
Did you hear the one about three friends who meet for lunch at a restaurant, and one of them sticks a fork in his eye?

Not really, but odds are that person tried, or is thinking about trying it.

It's true. 33 percent have 100 percent had it.

One out of three of us is officially bummed out.

It's weird.

These series of statistics are scary.

Pick a survey, pick a group, men, women, young, old, Republicans, Democrats and same pattern.

One out of three people don't trust government.

One out of three young people don't trust things will get better.

One out of three of them want nothing to do with buying a house.

One out of three of them want nothing to do with buying stocks.

Don't trust the real estate market.

Don't trust the stock market.

Don't even trust marriage! One out of three college graduates thinks it makes no sense.

The same one-out-of three who don't think they'll do as well as their parents.

Probably because one out of three are living with their parents.

Which could explain why one out of three parents don't think they'll have enough to retire.

And one out of three Americans don't think we'll ever be the country we were.

Because one out of three Americans think America's best days are behind it.

And one out of three blame Washington for it.

What to make of it? What to make of us?

Are we so jaded now that one out of every three of us says the jig's up?

That's sad.

But that's what's happening when time and again, people's hopes are dashed.

Pretty soon America stops looking so dashing, and so promising.

And for young people, in particular, it's not just about the bloom coming off the Obama rose.

It's about the bloom coming off everybody's rose.

In a government that fails us.

And politicians who give lip service to us.

Trust is shattered when reliability is shattered.

When investments we thought safe, like owning a home, just don't seem worth the trouble.

And a stock market we thought looked like a good bet, just seems more like a rigged game.

I don't think it's fair. I don't think it's right.

But try telling one out of three Americans convinced it just is.

Try telling these folks to believe, when they can't find anyone to believe.

That's one out of three of us.

Every third person you meet, assuming that person isn't you.