
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," September 5, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: The search for missing toddler Caylee Anthony is intensifying right now. And an old friend of "On the Record," Tim Miller, is on the ground in Orlando with this search and recovery team, EquuSearch. They're looking for the missing toddler, and Tim joins live from Orlando.

Tim, good evening. Always nice to see you. I assume you would really like to talk to the mother of the toddler and get some guidance on how to do your work and where to go, timeframes.

TIM MILLER, VOLUNTEER SEARCH FOR TODDLER CAYLEE ANTHONY: Greta, I just wish somebody would make our life easier. This has been a very, very difficult search. But we are not anywhere close to saying we are giving up. I know this family has gone through the worst time of their entire life. I support them with hoping that Caylee is alive out there. But I'm the first one to say I do not think that is the case.

We have worked through many of these cases, and I experienced my own self when the police knew my daughter was alive, and we could not get anyone to search. I wished 10 people came and searched, 17 months later Laura was dead.

So we will search every inch of property we can search. We have the best resources, I believe, right now in the world. And law enforcement is behind us. We will do everything we can do, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Tim, each person responds to situations differently. And it does not necessarily mean something is so because one did and one did not. But when your daughter vanished, was there anything that may do not want to work with the police or help them?

MILLER: I did everything with the police. But the police knew that Laura was a runaway. In, fact, at one time, I believe --

VAN SUSTEREN: The reason I am asking this is because what we understand from the outside looking in is that Casey is not helping the police. I am trying to prevail upon your own personal experiences. Can you understand her not wanting to help the police, or is that just so alien to you?

MILLER: One of the things that upsets me so much about this and got me upset the other night, that if Casey gave Caylee to somebody that that she trusted, my god, I would only believe myself inside that she would at least have gotten their name and phone number so she could at least check on that child once a week or once a month and call them and say, "What did you do with my child?"

I cannot imagine anybody giving their child to a babysitter or to a stranger to take care of without getting a phone number and a contact.

Watch Greta's interview

Maybe it was just a bad choice. And, unfortunately, again, I am the first one to say I believe the best thing we can hope for is to one day next week go to a funeral. And there is a slim chance of that with the water conditions down here, with the time that has elapsed since we got here.

But it is not impossible. We have found many that were missing longer than Caylee. And we are nowhere close to throwing in the towel on this one.

VAN SUSTEREN: Tim, I always admire you for how persistent you are. Tim, thank you.

MILLER: Greta, thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla first posted Casey Anthony's half a million dollar bond so she could get out of jail.

But here's a switch--now the bounty hunter is offering $50,000 for something else. Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla joins us live.

Leonard, what is this all about? You helped post a $500,000, and now what are you offering $50,000 for?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: The results from the Tennessee labs and the FBI labs completely changed my mind 180 degrees. I, like Tim, believe we are looking for a body, not a live child.

What I am doing is - because there's a $225,000 reward out there for a live Caylee. What I'm offering is $50,000 if somebody will lead us to the body.

Help me out. Give me the information that it takes. It is confidential. I am not law enforcement. Give me the information that will get made to what I believe is the body we're looking for now. And that's what this is about.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is your current relationship with Casey, Casey's parents, and Casey's lawyer?

PADILLA: Casey never talked to me after we had that one minute discussion where she tried to run the Zenaida game on me again. And I told her I didn't want to have anything.

I never talked to her about that. I have not talked to Lee or Georgia or Cindy since I left.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you spoke to Casey, how long ago was that?

PADILLA: That was the day after she was out of jail. I was in the living room with Cindy and Rob Dick, and she came in and sat down and started talking, my baby, Zenadia took her at the park and left me a script to tell the cops these lies for 30 days.

And I told her I did not want to hear that. That was bunk. We had already checked out on the Zenaida thing. She is just hardheaded and will not give up the truth. She is never going to give up the truth.

VAN SUSTEREN: This script, what is this script about?

PADILLA: She said that Zenaida and her older sister Samantha took the baby from her, held her down. And then when they were about to drive out in a 2008 silver Ford Focus, Zenaida handed her a list and said, "Here--if you do not want your baby hurt, this is what you tell the cops for the next 30 days."

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you see this script?

PADILLA: No, absolutely not.

VAN SUSTEREN: And Samantha is the older sister to Zenaida?

PADILLA: That is what she says.

The thing about it is, the nanny and all of that, none of her friends ever saw that woman, nobody ever met her.

VAN SUSTEREN: I do not doubt it. I am just trying to square on these details. Did she say where she had met Samantha, because Samantha is at least new to me tonight?

PADILLA: No. Samantha is supposed to be Zenaida's older sisters. I only heard the story that one time from her.

VAN SUSTEREN: Leonard, let me know if anyone takes you up on that $50,000 offer.

PADILLA: I would hope that somebody would let make life easy for Tim, because he is out there in the swap being mosquito-bit with a lot of good- hearted volunteers. And the person that has the answer is not saying anything.

And I think Tim will agree with me on that, she is just being hard- headed.

VAN SUSTEREN: "Hardheaded," I think that is a nice, charitable way to describe it. Leonard, thank you.

PADILLA: It is. It is about as nice.

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