
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 7, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone and happy Election Day once again. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Meghan McCain and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Six states are voting today on this final Super Tuesday of election 2016, California, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Montana and South Dakota. It's been an historic presidential primary season and more history was made yesterday. Hillary Clinton clinched the number of delegates she needs to win the democratic nomination, the first woman to ever do so. Congratulations to her.


GUILFOYLE: Here's the secretary on the probability that she will be the first female presidential nominee of a major party.


HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I am someone who has been very touched and really encouraged by this extraordinary conviction that people have, it's predominantly women and girls, but not exclusively. Men bring their daughters to meet me and tell me that they are supporting me because of their daughters. And I do think it will make a very big difference for a father or a mother to be able to look at their daughter just like they can look at their son and say, you can be anything you want to be in this country, including president of the United States.


GUILFOYLE: Bernie Sanders is still vowing to forge ahead. He says this race isn't over.


BERNIE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There's nothing to concede. Secretary Clinton will not have the requisite number of pledged delegates to win the democratic nomination. She will be dependent on superdelegates, they vote in July 25th.


GUILFOYLE: We'll debate that in a moment, but first let's bring in Dana Perino. Who made her way out to California for the big primary there today and she joins us live from San Diego. Hi, Dana.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hi. Hi, how are you doing?

GUILFOYLE: You're looking fantastic in yellow, delightful like a daffodil.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So, big history made here with Hillary Clinton, being able to have the number of delegates that she needs to get the nomination. What are your thoughts and reflections?

PERINO: I think that as we've been saying this day was coming, it was just took her a lot longer to get to this point than she would have liked because of Bernie Sanders' very good campaign. It kind of surprised them. And he vowed to continue, I mean, in the history of the democratic primary, no democratic nominee has said I'm going to take it all the way to the D.C. primary on June 14th and beyond. It was eight years ago today, Kimberly, that Hillary Clinton gave that speech about the 18 million cracks in the ceiling. So it took her eight years longer to break through than she anticipated, but certainly it's a big, historic day for her, for America and for the world, so the first woman to be a presidential nominee -- presidential candidate. Now the hard work is going to be winning the general election if she thinks she's had it hard this past year with Bernie Sanders. I think Donald Trump will certainly give her even more of a run for her money this coming November.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And she's already got a taste of what that is going to be like indeed. Greg?


GUTFELD: I -- can I question the historic -- historical value of this? It comes off to me as really drab. And like, I mean, when you think back to 2007 with Barack Obama and you know, this was the historic event, but with Hillary, it doesn't feel that great. It doesn't have the glory. It's like, you won a trip on "Wheel of Fortune" and it's to Venezuela. It's just, it's like people are like --

GUILFOYLE: Well, Bernie would like that.

GUTFELD: Bernie would like that, of course. And then he would deny it and say there's plenty of toilet paper, he'd be lying.


GUTFELD: But it's funny, it's like there isn't the joy .


GUTFELD: . of this moment because she's -- if you took away that one thing, the historical, you don't have anything.

GUILFOYLE: Do you have a question?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yeah. You take away Barack Obama being the first African-American, and you still had a really exciting candidate. You take the first woman nominee away and you still have Hillary Clinton. And you're like, oh, it's kind of boring. Interesting, though, Dana, she did step aside on June 7th -- June 7th of 2008, but that was three days after Barack Obama got the majority of the delegates needed to clinch it in 2008. So Bernie Sanders has vowed or the campaign has vowed that tomorrow starts a new direction. It wouldn't surprise me that although he's vowed to go through the end of the convention, stay in the race, he may change his mind after California and New Jersey votes tonight.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. OK, Juan, question for Dana, perhaps or a comment?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, no. I think that what interests me, and I think, you know, we're talking of just a little bit about the mathematics here, is that Sanders wants to make the case that, you know what, it's not over because the pledged delegates can change their minds. But, in fact, even if you took the pledged delegates out of it, she's won - -


WILLIAMS: The superdelegates out, is what I'm saying. She's won the pledged delegates outright. And so what he's arguing, it seems to me to be kind of odd, because she's saying on the one hand, I don't like pledged delegates, that's the elite making a decisions for the grassroots voters, but she's one.


BOLLING: And she still needs the superdelegates.

WILLIAMS: She gets.

BOLLING: Unless she gets 571 of the 694.

WILLIAMS: The superdelegates would have to overturn the wheel of the voters, Eric.

BOLLING: Right. Right, but she had -- she doesn't have a majority without the superdelegates.


GUILFOYLE: Dana, you had a comment?

WILLIAMS: She does.

BOLLING: Doesn't.

PERINO: Yeah, I think of -- if I could I make comment on all of those things. One, I think on Greg's point, sorry, Greg, I had to say, I didn't think that republicans tend to underestimate the power of this historical moment, that it is the first woman to be the democratic -- presidential nominee. There's, you know, for those of us who cover politics and that we've been involved for a long time, and I'm just kind of tired of the Clintons, but what she was saying about parents bringing their young daughters and being able to tell them, like can you do anything. I think that there is some power in that. I don't think that the democrats should overestimate that, however. I think that's part of the case. To Eric's point on Bernie Sanders, though, Donald Trump was able to consolidate support from the republicans, for the most part, pretty quickly. Remember, it's like sort of lightning quick. When Hillary Clinton did that on the -- for the Democratic Party, when she said, "I'm going to ask you, all of my supporters, to now support President Obama." She did that with the full embrace. She did it with the full pivot. And I don't know if Bernie Sanders would do the same. If he does do that, and they consolidate quickly, I think some of these states where you see head-to-head match-ups with Donald Trump, neck and neck. I think she could pull ahead just a little bit, and then you'll see how that goes into the summer. And then to Juan's point, I don't remember what he even asked.


PERINO: I'm sure it was brilliant, though.

WILLIAMS: But you know what, here's the tip -- here's a clue for you, Dana. So Eric and I were arguing over whether or not Sanders could secure this thing. I think, what was your point that --


WILLIAMS: She still needs the superdelegates. That's your point, right?

BOLLING: Unless she gets 571 delegates.


PERINO: She does like --

WILLIAMS: And here's my point.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: That even after tonight, there's no way that Bernie Sanders can win, even if you .

BOLLING: Correct.

WILLIAMS: . take the superdelegates into account.



WILLIAMS: There's just no way. That was my point, Eric.

PERINO: Oh, I did have a point to that.

BOLLING: Agree. Agree.

PERINO: Right. So, apparently, there's a split within the Sanders camp. One that's saying, OK, we have done something amazing, and we've made our point. We're going to get to go to the convention and be on the platform committee and have a bigger voice. I think that if he were to concede tonight, he would make sure that he got a primetime speaking slot at the democratic convention, and he could actually continue this movement that he's started, which -- if I were on his team, that's I think would I be in favor off. But there's another part of the team that says, look at all of the support, this passion that you have all across the country, keep going, Bernie. Why not just mix it up a little bit, and so we can see what's going to happen at the convention. I would fall into the first camp, but I think that there's probably that struggle. And the only person I can ultimately make that decision is Bernie Sanders.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Meghan, so I want to get just some sort of perspective from you, as well, having been up close and personal with a presidential campaign, your father is a nominee, choosing a woman at his vice president, running mate. What are your reflections on what Hillary's been able to accomplish here on the impact that he could have on the general election?

MCCAIN: I'm glad I'm not part of Hillary's campaign right now, because I think Bernie Sanders is running specifically for his own agenda at this point. I agree with Juan. There's no foreseeable pathway for him to become the nominee. And I think he wants to burn this thing to the ground. It's metaphorically.


MCCAIN: I think he wants to turn the Democratic Party into the socialist party, and for what everyone wants to say that what's going on with republicans. I think that convention is the one where it's going to get crazy and really dirty. And I think Bernie Sanders is incredibly selfish. I have never been inspired by this man. I continue not been inspired by this man. And maybe he's relating to millenials, because of how selfish and ridiculous he is, but I think the whole thing is bizarre. And I just, I have no idea what he's doing, but I'm so glad I'm not a democrat right now. And I'm glad I'm not working on Hillary Clinton's campaign.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. And I think it's an interesting point that you make, as we kind of touched on this yesterday, talking about the chaos that might erupt in the democratic convention, because, look, they're still battling it out, so to speak, he still in it. He didn't drop out. You know, Trump has basically got this locked up, so to speak, but when you see a situation like this, what if Hillary gets indicted and Bernie still hanging in there for the last second? That's not going to be their choice. They would rather have somebody like Joe Biden.

MCCAIN: Why not just for a second that I'm sure they somehow, they would be able to fit Joe Biden in possibly, but what I just think is fascinating about his supporters, who I interview and talk to all the time. So many of them aren't rational, nothing has been stolen here. He has won -- she has won fair and square. There's nothing going on. This isn't the Roswell landing. And the implication that he's doing something and the one talking point that I think is working for Hillary Clinton is she's saying, "You're actually going against the will of the people." I have, I believe a few million more votes actually than Bernie Sanders has. So, what exactly has been done that's illegal and wrong? We debate about the superdelegates. From my understanding, there's been one superdelegates that turned and they turned to Hillary.

BOLLING: So, and we can -- maybe bring Dana on this, but the outsiders/insiders what this is all about. This is why, why Bernie stays in, because his supporters don't want to vote for someone, you know, they perceive that Clinton established.

MCCAIN: But Trump supporters won and Trump won fair and square. And like the anti-Trump people like me aren't going. It's robbed. This was something that was a conspiracy theory. I'm not doing that. He's our nominee. Bernie Sanders supports on the other hand or acting like this is a conspiracy theory.

GUILFOYLE: Right. All right, we want to play something now that stunned quite a lot of people. Listen to what this "New York Times" reporter asked Bernie Sanders yesterday, and listen to his answer.


REPORTER: What do you say when women say that you staying in the race is sexist, because you're last standing in the way of what could be the first female president?

SANDERS: Is that a serious question?

REPORTER: Yes, it is a serious question.

SANDERS: That any woman who is running for president -- anyone who imposes -- your question implies that any woman -- that any person, any woman who is running for president is, by definition, the best candidate. So any woman who runs?

REPORTER: But she's also --

SANDERS: To say that it is sexist. That any -- so if Hillary Clinton runs for president, is your point that it is sexist for any man to oppose her?

REPORTER: No, my point is that if she had more delegates than you had tomorrow --

SANDERS: Well, that's another point.

REPORTER: In the race.

SANDERS: That not just --

REPORTER: In the race .

SANDERS: That is not.

REPORTER: . is sexist.

SANDERS: No, I don't think it is sexist.


GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, so yesterday we're all singing, right Bolling? The praises of --


GUILFOYLE: Bernie Sanders tell how what she liked him.

BOLLING: So, that was a "New York Times" reporter, and she did exactly what's happened to a lot of us here when President Obama first became president.


BOLLING: If you disagreed with his policy, you're a racist. If you disagree with ObamaCare, you're a racist. If you disagreed with the amount of money that he was transferring -- with the wealthiest transferring from the makers to the takers, the food stamp rolls went from $40 million to $80 -- I'm sorry, $40 billion to $80 billion spent per year if you disagree with that. Well, clearly, you're a bigot and you're a racist. Now, Bernie Sanders is being fed the same gender B.S. from "The New York Times" and the liberal media.

GUILFOYLE: There you go.



GUTFELD: Eric, he is an old, white male.


GUTFELD: And when you're an old, white male, you are sexist and you are racist. You're probably speciesist (ph) against animals, as well. But you know what's funny? It's like, if only he was sexist, he's something worst than sexist. He's actually a socialist.


GUTFELD: I mean, at least it's -- a sexist can go to work, and he's a capitalist, he might make some money, create some jobs, but a socialist destroys your life. You necrotize countries that you enter.


GUTFELD: The whole problem with Sanders is every time you try to peg him on socialism and you, you bring up an example like Venezuela or wherever, he'll say, well, that's not the socialism. I mean, which means, the socialism in a sense have to be perfect in order for it to work. Whereas, capitalism doesn't have to perfect and it works beautifully, the perfect form of socialism is capitalism.

WILLIAMS: Let me ask you something about Bernie Sanders.


WILLIAMS: OK, so you -- whether you like him or not, the question -- and the question from "The New York Times" reporter (inaudible) obnoxious. The question is, so why is he staying in the race? Now Kimberly, I think you were saying earlier, it could be once a great speaker -- or maybe it was Dana, maybe he wants a great spot, speaking at the convention. He's pushed Hillary Clinton to the left on several issues, right? Including now a spat over Israel and the Palestinians, and all this, and he said that's (inaudible) she's unqualified. So, I mean, he just seems like he's going whole-scale against Hillary Clinton. So the question is then, why is this, Bernie? So "The New York times" reporter says, "Well maybe, you don't like women." And then he said, "No, no." So it's any woman? You're the one that's got the problem. But I think, tomorrow, I imagine Obama is going to come. I think Obama supposed to be on Jimmy Fallon or something tomorrow night.

GUTFELD: Of course.

WILLIAMS: I think he's going to come out and say .


WILLIAMS: . I'm endorsing Hillary Clinton. Where does that leave Bernie at that point?


WILLIAMS: What has Bernie got once Clinton -- once Obama is there, Nancy Pelosi has endorsed her? And -- does he have any hope to going back to the Senate and having influence with Harry Reid if he tries to .


WILLIAMS: . destroy the Democratic Party?


MCCAIN: Well, it supposed to have a reason.

WILLIAMS: He has no reason?

MCCAIN: I mean he's got a ton of money. I mean, he's trying to turn the Democratic Party into a socialist country. This is the best day of his life, the best moment of his life. He's an anti-establishment person. He has no reason. And you're Bernie Sanders he has no reason to drop out.

BOLLING: And he's got one-third to say on the democrat platform at the convention.


BOLLING: Already.


BOLLING: So far.

WILLIAMS: It's the main --

BOLLING: It's not more.


WILLIAMS: They tried to give him a confession.

GUILFOYLE: Can you rather respond to all of that?

PERINO: I think maybe with "The New York Times" --


PERINO: Well, I just that "The New York Times" reporter, I think what she, she's misusing the word "sexist." I think what she meant is jerk. Like, are you being a jerk like (inaudible)?

WILLIAMS: Yes, exactly.


PERINO: Obviously, she's got it. And it's, I mean, sexism means that you don't think she can do her job because she's a woman and then, so that's why you are trying to block her from being the president. That would be the definition of sexism. And so these reporters, when they're thinking about, how are they going to cover this race going forward? I think they've got to use those terms correctly, and maybe she needs to say what she means, like are you being delusional by thinking that you should stay in the race? And that would have been more accurate, but it maybe she would have thought that was more offensive.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. I think she would accuse -- she would have been accused of being an ageist.



WILLIAMS: Delusional.


WILLIAMS: Losing his mind.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: Demented.


GUILFOYLE: OK, Juan, to yourself. OK, Dana. It was lovely, hang in there. Don't go away.

PERINO: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Just stay with us.


GUILFOYLE: And we turn to brand new developments on Donald Trump's latest controversy -- the backlash growing over his remarks about a judge overseeing a Trump University case. Keep it right here on "The Five."


GUTFELD: So I heard Paul Ryan really loved Donald Trump's recent comments:


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PAUL RYAN, R-WIS.: I disavow these comments. I regret those comments that he made. I don't think -- claiming a person can't do the job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. I think that should be absolutely disavowed. It's absolutely unacceptable.

I am not going to defend these kinds of comments because they're indefensible.


GUTFELD: I was wrong.

Anyway, Trump vows to amp up criticism of the judge and people are calling him racist for accusing a judge of being racist, because of his background. Now Trump is wrong, but if that's racism -- assuming some from a different background might be biased -- then every campus, entertainment and media complex are racist, too. Where else could Trump pick up this idea? It's from the left.

Remember Justice Sotomayor, the wise Latina who said her rich experiences would help her reach better conclusions than a white male? And what of white privilege, that being white prevents you from empathizing with others who aren't. Meaning, a white social worker can't possibly understand a black family's problems. Perhaps, Donald assumed this discord goes both ways.

But that's not the real problem, the problem is Trump. I can explain my thoughts on this, but it's not my job to explain his. Trump is a candidate for president, not a crazy uncle shouting at his mailbox because the chemtrails told him too. We keep waiting for him to get serious, but he won't.

It's a simple wish to have a candidate who explains your needs and not the reverse. Must we be his mouthpieces, always supporting his impulsive notions with supplemental reasons that Trump never used to begin with?

Trump indeed has got a shot and yet he still chases fruitless rabbits down dark, endless holes. You know the old saying, when you're digging yourself a hole, you drop the shovel? Trump did and just ordered a backhoe.

Now still with us, live from California, Dana Perino. Let's bring her back in. You know, Dana, in the last hour so, Donald Trump released a statement saying that his comments were misconstrued. And I want to go to you, the ultimate spin queen. How does Trump turn this around?

PERINO: Well, I don't think the statement is going to do it. I mean, there's -- he said the statement -- he said what he said about a week ago. The story now, because of he had to address it again today, I mean, maybe he'll might address it again tonight when he speaks at 9:00 p.m. eastern, is his guarantee that this is another story for another day? But I do think that, instead of just moving on from it, he has to figure out a way to accept that there are going to be republicans, that while they will say they will vote for him, they might even have said they will endorse him, but they're going to have to figure out a way to answer questions when they're asked. Paul Ryan did that and Newt Gingrich did the same. When Newt Gingrich did it, Donald Trump said that was inappropriate. And I think that if he plans to win this presidential election, he wants to expand the presidency, he'll have to accept that there are some republicans that are never going to be able to get there. There are some that are going to have to disavow and there are some that are going to have to refuse to endorse him, such as Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois. He's in a very tough race in Illinois and whether it was his conscience or looking at the poll numbers, whatever it was, he decided not to. Trump needs to figure out a way to give them a pass and to say, I'm running for president, they don't have to defend me. Send the questions my way. And if I were a candidate, I would do the same.

GUTFELD: You know Meghan you're a good republican, faithful.

MCCAIN: As I have perspective.



GUTFELD: So, I mean, it makes hard for you to like, you know, you want to support somebody and then -- they do something.

MCCAIN: Listen, (inaudible). I spent a decade of my life in my prime 20's trying to get young people, Hispanic people, (inaudible) people trying to take a second look at the Republican Party, and these comments hurts what generations to come could see as the impression of the Republican Party. It's happened with Barry Goldwater when he was running for president, when he decided to oppose the Civil Rights Act. We lost African-American voters for generations. This is what I'm concerned about. I don't understand things like this. I don't understand attacks on Susana Martinez. I don't understand anything like this is going on. He said he's going to be so presidential that I'm going to be bored. If it's so easy to be presidential, why doesn't he start doing it? We all want to get behind him. We all want to support him. But if you're doing things that could be potentially long term, long term damaging to the Republican Party, it's very difficult to do so.

GUTFELD: And so, Eric, we do want to keep bored. After awhile, we just -- we don't want to keep doing this.

BOLLING: All right. So can I expand on your --


BOLLING: Your monologue, a little bit. Justice Sotomayor said, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences" would make, "would often make, often more than not rich, a high -- a better conclusion ."


BOLLING: ". than a white male who doesn't, who hasn't lived that life."


BOLLING: Better conclusion; not a different conclusion, a better conclusion.

GUTFELD: A better one, exactly.

BOLLING: She went on to say that our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. So she's basically saying that her heritage will --

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BOLLING: Determine how she will find cases .


BOLLING: . not the merits of the case, but what her experiences are.


BOLLING: So if you have a problem with Trump saying, you should have a problem with Sotomayor was saying.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BOLLING: Which brings me to my next point, the only way you get a republican or conservative judge on the court over the next eight years, which could be one, three, five, who knows how many, is by electing a republican, not a Hillary Clinton. Otherwise, you're going to get more Sotomayors who will use everything you're complaining about Trump saying in action, right? So --

GUTFELD: Good point.

BOLLING: There you go.

GUILFOYLE: Now, yeah.


GUILFOYLE: It is true. May think about the justice system, as well, and I worked, you know, as a prosecutor and you pick juries. And people answer questions and talk to you about their inherent, you know, biases that they have or preconceived notions, and you decide who would be best to serve on a jury. They found fairness and impartially to actually listen to the evidence, but people are shaped by the measure of their experiences, whether they be in the life that they've lived so far or cultural experiences or how they were raised or where they come from. That's just natural. That's what makes everybody different and unique. So, to suggest that everybody just comes as this like tabula rasa, you know, is naive. Everybody has built-in biases and inherent ideas about things. I mean, we're on an opinion show. We all have different opinions, and some of it may be based on how we were raised, where we come from, what holidays we celebrate, what are our cultural differences, and that's fine. So, you know, to me, when you look at the kind of the basis of what, where it's coming from, I understand it. You know, I might pick a jury based on who I think is actually going to give yes, a fair trial not only to the defendant, but to the victim in the case. Somebody who has had a bad experience with the cops and they've grown in a neighborhood where there's a lot of tension with cops and people in the community, they may say like, and I've heard it. Hey, a cop takes the stand, anything they say I'm going to assume is a lie and I won't listen to it. I've had that happen. So it's just, it's interesting.

WILLIAMS: Well, I just, you know, I mean, first let me just speak to this business about Justice Sotomayor. You know she's the first Latino on the Supreme Court of the United States. So in other words, there was no, no diversity of that kind available on the Supreme Court of the United States and none before Thurgood Marshall was there in '67. So --


BOLLING: Hold it Juan. I'm not --


BOLLING: I'm not saying --

WILLIAMS: I'm just saying --


WILLIAMS: The heritage --

BOLLING: the heritage was gonna --

WILLIAMS: No. It's not just the heritage.

GUILFOYLE: To be honest --


WILLIAMS: This is not the heritage. This is the experience.


WILLIAMS: What she's talking about is -- I believe she grew up here in New York City, and she grew up in a community that was not only economically different, but racially more diverse than most of the justices on the court. I think that's what she's trying to say. What, what you hear from Donald Trump is he's saying, this -- he get -- he does no evidence that this judge has done anything improper or reached a decision that's outside of his legal training. He's just saying I don't like this judge because I'm building a wall and he's a Mexican. That's why you have so many republicans outraged by this statement because it is identity politics. It's not in keeping --

GUTFELD: But it's -- with my point is it's embedded in a culture of identity politics that's been exercised for four decades, right?

MCCAIN: There are 27.3 .


MCCAIN: . eligible Hispanic voters in this country, this should be prime real estate for republican s right now to get them, to get them to come over. We won't even care about the Supreme Court if he doesn't win. He has to start reaching out to Hispanic people and different other than the base that already (inaudible).

GUTFELD: All right. On that note, Dana, nice having you there, enjoy the weather in California.

PERINO: OK. Thank you.


GUTFELD: Oh, that was --


GUTFELD: That's nearly thrilled.

PERINO: Well, I'm -- do you have time?




GUTFELD: Yeah, go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: Unicorn boy, let her talk.


GUTFELD: They just said we are out of time.

GUILFOYLE: Go ahead.

GUTFELD: Boy, this is awkward.

PERINO: OK, I'll --

GUTFELD: Go ahead.

PERINO: I'll make one quick comment.


PERINO: So, on the independence of the judiciary is like at the root of our country, our founding fathers, figure that out early on. I think -- think about this, should Justice Roberts not be allowed to comment on the little sisters of the poor case, because he is catholic? No. OK, so you can go on, there are 100 million examples that you could go on with this. I think what Trump said was wrong. I don't see how he can say it was misconstrued, it's on tape. He was going to have to answer for this. And for people who say that Trump University doesn't matter to anybody, that could be true or it might not be. Democrats said the same thing about Hillary Clinton when they are talking about -- when we talked about Benghazi or e-mails, people would say, oh, nobody cares about that. Guess what, so in her 62 percent of disapproval rating, when people say they don't trust her, the two things they point to are her e-mails and Benghazi. So these things matter. The Trump campaign has to figure out how to get a hold of it or they have to at least give republicans a pass if they're going to comment on it and disavow it.

GUTFELD: All right. Thank you, Dana.

GUILFOYLE: I'm glad you heard that.


GUTFELD: Well put. Ahead, Hillary Clinton may have the number of delegates she needs for the nomination, but a possible indictment could still derail her presidential bid. An update on e-mail -- I'm not saying e-mail gate.


BOLLING: Hillary Clinton keeps insisting she had the blessing of the State Department to use a private e-mail server, but the agency disputes some of her claims.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Everybody in the department knew that I was emailing from a personal address. Hundreds of people knew it. People around the government knew it. And you know, that was what the practice had been, and that's what I did, as well.

MARK TONER, STATE DEPARTMENT DEPUTY SPOKESMAN: There was an incomplete understanding or knowledge of the extent of her use of personal email at the time she was in office.


BOLLING: It seems like Clinton's email case has been going on forever. According to the State Department, it could go on for decades.

Check this out. They say it will take 75 years, three-quarters of a century, to fill a request for 450,000 pages of emails to be released from the secretary's former aides.

Greg, if we do the math on it, they claim...

GUILFOYLE: So ridiculous.

BOLLING: ... they can only get 500 pages a month. It's insane. Twenty- two pages a day. We spend $5 trillion a year, and they can find 22 pages a day.

GUTFELD: Wikipedia, millions of pages were done in a couple of years. They built -- they rebuilt and replaced the World Trade Center with the Freedom Tower in 14 years. World War II was won in four years.

The weird thing is, I figured this out. This makes no sense. It only took them four years to write these emails, right, back and forth. They wrote them back?


GUTFELD: Just hire the same amount of people to read them.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. It's so crazy.

BOLLING: You want to take that...

GUILFOYLE: It is the ultimate in government inefficiency...

GUTFELD: Just saying.

GUILFOYLE: ... and just like -- just trying to snow the American people with this whole thing. I mean, come on.

BOLLING: I want to you ask you, Kimberly, and Juan, you rebut this. But Hillary Clinton is claiming everyone knew what she was up to.

GUILFOYLE: OK, and that makes it OK? When people -- everyone knows who the murderers are in the neighborhood, so that's OK. I mean, come on. That makes no sense.

And she's a lawyer. She should probably do a little bit better than that. It's -- how do you justify committing a crime and saying that, just because people knew it was going on therefore, it's fine?

BOLLING: Go ahead, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, I just think it was in violation, not only of White House policy for cabinet officials, but State Department policy. And so her -- her position is "What people knew I was doing this back and forth and nobody made a big deal out of it." But that's not to say it's OK.

It's also not to say that it was illegal. But you know, I just -- I don't think it -- to me it comes off as a privileged woman who thought she could do what she wanted to do.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Does she park in the handicapped zone, too, and everyone sees this, so that's OK? It makes no sense.

BOLLING: Meghan?

GUTFELD: She doesn't drive.

MCCAIN: Well, I think what this is, they're making this as complicated as possible, saying it's going to take 75 years, et cetera, et cetera.

This is very simple. Why hasn't Hillary and her henchwoman Huma done an interview with the FBI? If this were Condoleezza Rice or a Republican, they would probably be sitting in jail right now. And to say there's not a double standard and hypocrisy in this, I just don't understand what the hold-up is. She did something illegal. Investigate her. Why aren't they doing that?

I just don't understand, but I think it definitely has something to do with the fact she's the Democratic nominee right now.

BOLLING: And the sad news is, she ain't getting indicted. It ain't going to happen.

MCCAIN: But henchwoman Huma might. She might go to jail. Maybe.

GUTFELD: Then Anthony Wiener will be by himself.

MCCAIN: What will he think to do?

GUTFELD: Nothing but PornHub.


BOLLING: PornHub? Oh, no.

Next, the White House at it again...

GUILFOYLE: Apologize.

BOLLING: ... eliciting Hollywood's help to push its agenda, this time on immigration. And like puppets, the stars comply. Has Tinseltown turned into Propaganda Town for the administration? That's next.


WILLIAMS: You won't believe what goes on on this set. They're having a stare-down contest.

A lot of people in Hollywood lean to the left. You know that. And the White House sometimes leans on them to help spread the word about its agenda. They've done it with gun control, and now the administration has sent an email to some of Tinseltown's movers and shakers with talking points to promote its pro-immigration policies.

The email included a star-studded video urging other activists and celebrities to join the, quote, "I am an immigrant movement," end quote.


LUPITA NYONG'O, ACTRESS: My name is Lupita, and I am an immigrant.

BOBBY CANNAVALE, ACTOR: I'm Bobby Cannavale. I stand with immigrants.

ROSARIO DAWSON, ACTRESS: I'm Rosario Dawson, and I'm a descendant of immigrants.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am an immigrant.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm an immigrant.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I stand with immigrants.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I stand with immigrants.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am an immigrant.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I stand for immigrants, 100 percent.

AMIR ARISON, ACTOR: I am a proud American who is the proud child of immigrants. Heck yes.


WILLIAMS: So let me ask you, very quickly, Greg, do you think this is obnoxious, or do you think it's a response to Donald Trump and his statements about immigrants and Mexicans in particular?

GUTFELD: We've done this story a bunch much times, because Hollywood always joins hands with left-wing ideologies. If you replace this topic with something else like -- I don't know -- abstinence or nationalism or patriotism...


GUTFELD: ... everyone that would be for this would call this propaganda, evil propaganda. But they happen to agree with this propaganda.

By the way, we happen to agree with this. This is creating a straw man. We are not -- no one here is against immigration.


GUTFELD: We are immigrants. We love immigrants. But I think maybe, you know, they see Trump as creating an opening that makes them seem more altruistic and better. And -- and it might work. Because they're beautiful people. Those people.

WILLIAMS: Well, actually, Meghan, there's something on the table right now in California, which is the California legislature has voted to author Obamacare coverage to illegal immigrants, and they're seeking a waiver from the federal government.

So here you are out in California. They're pushing this message through, you know, all of Hollywood celebrities, but there's something very real on the agenda.

MCCAIN: Yes, and I'm glad, because it's highlighting all the lies of Obamacare. One of the main tenets was that illegal immigrants wouldn't get health care as a recourse.

This ad is collectivism at its very worst. This achieves nothing. It moves the needle nowhere. It just makes Rosario Dawson feel good about herself at the end of the day that she's making real change.

I hate this kind of thing. You're 100 percent right: if this were about being pro-life or abstinence, anything having to do with conservative policies whatsoever, it would automatically be propaganda. And it's the same celebrities over and over and over again. And I just -- I can't even watch it.


BOLLING: I think it's a great ad. And I think it's spot-on, and it's right. And everyone here, as Greg points out is pro-legal immigrants.

Now, if they go ahead and recut that ad and say, "I'm pro -- I'm for illegal immigration. I'm an immigrant, but I'm for illegal immigration," that ad would create quite a stir. And that -- I think that's the difference between what the right is trying to say and what the left is saying.

In the meantime I am understanding...

MCCAIN: Things like this move the needle, you think? Really? Collectivism?

BOLLING: What are you talking about, we're all pro-immigration. We're all a nation of immigrants. We're all -- I agree with the ad.

MCCAIN: No, I just -- I'm pro-immigration, but he's saying -- he's talking about how there's actual policy behind it, as well.

BOLLING: Well, no, here's the policy. Is that...

MCCAIN: Giving illegal immigrants health care.


MCCAIN: I just think things like this collectivism, ads like this are using celebrities never really have that much of an impact.

BOLLING: You disagree with the ad?

MCCAIN: No, of course not.

BOLLING: All right.

MCCAIN: Of course not. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm not going to agree with that.

BOLLING: But you don't have to be a Trump supporter...

MCCAIN: But the idea that Julianne Moore...

BOLLING: ... to agree with that ad.

MCCAIN: Yes, but the idea that I go into the voting booth because I agree -- I'm going to listen to Julianne Moore and Rosario Dawson before I do something, I think there would only be liberals everywhere if that were the case.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: They're trying to, I think, target, you know, millennials and try to make some waves here because of some of the recent, you know, comments and news coverage regarding immigration and walls and whatnot.

I mean, you know, the Hollywood celebrities, they jump in for this. They jump in for cumulus clouds, climate change. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, this is sort of the script that they do. I wouldn't be surprised if, like, Ben Rhodes was behind this.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know...

GUTFELD: It appeases -- or it reduces a lot of the guilt they have for all the luck and luxury they have in their lives. You know, they have big houses. They're wealthy. They get every drug they want. And so this is kind of like, I'm going to do something good.

GUILFOYLE: Armed security guards.

BOLLING: What am I missing? No one is there saying, "I'm an illegal immigrant."


BOLLING: "And I'm for -- for getting health care, for getting Food Stamps" and all that.

WILLIAMS: But you know what? I think immigration is one of the hot political topics of our age in this political cycle.


WILLIAMS: And they're going to drive voters out with that ad.

Next, one presidential camp swearing off pot if they're elected to the White House. That mysterious marijuana user not at this table. So who is it? Find out in moments.


MCCAIN: Welcome back to "The Five." Did you know that one of the candidates still in the running for presidency has been a regular pot user up until last month or so? It's not Trump, Clinton or Sanders. It's Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party's nominee for president.

Here's the former New Mexico governor on why he recently quit his marijuana habit.


GARY JOHNSON (L), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Haven't used in, like, probably about five weeks, and I've said that I'm not going to as president. I don't think you want somebody potentially answering that red phone. And then going forward, not using going forward.

But as the CEO of a marijuana company, marijuana products, medicinally, directly compete with legal prescription painkillers that statistically kill 100,000 people a year. Not one documented death due to marijuana.


MCCAIN: All right, so he hasn't used for five weeks, Greg. Is that enough time?

GUTFELD: Yes. I always know that, whenever you're telling somebody that you quit doing something, you always double it. So it's been two weeks.

But it's ironic that Gary stopped smoking weed in an election that's making me want to start. I don't know how not to do it.

But you know, I like -- I like him a lot. I like Gary. But I'm always stuck on the foreign policy, national security...

MCCAIN: Me, too.

GUTFELD: ... stances of Libertarians. I feel that that's an area that they have to evolve and get a better grasp of the world's challenges and struggles.

But it also means that I could never be president, because like, I drink wine. I mean, what if something happens at night, and I've been drinking for a few hours?

WILLIAMS: That's what I thought. I thought, you know, this is interesting. You would think that he would have a sophisticated argument, Meghan. But in fact he says, "Oh, it's just because I don't want to be stoned when the red phone rings." Well, what about everybody who has a martini?


WILLIAMS: Or a couple of glasses or beer or wine before they go -- I don't get it. It seems like a weak argument.

MCCAIN: Kimberly, what do you think?

GUILFOYLE: I can't even believe he's, like, polling this. So bummed out. I don't know. It's frightening.


GUILFOYLE: When you think...

GUTFELD: He's a two-term governor of New Mexico.



GUILFOYLE: Perfect. Stay there. He's not presidential caliber. There's no chance. Too important, national security and foreign policy. So go back to pot smoking.

BOLLING: I think Juan is right; he's inconsistent.

WILLIAMS: Really? That's what I think.

BOLLING: You know, to say, "I don't -- I quit smoking, because I want to win the presidency. I don't want you to think that I'm going to be stoned answering the red phone," instead of saying, look...

GUILFOYLE: He'll do a better job than Hillary.

BOLLING: ... "Look, you want to smoke, you can smoke. Knock yourself out. Maybe I will on the weekends." Is he saying he's not going to have a cocktail also now going forward, ever?

And I agree with Kimberly. It blows me away. The guy is polling at 11 percent.


BOLLING: I think the last poll, he came up with 11 percent. That's got to go down.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. But you know what? You know what he's after is 15 percent so he can get in the debates.

BOLLING: In the debates, yes.

WILLIAMS: That's going to be something. That -- I mean, that would be -- that would be some kind of TV show.

MCCAIN: Well, he's got bigger problems: 61 percent of Americans have no idea who he is. So Libertarians have bigger problems than that.

All right. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Greg.

GUTFELD: I may -- what? I may be on "O'Reilly" tonight. I don't know. I could be on, I couldn't.

GUILFOYLE: I think you're getting canceled.

GUTFELD: Stick around, in the office, and maybe you'll be on.

But while we wait, look at this.


GRAPHIC: Greg's Lessons from 'The Bachelorette'


GUTFELD: You know last night was pretty amazing. Chad without question, is a very interesting person. Let's take a look at this tape.

Something you can learn is that, if you're going to be in an argument with somebody, always have a yam. This guy is giving him some grief about his behavior. And Chad just sits there and eats a yam. And then some of the yam falls on his shirt, and he does -- he eats it, because that's what you do. You don't waste the yam.

Chad is -- Chad is the Donald Trump of "The Bachelorette." He does whatever he wants. He goes after the contestants, and it works.

BOLLING: Is he going to get a rose?

GUTFELD: I think -- I think it could be scary what could happen. There's a lot of violence. A lot of violence.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

GUTFELD: All right. There you go.

GUILFOYLE: Yams are very good for you.

GUTFELD: Are they sweet potatoes?

GUILFOYLE: They're kind of like that, right?

GUTFELD: Stick to one name, I say.

GUILFOYLE: We're going to have to explore this further on "Kimberly's Food Court." But that is for another day.

But for today, my book is out...


GUILFOYLE: ... on paperback and audio book, if you'd like to listen to my voice...

GUTFELD: You do the audio book?

GUILFOYLE: ... as you read in bed at night. Yes, I did.


GUTFELD: Oh, my God.

GUILFOYLE: It's nice.

BOLLING: It's so hard. Your audio book.

GUILFOYLE: It takes a lot of time, yes. Both are out, available. And so...

MCCAIN: Awesome.

GUILFOYLE: Out in paperback. And it's kind of handy. And good for the millennials.

MCCAIN: Yes, I love it.

GUILFOYLE: Graduates. Pick it up for someone you love.

GUTFELD: I can imagine a lot of men buying that audio book.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And tonight, someone who is not canceled on "O'Reilly," me. Sorry, Greg. Ten, live. You'd probably argue with me. I think you're in the canceled category.


WILLIAMS: You ever see that video of a deaf child giving a cochlear implant, hearing sound for the first time and their eyes just popping open? Well, watch this video of a grandmother from a Northern Ireland who has the scare of her life as she has her first experience with virtual reality.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh! Aaaaa! Take it off!


WILLIAMS: She's being chased in virtual reality by dinosaurs.

BOLLING: She's watching "The Five."

WILLIAMS: No, she's watching "The Five"? It was "The Five." She got taken by our arguments.

Anyway, 200,000 people have watched this video on YouTube. And hey, look, if you had dinosaurs chasing you, you'd probably be screaming, too.

GUTFELD: That's over at MSNBC.

WILLIAMS: Is that it?

GUILFOYLE: Very good.

BOLLING: Well done. Well done.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

Hey, Eric.

BOLLING: OK, so big night on the channel. You have to keep it right here. Check this out. At 6 p.m., right when we end, Bret Baier is going to be -- "Special Report" is going to be live from San Diego.

Right after that, Greta is going to be on the Jersey Shore, Seaside Heights. She's going to be live from there.

Bill O'Reilly will be live from Studio a. He'll have Krauthammer, possibly Greg, definitely Kimberly.

At 9 p.m., "Kelly File" going live from Studio J upstairs on 12 with the live studio audience.

Ten o'clock, Donald Trump will join Sean Hannity. Going to be great there. He's going to respond to some of the stuff with the judge.

At 11 p.m., Bret and Megyn are going to come back for live updates on all the races, including California and New Jersey.

GUILFOYLE: All right. We've got a big night, a big show. Big show indeed.

All right. Meghan McCain.

MCCAIN: This is one of my favorite "One More Things." I'm going to be an aunt! My brother Jack and his lovely wife, my sister-in-law Renee, announced they're having a baby. My mom is so excited. There's the picture they put up on Facebook. My mother could not be more thrilled to finally be a grandmother. I'm very happy for them. And it's just -- I wanted to make that "One More Thing" today. So they...

GUILFOYLE: Wonderful...

GUTFELD: You're going to be the party aunt. The fun aunt.

GUILFOYLE: ... blessings for the McCain family.

MCCAIN: I'm going to -- I'm going to be the crazy aunt. I know.

GUTFELD: You're going to be the party/fun aunt.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So set your DVRs to never miss an episode of "The Five." That is it for us. "Special Report" is next and a big election night. Keep it here on FOX News Channel.

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