
By Bill O'Reilly

A new poll from CBS News says 53 percent of American adults believe President Obama has strong qualities of leadership; 45 percent say he does not. That's actually up three points from last November's poll.

But how can that be possible with all the problems in Obamacare and the dire situation overseas? Once again today the President got nowhere with our European allies who are reluctant to punish Putin for seizing the Crimea. Nevertheless Mr. Obama put a happy face on him.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I want to commend the EU for the important steps taken already to make sure Russia feels the cost of its behavior in Ukraine by implementing visa bans and freezing assets and designating individuals for sanctions as well as canceling a number of engagements with Russia.


O'REILLY: "Talking Points" wants to be clear there is no reputable foreign affairs expert who says America and Europe are being tough on Putin. No one with any credibility is saying that.

So why do most American adults according to CBS think the President's leadership is strong? The answer is twofold. First the poll was taken among adults, not registered voters, not likely voters, just folks. And the harsh truth is that many of us are blatantly ignorant and lazy. We simply will not pay attention to the world around us. We get our information from other people who may be as dumb as we are. I'm sorry to be so blunt. But that's the truth. Apathy in America is through the roof.

Second: ideologues. As Arianna Huffington admitted here last night we'll never turn against their guy. It's the same on the left or the right. President Obama can count on core support from very liberal people who put theory above reality.

After more than five years in office the facts are these: the American economy is still very troubled; the affordable healthcare law a mess; poverty on the rise; income for working Americans is falling; and overseas America has lost credibility almost everywhere. In the face of those facts, 53 percent of Americans still believe that Barack Obama is displaying strong leadership? It's almost unbelievable.

And that's "The Memo."