
This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," March 6, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Missing an action: that's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do Nance, whatever you want me to do.


WATTERS: That just about sums up Biden's first 50 days now, doesn't it? Color bars. Not in command and not answering questions. It's the opposite of Donald Trump. But that's what the people wanted, allegedly and this is what it looks like.

It's pathetic. Charming and relaxing to some, but the incompetence is dangerous.

Gas prices are up. There's a crisis on the border. Biden is lobbing missiles into the Mideast and they haven't even sent out the stimulus checks yet. That was supposed to be the easy part.

Biden is not even telling us what's going on. They either won't let him or he can't because he doesn't know himself.

There are big warning signs Biden is a missing President. Kyle Becker wrote a great piece on this. We're in the first week of March and Biden hasn't even held a single solo news conference yet.

Trump, Obama, Bush all had held one already. Hiding Biden worked in the campaign against Trump. He made the election a referendum instead of a choice. And then he had the corporate media do his dirty work.

But Biden is a solo act now, and he needs to lead. Apparently, he can't. It's why they won't let the President take questions.

Reporters asked him about Texas giving people the choice to wear a mask.


BIDEN: I think it's a big mistake.

The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime, everything is fine. Take off your mask. Forget it. It still matters.


WATTERS: If Biden runs for re-election, he can kiss his chances of winning Texas goodbye. You can't call Texans Neanderthals and get away with that.

Also, when Texas opens up and their economy is red hot, Biden won't get any credit for the recovery because he trashed talked it.

As a lifelong politician, he should know better.

Have you noticed Biden hasn't delivered a State of the Union address yet? He hasn't even scheduled one. You have to go all the way back to Jimmy Carter for a State of the Union this late.

Why are they hiding Biden? Juan Williams on "The Five" gave this excuse.


JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL POLITICAL ANALYST: He is at the three-yard line in terms of passing a major COVID Relief Bill, and I think that his aides don't want any fumble at the three-yard line. They don't want to stir up any huge controversy.


WATTERS: This tells us a lot of what those close to Joe think of him. Those who know him best, that the leader of the free world can't read a speech off a teleprompter without fumbling.

This scares me as an American that the White House knows that Chief Executive isn't cut out for the job. We're not at the end of a two-term deal here. Biden is close to passing out during the honeymoon.

It reminds me of my honeymoon. That's a different story. The President hasn't been working up a sweat. He calls lids early. He goes to bed early. He takes weekends off.

I see his schedule. It's not inspiring.

Kamala Harris is taking one-on-one meetings with heads of state: Macron, Trudeau, and the Australian Prime Minister. They aren't her counterparts. She is sitting in on Biden's daily Intelligence briefings. Is she being groomed as a co-President? Is she warming up in the bullpen?

Maybe Biden is bringing her in close because Obama iced him out, and he doesn't want to do that to her. But we don't know what's going on behind the scenes because the media doesn't report the inner workings of the Biden White House.

We knew everything about the Trump White House, even things we didn't want to know. But every time we ask a question, Jen Psaki says, she'll circle back.

Maybe what you see is what you get. Biden is just an Executive Order machine. His minions draft policy and he signs his little John Hancock and then rests. Rubber stamping radicalism shouldn't be that taxing, but Biden seems exhausted.

It took him nearly two weeks to visit Texas after the winter storm disaster. Bush, Clinton, Trump, Obama, they would have thrown the khakis on and the bomber jacket on and been off to jet to Texas within a week. That's what Presidents do, at least show that you care.

Biden could barely be bothered. He shuffled over late and barely made a splash. If a Republican had dissed a disaster like that, he would have been crucified.

When Biden got down to Texas, he kept forgetting everybody's name.


BIDEN: I want to thank you, Governor, Mr. Abbott for your hospitality and your friendship and Representative -- Senator Cornyn -- I think he had to go back. I think he is getting on a plane he told me last -- he came in to see me last event and Representatives Shirley Jackson-Lee, Al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Pinelli -- excuse me Pinell, -- and what am I doing here? I'm going to lose track here and --


WATTERS: Biden is not just forgetting names, he is forgetting the name directors of key Federal agencies. Biden hasn't named anybody to lead the F.D.A., the D.E.A., the A.T.F., the I.M.F., the Census Bureau, the U.S. Marshals, the Federal Trade Commission, NASA, or the Office of Government Ethics, although maybe that's not an oversight.

Where is Hunter by the way? Biden hasn't even named a single Ambassador. What is Biden doing inside the White House all day long? He's been in Washington his whole life. He can't even run the Democratic Party patronage mill? Something is off.

If you followed the campaign closely, you could see it coming. There's a new book out by two liberal mainstream media reporters called "Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency." The authors Jonathan Allen of NBC News and Amie Parnes of "The Hill," said the Biden Campaign ran on the strategy of quote, "you put your dumb uncle in the basement."

One of Biden's top advisors, Anita Dunn done told an associate quote, "COVID was the best thing that happened to him." Trump was on the way to a landslide until the virus hit. Team Biden used coronavirus as an excuse to keep Biden in the basement, and it worked.

Biden's biggest weakness was himself and the Campaign was able to hide it. Biden won the presidency with a quote, "bland message and a blank agenda," the authors say.

Now America is forced to reckon with a weak leader with no vision.

POLITICO recently ran a story, "Biden's Slow Start." It describes a quote, "A new wave of anxiety over the pace at which Biden's presidency is going."

Biden is way behind Trump and Obama on confirmed Cabinet nominees, and despite holding the House and the Senate, Biden hasn't signed a single major legislative accomplishment. Obama had already signed the Recovery Act weeks ago.

Biden didn't want to waste time on impeachment, but was too weak to tell Nancy and Chuck to knock it off, and the same thing happened with the teachers unions who jammed up Joe for extra cash and forced him to let them cut the vaccine lines.

I addressed this on "The Five."


WATTERS: Joe Biden just got absolutely worked by the teachers union. Do you have any idea what they just did? They basically boycotted, refused to show up to work, held the students hostage so not only could they take billions in of more money that they're not going to get this year, but they got to be able to jump the line on the vaccine. That's what they did.

They refused to show up to work until they skipped your grandfather and your mom in their 50s and 60s, so a 23-year-old kindergarten teacher, perfectly healthy, can get an injection.

I mean, Biden totally caved.

I mean, if the teachers union can do this to Joe Biden, what's China going to do?


WATTERS: Biden has been manhandled by special interest, but it doesn't just stop there.

Iranian militias killed a foreign contractor at an American base in Iraq. Biden launched a missile strike into Syria as a response. I didn't even hear much about it. Then an American contractor afterwards was killed amidst another militia attack on our base and Biden is doing what exactly? Nobody knows.

He hasn't briefed Congress on what he is doing and no one can figure it out. The State Department reached out to Iran to rejoin these nuke talks and Iran rejected us. It is humiliating.

So what exactly is Biden's strategy? We don't even know if there is a strategy.

Americans are dying and missiles are flying and no one knows why because it's a mess.

There's another mess on the border. Biden promised amnesty, asylum, stimulus checks, free healthcare -- everything. He stopped the border wall and dismantled Trump's Mexico deal and brought back catch and release. And it just sent a big signal to Central America and the cartels, come on in.

And we're stuck with a child migrant crisis. Facilities overflowing, border towns overrun and records are smashed. They're even putting COVID infected migrants on Greyhound buses and driving them throughout the South.

Biden is getting killed for this already. We have a polling here. Dismantling border security and freezing deportations are the least popular of Biden's actions so far, along with killing Keystone and forcing females to play sports with guys.

Biden had a call with the Mexican President Obrador this week while the migrants were surging in. Did Joe raise this strongly on the call? No. The readout just says they had a warm and friendly chat.

Biden spoke to the President of Guatemala this week. Did he tell him to stop the migration? Of course not. The call readout says they're working on a plan of action to quote, "manage migration."

See, Biden doesn't really want to stop the migration, he wants to manage it. "The Washington Post" reports Biden is setting up migration turnstiles in Texas to fast track illegal entries. But the media is not allowed to film it. See, notice how there's no video out there, Biden won't let us see the open borders and the kids in these cages. If you can see it, it is a crisis. But if you can't see it, no crisis, right?


QUESTION: Is there a crisis at the border, sir?

BIDEN: No, we will be able to handle it. God willing.


WATTERS: God willing? The President isn't really conveying the kind of confidence we expect from our Commander-in-Chief. He doesn't seem up to the task.

Former Secret Service agent and FOX News contributor Dan Bongino revealed this on "Hannity."


DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: He is in real significant trouble, Joe Biden, and listen to me, everyone around him, everyone knows it.

I maintain a lot of contacts outside of even law enforcement, and I'm telling you, from what I've heard from people in my network, everyone knows how bad it is -- everyone. It's not a mystery. It is the worst kept secret in the White House.


WATTERS: Well, the secret is getting out, and it's not just conservatives who have noticed, the left is picking up on it, too.

Check out these tweets from Biden voters. "I should have [bleep] voted for Trump. I'd at least have $1,400.00 and not go into war in the Middle East again."

Or, "We've said cancel student debt, not bomb Syria."

Another, "I don't understand how you spend $800 million to win two Georgia Senate races and turn around and offer fewer people less stimulus."

Another one, "Simple question for Joe Biden and the press: Who is President? Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?"

And finally, "The kids are still in cages."

So left and right are saying basically the same thing. Get out of the Mideast, help us out with some pandemic relief and fix the border.

And another thing, we hate Congress. That's your unity right there. Biden was elected to do one thing, tackle COVID. If he can keep up the vaccinations and get the economy opened up, it's smooth sailing. But he seems weirdly obsessed with rattling off the latest body count as if that proves he is staying focus. But he can't even get that right.


BIDEN: Over 500 -- I think it is -- I have a card -- I carry a card on me every day with the total number of folks who have been affected by the --

The second order I'm going to be signing --

I carry with me -- I don't have it -- I gave it to my staff, but I carry with me in my pocket a -- do I have that around? Anyone? Where's my staff? I gave it away -- anyway.

And with -- with, I don't know.

I carry a card, I don't have it. I put it on my desk.


WATTERS: WATTERS' WORLD is getting a little worried about Joe Biden. He is ricocheting from one thing to the next without a strategy or even an explanation.

So we're predicting a combination of high gas prices and a border crisis this summer. It'll explode at the same time, and it'll damage the President's political standing.

This will leave him with limited options and make it likely that he will lash out in another direction, probably in the Mideast as a distraction. So prepare yourself for what's coming.

WATTERS' WORLD warned you.

Joining me now for reaction, "New York Post" columnist and FOX News contributor, Miranda Devine.

All right, Miranda, what did you think about that proposition?

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Jesse, it's pretty frightening, and you've summed it up extremely well. You know, we're almost at the 100 -- halfway through the 100 days of Biden's campaign and it is amazing how quickly everything has just turned to custard.

We have a President who is basically conducting business exactly the same way as he did during the campaign, from his basement, only now, the White House is his basement, and he has more staff to cover for him.

And you just wonder who is pulling the strings? Because he -- you know, he is not being allowed out to become accountable, to answer questions, to be transparent, and undergoes scrutiny for these really radical policy changes that he is making to this country, and which are, as you said, very unpopular, whether it's the border crisis down south, or whether it's destroying women's sport with his transgender Executive Orders.

He is just turning the country upside down, and yet, he doesn't answer for it and it is untenable.

And you can see why his minders are not letting him out. You played a little bit of that really bizarre Zoom call with Nancy Pelosi this week, in which at the end, he asked Nancy Pelosi's permission to take questions.


DEVINE: And then somebody pulled the plug. So is Nancy Pelosi running Joe Biden? Or is it some unseen faceless puppet behind the -- is there a puppet master behind the scenes? We don't know --

WATTERS: Well, you we don't have any idea how or who is whispering in Joe Biden's ears because the media doesn't report anything that's going on inside the White House.

You have John Kerry running around and killing pipelines and raising gas prices. The Defense Secretary is a Raytheon guy. They are doling out big contracts over there and the guy in charge of Homeland is a radical ideologue who has opened the borders and Joe just sits there and doesn't take questions.

And as an American, we deserve some sort of answer to what's going on because it looks like he's just creating problems instead of fixing them.

All right, Miranda, we've got to run. Thank you so much for your analysis.

DEVINE: Great to talk to you.

WATTERS: Joe Biden is making the drug cartels filthy rich. What's the motive there? Lara Logan is on deck with a special report.


WATTERS: Illegal immigrants with COVID-19 flooding our southern border, more than a hundred tested positive, and we released them onto buses and they were driven to God knows where.

Check out this group of migrants all wearing "Biden, please let us in" shirts. At least they said "please."

Hundreds of kids are crossing over daily, shelters overflowing and record numbers are allowed in. But if they're doing bad things, you won't hear about it.

The Biden administration locked the I.C.E. alert accounts that tracked fugitive criminal aliens. See this guy here, he is charged with sexual assault. This one convicted of armed robbery and this one charged with third degree assault and trying to harm a child.

So if you're living in the area, you used to get those alerts to watch out. You don't get those anymore.

And now the cartels have completely taken over America's immigration system and are making obscene profits. Trafficking in everything: humans, weapons and drugs. Thanks to Biden's open borders.

Lara Logan hosts "No Agenda" on FOX Nation, and has seen it all firsthand. She joins us now for a special report. So how embolden have the cartels been since the borders have turned wide open? And how much control do they really have?

LARA LOGAN, FOX NATION HOST: Well, everyone you speak to, even U.S. law enforcement on this side of the border will tell you that the cartels have absolute control. They decide what crosses, who crosses, where they cross, when they cross, if they cross, I mean -- and this doesn't change. They work 24/7.

The border for them never ever, ever closes. They have scouts positioned, you know, all along the border, all along the river bank and they also extend miles into the United States and these Scouts, now, if you want to know how emboldened they are and how this is escalating, well, more than a year and a half ago when I was at the border for a long time, the Scouts never carried weapons. You just did not see that.

When I was back there in December, we saw Scouts all carrying assault rifles. The battles that were going on when I was there a year and a half ago have intensified and escalated.

We heard battles with 50-caliber machine guns, 40-millimeter grenades. There have been attacks threatened on Border Patrol agents. There was a cartel sniper and a team that moved in to position in Texas and that were forced out of the area.

There's been such intense gun battles on the border that Border Patrol agents have been pulled back from patrolling those areas temporarily at times.

And no one is talking about the fact that these are the most powerful criminal organizations in the world, and among the wealthiest. They control more than 90 percent of the global trade in narcotics, and every street gang in America depends on narcotics for their survival.

So they work for the cartels. They do their bidding and this is replicated in country after country after country. There's a border security crisis that's going on and we're only talking about the immigration issues and the immigration crisis.

WATTERS: It's just shocking that those major gun battles, 50-caliber grenades thrown -- are taking place right on the border and that our law enforcement agents are actually peeling back and not engaging aggressively.

It is astounding that we're retreating against the drug cartels.

LOGAN: You know how bad it is?


LOGAN: Well, Jesse, you've got Border Patrol agents, right, maybe two on a Marine unit on the Rio Grande River. They each have an assault rifle and that's it, right, on a fishing boat.

Texas Department of Public Safety law enforcement, they're out there, their boats, they've got fast boats. They have six guys on board. They've all got M-4s, and they have two M-240 Bravos, heavy machine guns belt fed that are mounted on the front of the boat, and one on the back of the boat.

And when you talk to the agents about their tactical training, tactical maneuvers, they say no, we don't get trained in that. We get trained in how to do rescues and CPR and -- you know, and tracking, but not in how to take care of ourselves.

WATTERS: I mean, that's why I thought Trump made a great move.

LOGAN: And there have been shootings right there.

WATTERS: After that Mormon family was slaughtered south of the border, he threatened Obrador, he said, guy, we're going to designate the cartels as terrorist organizations unless you beef up along the southern and northern border of Mexico, and they did it.

But then the Mexico government dropped it once Biden won, and now look where we are.

We're going to follow up with you, Lara, because some of this stuff is breaking on your side and we're going to have you back on to discuss some of the latest developments about cartel control in our inner cities.

Thank you so much for your reporting.

LOGAN: Thank you

WATTERS: How Governor Cuomo groomed his targets, and why politicians prey on women: a psychological analysis, next.


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Jon Scott.

Minneapolis is a city on edge right now as the trial of Derek Chauvin is about to begin. He is the former officer charged with murder and the death of George Floyd. Jury selection begins on Monday and some small businesses are worried about a repeat of last summer's rioting, while racial justice advocates are calling for increased scrutiny on police behavior.

The Biden administration facing some criticism after the White House notified facilities caring for unaccompanied migrant children that they should open to pre-COVID-19 levels.

The new directive comes at the same time as President Biden warns Americans not to get complacent during the pandemic. Mr. Biden is pointing to an uptick in immigration at the southern border as the reason behind the new policy.

I'm Jon Scott, I'll be back tomorrow for an all-new "FOX Report" 6:00 p.m. Eastern. Now back to WATTERS' WORLD.


CHARLOTTE BENNETT, FORMER ANDREW CUOMO AIDE: He is a textbook abuser. He lets his temper and his anger rule the office. But he was very sweet to me for a year in the hopes that maybe one day when he came on to me, I would think we were friends or that it was appropriate.

The pandemic was obviously stressful for all of us, and he was on TV nearly every day talking about it. I think he felt like he was untouchable in a lot of ways.


WATTERS: That was one of Andrew Cuomo's accusers, Charlotte Bennett, speaking out after the Governor's poor excuse for an apology this week. His defense, that hugging and kissing is his friendly way.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): You can go find hundreds of pictures of me kissing people: men, women -- it is my usual and customary way of greeting.

You know that because you've watched me for, let's just say, more years than we care to remember.

By the way, it was my father's way of greeting people. You're the Governor of the State, you want people to feel comfortable.


WATTERS: Politicians live in a world where they physically can work a room and the creepy ones take advantage of that. Were there any red flags?


CUOMO: I want to see you eat the whole sausage.

Nice to see you, Doctor. You make that gown look good.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Do you think that you are an attractive person now because you're single and ready to mingle?


WATTERS: So are politicians more likely to cross the line and why? Joining me now to break down Cuomo's behavior is psychoanalyst, Bethany Marshall. All right, just before we begin, Bethany, we're not convicting Andrew Cuomo. He deserves due process, and we're going to let that play out.

But you've seen this before. You've seen how politicians take advantage of these crowds and this is a touchy feely situation. And the next thing, you know, they're acting wildly inappropriate. What's going on through those predatory brain cells of theirs upstairs?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: And Jesse, you addressed this beautifully on one of your statements about, you know, he puts his hand around the woman and then the hand goes lower and lower. So there's all kinds of opportunities for grooming.

You know, politicians get into their field because they like positions of power. Once they have the power, it encourages sort of eating up more than their fair share of society's resources. Sometimes, it leads them to violate the rights of others.

I would say Andrew Cuomo, although I have not treated him in private practice, fits the profile of what we call a power offender. This is a person who doesn't just offend through sexual harassment, but who offends in multiple areas of his life in the following ways: maybe violating the rights of others, maybe caring only about his own needs, maybe being exploitive towards other people.

But let's face it, you know, politics is a behemoth. It is a good old boys club, and all politicians are afraid of their dirty laundry being aired so they are not going to rat each other out.

They're going to cover up and when something comes out about them, they are very good at working the crowd in another way, not just in terms of grooming victims by sort of, you know, throwing stones and saying, look, you know, I've been the victim of a smear campaign or this person was really my friend or you're getting it all wrong.

And I think Andrew Cuomo's apology really very much minimized the bad behavior. It did not serve him well. It did not really --

WATTERS: I do, too.

MARSHALL: Yes, it was -- it was weak.

WATTERS: It was a terrible excuse because you can see him with his hands around a woman's face like that, who he just met, and then he had asked to kisser, allegedly. That's not your traditional press the flesh, good old boy worker room kind of move. That's a whole another level and he should be held accountable by the people of New York or however else they decide to do it.

All right, Bethany, thank you so much for your analysis. We appreciate it.

MARSHALL: Thank you.

WATTERS: So WATTERS' WORLD got our hands on the banned Dr. Seuss books, all six of them, right back with the drawings that got him canceled.


WATTERS: From the Clintons to the Bushes to the Obamas to the Trumps: first families have touted books by the famous children's author, Theodor Seuss Geisel, known as Dr. Seuss.

Theodor Seuss was an ardent Democrat who died in 1991. He came onto the scene during the Second World War and was furiously against fascism. He hated the Nazis and Imperial Japan.

He pleaded for racial tolerance. He was an environmental conservationist and his whimsical, vibrant, rhythmic and creative vocabulary inspired children across the world to enjoy the pleasures of reading, including little old me.

But this week, President Joe Biden canceled Dr. Seuss from Read across America Day, a National Education Association Day dedicated to children's literacy. So what happened?

Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the company that oversees this estate buckled under an intense pressure campaign led by The Conscious Kid, a radical left-wing education outfit and announced they'd stopped publishing six Dr. Seuss books because, according to The Conscious Kid, they contained Orientalism, anti-blackness, and white supremacy.

We will scrutinize The Conscious Kids' agenda in a second, it's partially financial. But first, let's examine the specific illustrations that are causing so much controversy.

"And To Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street," published in 1937 has been canceled because a Chinese man is depicted eating with chopsticks. This was described as deeply hurtful.

Also because the man had epicanthal eye folds a common feature for people of Asian descent. On another page, a white male uses a whip over a man of color, and the elephant pulling his cart. I'm pretty sure the guy was whipping the animals to giddy up, not the person of color.

"If I Ran the Zoo," published in 1950 was canceled because a white male was being carried by three Asians and he was holding a gun illustrating "dominance" quote-unquote.

Another picture showed a man wearing a turban with feathers coming out of it and this was a stereotype said the critiques, also "exotification" quote-unquote.

Many people as you know from India wear turbans, so, I'm not sure how that stereotype is controversial. And yes, it would be exotic for a Caucasian child halfway around the world seeing that for the first time.

There's also a drawing of shirtless and shoeless African villagers, personally, I understand why that one is a concern.

"Oh beyond Zebra," published in 1955 was canceled again because a man rode a camel and that man had a turban and curled-toed slippers. Yes. Those types of slippers were fashionable in the Middle East where they still ride camels today.

"The Cat's Quizzer: Are You Smarter than a Cat in the Hat" published in 1976 was cancelled because a Japanese character was standing next to Mount Fuji. His face was also yellow to distinguish his skin from other races featured in the book and the critics did not like that.

"McElligot's Pool" published in 1947 was cancelled because Native Americans were depicted fishing. Inuit or Eskimos have gone ice fishing for over a thousand years. So yes, that is stereotypical of them because it's what they do. I'm not sure what's racist about that.

"Scrambled Eggs Super" was canceled because again, a person who belongs to a culture that wears turbans, oh my gosh, wear a turban. And because an Eskimo helped fetch a special egg for a white child to make scrambled eggs with.

"The New York Times" has drawn cartoons recently of Indians wearing turbans. "The New York Times" has run dozens of cartoons featuring Asians whose eyes look like Dr. Seuss's drawings.

"The Seattle Times," a liberal publication is run cartoons of Arabs dressed in traditional Arab garb even wielding bloody swords.

"The Guardian" one of the most progressive publications around prints cartoons depicting Native Americans -- excuse me, Native Africans.

Are all these newspapers going to be canceled? Of course, they're not. So why is Dr. Seuss? It's about money and power.

As I said before, the main critic driving the cancellation of Dr. Seuss books is a group called The Conscious Kid. The group says they fight and disrupt racism in young children because they argue children begin to show pro-white and anti-black bias at age three. Wow.

The Conscious Kid profits from taking down Dr. Seuss books, and in their place helps sell thousands of anti-racist books to schools across the country.

The Conscious Kid is financially affiliated with Black Lives Matter and their kids' book collection features books about Kamala Harris and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, written by Obama, Biden, Clinton donors. Shocking. It all makes sense when you follow the money.

The National Education Association, the N.E.A. after de-emphasizing Dr. Seuss is pushing more progressive books to young students. Wow. Listen to this.

"Julian is a Mermaid" is about a little boy who cross-dresses. "The Prince and The Dressmaker" is another book about cross-dressing. "Americanized: Rebel without a Green Card" is about an illegal immigrant from Iran. "We are Here to Stay: Voices of Undocumented Young Adults" is also about illegal immigrants.

So I'm fine with having a wide range of authors and issues, but not at the expense of wonderful authors like Dr. Seuss, and not for partisan political indoctrination.

All of this seems to be about destroying cultural and historical frames of reference, wiping the slate clean and building a liberal culture that they control entirely and profit from, of course.

We give into the liberal mob because they are annoying. We don't feel like listening to them whine. So we say fine, here, just shut up. It's how weak parents deal with complaining children.

But good parents know how to say no, and the children usually knock it off. America needs to act more like these parents, not the soft and distracted ones.

And now on eBay, you can't even buy and sell these books. They're banned. You can buy Hitler's "Mein Kampf" but you can't buy "Mulberry Street."

The C.I.A. is very worried about these Tom Cruise videos. We will explain.



TOM CRUISE IN DEEP FAKE VIDEO: You guys cool if I play some sports? I love it. More for the audio experience as much as the momentum.

Hey, listen up, sports and TikTok fans. If you like what you're seeing, just wait until what's coming next.


WATTERS: Fake news. That wasn't Tom Cruise. That was a deep fake video. These videos of the famous actor racking up millions of views online, fooling the masses.

The technology is funny, but it's dangerous. And the C.I.A. is worried that these deep fake videos could start some trouble around the world even start a war over maybe Tom Cruise.

Here to explain, "The Cyber Guy," Kurt Knutsson.

All right, Kurt, I'm hearing things that the Intelligence agencies, you know, they're Tom Cruise fans because of his work with, you know, all MI-6 movies and all of that, but you can manipulate video and the next thing you could have a revolution, right?

KURT KNUTSSON, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK CONTRIBUTOR: Totally true, Jesse. How are you doing?

It's the idea that technology with artificial intelligence combined with very talented people who are visual effects artists, when that comes together, and you end up seeing what's out on TikTok right now, 11 million views of those three videos from a guy named Chris Ume in Belgium, this guy is going to be one of the most sought after people from any evil source that wants to do bad on our country, or just wants to stir it up.

This is about the Joker being able to put pretend he is the Batman. This is about Vladimir Putin videos being created by someone else that could say we're going to war.

The idea is that you can't tell the difference fast enough with the speed of TikTok that the world tidal wave of all of this would unleash the damage would be done before we could figure out like, hey, that's not really Putin. Hey, that's not really Batman. So that's the big problem here.

And the fact that these people who are --

WATTERS: Yes, you could dupe an entire population and then you just have, you know, bullets start flying and who knows what happens next.

At first, I thought this was great, because it adds a little reasonable doubt to the scandal world. You know, there could be a picture of me hugging someone like you know, Farrakhan and I could say, hey, that wasn't me. Like Shaggy, "It wasn't me." It was a deep fake video. So you know, you have a little bit of an out.

KNUTSSON: You can say all you want, Jesse, but the problem is, yes --

WATTERS: But now, I am seeing that you know, you could do something like this and --

KNUTSSON: Yes, so the deal is, the forensics experts that are out there have so far been able to say, all right, Jesse, we know that wasn't you. We know that you were just playing around.

But the fact is now, with this latest version of what's coming out, and this is really just a skill that's been honed by these people combined with how easy the technologies become and then when you upload it on TikTok, it is bam, like that to everybody. That's what --

WATTERS: Yes, no. I mean, I fell for it.

KNUTSSON: And those people can't tell the difference.

WATTERS: I've watch almost every single Tom Cruise movie and I consider myself pretty, pretty street smart. And I was like, wow, Tom has got a pretty nice golf swing.

All right, thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Up next, "Last Call."

KNUTSSON: Good to see you, Jesse.


WATTERS: You've heard of bad divorces. Well, this one is the worst. Watch this video.

The driver plowing right into a parked car, it turns out though it's his ex-wife's car and this was no accident. Wow.

I mean, he was already going to have to pay but now he's going to pay that much more.

That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

"JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE" is next and remember, I am Watters, and this is my world.

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