning saying, Bernie should get out.


BOLLING: And he should and he should start a Super PAC --

WILLIAMS: Let him do it.

BOLLING: To elect liberals to Super PAC.

WILLIAMS: But he's hurting himself now.

GUILFOYLE: Well, he's also is Hillary, you know, surrogate, so he wants, he's like bye-bye, Bernie.

SHILLUE: But out of a way, we love people who are running against the odds. I mean, that's what where -- that's went rocky. You know, it's like -- we don't want people to drop out. I think everyone is dropping out too soon. I think --

WILLIAMS: It's over.

MCCAIN: But she has something --

WILLIAMS: It's over.


WILLIAMS: She has the nominee.

MCCAIN: She has the majority of pledged delegates .


MCCAIN: . not superdelegates. What you were saying about late it was, I was up until 2:30 in the morning watching this, because he was waiting forever to make it happen. That, by the way, I find just unprofessional and of itself. He's going to stand this long enough to become the villain. In that crowd right there, we've all seen hundreds and hundreds of stump speeches by candidates. That crowd was angry .



MCCAIN: They were intense. I could feel it through the screen.

GUILFOYLE: They were yelling when --


SHILLUE: Angry voters?

MCCAIN: But this is --


SHILLUE: I can't believe it.

MCCAIN: No, but this is something that's very different. It was palpable. And to the point and like, he isn't doing anything to quell it. And whatever you want to say about Donald Trump amping things up, what about this? He's making this even worse, and he's not going to get out like you said. And I just don't know how Hillary, possibly gets these supporters --

BOLLING: And so, this is, this is what's going on, on the right. It was the outsiders versus the insiders. The establishment, the Donald Trump against the establishment and they are continuing that fight, apparently ongoing. I think he's probably going to back out at some point, but they're continuing, ongoing. And again, this is such an opportunity for Trump, because --


BOLLING: If you boo when you mention Hillary Clinton's name .

MCCAIN: Right.

BOLLING: . at a Bernie rally; that means they really don't want Hillary Clinton and the only one left .


BOLLING: ... it's not going to be Bernie, its Trump.


GUILFOYLE: But one of the most anticipated moments in the general election, Clinton and Trump's first face-off on the debate stage. Even the secretary herself said she's eagerly awaiting it.


DAVID MUIR, ABC "WORLD NEWS TONIGHT WITH DAVID MUIR": Are you ready for the debate stage against Donald Trump?

CLINTON: I am so looking forward to it.

MUIR: You are?

CLINTON: Absolutely, I really am. I think it would be a singular moment in American history, because I think I'll have a chance to make clear why I believe that he is not qualified and temperamentally unfit to be president.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So she's got the best word to fill in, Meghan.

MCCAIN: Yeah, I'm like --

GUILFOYLE: To say, temperament.

MCCAIN: Not so fast, Rodham. Seriously --


MCCAIN: She goes to one coughing fit in a debate with him. He's going to go after her like a shark. I actually think that he --

GUILFOYLE: Or extended bathroom break?

MCCAIN: Or extended bathroom break. She's really bad off the cuff. She's so scripted. She can't get off her talking points. These are all the strengths Donald Trump has. I think for her to be this cocky is very dangerous.

GUILFOYLE: All right. What do you think, Bolling? I mean, he's obviously not going to shy away from it, because he faced .


GUILFOYLE: . far more competition in the, you know, republican primaries and debates.

BOLLING: So, you know how these debates have themes? There was, there was a couple of business debates, Fox Business had a business debate. And then there was the national security debate. It depends. I think she will give him a hard time in the national security stuff, the foreign policy, national security stuff. She, she's clearly got the experience. She's knows the names.


BOLLING: She knows the places and the people. But if the first debate is one on the economy or a business debate, I think he will eat her lunch and hopefully, you know, for a republican --


BOLLING: And there's -- yeah, I hope that one happens first.

WILLIAMS: But you know one of the things she said in the interview was this is the guy that not just wants to build the wall. He wants to wall off Americans from Americans. He wants to divide us. And I think, actually, to me, the big news of the day is people like Lindsey Graham saying, you know, when we will a allow love of country to Trump, love of -- or hatred of Hillary? And you start, you stop seeing news -- the front page of the New York "Daily News" has Paul Ryan pointing at Donald Trump from saying, "I'm with racist." I mean, McConnell, you know, he is saying, you know, the far right has spoken. They want Donald Trump. But he says, you know, I don't feel good about Bill Kristol tweeting, "Trump is an inexcusable bigot," but the GOP's officials decisions is --


WILLIAMS: He's got -- yes.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, (inaudible). Here's on a filibuster.

WILLIAMS: No, because --

GUILFOYLE: She's gonna read --



WILLIAMS: I just -- No, I'm just telling you, there's a big issue here with republican acceptance of Trump and he goes into a debate, and you're saying Hillary is going to be nervous? I think he's got the reason to be nervous. She's going to portray him in the words of republicans.

GUILFOYLE: I don't think he's nervous.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Go ahead, Tom.

SHILLUE: He can fight her with boredom. I like Boring Trump. People last night said he wasn't exciting because he reads the teleprompter.


SHILLUE: Boring Trump could win this. I mean the contrast between her, saying, he's temperamentally unfit .


SHILLUE: . and him, just being calm and reasonable; that works.

GUILFOYLE: Well, the head of the RNC loved it, right, Bolling? Reince tweeted out saying that it was outstanding. It's just the right message to bring the party together that he can make the GOP proud. He's not going to disappoint them or let them down, much remains to be seen, that's why it's keep it Fox News.

Ahead, if Sanders drops out, who will win over his supporters in the general election? Trump and Clinton have begun making their appeals. And a quick programming note, tune into "Special Report" tonight at 6:00 p.m., Bret Baier is going to interview the presumptive democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, right here on the Fox News Channel, so don't even think about missing it.



BOLLING: Bernie Sanders lost the democratic primary race, he's going to meet with President Obama tomorrow at Bernie's request more than 10 million Americans felt the Bern at the polls, and both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are now actively fighting for the Bernie vote.


TRUMP: To all of those Bernie Sanders voters, who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates, we welcome you with open arms.

CLINTON: Whether you supported me, or Senator Sanders, or one of the republicans, we all need to keep working for a better, fairer, stronger America. Now I know it never feels good to put your heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in, and to come up short. I know that feeling well. As we look ahead to the battle awaits, let's remember all that unites us.


BOLLING: OK. Do you hear it? "Fairer." Looking for a fairer America. That's a Bernie buzz word.

GUILFOYLE: I'm going to get my little decoder out of my cereal box so I can figure out all the weird things she's saying. I mean, this is all going to be coded messages, that, you know, Donald Trump speaks in coded messages. Bernie Sanders.

Listen, there's nobody on the Dem side that thought that this would happen, that Sanders was still going to be like fingernails, like, hanging onto the side of the wall, like -- and, you know, Hillary stepping on his fingers one at a time, crushing them into the bricks. You know? But that is what's happening.

So when you look at it and people talk about the Republican Party, OK, so we got a little flavor. We're a little exciting this time. The other side has got issues in terms of who's going to be the one to carry the party mantle forward, and your girl is getting pushed to the left more.

BOLLING: Juan, there's a "never Trump" group that not only will not vote for Trump, who say they will vote for Hillary over Trump, because they can't bring themselves to do it. Why do you think there's not a "never Hillary" group that would vote for Trump?

WILLIAMS: Because you look at the polls, there was a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll over the first four months, so it wasn't even just one poll. It was over the first four months, first quarter of this year. And what it found was, among Sanders supporters, only 6 percent had a positive impression of Trump. Ninety percent had a negative impression.

And I think if you boil it down to the big issues like what about free college tuition? What about free medical care for everybody? What about a hike in the minimum wage? I just don't see Trump supporters saying, "Oh, yes, we like government. We like government coming in and telling people what to do and more government." I don't see it, but it's possible.

I think what you're on to is, there's people -- maybe Kimberly was saying - - there are people who are, you know, Sanders supporters who are just angry and turned off.


WILLIAMS: They're very angry, very passionate. I mean, you call it passionate, but sometimes it comes across as just angry.

BOLLING: So Meghan, is that the case, that they won't vote for Trump, but then they won't vote for Hillary, either?

MCCAIN: I actually disagree. I think a lot of millennials are going -- I follow many of them on Twitter. Two people in particular that are so angry at Hillary Clinton in a way that, like, shocks me. That I think they will actually vote for Trump as, like, a hate vote against Hillary. Whether or not they love Trump or not, it's an anti-establishment person, as well. And I think to a lot of people, that's the only thing that matters. They just want change in Washington and a nonpolitician. Hillary has a lot of work to do.

And again, the anger last night. I've seen so many rallies. You could feel the intensity through the television set. And he is stoking their anger. He's making it worse; he's not trying to quell anything. He was like -- he was almost like messianic, in a sense. And I think he is under the delusion that he is the first folk hero candidate that's ever existed. Howard Dean's another great example. My father in 1999 was one of those candidates, as well.

And I am fascinated what President Obama is going to say to Bernie Sanders in their meeting at the White House on Thursday. Because if you are smart, President Obama, you're going to say, "Listen, homeboy, pull this thing out, you're done. There's no foreseeable way for you to make it to the White House, and you're damaging her and ultimately helping Trump."

BOLLING: And if he were homeboy, he might say...

MCCAIN: I'm sorry.

BOLLING: "Listen to me, Mr. Obama. I'm the outsider here. You're insider." Where's Donald Trump's opportunity? Or Hillary's, for that matter?

SHILLUE: Well, his opportunity is not the things that -- you're right, Juan, the things that you mentioned, free college tuition, et cetera. It's not those issues, but it is the blue-collar voters. It's the coal miners. It's the people who are disaffected by this economy. And don't tell me there's not a lot of leftists, Juan, who don't like the idea of open borders. And they don't like the idea of NAFTA and these trade deals. So those are the voters that Trump can pick up, not the free college tuition ones.

BOLLING: Yes, so take that, Juan. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

GUILFOYLE: But all of them help, right? Why not try and pick-pocket a couple of them over and, like, open the tent? That should be good, and the Republicans should be happy about that.

BOLLING: I think -- Juan, I think this is a year that these polls don't mean squat. We -- no one has predicted Donald Trump would be the nominee early on.


BOLLING: No one predicted...

WILLIAMS: I think you did.

GUILFOYLE: Wait for the -- wait for the enthusiasm of voter turnout on election day.

BOLLING: But how many times were there -- how many times were there polls that said Donald Trump can't be the nominee. There's no chance he can be - - he can't be...

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no, no. That's not true. The polls were always -- the polls always said Trump was in the lead.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: You're out of your mind.

WILLIAMS: The polls didn't say...

BOLLING: The polls had 1 percent for the first month.

WILLIAMS: No, I'm talking about really since we got going, Trump has been in the lead in all the polls.

BOLLING: My point is that -- that you're telling me only 6 percent of people would associate with a Donald Trump...

WILLIAMS: Who are Sanders, currently Sanders supporters.

BOLLING: I think that number is vastly underreported.

GUILFOYLE: Wait and see. Wait for it.

BOLLING: All right. Coming up next, Hillary Clinton shifted to the far left this presidential cycle. Is she too radical now to win the general election? Stick around.


WILLIAMS: Trying to compete against socialist Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton has shifted her policy positions farther and farther to the left.


CLINTON: Stop the raids; stop the round-ups. Stop the deporting of people who are living here, doing their lives, doing their jobs, and that's my priority.

We're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.

Grandparents who worry about retirement deserve a president who will protect and then expand Social Security for those who need it most.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS: Do you believe in individuals' right to bear arms is a constitutional right?

CLINTON: If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulations.


WILLIAMS: The question now is will her ultraliberal agenda pose a possible for her in the general election?

Meghan, let me talk quick politics with you. I would say on the trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, she clearly was pro-TPP while secretary of state. Now, in the campaign said no.

One that's dear to my heart, charter schools. She was a supporter of school reform. Now, because of the unions, no, she's opposed.

Does this indicate that she really has become more left due to Bernie Sanders?

MCCAIN: I don't think she's as left as she's pretending to be right now. I want to read this quote, because I thought it was fascinating. When she announced her run for Senate 16 years ago, she said, quote, "I don't believe government is the source of all our problems or the solution to them." Now, that is not the ideology that Bernie Sanders and his supporters are espousing right now. It doesn't sound like the candidate we know now.

The question remains whether or not a more centrist, hawkish Democrat will be able to, you know, garner Bernie Sanders supporters. But I think she's a lot more centrist than she's letting on.

WILLIAMS: Well, Tom, in fact, lots of people say to the pollsters that, you know, they think she's sort of a center-left person. But they don't think that she's a far left person. No matter what she says.

SHILLUE: That's right. So I don't think this will hurt her at all, this primary process. Because most Americans don't know what right and left is. They don't know.

There's a core group of Americans -- we are among them -- who talk about left and right and party politics all the time. Most people don't care. That's why Bernie is so popular, and he is so far left of the average American voter, about the way they see the country, about what they think is good.

So we're not an ideological people. You know, we tend to like personalities, and they don't like Hillary's. That's her problem. Not her ideology.

WILLIAMS: So Bolling, the contrary argument would be. There are some differences between Hillary and Bernie. For example, Bernie wants across- the-board Social Security hikes. Hillary Clinton says targeted for people who are in need.

Or on something like guns, obviously, Bernie actually, I think, is to the right of Hillary on guns. And then you come to other issues like college tuition. Bernie says free college tuition for all. Hillary Clinton says, "I'll help you with better loans so you don't get so burdened."

BOLLING: What, are we trying to figure out how left Hillary is?

WILLIAMS: No, no. She -- I don't think there's any question she's been pushed by Bernie.


BOLLING: So -- so now you have Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Now Hillary Clinton has been on a couple of different sides when it comes to a lot of these debates: on Wall Street, on wars, on minimum wage.

WILLIAMS: Right, right.

BOLLING: And Donald Trump has been in different places, as well.

So to try and define an ideology, how left is Hillary Clinton, is ridiculous, because then you're going to say how right is Donald Trump? A lot of people say some of the things he does aren't far right enough for him, too.

Instead, stay on things like -- if you're a Republican, stay on things like how trustworthy? Do you want her as commander-in-chief when you can't even trust her? You don't know what she's done with her emails. More importantly, what -- if she's willing to lie to people, of the families of people who lost...

GUILFOYLE: Benghazi.

WILLIAMS: Oh, here we go.

BOLLING: ... loved ones in Benghazi, to their face about a video when she knows very well -- if she's willing to do that, she's willing to lie about anything.

And then the big one: the Clinton Foundation. This fund, there's so much corruption and graft and quid pro quo going on in there. Once you start unraveling that sweater, that's where you should focus.


WILLIAMS: Well, Kimberly, Eric makes the case, forget the policy positions.


WILLIAMS: Forget that she's been pushed left. Let's go to Donald Trump's speech next Monday. He's going to be attacking her and her husband, Bill Clinton...


WILLIAMS: ... in terms of saying -- what are you saying? They made a hedge fund out of their time in office. That they're just making money off of their public positions.

GUILFOYLE: Well, and who is one of the first people to talk about influence peddling and the Clinton Foundation? You.

WILLIAMS: Yes, sure. I think it's fair.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. So that's just the beginning, because guess who else is going against Bill Clinton? Hillary Clinton. She wants to take down the crime bill that he put in; NAFTA and trade stuff that he supported. She's being pushed so far to the left, she's to the left now of Obama. She's to the left now of her husband.

And she's already admitted that she doesn't have a clue what to do with the economy, because she's going to call Bill, the guy that she's going against on so many of the things that he did while he was president.

WILLIAMS: But we live in different times...

GUILFOYLE: And this is going to push play...

WILLIAMS: ... is what they're saying.

GUILFOYLE: ... because of Bernie Sanders. And that's why she's now saying, "Hmm, maybe the United States is ready for a two-woman ticket." So now she's going to try and seek, curry favor and bring someone maybe like Elizabeth Warren in.

WILLIAMS: Yes. But I'm saying the Clinton people are saying, "Well, you know, there's different types."


WILLIAMS: Of course people are going to change your positions.

GUILFOYLE: I hear you saying, now she's alienating herself. She can forget about, you know, the Midwest. That's key to the Republicans. She's going to go on a whole immigration and see if she can get minorities to help usher her in. Because she's going to be alienating some of these independents, because she's not going to be able to pull center like she should to be able to win in a general election. So she's got a lot of holes.

WILLIAMS: All right. Hillary Clinton has tried to frame herself as a, well, normal person, just like you and me, but she has a bunch of elite celebrity one-percenters trying to help her get elected. Will that help or hurt her? Next.


MCCAIN: Hillary Clinton's made history, and her celebrity fan club is on cloud nine. The stars were out in full force on Twitter last night, Ellen DeGeneres tweeting, "I've never been prouder to have a woman card." Katy Perry said, "A lot of little girls are in bed right now dreaming for the first time without limits. You broke the mold, Hillary Clinton." And Elizabeth Banks said, "Very emotional about Hillary Clinton securing the nomination. Historic moment for American women."

So let's talk a little bit now about the celebrity factor. Will the rich and famous help Hillary in the general election. Tom, you're a very famous comedian. Does it help?

SHILLUE: No, it does not help. Americans are obsessed with celebrities, but they don't really like them. It's like junk food. You know, we know it's bad for us, but we eat it anyway.

And I think that, when you stand next to a celebrity, you think it's going to rub off on you. But then we just look, it looks like you're standing there with junk food. It's not good.

MCCAIN: Yes. Kimberly, what do you say?

GUILFOYLE: You know, it's funny, because the people that came out with these, it was a very organized effort that came out with these tweets. Elizabeth Banks and people that have supported Hillary have been very passionate about her. They've done a lot of events for her. You see them in the photo ops. They all came on stage for the big women's event for Hillary.

So I mean, if you like them, OK, fine. But you also have to be someone who's going to make up your own mind, you know, for yourself. Personal responsibility. Is this somebody who shares your values? Understand the issues; watch the debates. Watch Bret Baier tonight with Hillary Clinton. And see, you know, if she's speaking to you.

MCCAIN: Eric, when you go in the voting booth, do you care about Katy Perry?

BOLLING: Certainly not. But I think a lot of people do, and I think the celebrity vote will help her.

And I'm very -- I'm thrilled that America nominated a female. Our first female nominated -- nomination for president. That's fantastic. Now go with what's best for the country. I mean, there's a lot going down in the next four or eight years, the Supreme Court most importantly.

But the celebrity stuff. So these two are going to hit the talk show circuits. Right? The night stuff. For probably the first time ever, the Republican might do better than the Democrat on the late-night talk circuit, because Donald Trump can say -- keep his own with Jimmy Fallon and Kimmel...

GUILFOYLE: A hundred percent. And "Saturday Night Live" hosting.

BOLLING: ... and all of them, "SNL."


BOLLING: This is going to be fun to watch. I mean, "SNL," as you point out, is going to be just absolutely great for the next five months. I can't wait to see it.

MCCAIN: What about you, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I think it helps. I think, you know, gosh, I think there's a reason that Donald Trump wanted Bobby Knight's endorsement in Indiana. I mean, people who don't follow politics intently, you were talking about this earlier. They look to a lot of these celebrities as influentials, right? They can -- their names carry weight, and then people respond to them in a way. I think it's people who are less informed about what's actually going on in politics.

But does it matter? Yes, it matters. It really does matter.

GUILFOYLE: He's an icon, and that's also...

SHILLUE: He's a coach. That's not the same as a celebrity.

WILLIAMS: Katy Perry? Taylor Swift? How about these people?

SHILLUE: She didn't coach anybody.

GUILFOYLE: I mean...

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm going to coach you up, Tom.

GUILFOYLE: ... they moved me on my Pandora, Sonos (ph) radio thing, but other than that.

WILLIAMS: But you know what's striking is I think Republican women are on the defensive, you two.


WILLIAMS: I think that's why you don't like this, because women -- I think these are liberal Democratic women who are rallying to Hillary Clinton, saying it was historic.

GUILFOYLE: But that's what we're -- no, we're not saying it's not historic, Juan. Of course it is. I mean, that's, like, without question.

The point is what is the measure of it? And I'm saying that I would be super excited, you know, do a little jumping jack if it was someone like Condoleezza Rice that I was very inspired by and think would be an amazing president. And also, based on her national security and foreign policy experience, competency, qualifications, ethics, integrity. Shall I go on? I mean come on. She's not the one with 50 scandals.

WILLIAMS: So this means you're voting for Hillary? Did you say experience in foreign policy?

GUILFOYLE: Condoleezza Rice.

WILLIAMS: Experience in foreign policy. I thought you were...

GUILFOYLE: And a good golfer.

MCCAIN: I think we should all agree that Clint Eastwood should just stay away from Donald Trump this time around, though. That's the one celebrity I could live without.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.

MCCAIN: All right.

WILLIAMS: You don't hold a grudge, do you?

GUILFOYLE: Where's the chair?

MCCAIN: No chair.

"One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: All right. It's time now for "One More Thing." And it's a big night on the FOX News Channel, because our very own Greta Van Susteren will be on at 7 with a fantastic interview. And you've been reading and watching this story. She's going to sit down with the Swedish student who's being hailed as a hero in that Stanford University rape case for his role in stopping a former college student from further sexually assaulting his unconscious victim. Take a listen.


CARL-FREDRIK ARNDT, STOPPED RAPE IN PROGRESS: And I essentially called the guy out and after a while, after a brief, like, conversation, the guy decided to run. And my friend Peter chased after him. Then I quickly tended to her and then helped Peter restrain him until the police came.


GUILFOYLE: All right. And that is Greta, one-on-one with Carl-Fredrik Arndt. And he is the Swedish hero. So you want to check that out. She'll be on right after Bret Baier's interview with Hillary Clinton tonight.

All right, Meghan.

MCCAIN: I'll definitely be watching that.

My "One More Thing" is happy birthday to former first lady, Barbara Bush. She's my favorite former first lady, an American icon. She's 91 today. Her husband turns 91 on Sunday.

GUILFOYLE: God bless them, right? What a great family.

MCCAIN: I love her.


MCCAIN: I know. She's my favorite first lady. I love her.

BOLLING: Ninety-one, God bless them both.

GUILFOYLE: They're class acts. You know? That's...

MCCAIN: American icons.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Exactly.

Mr. Bolling, what do you have for us?

BOLLING: OK, ready for it? This happened last night. Now start rolling the tape of 00 there's two parts. First part is a ball inside. Now three balls inside. That's Arturo Ventura throwing at Manny Machado last night. Manny pops up, and now watch them jawing back and forth right here.

After three balls inside, he pops up. He doesn't like it.

All right. So Manny comes up the next time and, look...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING: ... he gets plunked with a 99-mile-an-hour fastball.

GUILFOYLE: That's it.

BOLLING: Benches clear. Boom, Manny nails Ventura with a right on that one.

So there will be suspensions, and there will be fines likely. But get this, guys, two things: after the brawl, after the game resumed, the next two Oriole batters got up and went yard. Hit home runs, back to back right after that. No. 2...

GUILFOYLE: So the game MVP?

BOLLING: ... they play each other tonight again, and Machado is in the lineup. So stay tuned to that one.

WILLIAMS: Yes, I tell you. Bad blood.

GUILFOYLE: Ay dios mia.


GUILFOYLE: OK, bad blood, too. OK, fine.

All right. What do we got?

SHILLUE: It's me, right?

GUILFOYLE: Barber-shop quartet?

SHILLUE: You know those gas-powered leaf blowers? A lot of people hate them. Some of my neighbors complain about them. They're banned in several states. But I've got a solution. If it's blowing in B-flat, just sing with it.

GUILFOYLE: I knew it.


SHILLUE (singing all four parts in a split screen): Welcome back home. Welcome home.


GUILFOYLE: OK, one of your mouths wasn't moving. The one in the top.

SHILLUE: The leaf blower.

GUILFOYLE: It was like this.

SHILLUE: I'm a gentleman. I let the leaf blower sing lead.

GUILFOYLE: Charming indeed. OK.

WILLIAMS: I just hope you don't do that on Saturday mornings when some people are trying to sleep.

SHILLUE: I'm improving the leaf blower.


GUILFOYLE: Is that what it is?

OK, Juan, what do you have for us? More pictures?

WILLIAMS: OK, I want everybody to check out this terrifying video of a mom saving her 13-year-old daughter from an alleged kidnapper in Hernando, Florida, yesterday.

The 30-year-old suspect, Craig Bonito (ph), can be seen in the video in a tug of war with the mom. He's pulling the girl, trying to get her away, and the mom is trying to hold onto her daughter. Bonito (ph) ran out of the store, but he did so just as an off-duty police officer was pulling up. He caught the guy. The good news: neither mom or daughter was hurt.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. What a hero. I would have beat him to death with a shopping cart.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.

GUILFOYLE: In a nice way.

Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report," big interview, Bret/Hillary, next.

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