This is a rush transcript from “Hannity" September 17, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HANNITY: We start tonight, FOX News alert, we are awaiting President Trump's

remarks. As you just saw on Tucker's show, Air Force One pulling up in

Central Wisconsin. We'll take you there live as he steps to the podium.

Massive crowd showing up days even and hours in advance to see the

president who is expected to speak at any moment.

Now, "Hannity" 2020 election correspondent, our investigative reporter,

Lawrence Jones, is on site. He will join us with a full report moments


Also tonight, we have a special "Hannity" investigation into what is

rampant fraud surrounding mail-in ballots, of course, ignored by the media


And, first, we turn to the Harris-Biden campaign as the ever weak, frail,

forgetful Joe calls it.

Now, today, while Biden spent most of the day at his basement bunker,

preparing for his big drive up town hall where he's not asked a single

tough question, his running mate actually hit the road.

At a round table, Senator Harris just burst out laughing when discussing

children returning to school. I don't know why this is funny. Maybe you can

figure it out. Take a look.



dilemmas for any of us as a parent is what to do about our kids in school,

K through 12, college, all of that. And we all want them to go back to



Right? But safely.


HANNITY: Who's going to play her on "Saturday Night Live". I guess Jim

Carrey is playing Biden.

I don't know what's so funny, kids returning to school to get an education

that they can't get in most big cities run by liberal Democrats for

decades, allowing parents to get back to work. I don't see the funniness


Maybe you just don't understand what it's like to be on lockdown under one

roof with kids unable to go to school and parents unable to go to work and

Democrats withholding funding and playing politics with relief money.

And maybe you can relate. Maybe you're just a fake, out of touch, far-left,

swamp politician who will do and say anything for power.

After all, while Senator Harris supported restrictive lockdowns for most

Americans, we the people, she simultaneously applauded the writing across

the country and the defunding of the LAPD. Great move, Mayor Garcetti, $150

million there.

Yeah, we just had an attempted assassination of two police officers out in

Los Angeles, in Compton. In fact, she even promoted that bail fund used to

get rioters out of jail, no one's asked her that question. That's the very

same fun that Kamala Harris promoted, bailed out a woman accused of

shooting at police, an alleged murderer, a twice convicted rapist and a 36-

year-old man accused of raping an eight-year-old little girl. That is the

bail fund that Kamala Harris openly supported and promoted. Nobody in the

mob has bothered to ask yet. That's the fund the Biden campaign staffers

personally donated to.

Pretty sickening, but will anyone in the mo and the media, state-run TV,

will they ever ask Joe or Kamala a single question about any of these

things? It didn't come up once tonight.

That from the time President Trump put the travel ban in effect and first

quarantine in years, not once, not a single time did they ever ask, why

were you calling it xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fearmongering

through the almost the end of March? Why were you hiding in your basement?

What did you do, Joe? How is it that um you don't know vaccines on the


Anyway, on Tuesday, Joe got off his private jet in Florida answered as

usual zero questions appeared to wave at a crowd. There's nobody there.

It's like a cornfield or something. I don't -- wave into a field, hi,

field, hello, it's Joe.

Today, Joe Biden holding this virtual event from the comfort of his own

home where as per usual, Joe Biden became incredibly confused. Take a look.


JILL BIDEN, WIFE OF JOE BIDEN: And so, Joe, hi, this is about the only few

minutes I'll see you today.


So, would you like to say a couple words?

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Am I supposed to speak now or as

Karen's supposed to speak? I don't know, I don't want to get in trouble


Well, it's me, OK. Well, Jill, it's great to see you at a distance.


BIDEN: Move up, please.

Oh, Joe Biden wants to be the president of the United States, the hardest

job in the world can't even get through a zoom call from his sofa in his

own basement bunker without looking like a total moron.

And Joe Biden again tonight listed everything he would do if he was elected

president, everything that he'd do on COVID-19. The only problem is, every

single thing he listed Donald Trump did a long time ago.

And, by the way, look at this headline in today's "USA Today", Pfizer

reports potential of COVID candidate vaccine after expanding the final

stage-three trial to 44,000 people. By the way, these final stage human

trials started in July.

Guess what? We're now seeing significant results. What they're learning and

telling us, the vaccine's optimal dose has been discovered to create

antibodies and that meaning they're fully successfully formed with no

deaths and minimal side effects, like maybe a headache or minor muscle

pain. By the way, read your Tylenol bottle about the risk there.

Joe Biden has been hiding in his basement during the COVID, sleep, more

concerned about how China would view the United States for putting the

travel ban in place and the first quarantine in 50 years. Why didn't he

make those decisions?

And, by the way, I'd like to ask at his town hall tonight -- Anderson

Cooper, you like to claim you're a super journalist, right? You do the job.

You're fair and balanced.

He said that the ban was hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering from the

time we implemented it to the end of March. Why didn't you ask him why he

said that? Because that one decision saved hundreds of thousands of

Americans from contracting the virus and likely dying. You might want to

have asked him those questions.

And meanwhile, President Trump holding a massive rally as we just told you

-- there's Air Force One, it just landed in Wisconsin tonight. Supporters,

they've been at the venue all day, just having to get a chance to hear the

president speak.

"Hannity" 2020 election correspondent, investigative reporter Lawrence

Jones on the ground tonight, he has a full report.

LJ, sir, you know, you get all the hard assignments. I give you all the

hard assignments. That's not fair. You get to hang out, be with people.

LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I'm glad you're acknowledging it now,



HANNITY: What's going on on the ground?

JONES: Good evening, Sean.

This is the president's second visit to the state of Wisconsin in the past

month. Now, as you know, Sean, the president won this state by less than a

percentage point four years ago and it's no doubt going to be a showdown in


Now, I had an opportunity to talk with his supporters on the ground. They

say the issues that matter to them the most is the economy, as well as

their safety.

Take a look.


JONES: Darling, why are you supporting the president?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why am I supporting the president?

JONES: Uh-huh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because he does what he says he's going to do because

he has integrity because he is doing the things that needs to be done.

JONES: When it comes to this state Wisconsin, it's going to be a tough

state. Do you think the president is going to be able to pull it off?

Because the swing say it goes back and forth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's going to be unprecedented numbers,

absolutely, in Donald Trump's favor, no question.

JONES: You think he prevails at the end of the day?


JONES: What issue matters to you most in this election?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The riots in the city. I'm afraid that the next place

they're going to be going is going to be to my hometown.

JONES: And if Joe Biden is elected, what goes on?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're going to get shipped over to China.

JONES: Does that scare you?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, it does, very much so.

JONES: And if Joe Biden is elected, what would happen?

So, will be a third world country in less than ten to five years.


JONES: Sean, as you know, the riots in Kenosha had a big impact on voters

here. Some reports saying, some infighting going down on the ground because

of the Governor Evers, I'm sorry. This response to that, a lot of insiders

are saying that that is going to affect this election.

Also, Sean, a major announcement that's supposed to come from the president

today. He's supposed to announce $13 billion in aid for farmers in the

state of Wisconsin.

Back to you in New York.

HANNITY: All right. Lawrence Jones, great work as always. Thank you.

Here with reaction, FOX News contributor Ari Fleischer, Karl Rove, the


Let's start -- let's start -- I watched the town hall, frail digressing,

confused, expressing outrage, Karl, on COVID, but not once asked about the

the two plus months of hysterical xenophobia and fear-mongering comments

that he adhered to, while the president -- well, you know, he talked about

downplaying in terms of his actions was taking it more seriously ten days

after the first identified case, obviously than Joe was about caring more

about China's feelings.

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah, and look, we know what Biden was

thinking by listening to his advisors. Zeke Emanuel goes on the day that

the first American dies of COVID and says, don't bother, getting a mask,

they're not going to do any good.

Ron Klain, who is his chief advisor on the issue, said, we don't have a

health pandemic, we have a fear pandemic. We had all the -- whether it was

the China ban or the European travel ban, we had top advisors to Biden

saying this is unnecessary. This is -- this is ridiculous, shouldn't be

doing it.

And downplaying it -- talk about downplaying it, Irwin Redlener, one of the

key advisors to Biden on this, is saying, well, the idea that this could

somehow turn into a pandemic, very unlikely, the fact that it could be

easily transmittable really not -- really not serious.

So we know what Biden was thinking about all this, and for him to now look

back and say, well, I was the guy who was tough on it and Trump screwed it

all up is just ridiculous.

HANNITY: All right. Ari Fleischer, we're going to get to you in a minute.

Let's dip in. The president now stepping to the podium in Wisconsin



a beautiful sight right behind me. That's a beautiful sight. Thank you very


And a very big hello, Wisconsin. We've been very good together.


And I'm thrilled to be with thousands of loyal, hard-working American


Forty-seven days from now, we're going to win Wisconsin, and we're going to

win four more years in the White House.


This is the most important election in the history of our country. I feel

that way so strongly, so do you.

Joe Biden devoted his entire career to offshoring Wisconsin jobs,

outsourcing your factories, throwing open your borders, dragging us into

endless ridiculous foreign wars and surrendering your children's future to

China. You know what he's been doing.

I just see he's up there tonight getting softball questions from Anderson



They don't ask me questions like that and the audience isn't quite like

this. Do you see what is audience? They've got cars. They have like cars in

a parking. It's a weirdest thing I've ever seen.

And CNN is going, oh, this is so beautiful. It's not beautiful. They have

cars in the parking lot. What a deal. I'll tell you, what a deal.

Biden supported every disastrous global sellout for half a century,

including in NAFTA, China. You take a look at China's entry into the World

Trade Organization and TPP, he supported them all. Biden surrendered your

jobs to China and you know that.

I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for that. It was one of the big

things, one of the big reasons I decided to say to my great wife, our first

lady -- let's go have some fun.


Let's go have some fun. And she's done a great job and very popular. And

the family is all over the place, all over the country.

But unlike Joe who let you down when he never even came back to Milwaukee

to apologize or just to pay respects, I came to Wisconsin and I've been

here a lot since -- since we started this -- a lot.

And you've been a tremendous beneficiary of what I've done and I have to

because you've been with me you've supported me and we've had great

victories together, all victories. So I want to thank you.

But now, Biden wants to surrender our country to the violent, left-wing

mob. You see what's happening. If Biden wins -- very simple -- China wins.

If Biden wins, the mob wins. If Biden wins, the rioters, anarchists,

arsonists and flag burners, they win.

And we're not into flag burners. We don't like flag burners. I'd like to

say, pass a law, one year in jail. You start burning flags, we put you in

jail for a year.

We should do that. They would have done that, that's a different world, I

guess. But it's sort of coming back to the way we have to have it, because

we're for law and order.

They say, don't use that term, it's too tough. No, everybody wants law and

order. Minorities want law and order, everybody wants law and order. They

have to have it.

I'm running for the reelection and a very important reelection to bring

jobs and factories back, and that's a continuation because I don't know if

you know it -- the single greatest year Wisconsin has ever had was last

year, the second best year that Wisconsin has ever had was the year before,

and guess what the third was, the year before that.

And you're going to have your best year economically next year, it's all

heading in that direction, despite the pandemic given to us by China.

But we want to put the violent criminals behind bars and we have to ensure

the future belongs to America not to China not to other very terrible

forces out there, because if we win, very simply, America wins, and that's

what we want. We want this great country to win.

Over the last three and a half years, we've secured America's borders,

fixed the disastrous trade deals they have been the worst ever not even --

it was not even -- when I looked at these, I studied them and I used to

talk about them. They had to be bad.

When I started studying, I said, who are the people that made these deals?

Grossly incompetent people.

Brought back our manufacturing jobs, rebuilt the awesome power of the U.S.

military, and obliterated the ISIS caliphate. We obliterated it.


Obama was not able to do it. He wasn't able to come close. It was just

announced that in 2019, before the virus came in from China, we grew median

income by a record of $4,400 in just one year, achieving the highest median

income in U.S. history. That's in the history of our country.


In the first three years, we lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty, the

largest poverty reduction of any president in the history of our country.

That's not bad.


And I didn't even make these numbers up. These are numbers that -- they

sound good to me. We built the greatest economy in the history of the world

-- this is the greatest economy in the history of the world.

Then the virus came in, we closed it down, we saved millions and millions

of lives. We'd be at two and a half million, 2 million, 3 million -- a

number that would not be sustainable, would not be acceptable.

A horrible number, there shouldn't have been one person that died. It

should have been stopped in China. They stopped it for their country but it

came out to us, to Europe, to the rest of the world, 188 countries.

We will deliver a safe and effective vaccine before the end of the year,

and it could be very, very soon, you've been seeing what's going on. It

could be very, very soon.

It could be -- it's amazing how, all of a sudden, they hate the vaccine.

When they thought it couldn't be done, they said, well, these guys (ph) got

to get a vaccine. And then, all of a sudden, they're looking like it's

going to be very close -- we're doing great, we're doing great with

vaccines and therapeutics from the severe all sorts of other things that

are bringing the rates down like at numbers that nobody can believe.

But we have three vaccines right now. They're in the final stage, clinical

trials. We worked it for the FDA where they approved it fast. They went

very fast, very quick at levels that nobody else could have ever achieved.

No other administration -- certainly the last one, because the last one was

grossly incompetent. In fact, that's why I'm here because if it was good, I

wouldn't have run.

If they did their job, I wouldn't have run. I was very happy in my other

life. I was very happy, but I'm very happy in this life -- more happy

because nobody has produced in three and a half years, the first three and

a half years, nobody has done what we have been able to do. Nobody.


So, we'll defeat the virus and next year, we'll be truly I think from an

economic standpoint and from other standpoints may be the best year of all.

Hard to believe we're going so fast, the numbers have been incredible.

We've had employment numbers the best ever. We've had retail sales numbers

the best ever you see them all they come out every day and our stock market

is for the most part at a new high.

And if people have 401ks, if you want to have your 401k go down, like to

depression levels, I think you should vote for sleepy Joe because he's

going to raise your interest. He'll be raising your interest rates.

You know, I watch him though, he's denying all this stuff. You know

everything that he said he's now denying. He said no fracking, right? There

will be no fracking during the -- he didn't know what fracking was, but he

said there's no fracking.

The reason is because everybody else, all of the radical left candidates up

there, they couldn't get too far left. So Joe agreed, then he gets the

nomination. Now, they're all angry.

You know, that crazy Bernie, all of the left Democrats, they don't want to

vote for him anymore because he made promises and now, all of a sudden, he

forgot that he said no fracking. He said, well, now we can do some


But, you know, remember this in politics, it's always the thing that they

say first that's what they're going to do. No guns, no religion, no energy,

no oil. Remember that. Remember.

He put Beto in charge of his gun policy, right? Beto, crazy Beto.

Remember when Beto went out, he said, I was born for this, and that's when

it all came down. As soon as I heard that, anybody said they were born for

this, it doesn't play well. But he's in charge of the Second Amendment and

you won't have a Second Amendment -- frankly, you wouldn't have a Second

Amendment if I didn't get elected. It would have been obliterated. It would

have been torn up, maybe it would have been totally knocked out.

But there's tremendous pressure on your Second Amendment as long as I'm

here, you'll always have a Second Amendment.


But I want to just say, you know, they do disinformation they make up a

phony story and then they go with it. They make up a totally phony story,

it's called disinformation.

And one of the things -- what they did, the worst of all was the soldiers,

because nobody loves our soldiers like I do and they made up a phony deal.

And that's why I say the gloves are off because, you know, when they do

that, that's worse than what I'm going to talk to you about. That's Big

Ten, you know we got it back, right, we've got Big Ten.

But the soldier's story about standing over the graves, you know the one

I'm talking about, then they do a commercial and I said the good news about

that is the gloves are off, I can now call him grossly incompetent. The man

is incompetent.

He's been there for 47 years, he didn't do a thing. Now, all of a sudden,

in years where he was never considered smart, but now he's really not

considered smart, and now, all of a sudden, he's going to do what he never

did in years he's going to do this and that and everything that I'm doing,

everything that we're doing.

But I want to congratulate the Big Ten conference on yesterday's

announcement that the fall season will start very soon.


Well, I hope your team does well after all that, huh? I hope that team does

well. But I especially want to thank a football legend, he was great,

Wisconsin's own Barry Alvarez, he was great, good. Got to be careful when

you do that. You know, a lot of times, you don't like people too much.

They say, oh -- but he's a good man, we worked with him, we worked with a

whole group, including -- the commissioner of the league did a very, very

good job, did a very good job.

But we called them and the reason is that they would -- took an ad. In

other words, another one disinformation, they took an ad saying I was

against football. I'm the one that said they shouldn't close. But I said

that, you know, they close it, close. But then they took an ad saying, I'm

the one, I didn't want it, I wanted it close.

So, then, I said, well, no, I don't. I want it open. Let me call up the

commissioner. I called up the commissioner, and he was great. He said, you

really think so?

And the bottom line, we worked very hard, lots of calls to lots of

different states, lots of people. We dealt with the players, the parents of

the players who are really the boss, that's okay, I won't say that. But

these are players that have a shot at the NFL. They have a shot --

HANNITY: All right. The president mentioning about Michigan football back

on track in the Big Ten -- while he's on that particular topic which he's

spending time, I want to get a quick analysis. Joe Biden did his drive up

town hall tonight.

Ari Fleischer, bring you in for the analysis not one question about the

months of saying it's hysterical xenophobia and fear-mongering, Ari. Is CNN

fake news, that in the tank for Biden, they can't even ask that question?

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah, no question on that, Sean. No

question on why did you say in the Oval Office in January of 2017, that the

Logan Act should be invoked against Michael Flynn?

And when he was asked about fracking by a voter, and a voter said to him,

are you against fracking? He said, no, I'm not against fracking, and then

Anderson Cooper followed up and he did say, then wait a minute, you

previously said you wanted to get rid of it. He said, well, I will.

So, basically, Joe Biden in the space of five seconds said I'm not against

it now but I will be against it. I want to get rid of it.


FLEISCHER: He's still all over the map when it comes to that basic issue of

American energy independence, largely brought to us via fracking. Really

important to Pennsylvania. So --

HANNITY: And he flips again on the issue of mask.

FLEISCHER: -- a weak performance again tonight.

HANNITY: Mandatory mask. I mean, this guy -- he flipped and flopped back

and forth again on the issue of masks.

FLEISCHER: Oh, yeah.

HANNITY: But in this critical time period, where the president ten days

after the first case of coronavirus implemented the travel ban, ten days,

first case in the U.S., then the quarantine, first in 50 years, he spent

months calling it xe -- you know, hysterical xenophobia, fearmongering.

Now, one of the questions I like to know, did he do it because he's wanted

Hunter to get another $1.5 billion deal from the Bank of China? Legitimate

question again he's not been asked.

FLEISCHER: Yeah, in that issue, the Democrats have been all over the map as

well. Remember, Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of New York City, de Blasio,

urging people to go out to Chinatown because they wanted to make the case

that Republicans were bigots, and we Republicans didn't want people to go

to Chinatown. So they encouraged, get out, get out. That's the end of


You know, the revisionism that the Democrats want to tell and how much

confusion there was about corona from the beginning by everybody, now, they

wanted to sweep that under the rug.

HANNITY: Let's get you a quick take, Karl Rove, then we'll go back to the


ROVE: Well, I agree with Ari. It's just amazing that they can try and gloss

over week after week after week after week of attacking the president for -

- for moving and acting.

And again, for me, the key -- one of the key quotes is Ron Klain, who says,

we don't have a health uh pandemic, we have a fear pandemic. That's a

pretty direct accusation that he thinks the president is hyping the issue


So, now, you'll notice he is not no longer in the in the screen as often

for Joe Biden, and I think it's because they realize that that that's going

to raise a lot of questions.

HANNITY: And that Pfizer article today --

FLEISCHER: Sean, I need to correct one thing you said.


FLEISCHER: You said the president was there for say, go, Michigan, he's

there to say, go, Wisconsin, big difference.

HANNITY: Well, let me -- I agree with that. That's true. He was mentioned

in the Big Ten background playing football I want to be very clear abou.

All right. Let's go back to the rally. Reince Priebus will give us a

special take on the analysis of Wisconsin pivotal state.

TRUMP: We lose everything, and they make a lot of money selling the product

-- same product, so we're not doing that stuff anymore. There's a

tremendous disincentive, it's called like let's not do it. And you haven't

seen that lately. You haven't seen too many companies leaving, have you?

It's sort of an amazing thing.

It's a little bit like what we did with the statues. So, on the statues,

they were knocking them down three or four months ago. I said, do we have

any laws? No, but there was a very old law. I said, what was it?

You get 10 years in jail, 10 years in prison, they actually use the word

prison, which is a tough word. You get 10 years in prison if you knock down

a statue or a monument. I said, let me see that law, I want to see that

law, right? Glenn, right?


I want to see that law. Where's Duffy? Is he there too? Oh, look at the

guy, he's climbing trees tomorrow.

And Rachel -- oh, Rachel, he was a good climber. You think he could climb

up a tree faster than me, huh? I think so.

So, I just want to tell you.

So, what we've done in a very, very short period of time, it's what nobody

thought, and we came in and we did it, and we did it for you, and we did it

for everybody. We did it for our country.

But we wouldn't have a country left. What was happening to our country, how

we were taking advantage, now, we have to get four more years to cement it

and to do additional things, including tax cuts.


They're going to raise your taxes. They're going to raise your taxes very

substantially. We're cutting your taxes. We got you the biggest tax cut in

history, and we're going down lower, and it's called growth.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.


Thank you very much.

So big tax cuts, big regulation cuts. The Democrats -- they want to --

Democrats -- they want to just really break us down in terms of our

competitive ability to compete with other nations. Do you notice what's

happening with Japan?

You know what -- notice what's -- we have taken billions and billions of

dollars in from China. We charge them a fortune. In fact, many farmers in

this group, because you got to love Trump. I gave you $28 billion, right?

Thank you very much, China, right? You were targeted, $12 billion.

Sonny Perdue, secretary of agriculture. I said, Sonny, how much have they

been hit for, targeted for? Remember when China said, we're not going to do

anything, we're not buying. When you know they thought they were going to

put pressure on us.

Sonny said, sir, $12 billion the year before last and last year was 16,

total of $28 billion. We took $28 billion out of the tariffs, China never

paid us 10 cents, not 10 cents with Obama and Biden. And in all fairness,

with no president, they paid us nothing. They pay -of -- they pay us now

tens of billions of dollars.

I took a small portion of it, I added it up, 16 and 12, 28, and I said $28

billion is going to the farmers, did everybody get that money, right? You

had a very good year, you know, the farmers have had a very good year.

Last week, China ordered and you have to understand, I view China

differently now than I did six months ago. We made a great trade deal, but

I view it differently, because I don't know if I can ever view it the same.

But last week, they know how I feel, and they're very smart. So instead of

saying, we're not going to do business, which would have been okay with me,

we would have worked it out somehow, you would have been very successful,

the farmers. But last week, they had the largest order of corn, did you

know this, in the history of our country. Did anyone know this, the

farmers, from China? Thank you very much.

The largest order of soybeans in the history of our country and one of the

largest cattle orders in the history of our country, because they're very

smart. Somebody else would have said, well, let's not do business, and then

it would have been easy for me. But they gave us so much, I have every

farmer calling up saying, please, do me a favor, we love this, we love

this, this is a great deal. It's a great deal but we feel differently about

it, don't we? We just feel differently about it.

I don't talk about it like I used. I talked about it, it was great and it

turned out to be a great deal. But I don't talk about it the same way.

At no time before has there been a clearer choice between two parties, two

visions, two philosophies or two agendas for the future than these two

parties. You got law and order on one side and you have chaos on the other.

On November 3rd, Wisconsin will decide whether we will quickly return to

record prosperity or whether we will allow Biden and the Democrats to

impose a $4 trillion tax hike, ban American energy --


Confiscate your guns, which is what they want to do, shut down the economy,

destroy the suburbs. You know they were destroying our suburbs, you know

that, right?

I don't know, if somebody said, you're just doing okay in the suburbs, I

said, how can I do okay? I saved the suburbs. What I've done is saved the


And you know this, I don't have to go into it, but I saved the suburbs. I

think the suburbs, you know that last time, four years ago, oh, he's not

going to do well with women. I did great with women. They said, what a big

thing -- remember that?


Election eve, he won't do well. This will be a very short -- not doing well

with women, I did great. They said at the end of the night after they

announced I won, they said, what happened? Well, he did very well with

women. I don't know what happened there.

They said, he did very well with African-American community, he did very

well with Hispanics.


They said, he did very well with everything.

We kicked their ass that was it.


No, but -- was that one of the greatest evenings ever remember? And

remember all the fake news, look at all the -- ola, that's a lot, whoa,

that's a lot of people back there. Look at that, the red lights are on,

don't worry, I won't say anything bad about you CNN, because as soon as I

see -- as soon as I'm getting ready to say something about fake news, et

cetera, et cetera, the lights start going off. So I'm not going to -- one

just went off. You can tell by the lights, they get that little beautiful

red light, you see it?

But I won't say anything bad about it, but they are fake news. And you

remember when they -- remember when they were saying that the polls are

terrible. Actually, these polls are very good compared -- that was so bad,

it was like why did anybody vote? They're called suppression polls. They

make them so bad that you lose all your appetite, you lose all your spirit,

they take your guts out, and you don't go and vote.

And your wife looks at you and said, darling, I love that guy, but he's not

going to win, he doesn't have a chance because the polls, he's down 10,

he's down 20. He's down 50 points, darling, he can't possibly win. Let's go

have dinner and then we'll come home and watch his concession speech.

But my people didn't buy that, because my people went out to vote.


And instead, we watched her concession speech. That was sad. Crooked

Hillary, that was a real piece of work. Remember when she was saying, will

you accept the decision of the voters? Will you accept that decision?

And I didn't -- you know, I wasn't perfect. I said, I'll see how it works

out. I mean, I should have said, yes, I will, but again I couldn't do that,

because I know how crooked she is, right?

When you -- will you accept the decision? And, you know, and then the

anchor said to me like, well, will you accept? You know, they're coming

after me, I said, you're supposed to be going after her a little bit too.

Did you ever see debates where you had all of the anchors, plus the

candidates, against me? And here we said, is that Air Force One? Yes,

that's Air Force One. How did that happen?


No, we had -- a lot of times, I'd say to the anchor and say, wait a minute,

wait a minute, this isn't fair. I mean, I'm watching what they're doing

with Biden where he's using teleprompters. Move it up, move it up, I can't

see, I can't see. He's shot. He's shot.

Now, President xi of China is not shot. Putin is not shot. Kim Jong-un,

remember we're supposed to be in a war with him, what happened to the war?

We're not -- no, it seems to be good. Did you see the Middle East two days



Remember our incompetent negotiator John Kerry, he never got up to walk.

The guy's getting beaten on every point, I say, walk, walk, get up and

leave the table. You're giving up -- they'd say, we want this. He'd say,

well, I'd rather not.

We want this. OK, you got it. We want that. You got it. We want that.

Say no and walk. They'll probably possibly call you back and if they don't,

that's okay, too.

But right now, I will tell you -- Iran, if we win, Iran will be calling us

within the first week. They're dying to make a deal. GDP down 27 percent.

They don't have too much money for terror anymore, it's actually amazing.

Do you notice what's going on?

Now, I don't want to speak too loud, but I did put out on social media the

other day that if they hit us in any way any form, written instructions

already done, we're going to hit them 1,000 times harder than we've ever

hit them before.

So, hopefully, they will just come and will make a deal and they'll go back

to being a rich country. Let them go be back and be rich, but they cannot

have a nuclear weapon. They cannot. That deal was so bad that Obama made

$150 billion -- they got $150 billion for nothing. You know, the deal is

practically, if I didn't terminate it, which I'm proud to have done, but if

I didn't terminate it and they got $1.8 billion in cash, how about that?

If I didn't terminate that stupid deal, first of all, you wouldn't have the

deal in the Middle East and all these countries are joining it's happening

fast. They all want it. They want to all join.

We did it, you know, the reverse. We did it to rework -- thank you very

much, thank you very much.


Thank you very much.


I knew I liked you, you know? So, the Nobel Peace Prize -- so the funny

thing, a lot of people don't know it because the fake news doesn't write

about it.

So if you're a president, right, and you are nominated for the Nobel Peace

Prize, you're the United States, no, but think of this --


That's a big deal. I mean, Obama got it like in his first couple of weeks

and he nobody knew why he got it including him, remember? He couldn't tell

you why. He had no idea to this day, he has no idea why he got it.

But if you're a president and you get nominated, then two days later, you

get nominated did you know this, a second time for a different deal,



Serbia, they've been killing each other for hundreds of years. I stopped a

lot of death and I did it like easy, it wasn't hard for me. It's sort of a

natural thing to do. But we did a good thing.

But you know what, they did a check. So I got nominated twice for the Nobel

Peace Prize. That's a big deal, I don't know.


I should have gotten nominated seven times because we did a lot of other

things, but these are for two different deals and not one mention was made

on the evening news, think of it.

Now, when Obama got it, it was headlines, headlines.

HANNITY: All right. The president has Great American Comeback rally in


While he's talking about the Nobel Peace Prize, which I wouldn't hold his

breath for and neither does he. Leo Terrell, Dan Bongino weighing in.

You know, in this town hall tonight, is it an amazing, not a single

question about his praise of the former Klansmen, Leo Terrell, the one that

filibustered the Civil Rights Act. You're a civil rights attorney and also

against the Voting Rights Act, and he partnered with that guy in the late

`70s to stop integration of schools because he didn't want his kids going

into schools that were racial jungles.

Now, I'm just guessing, I don't know -- his name was Donald Trump, they

probably would have asked that question, don't you think? Anderson must

have forgot it, I'll write it out for him next time.

LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Well, I hope he -- I hope he's grilled

at the first debate because let's be very clear, Joe Biden has a history of

racist attitudes and association with Klan's member Robert KKK Byrd, and

it's a double standard. Everyone knows this.

But Donald Trump has done more for black Americans than any of his

predecessors, especially Obama and Biden, and what is unfair about this is

that when the Trump administration goes out and touts what they have done

for black Americans, the left-wing media will not give him credit.

I am giving the president credit that is why I'm on his team, that is why

I'm working hard to get black Democrats to vote Republican, and he's going

to get the largest number of black votes, along with Hispanic votes ever

for Republican president.

One final point, he's transformed the Republican Party. He's out there

because he cares about the average citizen and he resonates with the

American public.

HANNITY: Yeah, let me go quick. By the way, you lose you lost the poll,

we're going to show the tape, Leo.

TERRELL: No, I won, I won the poll. I won the poll. You lost. I checked it

before I came over. You lost. I expect an apology. I won.

HANNITY: You did not win the poll. You lost almost two to one.

What did you go -- did you go to, you know, one of the Baltimore public

schools without a single kid proficient in math that said, yeah, I won with

63 percent of the vote?

TERRELL: I went to , and I was winning 55 to 45.

HANNITY: That means you how many times have you voted then, a million times

since yesterday?

TERRELL: I sit out tweeting many times once and it's switched, ask your

producer, I won. No Leo 2.0.

HANNITY: All right. Quick comments by Dan Bongino, then we'll go back to

the president.

DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No, I mean, Sean, listen, this town hall

for Biden should be an in-kind contribution to the Biden campaign. I mean,

is this serious? Compare what happened to him to what happened to Trump.

They had the opportunity tonight to pin Biden down on his three biggest

lies. Fracking, they gave him an out. His tax hikes for the middle class,

he's already promised, they gave him an out on that. They could have pinned

them down. And also on the part redirecting funds away from the police,

they gave him a pass.

Again, it's an in-kind contribution, that's it. Nothing more. They're part

of the campaign effectively.

HANNITY: Yeah, all right. Let's go back to the president in this important

swing state 47 days and you're the ultimate jury.

TRUMP: How they don't do it, how they don't do it in some other places when

you look at what's going on with Chicago, right? When you look at what's

going on with Portland, those are just anarchists.

You know how long it would take us to fix up Portland in terms of ending it

all? I'd say far less than an hour, I'd say a half hour.

Look at we did at Minneapolis. You know we're doing very well in Minnesota

because they saw what happened.

Now, they shouldn't have allowed it to go on for 11 days. They should have

called us immediately, but you remember that beautiful night, nice evening,

a little problem. There were a lot of buildings in the background that were

burning down to the ground as reporters said, no, this is a peaceful

protest, OK?

By the way, officially, this is called a protest, you know that. We no

longer call it rallies. We don't use the term rally, OK? Rachel knows.

We don't call them rallies anymore because -- you know, you're not allowed

to have a political rally for more than 10 people. You're not allowed to go

to church. You're not allowed to meet. You're not allowed to talk to

anybody. You have to stay in a prison.


Your home has become your prison, and then I'm saying, well, what are you

allowed to do? Sir, you're not allowed to do anything. I mean, there is one

thing but it doesn't pertain to you. What is it? Well, you are allowed to

protest. Oh really? Oh, hence the name.

We call them friendly protests. So these are protests, so it's totally

allowed. This is the protest. Remember when they walk out, when you walk

outside, what do you consider this? Did you enjoy the rally? No, I really -

- this is a protest, I'm sorry.

No, they had a little line and but I don't know if it's your state but a

couple of them they have you're allowed to protest.

So you can't go to church but you can rip the hell out of the streets of

Main Street, or Fifth Avenue, break up the stores, burn down the buildings,

climb over each other's face, you can climb right over their face, you

don't have to wear masks, you don't have to do anything.

Twenty-five thousand people walking down the street, looters, anarchists,

agitators burning down stores, throwing things at police. They've taken the

authority away from our police, our great police. They've taken their

authority and their dignity away.

We're giving it back. We have to. We have to.

By the way, I was endorsed by New York's Finest and we're with them all the

way. I was just endorsed two days ago by Chicago police, I think that takes

courage, right?


Philadelphia, Florida, Texas, everybody, Ohio -- I don't know did anybody

is there one group of even if it was a tiny little group of two or three

police, did anybody endorse sleepy Joe? I don't think so.

But we did a great job in Kenosha. We got out there. We -- I went there as

you know a little while ago. But had we not gone in, that place would -- it

would have been burned to the ground. They did damage.

We should have gone in. I wanted to go in the first night, we would have

stopped it immediately. But it was a great outcome. As was in Minnesota,

again, if they would have called us early, it would have been over.

Portland -- I'd love to go there. That would be so easy. You know in

Seattle, they heard we were coming in, they gave up. They heard we -- I

said, that's enough, we're going in. I don't care, we're going in.

Do you have permission? No, we're going in. They took over a chunk of the

city and when they heard we were going in, it's like, well, we give up.

That's -- that was the end of the Seattle problem.

Now, it's a terrible thing that's going on, all in Democratic-run, super

liberal-run cities. They're red. The red cities, our -- are doing great. I

think we're doing great all over.

The Republican cities, you know, we're fair. We're not stupid.

How stupid these people are. Did you see Chicago? Forty-eight people shot,

six died.

You know, we're in Afghanistan, we're pulling the troops, you know that.

We're coming back. We're almost finished. We're pulling finally, these

endless wars. These endless wars.

And we had to fight other things and but we've done a great job, but we're

acting like a police force over there. No, we're pulling troops. We're

almost out of Iraq, that's another one. We're down to about 2,000 troops.

You know that, John, 2,000 troops.

So, Syria were out but we kept the oil, so we have some -- was it okay that

we at least kept the oil? You know I feel badly, because we have some

troops. So, you haven't pulled the troop, says, no, no, we're gone we

pulled all the troops out of Syria. Remember, we were supposed to be

guarding the border between Syria and Turkey.

I said, why are we doing that? They said, well, you know, we are. I said,

wait a minute, we have an army of 100,000 here, an army of 25,000, 30,000

here, we got 5,000 soldiers and that's a very dangerous position to be in.

I don't like it.

They've been guarding their own borders with different names for a thousand

years. Why the hell do we have to be over there guarding their border? We

want to guard our own borders, right, where we're doing very well, where

we're doing very well.


We're doing great on our southern border. You know, I hate to say this, but

that wall is going up very rapidly 10 miles a week, we're up to 330 miles,

and the wall will be finished very soon. You think that was easy, that was

not easy. Our great congressman over here, that was not easy.

The Democrats were totally in favor of the wall until I said when I came

in, we will build the wall. As soon as I said it, they were against the

wall. They said, we don't want you to build a wall, walls don't work. I

said, no, no, walls always work. You know what else works, the wheel. The

wheel and the wall, you can go back, come back in a thousand years from

now, the only two things I know for sure, you're going to have a wheel and

you're going to have a wall.

The computers, they come up with a brand new computer, it's genius, 12 days

later, it's obsolete. But walls are never obsolete, neither are wheel.

So I made one mistake and I tell this to these guys because they were great

warriors for me, the congressman. They were incredible actually. I tell it

to them.

I should have said, instead of we will build a wall, we will build the

wall, we will -- then the Democrats held us up and fought us and sued us

and everything else, and now we won so many lawsuits on the wall and we had

the military money. I could build like 10 walls with all the money we have,

it's the craziest thing. Maybe we'll build it double thick or we'll go

twice as high. No, but the world is great. Everything, everything that they


But I made one mistake, I should have said we will not build a wall, then

they would have insisted that we build it, I could have saved two years of

litigation. We will not build a wall under any circumstances, then Pelosi

would say, we demand that you build the wall. These people are terrible.

Crazy Nancy, crazy as a bedbug. She's crazy as a bedbug.

She decided to make a nice little stopping at the beauty parlor, how did

that work out? I don't know. Not too good, it didn't work out too well.

Can you imagine the owner of the beauty parlor is a MAGA lady? She loves

Trump. Can you believe it?


And I don't know what it is, but I think if I owned a beauty parlor, I had

a customer, I'm not so sure I'd be turning her in. The owner turned Nancy

in. That's a lot of hate. That's serious hate, right?

No, she's a great owner. As far as I'm concerned, I think she's fantastic.

She's for us.

They said, what made you do it? You know what she said, because I see how

hard our president has to work. I see what they put him through. I see what

he puts up with and I turned her in. You know that, how about that? How

about that?


Oh, we love her. She can do my hair anytime, I think maybe. I think I'm

going to call her and check it out. Maybe you can do something. Maybe you

can improve it. It's not bad though.

I have friends that -- I have friends my age they're not looking too good.

Instead of standing up for America, Joe Biden and the Democrats, they

condemn America and war is always waged on our great law enforcement we

love our law enforcement.

Kamala Harris, that's another great beauty, Kamala Harris, that's a beauty

-- remember, I tell the story all the time, when you pick somebody, you

pick somebody that's hot, that's going in the right direction, right? She

came out, she was at like in 14, 15 in the polls, and she started going

down, down, down. It never stopped. It drove her crazy. She was terrible in

the debates.

Wait until you see what -- well, I don't want to put pressure on him, but

wait to see what Mike Pence does to her in the debate, but I don't want to

play. I don't want to put pressure poor -- Mike -- do we have a great vice



Is he good?

He's great and he loves this state, loves all the states actually, he's

just a great American but you remember his last debate what he did to that

character from Virginia? That one wasn't good, the other guy's jumping

around, Mike is just sitting there, we love America, we're going to lower

your taxes. Thank you. You win.


No, Mike is great.

But Kamala Harris and 13 members of Biden's staff urge their supporters to

donate to a fund to bail out rioters, take them out of jail, get them out

of jail, as soon as possible, including one who attempted to murder a

police officer and a man who was accused of sexually assaulting an eight-

year-old girl. This is what we're dealing with. This is what we're dealing


You know, Kamala was considered -- is considered further left than Crazy

Bernie, think of that. And they got there -- I mean, seriously, watch you

know the manifesto that Biden and -- it's not Biden. Biden's not agreeing

to anything. His people, his representatives, because Biden doesn't know

he's alive, let's not get ourselves.

Biden -- Biden didn't agree. He didn't -- they just told him what's

happening. They said, listen, you're against fracking, but now you have to

be in favor of fracking because you lucked out, Elizabeth Warren decided

not to drop out and when she stayed -- Pocahontas, you know Pocahontas? Did

anybody ever hear, but she's another great one. Pocahontas.

I said to her a long time ago, I've got more Indian blood in me than you do

and I have none, I have none, sadly. I'd love a little bit of it, but I

have none. I said, I have -- and I turned out to be right. She choked and

she went for a blood test. Remember?

What was it? One thousand twenty-fourth, meaning maybe 900 years ago, there

was a little action going on. Crazy Pocahontas, she's a nasty one though,

isn't she? She's a -- she's a terrible person.

I was hoping that she'd win so we could go after her, you know, because I

think Kamala is not as smart but she's a little bit less vicious. I think

this -- the one who treated sleepy Joe the worst was Kamala. She accused

him of #metoo, she accused him of everything. She accused him of -- that he

was a racist, right? That he was a racist, because what he's done to the

black population of this country was a terrible thing.

She's accused him of everything under the book, the busing. Remember the

busing scandal. So I said brilliantly, he'll never pick her, because she

was too terrible to him. She was the worst of everybody, by far, I would


But she picked him and hopefully that's going to be history, it's not going

to matter and that is no way for a woman to become the first president.

That's for sure. And if a woman is going to become the first president of

the United States, it can't be her. That would rip our country apart.

This is not what people want, and she comes in through the back door, this

would not be what people want, especially because it's her.

Biden has called to end cash bail, you know that, right, for vicious

criminals? Meaning if you assault a cop or anybody else, you're right back

on the street the next day. He called for police and he calls them all the

time -- the enemy. He says they're the enemy, and he just thinks it's

terrible. He thinks it's terrible.

Now, he's liking the police much more. It's a little late. Remember, first

instinct, that's where they're going and he has no choice because he has to

because again, I was going to say -- the radical left hates him because

they think he deceived them, because they agreed on that manifesto and that

manifesto is seriously a leftist dream. And he agreed, from the Green New

Deal, getting rid of your planes, no more airplane trips.

Remember the crazy senator from Hawaii? Do you like the Green New Deal? I

love it very much, she said.

Oh, okay, well, you're the senator from Hawaii. That's right, the beautiful

island of Hawaii. She said, well, you know, under the Green New Deal, you

basically can't fly in an airplane. Oh, that's a problem.

HANNITY: All right. The president addressing supporters tonight in the very

important swing state of Wisconsin. We'll get back to the rally and I'm

sure Laura will continue our coverage here on the FOX News Channel.

Jason Chaffetz and Michael Best law president, former White House chief of

staff, Reince Priebus, who knows the great state of Wisconsin well.

Let's talk about where the president is. He won by, I believe what one

percent of the vote last time. He did point out a lot of things he's done

specifically for Wisconsin in the four years he's been president.

Your thoughts, Reince?


You can look at Wisconsin basically in three parts. You have Milwaukee in

the suburbs, you have Madison, which is a liberal hotbed, and then you have

about halfway in the center of the state and north. And where Donald Trump

is today is he's dead center in the middle of the state.

And here's what's happening, I never thought you could expand your vote in

rural Wisconsin, Trump won that area of Wisconsin by about 18 percent in

2016. Right now, he's surging in rural Wisconsin by 25, 27 percent -- even

higher than 2016, it's unheard of.

And so, what they're doing is they're actually driving up the score in a

part of the state that no one thought you could actually improve on, and

they're making up the ground that they're losing in the Milwaukee suburbs.

Now, what's also happening is those Milwaukee suburbs are actually

tightening as well. So, we're still -- we still have room to make up, but

they are running up to score. An early vote in Wisconsin doesn't start

until October 20th.

So we have a lot of time yet in Wisconsin. I think Donald Trump's doing

exactly the right thing.

HANNITY: OK, good points.

Let's get your take, Jason Chaffetz.

JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Energy and enthusiasm wins elections.

Donald Trump has it. He's running across the country, talking about jobs,

talking about the economy, talking about what really matters to people.

And meanwhile, Joe Biden has a hard time just getting up in his backyard in

Wilmington, Delaware. I -- as goes Delaware goes the nation? That is not a

strategy that will actually win elections.

Donald Trump has the energy, the enthusiasm, the plan and the economy to

get it done. That's why I think he's thriving and why he will be the next

president of the United States and continue on for four more years.

HANNITY: We're going to see.

Reince, your gut tell you, does Donald Trump win Wisconsin?

PRIEBUS: Yeah, it really does, and you know, speaking about what Jason just

said, it's also entertaining. It's funny. It's interesting. People have a

good time watching this stuff. It's fun stuff.

HANNITY: It's the greatest show on Earth, and guess what? It's been working

good friend of mine just wrote me and said he is in the zone tonight. I

mean, very compelling.

PRIEBUS: He's just hilarious.

HANNITY: And, by the way, Joe Biden -- he seems like he's teetering. I was

watching him earlier tonight.

All right. Thank you both, Reince, Jason Chaffetz. I appreciate it.

All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have this evening. Let

not your heart be troubled. We have had -- we have "Live Free or Die:

America and the World on the Brink". Everything you need to know about how

radical their agenda is, the impact it'll have on this great country, their

stated policies, it's capitalism versus socialism, it is secure borders

versus open borders. It's lower taxes versus higher taxes, energy

independence versus none, peace through strength versus appeasement.

Let not your heart be troubled -- Laura, hi.

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