
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," August 11, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Go away. Well, that is essentially what jailed mother Casey Anthony says to her family as she rejects a jail visit again. Now, that was last night, and moments ago, we learned that Lee Anthony has canceled his visitation with his sister, which was set for tomorrow.

Casey is still behind bars and still a person of interest in her daughter, Caylee's, disappearance. The toddler has been missing almost than two months. Earlier, Cindy Anthony was asked why she thinks Casey canceled their visit.


CINDY ANTHONY, MISSING TODDLER'S GRANDMOTHER: Probably the same reason we did last week. So you know, we got to respect her wishes. That's what we're going to do.

QUESTION: Is it getting more difficult to be the grandparents searching, while you're trying to be the supportive parents at the same time? Is that getting tougher?

CINDY ANTHONY: No, I mean, we've always said our priority was Caylee, and that's still our priority. Again, you know, Casey knows from day one she's had our support, and you know, we're not actively out there worrying what's going on with Casey right now. We're actively worrying about what's going on with Caylee, and that's what we're going to continue our focus, and it's not going to waver. She's got people in her corner looking out for her best interests, and we have to be the one looking for Caylee because somebody has to do it. And I think, you know, we have the most motive to do it because we want her back right now, and she's not, you know, in a position where she can actively look for her.


QUESTION: ... Emotional weekend. How are you guys holding up at this point?

CINDY ANTHONY: Actually, OK. I mean, Saturday was very therapeutic for us. You know, it's just a day. You know, it was her birthday. It was a special day. But you know, we didn't celebrate her birthday last year on her actual day. I mean, we did a little bit. We had her big party a few days later. So I mean, her homecoming is the most important thing.

QUESTION: If police had unlimited resources, you know, if they could call an army, what would you have them do? What would you like to see?

CINDY ANTHONY: Well, shoot, you know, I'd love to have a satellite from the sky, looking down, looking in every home, and you know, just zooming in on every child, but that's -- you know, we can't do that because, you know, there's...

GEORGE ANTHONY, MISSING TODDLER'S GRANDFATHER: Come on. We got to go drive that...

CINDY ANTHONY: But that would be awesome.

QUESTION: Hey, Cindy, did Caylee ever talk about Zenaida Gonzalez? Did she ever say the baby-sitter's name?

CINDY ANTHONY: She talked about her puppy all the time.

QUESTION: Did she ever say the baby-sitters name?

CINDY ANTHONY: I never asked her about the baby-sitter. I mean, when I got her, it was all about her being home and getting love and playing and just doing stuff, so there was never a reason. She talked about her puppy all the time.

QUESTION: Have police said anything more to you (INAUDIBLE) the cell phone records -- is that pretty much a dead end at this point, or are you still hopeful that something could come out of Casey's cell phone records?

CINDY ANTHONY: We had a long conversation about that today. Some of the stuff that got leaked out is erroneous, and they're looking at some of those things today, so...

QUESTION: Can you tell us what...

QUESTION: Is there something specific that's wrong?

CINDY ANTHONY: No. Again, that's part of the investigation.

QUESTION: Have there been any threats that you know of against your family or against Casey or saying that somebody was dangerous? I mean...

CINDY ANTHONY: Oh, we're getting -- we get threats every day. We get written threats. We get threats on our home phone. We get threats on our cell phones. We get threats on our e-mail. So the threats are out there.


VAN SUSTEREN: Meanwhile, George Anthony was asked why he is so excited about a new traveling billboard that has a picture of his missing granddaughter on it.


GEORGE ANTHONY: That's the first chance I've had to have that because a lot of other people have been doing it for us. But you know, this is -- this is just something special for me to do.

QUESTION: I know you said that you had felt helpless that you haven't been able to find her. Like, what (INAUDIBLE) you're out and about. I mean, you're getting her face out there. How does that...

GEORGE ANTHONY: Well, maybe someone will finally connect, or maybe -- it's a lot. I think the connection that somebody's going to say, God, this is the grandpa. He's really out there trying. Plus, they know that anyhow, and same way as my wife. It's just something that I got to do.

QUESTION: Who are you hoping sees this today?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Anyone. Anyone. Anyone that's out there, hopefully, the person who has my granddaughter's going to said, Oh, my gosh. I got to -- maybe they'll flag me down. Maybe I'll be driving around and she'll be right there.

QUESTION: Like, what's the plan today?

GEORGE ANTHONY: I don't have a specific plan. I'm just -- I'm going to drive anywhere that I can today and...

QUESTION: George...

GEORGE ANTHONY: ... If I have to drive out of state to find her, I'm going to do it, so...

QUESTION: The last thing that you saw Caylee...

GEORGE ANTHONY: I've got a full tank of gas and I'm ready to go.

QUESTION: The last thing that you saw Caylee wearing was her white sunglasses and her jeans skirt...

GEORGE ANTHONY: All that, guys, is part of the initial reports, so I don't want to go back and -- that's backing up again.

QUESTION: I was just wondering if -- did they find it?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Guys, that's something you're going to have to ask the sheriff's department. See, now you're going -- you're taking another step so please -- I don't want to go into that kind of step, OK? My granddaughter is still with us. I know it deep in my heart. My wife knows it. So don't be taking it in another area because, guys, we still have a lot of stuff to get out there and to get done.

QUESTION: What's your...

GEORGE ANTHONY: You know, and that's...


QUESTION: ... American people, or even in your community, that are going to see this sign, and they want to do some (INAUDIBLE)

GEORGE ANTHONY: Never, ever, ever give up. There's an organization we work with, and I can't say their name because I told them I wouldn't, but you can't give up. You can never give up on anything.


VAN SUSTEREN: Joining us live is Drew Petrimoulx, reporter for WDBO radio. Drew, earlier today, the grandparents were at the sheriff's office. Do you know what the subject of the discussion was?

DREW PETRIMOULX, WDBO: Well, there was a couple of things that she told reporters that she went there to talk to them about. She said that she had some questions and also some information to relay to them. And as you heard her just talking, she also wanted to dispute a July 16 phone call in which Caylee says -- or Casey, rather, says that she heard Caylee's voice. Now, the sheriff's office says that that call never took place. When reporters asked Cindy Anthony about the miscommunication or the misunderstanding, she said that those reports were false, so she wanted to go there and clarify that -- you know, she says she has the phone records, too, and that call did happen.

Watch Greta's interview

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So the call did -- so the grandmother says that the call did happen, where Casey supposedly heard her daughter in the background. Did she say...

PETRIMOULX: Right. It was...


PETRIMOULX: It was a call supposedly, you know, coming from (SIC) the Anthonys from Zenaida Gonzalez in which it came in from a private number, and she heard Caylee in the background of the phone call.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Private member -- so they weren't able to determine from certain who the phone call came from, right, just that it came from a private number?

PETRIMOULX: Well, investigators say this call never happen. I mean, that's what comes from the -- that comes from the Anthony family.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So there's that dispute. Now, did Cindy, the grandmother, say that she had actually spoken to the baby-sitter and herself heard Caylee in the background, or is it simply the jailed mother who says that she heard Caylee in the background on July 16?

PETRIMOULX: Well, a new twist that came out today was Cindy Anthony actually said what would be Caylee's great-grandmother actually received a call at some point during while she was missing and that she may have heard Caylee in the background of a call. That's something that we hadn't heard before today, but during an interview, she had said that it wasn't only Casey that had heard Caylee during a phone call, but also the great- grandmother had also been involved in a phone call in which she heard Caylee.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, was that on July 16, as well, or was that some time earlier that the great-grandmother supposedly got the phone call?

PETRIMOULX: She didn't clarify. I would imagine that -- she didn't clarify, so I mean, I'm not going to speculate on when that was. You know, she didn't clarify that.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Has anyone located the Zenaida Gonzalez yet? I mean, is that -- is there any more information on that?

PETRIMOULX: Well, there was only one Zenaida Gonzalez that was ever linked to the apartment complex where Casey said she dropped Caylee off, and that woman has basically been cleared from the investigation. She did an interview with one of our local TV stations down here, where she basically said she's never met Casey, Caylee or the Anthonys, and has no idea why she was brought up in this investigation by Casey.

VAN SUSTEREN: Drew, is there any more information about why Casey did not call the police to notify them, or the sheriff's office, that her child was missing from June 16 to the point where the grandmother was the one who finally pulled the trigger and called on the 15th of July?

PETRIMOULX: The only -- the thing that they've maintained is that she was concerned for Caylee's safety. You know, there hasn't just been any clarification. The only reason why she's -- they've given is because she said that she was scared for her safety.

One of the new latest developments -- I don't know if you guys have heard about this yet, but I just received a call from my station, where we've learned now that Lee Anthony has canceled his visit with Casey that was scheduled for tomorrow morning. So that's three visits in a row from her family that have been canceled, which would lead someone to believe that there's a possible rift forming between Casey and her family.

VAN SUSTEREN: Or the other possibility is that they don't want those phone calls taped anymore because even the lawyer might have put the -- you know, put the stop on that. But anyway, we'll have to dig more on that. Drew, thank you.

PETRIMOULX: Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: Former homicide detective Mark Fuhrman spent time on the ground in Orlando, Florida, investigating the disappearance of little Caylee. Mark joins us by phone. Mark, I guess the most curious things today are these telephone calls. What -- you know, whether or not Caylee, indeed -- whether there was a phone call that Casey had with the baby- sitter and Caylee was in the background, or not. You've gone over these phone records. What can you tell us?

MARK FUHRMAN, FMR LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Well, I can tell you this. When I sat with the brother, Lee, he said that they didn't have any phone records from July 8 forward, but he said that's not much of concern to them, to the family, because their concerned with the area between June 16 to about the 27th, when the car was left at the check-cashing facility parking lot. So they don't even have the records for that period, so I don't know how they can claim this. And the only records they have are the phone records from Casey Anthony's cell phone. They don't have any hard line records from where she was living or any other cell phone, so -- the records were cut off because her bill was not paid, which was to the tune of $724. So those records are now accessible even to Casey Anthony, only by search warrant.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you able to -- do you have any information about the relationship that Casey might have -- because I know you've spoken to members of the family -- but the current situation between Casey and grandparents or her brother?

FUHRMAN: Well, I can tell you this. I think the brother is the closest to Casey, and maybe that might be because of age. But he seems to be the one that would be the best chance to of getting Casey to actually come clean with just exactly what she knows.

But I can tell you this. While I was still on the ground in Orlando, I talked to one of the immediate neighbors that is within earshot of the Anthony house, and he said that Casey Anthony had one hell of a temper. And he heard her swearing at her mother several times, so loud that he could hear it from his house, and that he would never talk to his parents that way. And he said even Father's Day weekend, that was going on. So whether that's true or not, it's something that he's observed and heard on repeated times. We'd never heard that before, and so that's interesting all unto itself.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did the parents or the grandparents -- did they say anything to corroborate that, or Lee, or anyone say anything that would tend to corroborate the neighbor's statement?

FUHRMAN: No. Exactly the opposite. In fact, I asked Cindy Anthony and George if there was a fight that they had with Casey that weekend or any time close to the time when she took Caylee and left, and they absolutely said not. And that seems to be, you know, a direct conflict with a neighbor who on that weekend said that there was, you know, an argument.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Mark. Thank you.

FUHRMAN: Thanks, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Without any question, many people are suspicious that Casey Anthony had something to do with her child, Caylee's, disappearance. So we want you to go to Gretawire.com right now and answer this question for your "On the Record" live vote. If Casey is tried in connection with the disappearance of her child, Caylee, could you presume Casey innocent at the start of her trial? Yes or no?. We will read the results at the end of the hour.

And coming up, disturbing clues. More than one person says Casey Anthony's car smelled like decomposition. Could tests being done right now prove if a dead body had been in that car trunk? Coming up, you will hear about a place called "the body farm." It could change this case.

And later: Months of lies crumble around Senator John Edwards. He admits to cheating, but is this just the beginning? We are learning more about his mistress and the baby he says is not his. Now the sneak peek. You will go inside the place Senator Edwards met his mistress just last month at 2:30 in the morning.


VAN SUSTEREN: Did Casey Anthony's car trunk carry a dead body? Both detectives and Casey's mother, Cindy, say they noticed an odor coming from that trunk that they seemed to be -- that of a decomposing body, is what they said. Well, right now, anthropologists from the University of Tennessee's facility known as "the body farm" are testing air samples from the car's trunk. What can the tests prove?

Joining us live is forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden. Dr. Baden, can they take an air sample from the trunk and determine whether or not there had been a body decomposing in that truck?

DR. MICHAEL BADEN, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Yes, because after we die and the bacteria proliferate in our body and start breaking down our muscles and our fat and organs, vapors, gases, are formed with beautiful names like cadaverine (ph) and putrescine (ph) that are a particular structure that are easily picked up in the toxicology lab if they're collected from the area, the air that the body was in. And if there was a dead body in the trunk of the car and they collected the air sample, they should be able to find those chemicals.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, this timeline begins probably sometime July -- June 15 is Father's Day.

BADEN: Right.

Watch Greta's interview with Dr. Baden

VAN SUSTEREN: June 16 is the last day that the grandfather saw that child, and it isn't until July 15 that the police are called. Let's say hypothetically that a body that began decomposing as soon as the 16th...

BADEN: Right.

VAN SUSTEREN: ... Were placed in that trunk, if you examined the truck now on August whatever this is, 11, would you still -- would the test still be as effective?

QUESTION: It would not be as effective now as it was when the cadaver dog alerted to it and the detective and the grandma said they smelled the decomposition. There was also some stains there. See, the air will dissipate over time, whereas the stain that was there would still be there. And if it were decomposition fluid or blood, that can be identified. And that's better than just the odor because you can do DNA on a stain and see if it came from Casey (SIC).

VAN SUSTEREN: I suppose...

BADEN: Or the baby.

VAN SUSTEREN: I supposed that it wouldn't necessarily be that either one would necessarily be conclusive, but it's sort of the combination would certainly be more persuasive than standing alone.

BADEN: Yes. Yes. And the stain could tell you DNA. The hair -- remember, there was hair there. The hair has DNA.

VAN SUSTEREN: And can also tell whether someone had been dead or not, the hair.

BADEN: That's right. The hair can tell you who the daddy is, as well as the baby, and also whether it came from a dead person or a living person.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Dr. Baden. Thank you, sir.

BADEN: Thanks, Greta.

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