
This is a rush transcript from "Your World," July 14, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

STUART VARNEY, GUEST HOST: The president wants a $3.7 billion -- he wants $3.7 billion to fix the problem. But would it be cheaper to fly all of these illegal immigrants back to Central America?

Wisconsin Republican Congressman Sean Duffy, he is co-sponsoring legislation that would speed up the process.

Congressman, clearly, it would be cheaper to fly them back. Got that. But can you do it? Can you fly them back immediately when we, in America, are giving them all lawyers so they can stay here?

REP. SEAN DUFFY, R-WIS.: Well, that's right, Stuart.

Right now, the way the president is implementing the law, these children who have come to our border are going to be here, if not for two years, three or four years, before they are going to be processed.

And we don't think many will be processed. They will be given amnesty. So, we want to do is change the law and allow our government to quickly process these kids and send them back to their home countries, back to be home with their parents.

And, Stuart, this does something else. The president has sent the message to all these Central American companies that if you send your child on this horrendous journey, where they might be raped, abused, murdered, or maimed, they will get amnesty.

If the president would just say, hey, listen, if you send them to the American border, we are going to send them home, and then if we actually process the kids quickly and send them back to their home country, that sends a message to these parents and the next wave of kids, don't send them. Don't endanger them. It's the right, American thing to do.

VARNEY: Do you think it would -- I hate to say this -- but look bad if you're putting young children forcibly on to a plane to take them back to Central America?


VARNEY: I can see -- well, I can see how Democrats and Hispanics would say, wait a minute. Look what you're doing. You're being harsh to children. Those Republicans, they don't like Hispanics. They're behind harsh to kids. They would say that.

DUFFY: Not true.

First of all, we care about this dangerous journey the kids are going on coming up from Central America, the horrific stories that we hear. I was a -- I was a former prosecutor, Stuart. The most horrific cases you will try are child sexual assault cases. That we have a policy where kids are being raped on this journey is deplorable, but not only that. We believe that should have children with parents. And if we reunify these kids with their parents, that's the right policy, instead of distributing -- distributing the children throughout the American countryside with people they don't know. That's not -- that's not humane. That's not right.

VARNEY: Do you think there's a bipartisan feeling coming about that this is wrong, there's got to be something done about this, that we cannot have this border influx continuing?


Listen, I think most Republicans agree that we have to send some money down there to help the kids who they have scabies and other diseases. We got to help get them well. But I think most Republicans think we should send them back to their parents.

And a lot of Democrats, they're divided. Some agree with us that this is not the right policy. But others -- you aired some of those -- those interviews -- think that we should have an open border and allow these kids to continue to flow into our country, contrary to our immigration laws, which -- this is a Democrat issue -- but we probably have half the Democrats on with us.

VARNEY: Congressman Sean Duffy, Republican Wisconsin, thanks for joining us, sir. Appreciate it.

DUFFY: Thank you, Stuart.

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