
With the resignation of Speaker of the House John Boehner, the Grand Old Party again finds itself under scrutiny. Many conservatives in the House wanted Boehner out of there believing he was a wimp. Too much of an establishment guy.

Talking Points believes Mr. Boehner represented the old guard, was not a reformer, and pretty much stayed inside the house. He never appeared with me on The Factor despite numerous invitations.

In a calmer time a politician like John Boehner would have been acceptable to the Republican base but this is not a calm time. Traditional Americans are watching America evaporate before their eyes. The economy is terrible. Now Wall Street is falling apart. And median income for working Americans has fallen on President Obama's watch.

Overseas, what can you say, except American foreign policy is a debacle on most every front. Of course the Democratic Party denies all and that alone should hurt them in the upcoming presidential election.

Now, all the chaos is the reason Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading in the Republican polling. They correctly identify the failures of the left and President Obama. And both men are promising to clean house.

What angered some conservatives is that John Boehner never really showed much emotion about policy. He saved that for the Pope's appearance and talking about his own upbringing. Then the emotion flowed.

But where was your outrage, Mr. Speaker when 177 Democrats in the house basically voted for infanticide last week? Where was the outrage. Mr. Boehner rarely brought indignity to the table. He didn't seem all that bothered about the direction of the country. And that bothered many conservatives who felt Boehner was ineffective, a wobbly leader.

Again, it is the job of the Republican leadership to persuade the majority of Americans to do the right thing. Sometimes that means pounding the table and, perhaps, imitating Trump who has mastered the art of the outrage.

And that's “The Memo”.