
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 13, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling, along
with Andrea Tantaros, Bob Beckel, Dana Perino, and Tom Shillue.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City. This is "The Five."


BOLLING: We've got some extreme video for you today. First, check
out this amazing video leaked to TMZ late yesterday. It features music
mogul Jay-Z, his megastar wife Beyonce and a very, very perturbed Solange
Knowles, Beyonce's younger sister, going off the rails on Jay-Z.

Check this out. There's Beyonce, she gets on an elevator. Then,
Solange, and now, finally, Jay-Z with a body guard. And look at what
happens -- Solange, younger -- again, Beyonce's young sister -- starts
hitting Jay-Z. Pocketbooks are flying. The bodyguard tries to pull her
back. She's kicking him, there'd be another kick here in a second.
Another kick there. Jay-Z steps into it, the doors close.

Now, you got to keep watching this videotape because we're going to
keep rolling it. We're going to talk about it, throw it around the table,
but keep watching because it gets absolutely wild at the end of the video.

So, Ands, the Standard Hotel, you've been there?


BOLLING: They are in the after-party for a classy ball and this goes
down. Your thoughts?

TANTAROS: OK. So, on the first contestant on the speculation game.

When I first saw this video, I had a visceral reaction as a sister
and anybody who has a sister who is really tight with their sister has a
gut feeling that this has nothing to do with Solange. This has more to do
with Jay-Z and something happening with Beyonce. And from my past
experience, the only time I've ever been fired up and not like that, I
mean, I've thought about doing that to a man that my sister used to be
married to, but I didn't -- was because of an issue with another woman, and
I think that's what this is about.

BOLLING: There's some speculation --

TANTAROS: This has to do with Rihanna.

BOLLING: Rihanna, right.

TANTAROS: So, that's just -- that's breaking news.

And so, I feel validated that my sisterly strategy here and insight
has played a role. Maybe I was right.

BOLLING: All roads lead back to Rihanna, somewhere.

Bob, you see Beyonce, she's standing back. She's not really getting
in between her husband Jay-Z and her sister Solange.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: We have some news to break here today. It was
because jay-z was having an affair with Solange, did you know that?


TANTAROS: You really have on the speculation game.

BECKEL: Is that speculate?

I thought seriously, how does TMZ get all this stuff is what I want
to know?

BOLLING: That's the question, Bob.

BECKEL: That is the elevator security system in the hotel. And the
hotel said they were going to fire anybody who leaked it. How in the world
does TMZ come up with this stuff?

TANTAROS: Harry Levin is a genius.


TANTAROS: He is a genius. He founded TMZ.

BOLLING: Yes, he seems to break some of the biggest stories around.

Your thoughts on this wild video?

PERINO: My thoughts are, if this is the biggest thing -- biggest
problem in America today, it's been a pretty good day. I cannot -- I mean,
I get people magazine and I flip through it and I try to understand -- it
seems to me like it's a personal family issue, not one I give a you know
what about.

BOLLING: A couple of megastars, though. Tommy, you want to weigh on

TOM SHILLUE, CO-HOST: Well, we're wondering how this footage got
out. It's not the actual footage from the machinery. Someone is taking
their iPhone and they are filming the screen here. OK? So, I don't know -
- you know, it seems like --

BOLLING: Tommy, I had to jump in here, I'm sorry. Take a look here.

They are leaving the elevator here. No, no, watch, watch. Solange,
they are about to leave the elevator, everything seems to have calmed down.
Think again, folks. Just watch, on the way out. Ready?

Boo-yah! There we go again, Jay-Z --


BOLLING: And they get off the elevator like everything is OK.

SHILLUE: He was provoking. He said something to her. I can see he
was facing her. You know, I got to hand to this -- the bodyguard here.
He's more concerned -- he doesn't really want to stop the fight. He stops
the elevator. He freezes the emergency stop because he wants the fight to
be contained in the elevator. He's doesn't want anybody to see it.

So, he's more -- he's less of a body guard and he's more like of a PR
guy or something. He doesn't want the fight spilling out into the street.

PERINO: He wears two hats.

TANTAROS: He also didn't spring into action immediately, which I
thought was a little odd. It's almost like he thought that Jay-Z deserved
it and for Beyonce to be standing there so cool, it's almost like she was
looking at her sister going, get him.

BECKEL: Maybe the bodyguard had an affair with him, maybe.

SHILLUE: But wait a minute, Andrea -- she kind of unfriended her on
Instagram or something. So, she's mad at her sister, too.

TANTAROS: Hey, look, things can happen. Maybe, B takes her
husband's side, and there's sisterly tension. I don't know. I don't say I
have all the answers to this Knowles-Jay-Z family drama.


PERINO: Can we call her B?


PERINO: Can we call her B?

BOLLING: Queen B, yes.

PERINO: Maybe she understood that there is no such thing as privacy
anymore, maybe one of reasons she didn't speak up or get involved, because
she wanted her sister to carry it out or it could be because she thought I
don't want anything to do with this because I want to lead "The Five"

BECKEL: Can we stop? This is like the most --

BOLLING: No, no, hold on. Can I just point something out? See that
video, the way that's taken, that's a security camera video but someone is
taking it with a camera. I mean, this is great. That TMZ, they are just
breaking news all the time.

SHILLUE: People just send him their cell phone videos. Why is
Harvey Levin a genius for that?

BOLLING: Because who else got that. Who else gets that? They get
all of it. They got the Donald Sterling thing, too, right?

Speaking of Donald Sterling, we're hearing more from the embattled
L.A. Clippers owner, that one, Donald Sterling. This time on Magic
Johnson. Listen.


DONALD STERLING, CLIPPERS OWNER: Big Magic Johnson, what has he

What kind of a guy who goes to every city and has sex with every girl
and then catches HIV? And is that someone we want to respect and tell our
kids about? I think he should be ashamed of himself. I think he should go
into the background.

But what does he do for the black people? He doesn't do anything.
He does nothing. It's all talk.


BOLLING: And Magic Johnson just responded. Listen.


to urban America. So, you know, I just wish he knew the facts when he's
talking but he's a man who is upset and he's reaching. He's reaching.

He's trying to find something he can grab onto to help him save his
team and it's not going to happen. I'm not a guy who holds grudges and all
that. Yes, am I upset? Of course, but at the same time, I'm a God-fearing
man. I'm going to pray for him and hope that things workout for him.


BOLLING: There is one class act. We said that before. I'll
reiterate that.

Bob, on Don Sterling there, you know, he was supposed to bail
himself. Everyone is calling him a racist. See, this was supposed to be
his first words since being called a racist and this is how he's going to
fix things. He kind of bury himself further --

BECKEL: And then he takes on Magic Johnson and then he decides and
he says the black -- what has he done for the black people?

Sterling, first of all, the good news about this is anybody in
America who watches this guy can prove that anybody can be a success in
America, if this idiot can be a success. I mean, he really -- look, it's

By the way, do you think he gets hair done?


Dana, that was -- I don't know -- that was a rambling interview. He
said some of the craziest things. Who advises a guy like that?

PERINO: I was just thinking I can't think of the exact phrase, but
I'm wondering if his PR person isn't actually on the other side, because
they have let him out there and they thought, you know what, let's just
watch this guy make a fool of himself because that's how bad it was. I
think there is some utility in it, Bob, to your point, of anybody watching
it actually can look at that and say, OK, thank goodness I'm not like that,
I'd never want to be like that.

And the contrast is Magic Johnson is amazing. As you said, maybe
Sterling can call himself successful, but I think what led to this is
something in his past that I don't think he should be all that proud about.
And so, when Magic Johnson says I'm going to pray for him, you think, gosh,
for sterling, money cannot buy class. Somebody like Magic Johnson was born
with it and has lived with it and he has fought successfully against HIV
for so many years, he's a role model not just people in the black community
but for all of us.


And, Tom, not only that, Magic Johnson has invested tens of millions
if not hundreds of millions of dollars into communities that people didn't
want to put money into it. He went in there. He provided jobs, he
provided opportunity, he provided economic activity. Sterling, can he be
that dumb?

SHILLUE: I guess he is. I mean, you know, when he -- when that tape
came out, I thought, well, he's going to have to speak about this at some
point. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut, but then I thought, well, it's
so bad, this tape, that no matter what he says in public, it can't be worse
and it is.

This interview with Anderson Cooper is worse than the secret tape.

BECKEL: You know, I'll say one thing about Magic Johnson, all I can
say is there but for the grace of God go me.


BECKEL: I feel very fortunate.

BOLLING: Yes, great man.

Ands, what strikes you?

BECKEL: That's what I was referring to.

BOLLING: Which is more -- I don't know, in the front of your mind,
Donald Sterling's comments or Magic Johnson's classy reaction.

TANTAROS: I'm still hung up on true confessions by Bob Beckel.

PERINO: And it's only the A-block.

BOLLING: And we move on.

TANTAROS: We're only nine minutes into the show.

Well, we knew that he was a bigot before and now we know it's a
complete jerk and what was even more revealing to me was the fact that he
said and Magic Johnson thinks that he's helped out the black community.
Donald Sterling believes just because he wrote checks to the NAACP that
somehow he was helping the community. But behind the scenes, we know how
he feels about the black community.

Magic Johnson, he lets his actions speak for himself. And he came
out -- I mean, very early when HIV was something very taboo and have the
courage to speak about it honestly. He's been very honest about his
health, when he didn't have to be. It's incredibly personal.

And I thought for Donald Sterling to shoot so below the belt with
those comments about his health --

PERINO: And with such ignorance.

TANTAROS: It was just -- to me, the icing on the cake.

And to your point, Dana, about that PR person, it's probably one of
the situations where the client -- she couldn't control him. So, she just
figures --

PERINO: Yes, knock yourself out.

SHILLUE: I believe your theory. There is a PR double agent.

BECKEL: Yes, that's right. The old line you are digging a hole, you
hand me the shovel. But I think he's digging a hole in a -- where he's got
his --


PERINO: Someone should take the shovel and whack him over the head.

BECKEL: You know about HIV? I want to just say one thing here, that
it was the Reagans, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, who came out on HIV early and
broke the taboo, really. I mean, they were -- when Rock Hudson got AIDS
and I've always the Reagans for that.

BOLLING: All right. Let's move on to this one regarding the first
openly gay NFL player, Michael Sam. Sportscaster Steven A. Smith was
concerned with the reactions to the reactions, specifically some players
were fined for tweeting their disapproval.

Meanwhile, O'Reilly thinks this is much ado about nothing.


STEVEN A. SMITH, SPORTSCASTER: When it comes to the plays and the
tweets, I don't believe they should have been punished for it. I'm of the
mindset that there is freedom of speech. People have the right to say what
they feel and if there are ramifications for it, so be it. I think it's a
very, very dangerous thing when people see something and they have a
problem with what they are seeing and they express themselves and
ultimately they are fined.

BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS HOST: Let Mr. Sam play football. If he
makes the Rams, great. But the gay thing, way overplayed. It's annoying.
It really is.


BOLLING: There you go.

Dana, your thoughts?

PERINO: Well, on the point about the player that got disciplined or
has to go to education training for the tweet, I really believe that if I
were a sports agent, which of course I'm not, I know a little bit about PR,
I think I would tell my players, you don't need to be on Twitter. It
doesn't further your career. It doesn't help you catch a ball or make a
touch down or field goal or anything.

I think it is in a lot of ways great if you want to survey it so you
can find out what's going on, be in the news but if you are even slightly
at risk of hurting your career because of Twitter, Twitter is not worth it.

BOLLING: Yes. And don't forget putting pictures on Twitter too and
a lot of guys are getting in trouble with that.

PERINO: I never did that.

BOLLING: Your thoughts on this? Should these Dolphin players have
been fined and reprimanded for tweeting their dissatisfaction with Michael

TANTAROS: No. I mean, it is a freedom of speech issue. But they
should talk to the players about weighing on anything other than football
because it's a huge distraction to the game, and the league, and the teams.

You know, as far as the gay thing, I don't think it's annoying like
O'Reilly said. I just don't really care. I mean, I'm not comfortable with
PDA with anybody. I don't care if you're gay, I don't care if you're
straight, if you're being overly affectionate on camera, it's kind of
enough for me, I just don't really care.

BECKEL: Listen, they have been trying to get me to training, the
human intelligence people or whatever it is --

TANTAROS: How is that going?

BECKEL: Not well. I don't go to it.

The one thing I'd say about this guy saying it doesn't matter, it's
freedom of speech. Yes, it's freedom of speech. There's certain things
you say that you can't say unless you're going to as Dana pointed out --

SHILLUE: All he said was outrageous, right? He said one word, he
said "horrible." I wasn't watching this thing, but I might have tweeted
horrible because he was eating cake. What is he a 9-year-old as a birthday
party? Having cake?

He's in the NFL. Come on, put your helmet on and go to work.

PERINO: Isn't true, it's the Miami Dolphins that are already in
trouble from those incidents earlier in the year because of bullying and
being insensitive. So, they probably have -- need to have a team-wide
meeting to say, look, let's focus on the game because in order for us to
keep our fans happy with us and for us to all make money and to be
successful, we don't need the distraction like Twitter.


BECKEL: Oh, never mind.

BOLLING: No, go ahead.

BECKEL: I get in real trouble for it. Never mind.

PERINO: Come on.

BECKEL: Saying something about the showers. But I'm not going to
say anything.

PERINO: Don't say that.


PERINO: No, no, keep going. Please?

Ahead on "The Five."

BOLLING: Ahead on "The Five" -- Dana doesn't want to know. I want to

PERINO: You already know.

BOLLING: Alec Baldwin -- I know -- cannot say out of trouble in New
York City today. The Hollywood hot head was arrested. Wait until you hear
what landed bad boy Baldwin in a fat guy handcuffs, coming up.


TANTAROS: Well, the far left has made it a mission this year to
silence graduation speakers over politics. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Condoleezza
Rice, and now the first head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde was supposed to
deliver an address at Smith College in Massachusetts. But she just pulled
out after protesters alleged that the IMF has helped suppress women

Now, she didn't want to distract from the celebration, same thing
with Rice at Rutgers. Hirsi Ali was disinvited from Brandeis. Now,
perhaps if people like her were allowed to speak on college campuses, maybe
the threat of radical Islam some wouldn't just be discovering it over the
last week.

Here's Hirsi Ali on "THE KELLY FILE" last night.


AYAAN HIRSI ALI: We listen to many well-meaning Muslims who say,
please, it has nothing to do Islam. It has nothing to do with the Sharia.
It has nothing to do with the Koran. It's an aberration.

And what we are seeing time and time again is sadly it's not an


TANTAROS: Now, Bob, colleges are supposed to be a place of free and
open debate, and they seem to be more close minded these days and against
women. Why is that?

BECKEL: Yes. Well, first of all, Greg is not here to say it. So,
let me say that every college campuses like this in America because of a
bunch of commie teachers. You have 500 protesters in one place and 15 in
another, and these people, except for the one, pulled out. Now, why pull
out? Why not just stay and do it?

Yes, you're going to get some heat, but if you're going to get some
heat, you got a college campus, you've got 1,000 graduates there, you're
going to have some people who are not going to like it. So, frankly, I'm a
little bit curious as to why these people are not willing to stand up and
do what they -- say what they want to say.

I mean, I would not pull out.

TANTAROS: The thinking behind that, though, is -- Eric, they don't
want to make it about themselves. They want to be classy and say, look,
this is about students. I'm going to be a huge distraction. It's going to
be about politics, not them graduating.

How about from a money perspective, Eric? Do you think it's time
maybe we start to as a country look at the tax-exempt status that we give
these universities? I mean, we do it so we can foster honest debate, not
be indoctrination camps. Should that be something to think about it?

BOLLING: That's a huge debate how they are structured. Where they
should be completely -- they have these literally multibillion dollar
endowments. And they say, well, is it time to maybe look at -- I don't
think so. I like the system the way it is.

My problem with this, Ands, is simply why is graduation day become an
activism day. Why is it all about ideology? These days have work for four
days. They're ready to go, step out into life, it's going to be hard as
hell out there as soon as they finish, as soon as they walk into the job

Why do we always have to lay this on them? Can't we just have some
fun? Can't we have some --

PERINO: Beers. Beer summit.

BOLLIG: Have a party, have a celebration. Not, is it going to be
Condi or is it going to be, you know, someone on the left. And come on,
let's just stop with this. Let them have a nice final day.

TANTAROS: Dana, do you think that maybe that's because four years
that they are at these institutions, it's all about ideology anyway? So,
this isn't veering off the track of liberal academia.

PERINO: Right. That's a good point. I hadn't thought about it that
way. It's probably true.

I would do anything to listen to a speech from any of them. And in
the future, I'm sure that a lot of these graduates, after they have made
some money after a while, and they're in jobs, they will end up actually
paying to see one of them speak in the future. I just guarantee it.

I also don't think that anybody at Smith would have turned down a
great job at the IMF, with somebody as accomplished at Christine Lagarde.

And also, just the thing -- the thing that surprises me is that here
you have the first woman to be at the head of IMF. She's willing to come
and give you a speech. She's been hired by your university. And I see
your point, too, Bob. That maybe she should have gone ahead and given the
speech --


PERINO: -- and made the protesters make a fool of themselves if they

I'm wondering about next year, and what trend will we see? Are there
going to be colleges that are brave and decide to just do something -- you
know, hire somebody that was going to be either controversial or thought-
provoking, or maybe do something that Eric is suggesting, which is
basically don't spend the money on a speaker. Throw the kids a party and
let's call it a day. And then you can come back for the alumni reunion.

BECKEL: Go ahead, Tom. We've got to hear from you --

TANTAROS: Yes, Tom, it's -- I mean, it's one thing if it's Donald
Sterling invited to the college to give a speech. But these women, it's
almost as they are saying no to them because they don't like the industry
they are in and they don't like their politics. And if universities were
characterized as being conservative, then the left would say this is a war
on women judging by the names we mentioned.

SHILLUE: No, no. Smith has a great diversity of speakers. They
have had Rachel Maddow, Gloria Steinem, and Arianna Huffington. So, that
really runs the gamut.

BECKEL: That's a gamut, yes. But you know --

SHILLUE: They're more open-minded than we think over there.

BECKEL: Keep in mind here, will you please, that these are a very
small percentage of the student body who are doing these protests. These
kids believe what they believe. You can't deny them that, but it's still a
small percentage.

I've given commencement speeches. In one, I had a bunch of people
walked out and I was very straight about it. I just told them to kiss my -

SHILLUE: They don't know what the IMF does. They are protesting the
IMF and they're talking about patriarchy. The IMF is not about patriarchy.
They're giving money to poor countries. That's what the IMF does.

BECKEL: Well --

TANTAROS: I think it's even worse when you --


SHILLUE: It's funny, the arguments on the left. I mean, IMF is
right in the pocket of what these --

BOLLING: It's as liberal as it comes.

BECKEL: It is not. That is wrong.

BOLLING: It's a redistribution of our wealth.

TANTAROS: It's a handful of students, but isn't that worse then?
So, the tyranny of the minority now? They're folding?


BECKEL: No, the worse is because it's such a small percentage that
these guys refuse to go up and stand up and they would make fools of

TANTAROS: I think we take away the tax-exempt status of the close-
minded colleges.

BECKEL: Oh, there you go. There's an idea. A lot of colleges love

TANTAROS: Coming up, Warren Buffet is the third richest person on
the planet and he's got a lot of good to do. Well, so, why has he chosen
to donate money more than a billion dollars to abortion groups? That's up
next on "The Five."



BECKEL: Yes, I'm moving up to the C-block here. As Andrea pointed
out, I'm like George Jefferson.

Billionaire Warren Buffett has given a lot of money to charity over
his lifetime, but he's also donated a massive sum to abortion groups and
just how much is causing controversy. According to a new analysis by the
Media Research Center, Buffet gave more than $1.2 billion from 2001 to
2012. That amount could supposedly fund roughly 2.7 million first
trimester abortions.

How much does this hurt the Oracle of Omaha's image? Eric?

BOLLING: Yes, I had no idea. Everyone knows Warren Buffett has been
very liberal. He was a big pro-Obama supporter. He bought the PAC, which
is in essence another redistribution of wealth. And no one can understand
why one of the world's most successful investor would be for that.

But where's the media pointing this out, that a billion dollars he
spent on pro-abortion causes, including something like $300 million for
Planned Parenthood.

Now, you know, he's not running for elected office, so it's not really
going to make that much of an effect on anything, but it still -- it would
be good to hear about that. I would have liked to have known about it.

By the way, a billion and a quarter, do you know how much teachers
that could hire?

BECKEL: Yes, but I mean, the guy, I mean, I don't happen to agree
with it. But it's the law of the land, and he's got a right to put his
money where he wants to put his money. He's made a lot of money. He's
given a lot to a lot of different places.

So you know, you keep jumping on me about the Corker brothers or
whatever their names are, about how much they give to charity. I mean, I
don't mind them giving all that away.

BOLLING: This isn't charity. This is a billion -- Planned Parenthood
is not a charity. It's a cause.

BECKEL: It's not a charity, but it does a lot more than just
abortions, I might add.

BOLLING: I hear that, but I don't believe it.

BECKEL: Let me ask somebody who's sane here.

PERINO: OK. The question was does Warren Buffett think it will hurt
his legacy. That was one of the questions. I think he feels very secure
in his legacy. I don't think that he cares.

The other thing about this is that, if we believe that people who have
earned their own money can spend it where they want to on something that is
legal, then I don't think that I can criticize him for giving money to
Planned Parenthood or that his wife is giving them money.

Because the other thing that that does is that I have argued that I
don't think that federal taxpayer dollars should go to Planned Parenthood
because of that commingling. If you have somebody that's pro-life and I
pay taxes, I don't want parts of my taxes to go to pay for something that I
consider killing a life. That's what the Hyde Amendment was all about.
And I think that if there are people that are in the private sector that
want to pay their hard-earned money to something like this, then I think
you have to let them do it.

BECKEL: Andrea, what do you think?

TANTAROS: I agree with Dana. I would rather have Warren Buffett's
money going to pay Planned Parenthood than my tax money. And I don't love
it. I mean, if I were as rich as he was, I probably would not --
definitely would not be making these kind of donations.

But I guess you either care about this story or you don't care about
the story, depending on where you come down on the issue of abortion.
Berkshire Hathaway, if it turned into the "You must get an abortion"
company, I think they still own Geico. So if the little gecko starts
coming out, talking about how people should get abortions, then I'd have a
problem with it. But that won't happen.

And I think Chick-fil-A is a great example. If you don't like Warren
Buffett or where he spends his money, don't buy his products.

BECKEL: Yes, I guess that's how he gives hundreds of millions of
dollars to charity. Does this -- do you think this would hurt -- for
example, if you did it, would it hurt your reputation, or would it be
pretty well damaged.

SHILLUE: My reputation is very well-damaged being on this show and on
"Red Eye." I'm throwing caution to the wind.

BECKEL: Hey, man. You can always leave.

SHILLUE: No, it's great. This is why I'm in this business, to risk
my reputation. But I don't think it will hurt Buffett at all. Because
people on the right don't punish businesses the way that people on the left
do, and that's reason No. 1.

I mean, do you remember when the fellow from Whole Foods had the
temerity to suggest that his company might be better served by something
other than ObamaCare? They organized a boycott, and he's left-wing. And
he's in all the left-wing areas. So they went crazy.

But they won't go crazy on Buffett. And the other reason is it's easy
to boycott a Chick-fil-A. You just don't go buy a chicken. But people
don't really know what -- what are they going to do? Not ride the Reading
Railroad? He owns all these diverse businesses.

BECKEL: I left you off the hook on that.


TANTAROS: You don't have to buy stock in the companies.

BECKEL: Jane Fonda, she did one thing in the Vietnam War, got one
picture that was outrageous, and she apologized for it. And the right has
been hounding her ever since.

BOLLING: One little thing.

PERINO: Bob, how did we get to that?

BOLLING: We were in the middle of a war. She was standing with the
enemy and saying, "I'm siding with them."

BECKEL: Is that something that should damn her for the rest of her

BOLLING: Well, I don't think she's actually ever walked that back.

BECKEL: Well, she has walked it back. Buffett ain't going to walk
this back. His first wife died of cancer, and that's part of a -- and she
was a big supporter of Planned Parenthood. So I think he's just carrying
that on.

And Tom, let me just say is a comedian. It takes a lot of nerve to
sit here and say you're a beautician (ph)

The poster boy for bad behavior strikes again. But this time, Alec
Baldwin lashed out at the cops, so he ended up in handcuffs. We'll tell
you what went down coming up.


PERINO: A new smart phone app called Yik Yak have some parents and
critics concerned that it promotes cyber bullying, especially on high
school and college campuses.

Here's how it works. Users can anonymously post anything they like on
what has been described as a virtual bulletin board. And kids being kids,
they don't always contribute the nicest material. The result some vile
comments, once relegated to bathroom walls, have now found their way
online, displayed to a much wider audience. The app has already been used
to post bomb threats in high schools and shooting threats on at least one
college campus.

Though the company does point out, Tom, that Yik Yak has been used for
some good purposes, like they -- because it's a localized thing they were
able to find enough people to come and give blood to see if they could test
positive to give the kidney transplant. Now that's one could example.

But you have been on Yik Yak in the past three hours. How's that

SHILLUE: Yes. I'll just put it up here. "To the BOOP on date night
who tipped zero and wrote BOOP BOOP on your tab, your date thinks you're a
BOOP. I hope you step on a LEGO and don't get BOOPED." I like that "step
on LEGO. That's a good one."

PELOSI: It's not the highest end type of messaging.

SHILLUE: No, no.

PERINO: And it is a lot of -- and as you said earlier, it's two
schools fighting.

SHILLUE: Yes, it's a lot of college against college action here.

PERINO: Andrea, we talk a lot about bullying a lot because it's a
topic Americans talking about. And cyber bullying is, I think, slightly

I'm not a parent and I'm curious about the parents here, but you're
not a parent yet either. How would you have protected yourself or would
your parents have protected your from something like this? Your parents
don't know everything you're doing on your phone.

TANTAROS: They wouldn't have let me have -- they wouldn't have let me
have one.

PERINO: You don't think you would have been allowed a phone?

TANTAROS: I don't either I would have been allowed a phone if I were
using it.

They gave me a lot of leeway. But if it was proven that I was on
there posting nasty things about people, yes, the phone would be taken
away. Or they'd check to make sure I didn't have the app that Tom has on
his phone.

But I think this is a recipe for disaster. And I'm just so happy I'm
not in high school anymore. Because someone compared this to writing on
the bathroom wall nasty things about someone. But you can paint over the
bathroom wall. You know, and usually you can figure out who the person is.
This, I guess if you're posting enough you can figure out who it is. Some
of these comments stay up there a really long time and you can't fight
back. In school, you can point out the girl who said it about you, figure
it out. And then you could hash it out in the girls' room.

PERINO: There are some ways, Bob, that -- some people who would maybe
catch their kids writing something nasty, and they could have -- maybe
there's punishment involved, if the parents paid attention.

But what about if you have a teenage girl? How do you protect her? I
mean, you've kind of been through this.

BECKEL: Yes, I have. And first of all, if you could read the tweets
that I get when the show ends, you talk about bullying. And they've got
their names on it. And it starts off, "You big commie, and then it goes on
to whatever it is." And then I used to tweet back, saying thank you for
your kind words. Was it your mother who married her brother? Your father
married his sister?

The -- and I think the bathroom wall is too bad, but there used to be
a source of good information on there.

TANTAROS: You can see the positive in any message board.

BECKEL: I tell you, I think this is dangerous because you could --
once it starts to spread, I think you're going to start to find crap on
there that -- And only Tom would sit there and read it, you know.

PERINO: Well, some high schools, Erik, have asked Yik Yak to shut
down in their localized area, and Yik Yak has complied with that.

But you see some good?

BOLLING: I do. My son, as soon as this app came out, he said, "Hey,
Dad, did you hear about Yik Yak?" I looked into it.

OK. Yes, it can -- bad things can happen. There can be cyber
bullying. There can be bomb threats, but that can happen on Twitter. That
can happen on Facebook. The anonymous nature of it, I get it, maybe
enables people to maybe feel more free to do stupid things.

But if you prosecute and you go after people that do stupid things,
they'll fix it. And the parents are on it. They'll make sure it doesn't
happen. There's huge positive applications to it.

Advertising would love this app. If this becomes a big blow-up app
like Snapchat basically, or Twitter, man, you could -- you could locate a
group of people in a city or the whole darn city of Manhattan in a mile and
a half. You'd probably have five or six million people in a mile and a
half, you can advertise to everyone at once or a high school college or
sports arena watching the game: after the game to come to Joe's Bar.

PERINO: That was probably -- that was probably the theory behind it,
and they've been able to raise, I think, $1.5 million.

BECKEL: You know something? That is -- the thing about that is think
about all those guys with flags saying subway down the street.

BOLLING: You put them all out of work.

PERINO: That's the argument?

BOLLING: Now you're worried about the sandwich board guys?

TANTAROS: The anonymous nature allows people to get so mean, though.
I mean, the advertising is a great benefit, but somehow I'm guessing, Dana,
that people who have lost their dog are not really using this site.

PERINO: Yes. No. Well, they might. But I think that -- I heard
this about this example of a young man that was at a college campus, and
some girl started saying things about him which would probably make it so
that he probably wouldn't get dates in the future. And then everybody else
just stopped talking to -- it was like you just want to stay in your room
and not go anywhere and not interact.

SHILLUE: It's tougher with these things. If you look at any message
board, if you put up a YouTube video, the comments are vile. You see,
after you do this show, I get comments from people that hate me. And...

PERINO: Who's going to hate you?

SHILLUE: But the thing is you toughen up. You look at it and you
say, not...

PERINO: I know but you're not 14. You're not a 14-year-old girl. As
far as you know.

SHILLUE: Look, I'm pro-bullying. It made me the man I am today.

BECKEL: Yes, that's the point.

BOLLING: Twitter especially, when both of those apps started to
really blossom -- I know, Susan, we got to go; hold on. There was the same
thing. This is an opportunity for bullies to bully groups of people.

SHILLUE: Is Susan bullying you in your ear?

BOLLING: She's bullying me in my ear.


PERINO: But we're going to...

BECKEL: I was thinking, if you see a good-looking woman walking down
the street and you say, "I wonder who that babe was who walked across at
26th Street?"

PERINO: You mean like "Missed Opportunities" or whatever that's

BECKEL: Yes, exactly.

PERINO: Well, we're going to next talk about our favorite bully ever.
Alec Baldwin. Apparently, he's not left New York City like he promised.
He was arrested here today after a bike ride and a dust-up with cops. What
he's accused of doing next on "The Five."


SHILLUE: Alec Baldwin was arrested today in New York City, but it
wasn't for a scuffle with a photographer. The notorious bad boy was riding
the wrong way on the street with his bicycle. When the cops stopped him,
they asked for an I.D. He didn't have any and then he apparently went
nuts, so they arrested him for disorderly conduct.

In true Alec fashion, he unleashed a Twitter tirade after his release:
"Officer Moreno, badge number 23388, arrested me and handcuffed me for
going the wrong way on Fifth Avenue. Meanwhile photographers outside my
home once again terrified my daughter and nearly hit her with a camera.
The police did nothing. New York City is a mismanaged carnival of
stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior
once thought benign." Good word, Alec.

TANTAROS: Good impression.

SHILLUE: I thought it was pretty good.

PERINO: Very good.

SHILLUE: I once met him. He was like, "My name is Alec. This is my
brother Billy."

Andrea, I like Alec Baldwin. He's out there; he's being honest. And
you know what? He's like an old-fashioned guy. He's always protecting his
wife and his daughter. I like him.

TANTAROS: Well, I agree with him and I disagree. I do believe that
New York City is a carnival. What did he call it, a mismanaged carnival of
stupidity? I agree.

But in this instance, it was not. The bikers have taken over the
city, and if you live in the city, you'll know what I'm talking about. He
was going the wrong way on a street, which is so scary. Bob goes on his
rants about bikers in New York, but it's very scary. They fly down the
wrong way...

SHILLUE: Yes, bikers are driving me crazy, too.

TANTAROS: And I think New York City was right to give him a ticket.

BOLLING: The thing is I feel bad for these cops. We always blame the
cops for these interactions, but they have their hands tied. We make up
these bike lanes, and then we make the regulations. And then we tell them
to go out and get revenue, am I right?

BECKEL: Yes, exactly right. And then every Muslim taxi driver and
every American taxi driver and every other kind of taxi driver drives in
the bike lanes.

But City Bank, who put those...

PERINO: City Bike.

BECKEL: City Bike, who put those bikes around and Bloom head, who
decided it was a good idea. I'm telling you, people are going to die from
that. They wear those euro trash outfits, those micro-carp that you're
bringing around..

TANTAROS: Actually, those euro -- the euro-riding spandex one, they
actually follow the rules. We're talking about bikers that don't follow
the rules, and they typically . They are finally getting ticketed.

TANTAROS: Alec Baldwin contributes to the definition he says about
New York. You don't think he's part of the carnival.

BOLLING: Amen. Good one, Bobby.

Dana, you're up.

PERINO: You know, yesterday I talked about my Fit Bit and having met
my little bit.

BECKEL: But anyway, Baldin contributes to what he said about the
definition of New York.

SHILLUE; Which is what...

BECKEL; You don't think he's part of the carnival?

SHILLUE: He is. He said to the police -- he said "How young are
these police? Don't you know who I am?

Now I think that's a reasonable thing for him to say. The police
should know who he is, not because of TV. Because he's been arrested about
54 times.

PERINO: Actually, they should know his mug shot by now. I'm glad
that the cops arrested him for this, because I don't like -- the bike thing
scares me. I'm a nervous wreck in New York City as it is.

But it also is do you know that broken window theory of policing? If
you just let the little stuff go, then all the big things end up becoming
worse. So what they're doing here is say, "You can't go the wrong way on
Fifth Avenue."

And also, it's not just a stupid law. It's for his own safety. So if
he really cares about his wife and daughter, he wouldn't be going up the
street on -- the wrong way anyway.

SHILLUE: Eric, do you wear those bike shorts?

BOLLING: Never. Never wear those.

SHILLUE: They make me uncomfortable.

BOLLING: Even worse than the guys on bicycles are those petty cabs.
And by the way...

BECKEL: Absolutely.

BOLLING: ... they go the wrong way on one-way streets, as well. By
bet, though, I would put a lot of money on the fact that Alec Baldwin was
never going to get arrested until he mouthed off to that cop.


BOLLING: She probably said, "Listen, you can't go this way up Fifth
Avenue." Or down Fifth Avenue. It goes up, right?

SHILLUE: No, it goes down.

BOLLING: So he was probably going up Fifth Avenue. She probably
said, "It goes this way," and he probably got in her face. The FOX

SHILLUE: He was protecting his daughter.

BECKEL: You're a friend of his brother, right? Does Billy know that
he sucks like that.

BOLLING: Billy, Stephen and Daniel, three of his brothers, are some
of the nicest people in the world. I just don't know what happened with

TANTAROS: Do you think it was the "Don't you know who I am?"

PERINO: I mean, Reese Witherspoon taught us that.


PERINO: That was just last year.

SHILLUE: Right. OK. So we have to go. "One More Thing" is up next.


BOLLING: All right. "One More Thing." Bob, you kick it off.

BECKEL: OK. Today, at the White House former Army Sergeant Kyle
White was the seventh living recipient of the Medal of Honor, and
congratulations to him. And this is what he had to say.


SGT. KYLE WHITE (RET.), U.S. ARMY: Without the team, there could be
no Medal of Honor. That is why I wear this medal for my team. My six
fallen brothers, they are my heroes.


BOLLING: Good for you, sergeant. You've earned it and

BOLLING: Amen. Amen. Good one, Bobby.

Dana, you're up.

PERINO: Yesterday, I talk about my Fit Bit and having met my -- I got
a badge. Well, now I've learned about a new product. I don't need this
product, but I think it's a good one. And Bob, you should think about it.


PERINO: It's called the Quit Bit, OK, and it looks like a lighter.
And you hook it up to your phone so that every time you light up, it will
record it, so that now you will know how many cigarettes you are actually
having in a day. And if you're trying to quit, you can maybe, you know,
cut back a little bit so that you have some measurement. I think it's a
really good product. What do you think?


PERINO: I'm just thinking of your health.

BECKEL: OK. I appreciate that. If you'll get me one, I'll be happy
to use it.

PERINO: Helping you always costs money somehow.

BECKEL: I know. It does. It's nice.

BOLLING: Andrea's up.

TANTAROS: OK. Well, if you're about to sit down to dinner, you may
want to hold off just a little bit. Now some politicians in Washington,
D.C., get caught taking bribes. Others get caught in affairs. Others get
caught digging for ear wax and then eating it.


TANTAROS: Here with the most disgusting clip of the day. Check out
Joe Garcia on camera, a Democrat from Florida, who dug in and chomped down.


TANTAROS: On C-SPAN. The press secretary, I'm guessing, was
mortified. Just a reminder to all the congressmen out there, that there
are cameras in those hearing rooms. So you should be very careful.
Someone should invest...

PERINO: Also, you should not eat your ear wax.

TANTAROS: That also is a more important point.

BECKEL: That's amazing. I don't ever get grossed out. That just
grossed me out.

BOLLING: And those Democrats.

TANTAROS: Well, I'm guessing some Republicans do it too, but here's
to hoping you're not having mustard for dinner.

SHILLUE: He could have had a poppy seed in there or something.

PERINO: How did that poppy seed get in there?

SHILLUE: You much on it.

All right. This weekend was Mother's Day, and me and my two daughters
do what we always do. We lock my wife in the bedroom and force her to eat
a breakfast that she wouldn't normally eat, so...

BECKEL: Are you kidding me?

SHILLUE: We do breakfast in bed. It's a tradition in our home. But
I went online looking for breakfast in bed, because I wanted to see some
other holiday people do this, and I found this video. I thought it was


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't spill it. I'll put it all back.

Shhh. Careful.



SHILLUE: He scooped it back up, and he gave it to Mom and she ate it.
That's a good Mom.

BOLLING: Was Mom happy after that.

Who's that?

SHILLUE: That's me. That's my kids. That's Father's Day. See,
they're always in the bed, making me eggs.

BOLLING: Mom is locked in the bedroom somewhere.

PERINO: You sleep in a visor?

BOLLING: OK, so one of the other fallout -- we've got to go quickly.
One of the other fallouts of Obamanomics, the price of hops has doubled.
And poor people who love crap beers are out of luck, because prices are
going through the roof. We have a picture? We don't have a picture.

Anyway, I'm going to Snapchat.

SHILLUE: Beautiful.

BECKEL: You're going to Snapchat what?

BOLLING: I'm going to Snapchat my craft beer right after the show and
a picture of "The Five" here, EB2016.

PERINO: All right. Good.

BOLLING: Don't forget, set your DVRs. See you later. "Special
Report" on deck.

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