
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 5, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, a talkative Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and Jesse Watters. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

A major black eye for Rolling Stone and some magazine now admit it's explosive report on a gang rape at UVA may have been based on a hoax. Last month an article was published by Sabrina Rubin Erdely, which described a brutal attack on a woman named Jackie, at one of the school's fraternity houses. Today, its managing editor Will Dana, issued this statement to readers. In the face of new information, there now appear to be discrepancies in Jackie's account, and we have come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced. Rolling Stone admits it never contacted any of the accused for its report. As a result of the unsubstantiated claims, UVA's president suspended all fraternities, changed their sexual assault policy and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand even used it to push a campus sex crime bill. Now, before we talk about this, let's just take a look at some of the media coverage that this article, this very compelling article, in Rolling Stone magazine, led with the Nightly News.


BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC NIGHTLY NEWS HOST: A major American University tonight has a lot to answer for now, the claims of a particularly shocking sexual assault have been made public.

UNIDENTIIFED FEMALE: An extraordinary move on one of America's most prestigious campuses, the University of Virginia shutting down all fraternities as it investigates sexual assault claims.

UNIDENTIIFED FEMALE: We move now to the crisis on campus, after a very disturbing sexual assault allegation at one of America's most prominent colleges.

UNIDENTIIFED FEMALE: The shocking allegations, the sexual assault on campus, they were exposed in a Rolling Stone article and led to University to suspend all fraternity and sorority activity.


PERINO: So that is the kind of coverage that the story got. I remember the Rolling Stone article and being horrified with what happened to this young woman. If it is a hoax, I think we can all be glad that it did not happen to her, which would be good. Interestingly, let me start with Eric, Richard Bradley has a blog, it's richardbradley.net, and he was a managing editor for George magazine. On his blog, about 10 days ago, he wrote some questions because he had been duped as an editor into believing Stephen Glass, a writer who incidentally was in the same journalism class with Erdely in college. He is the one who started making people think way, is it does story rally hold up? And subsequent reporting and announces by Jonah Goldberg, Jim Geraghty and others have proven that this is looks like it's all a hoax.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Right, right. So, let -- I saw this story come out today, let me get this straight, a major U.S publication is apologizing for not fact checking a story that accuses gang rape by a major United States university, by the way, one of the most respected universities in the country, they didn't fact check. So, in the time between the rape and Rolling Stone publishing that piece, they had plenty of time to fact check, they had plenty of time to go contact some of the alleged, accused rapists there. OK, so they didn't and they ran with the story and -- whatever it is, two weeks since the story ran with Rolling Stone, the Washington Post has fact checked the story and found a lot of discrepancies with it. So, why didn't Rolling Stone before they go ahead and smear the name of UVA, do what Washington Post, they have plenty of time...


BOLLING: What? Two years? Almost two years since from the time of the rape until they published the story, they had two years to fact checked what Washington Post found in two weeks.

PERINO: Well, and the fraternity, Kimberly is Phi Kappa Psi -- immediately the university -- suspended fraternities...


PERINO: Until January. This university -- fraternity started working with the police and they're working backwards. And even they were saying, well, if you actually look at the date, was she said that this party, we didn't have a party that night.

GUILFOYLE: There wasn't a party.

PERINO: There are some things that I just have to wonder if the reporter didn't have any sort of nagging doubt, even though it does seem in the apology from Rolling Stone that they're kind of blaming her, the person that they said was their source, but no one is even actually -- nobody actually knows her name. A question for you is, can university or the fraternity -- expect any sort of litigation to come be, be successful...


PERINO: Because of Rolling Stone's negligence?

GUILFOYLE: I think so, right? You have to -- and there should be something that corrects the situation, where there should be some emphasis that if people are going to engage inner responsible reporting that has devastating consequences and impact, that they're going to be punished for it. This will act as a deterrent for other reporters, to make sure that they check their facts. This is such a basic fact that should have been the first one that she verified -- which was the date of the party -- whether or not a party even happened at the fraternity on that day. Right then and there she did that that would have been the tipping point to say that this story is fabricated. It's a very sloppy reporting, it's an embarrassment to Rolling Stone and they are going to have to pay money for this. I guarantee they'll have to settle some lawsuits.

PERINO: Bo, when you -- thing about you earlier, I should have mentioned it to in the green room. The Washington Post years ago, dealt with a major story that was a fabrication about a young child that was in danger, whose parents were giving him drugs, and everyone was on the lookout, and it turns out that was fabricated as well. It's not unheard (ph) for this to happen, but fairly sloppy on behalf of Rolling Stone.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Well, yeah, but let's keep in mind the context here, UVA has been under pressure now for a whole bunch of rapes that were unreported and some of those are actual, but it were people that starting -- are in the process of being indicted. So, I'm not accusing Rolling Stone here, they didn't do a very good job, but they're not alone. Tawana Brawley was another case, where everybody took that, she said what happened they ran with it. The stripper down in North Carolina, you remember that?


BECKEL: That got a whole bunch of guys in trouble.


PERINO: Yeah, but that -- the university ended up having to settle with those fraternity brothers who...


BECKEL: This is not the first time. You know, it's too attractive a story, that's the problem. You've got something like this, a gang rape at a fraternity. Now, -- you know, we -- I don't do this, it's history. But -- you now, personal experience with this but, a lot of times there are people who are going to yell -- that something happened that didn't happen. Now what about in New York City in Central Park? These, these young black kids got accused of doing this to the woman, it turned out not to be true.

PERINO: Right. Richard Bradley, Jesse, the blogger that I mentioned, he used work at George magazine. One of the things he said that the reason he thinks that he got duped to buy Stephen Glass is that, the story line started to fit his own biases. And in this case, at what point does been narrative that the media wants to report on overtake their sensibilities and causes people to lose further trust in media.

JESSE WATTERS, THE FIVE SHOW GUEST CO-HOST: I think this woman who wrote this story is a left-wing assassin and she went in there looking for this narrative. I think she shopped the story around a few Ivy League Universities, didn't find any evidence there, focused on UVA, found some -- it was right there and so she latched on it. Ignored her source, her source at one point didn't even want to be put into the article, she still pushed for it, didn't even interview any of the fraternity brothers. The woman is a left-wing idea log. She has relationship with Mother Jones, she has relationship with the New York Magazine, she's not credible, and to say that this targets the reputation of Rolling Stone mean, what is Rolling Stone? Rolling Stone is a joke. Rolling Stone put the Boston bomber on the cover. Rolling Stone hosed McChrystal on an off the record conversation.

BECKEL: So, it was about the left-wing you do this kind of stuffs. It wasn't the people who follow this (inaudible) the New York Post, the conservatives --

WATTERS: No, it's confirmation bias, she went in looking for a story.


WATTERS: And she found the story and decided not to fact check.

BECKEL: This is not with conspiracy right?

WATTERS: No, she wanted to know that sexual assault on campus is was a huge epidemic, and she saw this case and she latched on to it.

BECKEL: I've learned that lesson. This is a pretty big epidemic.


BOLLING: So, so Bob, OK. So, even if -- you know, let's say that was the case. That she was looking for it, she shopped it, she found what she wanted, she found a nugget, and she turned it into a whole turkey, whatever you want to call it. Rolling Stone is at fault because, they can't...

GUILFOYLE: Irresponsible.

BOLLING: Absolutely.


BOLLING: Even if she writes it, even if she believes it, even if she's confident in her source. Rolling Stone -- as journalist has a responsibility to fact check some of it.

BECKEL: I agree...

BOLLING: To make sure that these facts...

BECKEL: Would you be careful where you put that pen, because it's getting very close to my eye.

BOLLING: Aren't you sure about though? (ph)

BECKEL: Yeah, no, I just said -- I agree with you, I'm not trying to accuse Rolling Stone here, but I'm saying, this not just Rolling Stone. A lot of newspapers and magazines have a lot of stories, where they have been set up and they want the story. They want the story badly and they go and they take journalistic -- you throw all the rules out to window and go and proceed and do a story. And people's lives get arrested (ph) about -- and the result. PERINO: Let me ask Kimberly about the statement. Specifically, so Rolling Stone doesn't take any responsibility for itself, it's basically it's blaming the victim, if she really is a victim in this.

GUILFOYLE: They have to.


GUILFOYLE: Because, if they blame the victim, then they don't have to pay, they can't say that we were sloppy, they were irresponsible, that are recklessness in it. It's not even just negligence this is such a serious story about sexual assault in campuses. I mean, destroying people's lives just because they're desperate to sell a couple of magazines. They have no problem sensationalizing, and the example that Jesse points it out, just shameful behavior and a shoddy journalist.

PERINO: Now, we do know that campus rape is a major problem across the country.


PERINO: And in fact, five guys in Paterson, New Jersey were arrested over the weekend for accusations against the same. So, I do think that is clear.

BOLLING: The kid -- that's fallout to this article. That's a fallout to her -- to this woman writing's the story.

PERINO: That actually did happen.

BOLLING: Well, the point is...

PERINO: And they were arrested.

BOLLING: The fallout is, when do you believe it? When do you not believe it? Will people still come forward? Will they, will they be afraid that there going to be falsely accuse, will they be afraid that they're going to be dragged through the media. That's one of the negative aspect of t5he story, other than, Rolling Stone just shut their own credibility, to piece (ph) to that.

GUILFOYLE: What, what was left of it?

WATTERS: Right. And remember what happened with Dan Rather. Dan Rather did the same thing, he wanted to find out what was going on down in Texas with Bush and he bought this hoax with all these forged documents. And they did it, remember George Zimmerman...


WATTERS: The 911-call on NBC. They edit it to make him look racist. They don't even need to do that but they did it.

PERINO: And in both.

WATTERS: And in both cases, people's lives are at stake.

BECKEL: And, and...

PERINO: But it also... BECKEL: And it also turned out to be accurate on that, didn't they?

PERINO: No -- what?

WATTERS: It's what -- what did Bush really do that?

BECKEL: No, no, not Bush...

PERINO: Zimmerman.

BECKEL: Zimmerman.

WATTERS: What was he? Do you think he was a racist?

BECKEL: Absolutely.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, here we go again.

WATTERS: Well, lots too much of what he say.

PERINO: In the, in the case of Bush, not to mention to the other one.

BECKEL: I don't know much.

PERINO: It was Rob Bluey, who was a blogger at the time...


PERINO: Who noticed the fonts were different. I mean, it wasn't because some, you know, investigative journalists had a big publication like, Rolling Stone or New York Times figure it out.

WATTERS: A lot of conservative bloggers saw this, asked questions and now look at it.

PERINO: Well, they would be held to a different standard and a different category -- but it's basically just -- it's just basic journalism.

WATTERS: Right. And I don't think a lot of media is going to start sending reporters to Rolling Stone's editor, asking questions. I mean, if this was a conservative organization that did this, they be knocking down this guy's doors.

PERINO: And just to think that you know, earlier in a week...

BECKEL: Law (ph) and assaulted him.

PERINO: Earlier in the week they ended up again...

WATTERS: Whoever assaulted anybody?

PERINO: What? I have a really good point to make.

WATTERS: I'm sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Go ahead.

PERINO: But now, it's just too late. I'm going to move on, I tell you on commercial break.

Ahead, New York City's mayor may have questioned the racial bias of his own police force, but the commissioner of the NYPD wants the African-American community to know they have nothing to fear. And after, it's Facebook Friday, so if you have a question for us, posted it on our facebook.com/thefive FNC page. You could have it answered, back in a moment.


GUILFOYLE: It's been a rough couple of weeks for law enforcement in America after the grand jury's of against indicting two white officers in Ferguson and New York. Protesters nationwide have been voicing mistrust of police and their sentiments have been echoed by some of the leaders on the left, including the president.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The way we go about policing has to change. People need to know that black lives and brown lives matter as much as white lives.

ERIC HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES: All lives must be valued. All lives.

HILLARY CLINTON, UNITED STATES SENATOR: African-Americans, most particularly African-American men, are still more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes and sentenced to longer prison terms.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: There are still problems and communities of color aren't just making these problems up.

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUILFOYLE: The latest accusations against law enforcement follow the decision in the case of Eric Gardner in New York City. The commissioner of the NYPD is hoping now to reassure the African-American community, that they have nothing to fear.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does a black man in New York City have to fear from the NYPD?

BILL BRATTON, NYPD COMMISSIONER: Actually he doesn't have anything to fear from us, that's unfortunately, though --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People out there on the street don't think so.

BRATTON: Well, that's, that's correct.


GUILFOYLE: I think that's an overstatement to say the least. I don't think everybody on the street is worried and afraid of police officers, especially if you're not committing any crime.

BECKEL: Those are not -- they're not afraid...


BECKEL: Oh, I'm sorry. Eric, go ahead.

BOLLING: No, go ahead Bob.

GUILFOYLE: Go ahead Bob.

BOLLING: And I say go.

BECKEL: The (inaudible) right, so you go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: No, because I'm trying to give you every advantage by letting you hear...


GUILFOYLE: What he said and then you can respond.

BECKEL: I think these are two decidedly different cases. One was much clearer in Ferguson. In this case this cop is a murdering, disgusting thug...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BECKEL: Who should have been indicted and the job was instead now, I'm saying, that's do it. What can I say?

BOLLING: Can you just walk that back a little bit?

BECKEL: No. Not, not, even the slightest bit.

BOLLING: The murdering part, just say -- he was, maybe used excessive force, how about that?


BOLLING: All right. Look, here's the problem with the sound bite we put together.

GUILFOYLE: Well first of all wasn't it.

BOLLING: Bill de Blasio injecting race, saying that the reason why Eric Garner is dead, because of -- this is his word, this is his statement, "Centuries of racism." That's not why Eric Garner's dead. Eric Garner is dead because the cop may have used excessive force...

BECKEL: May he abused?

BOLLING: In my opinion I think he did, Bob. But the grand jury didn't think so. So yes, there's a question. So in other words, Bill de Blasio injecting race into something that no one has -- anyone involved including Eric Garner's daughter said, race had nothing to do with her father's death. De Blasio doing it is a greediest, it's awful, it's race-baiting, it's liberal, it's progressive, and it's B.S.

GUILDOYLE: And conduct unbecoming a mayor. When is he out, Dana?

PERINO: I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: Warn will hell, countdown clock.

PERINO: But 9 -- 99.999 percent of police encounters are not fatal. I mean, there are very few professions that could actually say that. I mean, the medical profession certainly couldn't. And I think that is what enforcement here. There are so many other things going on that are really good in the police force, this is a terrible example. I don't disagree that there are some sort of -- systemic problems perhaps, black people being pulled over more, or -- actually being sentenced longer. However, the grand jury results, that's not the police department's fault. The police -- once, once it goes to the grand jury, either if it's Ferguson or in Staten Island or whatever, the police have nothing more to do with it at that point. So, there taking a lot of the blame...


PERINO: For results that -- had nothing to do with them afterwards, OK? So that's what I think that we should just keep in mind that 99.999 percent of all encounters between police and people in New York and across the country are -- not only just nonfatal, but they're actually good at keeping the peace all across our great country.

GUILFOYLE: They do a very difficult job and they don't get -- you know, seems to be, just any -- you know, appreciation whatsoever. They put their lives on the line, Jesse.

WATTERS: Right. And police are in these neighborhoods because that's where a lot of crime is being committed. You know, police officers do arrest black people and a lot of the black people are committing crimes, especially violent crimes and felonies at a higher level of the percentage of the population than white people. That's why they're there, to protect other black people in those neighborhoods. Charles Barkley said that the best way. If they weren't there, you know, all hell would be breaking list. But I understand why a guy who is not a criminal and he's black is walking around and he gets hassle by the cops, he gets extra attention. I understand why he'll be a little bad of shape. But it doesn't mean a cop is racist. OK, the media, the people that inject the race in it, because what I think the media likes their relishness (ph) narrative of these racist white cops keeping the black man down.

GUILFOYLE: Well, and it wasn't it illegal stop, they had every right to go up to him, they have probable cause to believe that a crime was being committed, and Eric Garner was the one who is committed it, so they have the right to go up and have that conversation.


BECKEL: And that...

GUILFOYLE: He doesn't have a right to resist arrest, even if he thinks the nature of the arrest shouldn't be happening, there's an avenue and the means to be able the procedure to followed to be able to do that, versus resisting, fighting and also someone Bob, that had a pre-existing medical condition that exacerbated and contributed to his death, because it wasn't an intentional killing. You know you want to call it murderer.

BECKEL: The -- I don't -- wait a second, wait a second, I'd never said this guy was racist, I don't believe that he was, to other cases he was.

GUILFOYLE: I just said, murderer.

BECKEL: De Blasio made a mistake by saying that.

GUILFOYLE: I just said murderer.

BECKEL: But he -- he is a murderer. Because the fact is the rules of the engagement say, you're not supposed to choke somebody. You had five cops out there for a single cigarette. Now, I mean, come on, give me a break.

PERINO: On that point... WATTERS: You know what though? I don't want to try this on TV, they should have just tased him. If they had a taser it would have been better if they had just tased him.


GUILFOYLE: But he might have had a heart attack too.

WATTERS: And he could have died from that too.

GUILFOYLE: And he had a heart attack, cardiac arrest.

WATTERS: So what are you going to supposed to do? They didn't go after him...


WATTERS: Because he was Asian. If he was Asian, you know you think they would have taken it easier? It doesn't have anything to do with the situation.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah.

BOLLING: Wouldn't do cops treat a guy who is selling a cigarette differently than a guy who just shot another cop and then they went going after arrest? Because it's certainly laws like treated him like he just shot a cop or killed somebody -- it seemed very aggressive with this.

GUILFOYLE: Well -- you can say that. But I mean, I don't think in the beginning with, they're talking to him, then he starts to resist, he's a big guy, they do have a right and ability to be able to protect themselves.

BOLLING: Yeah, they take this down he...

GUILFOYLE: One guy couldn't take him down, no, no shot.


GUILFOYLE: What you're saying is the reaction is disproportionate to the nature of the crime. But nevertheless, they had the right to do what they were doing. Where it became an issue of police issue is because they outlawed that form of chokehold.

BECKEL: These five cops, do you think there are really crimes that could have been working on?

GUILFOYLE: You know what Bob?

PERINO: OK, look...

GUILFOYLE: This is the type of like nonsense...

PERINO: If you don't like it Bob, then I -- this is what I suggest...

WATTERS: I think it's your team that passed that long ago.


PERINO: OK. The city council passed a law saying that it is illegal to sell loose cigarettes, OK? So, store owners have the right to believe that the law is going to be enforced. If somebody is selling a product that you have in your store and there's someone in street and that is illegal. Do you have a right to call the cops? You absolutely do. If the city council thinks that it is not worth it to have to the police to respond to request from citizens about laws that are being broken, out-front of their stores that they own and operate under their own expense and risk, then they should change that law. But you can't ask a cop to say, OK, well, were going to pass these laws so we can placate the store owners, but we really don't want you to enforce them, or if we sent you there and the big guy says, no, he's not coming with you, what are they supposed to do? Walked away and then let him go?

BECKEL: They've got, they've got a right to -- absolutely, got the right to say this guy is breaking the law and it's hurting my business. The cops have the right to arrest him they don't have the right to do it, the gang crowd like that is choking.

GUILFOYLE: It wasn't a gang crowd. It's an all...

BECKEL: What would five guys around Him?

GUILFOYLE: Enough Bob, you just inflame the situation...

BECKEL: I inflame the situation, yeah, OK.

GUILFOYLE: You engage in this and you're hysterical about it. The point is, they were doing their jobs, they weren't breaking the law, Eric Gardner was, OK? That's the bottom line, if you want to address the legislation...

BECKEL: The cops were respecting (ph) the rules.

GUILFOYLE: That we should have this strike force. OK. That was matter of police procedure that he violated...

BECKEL I was supposed to defends --

GUILFOYLE: If there's a non-going hearing around that.

BECKEL: You're the police advocate here.

GUILFOYLE: Honest (ph)

BECKEL: (inaudible)


BECKEL: You incites to riot, you do.


BECKEL: She does. She incites to riot, right to be (ph)


GUILFOYLE: Still to come, Facebook Friday, and up next, the Grammy nominations are in. Did your favorite artist get a nod?


GUILFOYLE: Did ours?


GUILFOYLE: Find out ahead in the Fastest 7.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for -- all right, this is going to be one of our best Fastest 7 minutes on television. Ever three awesome stories, seven expeditious minutes, one exuberant host. First up, so last night during a break in the bears-cowboys game, I switched over to NBC to see what the big Peter Pan live thing was all about. After all, they had been hyping it for weeks. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe what they were airing. It looked like a bad high school musical. Think I'm kidding? Behold NBC primetime.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How can I hide it when deep down inside (inaudible) That I got to let go, and grow.


GUILFOYLE: Have fun.

BOLLING: Three hours of that.

(CROSSTALK) GUILFOYLE: I mean honestly.

BECKEL: Imagine.

GUILFOYLE: Like my kindergarten recital was better than that. I'm so sorry, I know there work very hard and I love Peter Pan but, whoa.

BECKEL: That was (inaudible) daughter?

WATTERS: Yeah. That's Brian (ph) daughter.

BECKEL: I'm sure what the news is.

BOLLING: Listen, she was very talented. But the production.

GUILFOYLE: Her singing was good.

BOLLING: Were you watching? Did you see?

WATTERS: I caught some of it, and it was weird seeing Williams in -- looking like a boy. I mean, that was awkward for me. I didn't like it.

And Christopher Walken -- Christopher Walken, he was so stiff during the sword fight scene.

BOLLING: At one point he was supposed to be...

WATTERS: He looked like he was going to keel over.

BOLLING: It was supposed to be lip synching. He stopped singing. His voice is going, but he stopped singing.

PERINO: I am going to defend them. This is a live performance. I think this is...

GUILFOYLE: Like Mariah Carey.

WATTERS: All live performances.

PERINO: Like this one.

I wish that more media companies would do things like this, to bring life performances to the stage. Sometimes it doesn't work. If you go to Broadway, you go, "Oh, that show wasn't very good." But you didn't have to pay $200. People could have seen this last night, people all across America who don't get a chance to see live television. I don't fault them for doing it. It still got 9 million viewers.

I do think there is one problem. Last year in "The Sound of Music," they had Carrie Underwood. And she is America's sweetheart. Everyone knows Carrie Underwood and listens to her, knows her as a singer. So that's the reason why I think ratings were better last night.

BOLLING: We've got to go; we've got to go. Next up, the 2015 Grammy nominees were announced today. Some obvious names on the list -- Taylor Swift; my personal favorite, Sam Smith; Iggy Azalea; Meghan Trainor, who's all about that bass. But surprisingly, one of the best rock songs, in my opinion, got snubbed, "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy.




GUILFOYLE: Wow. That song's terrible. No wonder.

I don't like it. I don't like that song at all.

BOLLING: What is -- which one is your favorite on the list?

GUILFOYLE: I love Iggy Azalea. That's something you can bump to.

BOLLING: All right, Bobby.

GUILFOYLE: He's got to...


BECKEL: First of all, I just want to lodge a complaint. Kimberly called me Neanderthal in the break, and I found that very resentful. And...

GUILFOYLE: Get a lawyer.

BECKEL: I will get a lawyer.


BECKEL: Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah. Anyway, the only two people I recognized on the entire list was, well, Lady Zaga [SIC], whatever her name is, because I met her in the green room at "FOX and Friends" and said, "What do you do for a living?" And the other one was Tony Bennett, yes.

BOLLING: And they were nominated for a duet album.

BECKEL: Yes. And the rest of these people I've never heard of. Could be that one you like.

BOLLING: It was awesome. Dana.

PERINO: Since last April, I have been telling everybody to download the Dierks Bentley album.

GUILFOYLE: Every day.

PERINO: Because it is fabulous. And it is nominated for Best Country Music Album. So you heard it here first.

GUILFOYLE: You know you have a relationship with him, right? I have seen it.

BECKEL: Between her and her dog, it's unbelievable.

BOLLING: Can I get Jesse in here?

WATTERS: OK. So John Legend was nominated for...


WATTERS: ... "All of Me," Best Solo Pop Artist. Every one at home...


BOLLING: Go in your pocket, get your man card out and put it on the table.

GUILFOYLE: I've got to tell you something.

BOLLING: ... Fall Out Boy gets snubbed, and you say John Legend, "All of Me"?

WATTERS: I don't think it was snubbed. I think there was a good reason that didn't make the cut.

GUILFOYLE: I think your man card is permanently revoked.

BOLLING: Yes. Let me rip that thing up.

Finally, this could be -- pay attention. This could be the best "Fastest Seven" segment ever, thanks to President Obama. Check out. He showed off his dance moves last night during the lighting of the national Christmas tree in D.C. Bob, watch. I think you and he have some things in common.

BECKEL: Yes, we can both dance.

WATTERS: Does Bob Dance?

BOLLING: He does the same -- he's got that same facial expression.

GUILFOYLE: He's dancing like his pants are falling off.

BECKEL: That's only in your apartment.

GUILFOYLE: You've never been in my apartment. What a dreamer. What a dreamer.

BECKEL: I'll give you...

GUILFOYLE: My building knows not to let you know anywhere near the premises.

BECKEL: Well, you're not -- they're not going to be there after I get you arrested for harassment.

BOLLING: K.G., you want to weigh in on the presidential dance moves?

GUILFOYLE: He's a better dancer and a singer than he is a president.

BOLLING: Very good. Jess.

WATTERS: I had so many things prepared for this, but I was censured. I'm not allowed to talk about the president's dancing.

I will just say Bush was a better dancer. Did you ever see the tribal moves with the drums?

PERINO: I was there.

I would say that President Bush was a more enthusiastic dancer.

WATTERS: That was not dancing. I think Dana was offended by that.

PERINO: I really liked it when President Obama had the thumbs up. Because this is kind of an interesting signature move.


GUILFOYLE: Do you know who else dances like that?


BECKEL: Al Gore. He went into a black church to do "We Shall Overcome." And everyone was going this way; he was going that way.

GUILFOYLE: Kind of like climate change.

BOLLING: We got to go.

BECKEL: ... sit next to you.

BOLLING: Don't go away. You two -- you two -- yes, what's going on?

GUILFOYLE: I got to get my Taser out.

BOLLING: All right. Don't go away. My "Fool of the Week" is ahead, but "Facebook Friday" is up next.


WATTERS: It's time now for "Facebook Friday." We answer some of the questions you sent in for us. Let's get started.

PERINO: Wow, they really gave you a tough segment today.

WATTERS: For Dana from Nancy H., "Does Jasper get his own stocking and Christmas gifts?"


PERINO: Not from me. But my mom and my sister are coming up.

WATTERS: Really? You hang a stocking on the mantle?

PERINO: No. No, I don't do stockings.

WATTERS: OK. OK, just checking. All right, Eric...

BOLLING: Our dog gets a stocking.

WATTERS: Really?

BECKEL: Let's skip by the dogs, right?

WATTERS: All right. Eric, from Noah B.: "What is your opinion on acquiring college debt from a prestigious school like Harvard? Is the six figures of debt actually worth the potential payoff?"

BOLLING: You know, I really do think that, like, one of the Ivy League schools, it's amazing the amount of starting -- increase in starting salaries just by graduating from one of those schools.

PERINO: And the contacts.

BOLLING: And the contacts. Dana's 1000 percent right. For the rest of your life, you have Harvard contacts. And you can -- who knows?

WATTERS: What if you can't get into Harvard?

BOLLING: You might even be able to meet the president someday at one of the fundraisers.

WATTERS: All right. Bob -- this is for Bob. Dennis W.: "What happened to the October surprise?"


WATTERS: I really want to know that.

GUILFOYLE: Mother of big Beckel lies.

BECKEL: Let me explain something to you, Dennis. It was there, but if something happened along the way, but it's going to come back.

WATTERS: Come on, answer the question. Was there an October surprise?

BECKEL: There was an October surprise.

GUILFOYLE: You made it up.

BECKEL: How do you know what I made up?

GUILFOYLE: You make everything up.

BECKEL: I do not make everything up. You know, you're a sexual harasser is what you are.


GUILFOYLE: Yes, that's what this is. Yes.

WATTERS: You're so lucky. So Kimberly from Greg L.: "You have this talent for making a point very clearly. Have you ever considered entering the political arena?"

GUILFOYLE: What a good question.

WATTERS: Governor Guilfoyle.

GUILFOYLE: Now that I have sharpened my skills on Mr. Beckel...

BECKEL: There's a seat in California. Go ahead. Go out there and move out there and do it.

GUILFOYLE: Run against one of my ex-husbands.

BECKEL: Your ex-husbands. Five of them have political contacts don't they.

GUILFOYLE: I have, too, and only one does. Thank you very much.

But I think it's a great way to serve. I loved being a prosecutor, but if I worked for the state and was able to get back to the community, protect the community from criminals, and put people away for a very long time that did horrible things to children and to families.

So that was important to me. And I think you know something? I wouldn't rule it out in the future.

PERINO: Whoa. Whoa.

WATTERS: You heard it here first. As long as you announce on "The Five."

All right. This is for me from Steve L.: "Jesse, how do you keep a straight face when you do 'Watters World.'?"

So we have two cameras on the set usually, so I'm usually laughing the whole time. But when we edit it, we make it looks like I'm keeping a straight face.

PERINO: The pilgrims one was fantastic.

WATTERS: Thank you very much. Thanks for watching.

This one's for you, Dana, from Matt T.: "Dana, if you had the executive order pen for one hour, what would you write into law and why?"

PERINO: Would it be an executive order that was legal? That would be the first question that I might asked, because I'd want it to stick. So it's like kind of a magic wand.

I think if I was being serious, I would do something on tax reform. By I don't think it would hold up because tax bills originate in the House.

WATTERS: Just slash my taxes. I could live with that.

PERINO: So you know, April 9. You could declare April 9 Natural Jasper Day.


PERINO: His birthday.

WATTERS: Let's move on to Eric. From John C., Eric, all right, "Who do you think will make it to the NFL playoffs this year?" I mean, Jesus, a long list of teams.

BOLLING: Yes, the NFL playoffs?

WATTERS: I mean, that's a lot of people, but who do you like in the Super Bowl?

BOLLING: Green Bay beating the Pats game tells you Green Bay is playing amazing football right now.

GUILFOYLE: Greta's loving it.

BOLLING: And in the AFC, I don't know. You can't rule out Peyton Manning in Denver. I would love to see that, Green Bay-Denver.

PERINO: He really deserves a do-over after that.

WATTERS: All right. Bob, from Peggy W.: "Bob, just wondering if you have a favorite Christmas song."

BECKEL: Yes. As a matter of fact, it's "White Christmas."

WATTERS: "White Christmas"? Of course it's "White Christmas."

BECKEL: It is, you know. Why? Because it's just -- it's pure. It's like me. I mean, it's like -- it's like the driven snow. I love it. I think it's great. I love Christmas, and I don't like any of this new pop crap they put up, because old Christmas songs is the way to go.

WATTERS: OK. The older the better for you. Got it.

BECKEL: The older the better.

WATTERS: All right. Kimberly from Laura D.: "Do you think it's more difficult for an attractive woman to be taken seriously even when they have the credentials?"

BECKEL: Yes, good question.

GUILFOYLE: To all women out there, I think what's important -- Dana would agree with me. Get a great education; try to avail yourself with a great internship; meet with people that are doing professions that you enjoy; and see what you can do to shadow them for the day. Minute mentoring, as well, like you do. And then you're really going to find your bliss, something you feel passionate about.

That's what you should always focus on, that you're well-prepared, well- educated and that you work hard. People are always going to respect that.

BECKEL: And marry a rich guy.

PERINO: Whoa, Bob!

WATTERS: OK, that's a shot across the bow.

All right. This is for me, last question from Melanie H.: "Jesse, did you or do you have a mentor?"

Melanie, I do not have a mentor. I'm doing this all by myself.

BECKEL: Which is clear.

PERINO: He's going to be so upset.

WATTERS: I need a mentor. Would anybody like to mentor me?

PERINO: Are you kidding me, that you don't think this is obvious?

WATTERS: Just kidding.

PERINO: Bill O'Reilly.

WATTERS: Bill, you're my mentor. Thank you for all you've done.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Do you hear this?

BECKEL: Really?

GUILFOYLE: Bill O'Reilly.

PERINO: Did you write that question for yourself.

WATTERS: That was for me. That's right. All right.

Next, are robots on the verge of replacing humans? A warning from one of the world's most well-known scientists next.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God, I hope so.


BECKEL: He told us he'd be back in "Terminator." Arnold Schwarzenegger has kept his word.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If we die tonight, mankind dies with us.

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, ACTOR: I've been waiting for you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We can stop judgment day from happening.


BECKEL: That -- oh, never mind. In the new upcoming sequel, the Terminator is sent from the future to warn about the impending robot apocalypse, and fiction might not be a stretch -- far stretch from reality, with famed scientist Stephen Hawking -- I had a question about him -- now warning of developments in artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.

BOLLING: That's amazing.

BECKEL: It's happened. He was right, the guy predicted. All right, thanks, Stephen, very good, man. I hope you join us...

GUILFOYLE: Bob, who are you talking with?

BECKEL: Where is he? I thought we were on the Skype (ph) with the guy. Oh, we don't? OK.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, you're supposed to ask a question, take it around the table. Be a little professional.

BECKEL: Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question.

GUILFOYLE: Prepare for the segment. I don't know.

BECKEL: Somebody could take you -- take you over as a robot?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. Could you make a robot this awesome?

BECKEL: I don't know if they have enough material in the robot department.

WATTERS: I was talking to him about it in the break. He goes, "Kimberly, I want to replace you as a robot. It would have nice long legs and no mouth. It wouldn't talk."

BECKEL: That's exactly right. No, seriously, he says he's got some -- he's done the voice stuff. Now he's got some machine that follows his brain. How is that possible?

WATTERS: I mean, I don't even know.

PERINO: He's a genius.

BECKEL: Yes, but if he's a genius, he makes a computer that's smarter than he is.

PERINO: But he has ALS, I believe.

BECKEL: Yes. That's right.

PERINO: That's the disease that he has. And he's just somebody who has an amazing capacity to think ahead scientifically, and he doesn't get so bogged down and worried about who won the Grammys. He's a lot smarter than us.

BECKEL: Well, the question is, do you think it's possible -- now somebody, on a serious note, there was some arguments about computers taking control of systems, because there's so much stuff that's -- particularly in the financial world. Do you believe that they could get out of control that way?


BECKEL: You don't? Are you worried about computers coming over? You don't?

BOLLING: No, you know what I'm worried about?


BOLLING: Another Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. I've had it with those.

BECKEL: You're right about that.

GUILFOYLE: I've not had it.

BOLLING: You haven't?

GUILFOYLE: I love it.

BOLLING: K.G., they were great 20, 30 years ago.

GUILFOYLE: They're great now.

BECKEL: Have you seen one scene with Arnold Schwarzenegger that has his lighting up? There's a reason for that.


BECKEL: Lighting. They don't light him up, because he looks old.

GUILFOYLE: Have you seen -- all these Terminator movies are like that, bob.

BECKEL: They are? I've never seen one of them.

GUILFOYLE: That's just how it's artistically produced.

BECKEL: You know, if you -- the...

GUILFOYLE: I love Arnold.

BECKEL: I'd terminate you, but it's OK.

Hey, by the way, look at the -- you can't replace those legs with a robot. You're right. You could replace her mouth with a lot of things.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know what to say.

BECKEL: Jesse, seriously.

WATTERS: Serious question.

BECKEL: You're a man who's a computer genius.


PERINO: Not quite.

BECKEL: Do you think computers could take over for human intelligence?

GUILFOYLE: That's a different guy, Bob.

WATTERS: I mean, some things. Maybe do our housework, you know. Like a little C3PO running around? A little R2-D2 helping out around the house. Sure, I'd love that. I think it would be great. I don't know if it's going to happen in my lifetime. I'll probably be dead, so I don't care.

BECKEL: Why do you have to stop at your housework?

All right. "One More Thing" with Kimberly is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." I'm going to start with Eric.

BOLLING: All right. So it's Friday, so it's time for...



GRAPHIC: Fool of the Week


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

BOLLING: Remember, we told you Mariah Carey blew off rehearsals for the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree show on Wednesday night? Well, look at what we found that's been posted, and check out this. This is a voice only track without background help. Listen to this.




BECKEL: This broad sold a couple million copies.

BOLLING: So superstar diva, I get it, but "Fool of the Week" for not showing up for rehearsals and not getting that one right, Mariah Carey.


GUILFOYLE: And can you stop saying "broad" all the time?

BECKEL: Why? It's a perfectly good word.

PERINO: You get to go next, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you so much. OK. So speaking of...

BECKEL: Right. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: Speaking of cute and subways...

BECKEL: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: Not you. Dana takes the subway. This is the cutest little girl you've ever seen. She started a little dance party on the New York City subway. Take a look.

PERINO: Look at how cute she is.

GUILFOYLE: Grateful Dead and she's jamming there.

PERINO: Wow. I am not for music on the subway.

GUILFOYLE: Looks like a mini Dana.

PERINO: Yes, but I don't like music on the subway. The other night when I was down there, the guy that was playing the bagpipe. That was a lot to take. But she is cute.

GUILFOYLE: She's super cute. I love it.

PERINO: Bob, you're next.

BECKEL: Well, I sort of changed my "One More Thing" here.

PERINO: Uh-oh.

BECKEL: Because Jesse had -- huh? Oh, you want to toss? This is Jesse's choice for the Grammy Awards from -- what's his name again? John London? John Legend.

WATTERS: Wow. That's your "One More Thing"?

BECKEL: Shhh. Listen.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.




WATTERS: I think that's a very touching song. Really.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my god.

BECKEL: Can I borrow your handkerchief?

WATTERS: No, you can't. I'm going to wave the white flag of surrender in here.

BOLLING: Can I just have -- because I'm...

WATTERS: Are you tearing up?

BECKEL: You ought to be singing with Mariah Carey is what you ought to do.

GUILFOYLE: And then he drags me into it.

PERINO: All right. Just for that...

BECKEL: Jesse, could you really pick that?

WATTERS: You know, beyond this rough exterior is a man inside who's very sensitive, Bob.


GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

WATTERS: Don't judge a book by its cover.

BECKEL: The feminine side of you is coming out. And nobody did it.

GUILFOYLE: I always suspected, with the popped collar.

WATTERS: All right. Listen, don't judge me.

PERINO: You get to go next. Save yourself.

WATTERS: "Watters World" has created a monster here, smash success all over the country. Now people are starting to copy it. This guy, Daniel Hughes from World Star, check out what he did.

PERINO: What's that?


DANIEL HUGHES, WORLD STAR: What state did the Boston Tea Party take place?




GRAPHIC: Massachusetts






HUGHES: Which state did the Boston Tea Party take place?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Check this out, check this out.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You are so dumb. You are really dumb, for real.


WATTERS: So that just goes to show you these people are actually that clueless. It's not me who's making it happen. They're really out there.

PERINO: Imitation is, you know, a form of flattery.

WATTERS: Thank you very much.

BECKEL: They've been doing that for 200 years, what you just did.

WATTERS: I know. I shouldn't take credit for it.

BECKEL: Right.

PERINO: I'm going to go last.

GUILFOYLE: But you did.

PERINO: And you know one of my favorite things is to give everyone a reading assignment...


PERINO: ... for the weekend ready, OK. So today I want everybody this weekend to read Charles Krauthammer's column for this morning, and it's called "The Real Fight is Among the Democrats." We haven't done a lot of politics this week because of all the news.

Let me read you the key paragraph. "While Republicans are debating the tactics of stopping presidential lawlessness and inherently difficult congressional undertaking, particularly if you only control a single house, Democrats are trying to figure out what they believe and whom they represent. Which do you think is the more serious problem?"

Charles answers it in this piece.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

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