
We're paying more for health insurance when they said we'd pay less.

We're signing up fewer for the healthcare law when they said we'd sign up more.

The uninsured who still don't want it.

The low wage workers who still can't afford it.

The doctors who are sick of being doctors because of it.

The fit who are having fits because they still end up paying more, even if they are fit.

The full-time workers made part-time workers because their bosses couldn't afford their coverage.

The part-time workers who became former workers because they couldn't afford losing that coverage.

The specialists who say their specialty suddenly isn't so special.

The surgeons bailing out of the profession because it's just not worth the hassle.

And everyone else who can't afford the hassle.

A Wall Street Journal study out today that details premiums doubling, even tripling, and soon.

Even for those practicing preventive behavior, prevented from getting any break for that behavior, at all.

Who knew in this remake of healthcare, sloths would rule, and the fit would drool?

The government knew. That's who knew.

The folks touting it, who not only knew it, but hid from all of us the very real costs of it.

Nancy Pelosi was no dumby. She had read the bill. She did know what was inside the bill.

Just like Max Baucus did.

And Harry Reid did.

But the fix was already in.

And those soaring premiums are already on.

But then again, these champions of healthcare chose their words carefully at the time, didn't they?

After all, President Obama always said you could keep your own doctor.

What he didn't say was that you'd end up paying through the nose for the privilege.

And the great healthcare system we once enjoyed? The one we up-ended for the 90 percent of us who were happy, to cover the 10 percent who apparently still aren't happy?

Stick a syringe in it.

It's gone.

But first, bend over.

Because this is going to hurt.