
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," February 7, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Joran van der Sloot was the last known person to be seen with Natalee Holloway. In May 2005, 18-year-old Natalee Holloway vanished in Aruba during her high school graduation trip. Joran has repeatedly said he had nothing to do with Natalee Holloway's disappearance until now. Nearly three years later, Joran's been caught on tape talking about what happened to Natalee Holloway. This tape is a part of a hidden camera operation by Dutch crime reporter Peter De Vries.


JORAN VAN DER SLOOT: All of a sudden, Patrick, like a movie, all the things she did.


VAN DER SLOOT: Yes, a lot. So I was, like, (DELETED), what's all this?

VAN DER EEM: Did you try to resuscitate her?

VAN DER SLOOT: Of course. I tried everything. I was shaking the (DELETED).


VAN SUSTEREN: Joran says after Natalee was unresponsive, he had his friend, Daury, toss Natalee's body off a boat, though Joran says he was not even sure Natalee was even dead. To make it worse, if that is even possible, Joran says he didn't lose a minute of sleep over it.

Joining us live in Birmingham, Alabama, is Natalee Holloway's mother, Beth Holloway. Nice to see you, Beth.


VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Beth, let me ask you the question that's typically asocial question, but I don't mean just to be polite and social. How are you?

HOLLOWAY: Well, actually, Greta, you know, I (INAUDIBLE) a lot of peace and comfort in finally knowing what happened, and it's just validation of the fight, and feels good, Greta. It does. It feels good.

VAN SUSTEREN: Let me take you back to when you first heard that there might be a tape of Joran caught on tape. I mean, when did you first hear about it?

HOLLOWAY: Well, Peter De Vries had called me, oh, I guess it was probably about a little more than a week ago, so it hadn't been very long. And the only thing he conveyed to me was that he'd had a major break in Natalee's case and asked me to come to the Netherlands. And gosh, I just said, What day? And I didn't ask any questions. I didn't know what he had. But he did say we had a lot to talk about. And I just thought, OK. I mean, I had no idea, though, what was about to unfold, absolutely not.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you get on a plane and you fly to Holland, and then what happened?

HOLLOWAY: Well, when I met him, he told — you know, we initially met at the airport, and within the first 10 minutes, he began to convey to me what he had. And he began telling me some of the things that Joran had admitted to during this taped session with Patrick.

And you know, when you're hearing it, some of the things that I was hearing — of course, the first thing that struck me when Peter was telling me — and there were some camera crews around. And Peter began to disclose to me how Joran described Natalee's condition, the shaking. And I tell you, Greta, I mean, I had to ask everyone to leave the room. I wanted everyone out.

I couldn't believe it because, I mean, it was so stunning, it was so stunning that I was hearing these words that Joran was saying because two- and-a-half years ago, gosh, Greta, within 48 hours of Natalee's disappearance — 48 hours — the lead detective, Dennis Jacobs, came to me in the Bubali (ph) police station and says, Does Natalee have a history of epilepsy or seizures? And I thought, No, why are you asking that? And he did it — they did it repeatedly to Jug. And when I was hearing that, it just — it just felt like it brought everything full circle of what we had been fighting for.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think, if the Aruban police asked that question within 48 hours of Natalee disappearing, and now we hear it on the tape with Joran two-and-a-half or three-and-a-half years later, whatever it is by now — do you think the Aruban police heard him say that? Do you think he told that to the Aruban police that night when they talked to him?

HOLLOWAY: I have absolutely no doubt that the only reason why that question was asked of us was they had a confession or an admission of this from Joran Van Der Sloot himself. So definitely. There is no way that we can tie what Joran said — you know, no way that we cannot tie when Joran said during that taped interview to what was asked of us from Dennis Jacobs not — within 48 hours. Absolutely. Absolutely, they knew.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, it's sort of interesting, I mean, watching, he's got a terribly callous disregard on that tape. I mean, it's a very different person than the person who sat down with me in March of '06 and a very different person than his mother described to the two of us inside their home in June of — when she disappeared.

HOLLOWAY: Well, what was so striking to me is when I was watching Joran on the tape, it was, like, the first time that I had seen that side of Joran since the night that I met him on the island. And over the two- and-a-half years, I saw a Joran that that's not the Joran that I — that met me that night in front of the Holiday Inn hotel. That wasn't the same man. And when I began watching the tape, I was, like, There he is. There's the Joran that I met that night at the Holiday Inn, standing outside. That's the one that I knew.

VAN SUSTEREN: I remember when we sat in the Van Der Sloot home with Mrs. Van Der Sloot, I think — maybe correct me if I'm wrong — did we discuss with Anita and Paulus about what we had heard, that Joran had — that he had a bad temper or something, or he had — actually, there had been some issue in the family?

HOLLOWAY: I remember during the first course of the conversation with Anita, she was conveying to us about his behavior, this aggressiveness, and that they were beginning or had already begun this program of seeking some assistance with his aggressive behavior that he was displaying. So I mean, that was definitely coming out as we were speaking with Anita. So, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you now seen — have you seen the complete tape or the complete translation?

HOLLOWAY: Oh. Well, I think there was a total of, like, 20 hours, I'm guessing, so no, I have not seen all that. No. And I may not even be correct about the number of hours that Peter De Vries was able to secure. But you know, I have seen more than what was aired, of course, on ABC, when I was in the Netherlands. They played a little different clips there, so each one was a little different.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Beth, if you'll stand by, we have much more with you in just a moment.

And coming up later, the lawyer for the Kalpoe brothers is here. And the Kalpoe brothers — what's the story with them? Are they completely off the hook, or do they have problems? Make sure to stay tuned.


VAN SUSTEREN: Beth Holloway, Natalee's mother, is back with us. Beth, no one who has not walked in your shoes can possibly understand what it is like to be you. You have to walk in your shoes to understand it.

But in watching that video tape, I am enraged. You say you feel better. Explain that to me.

HOLLOWAY: I think now that I know that it is like to know the answers, I would have to say that not knowing is the sheer hell. That was definitely my hell.

And knowing, as painful as it is, yes, I want to come to the television, and I want to choke him to death, absolutely. I want to kill him. But, Greta, I have to look back and think, which is worse? Not knowing or knowing? And not knowing is the sheer hell, absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you had any conversations with John Q. Kelly, with the prosecutor, to find out where it goes from here, because there is some discussion about whether there will be a prosecution, whether he'll be arrested, and even whether his statements are murder or something else?

HOLLOWAY: No, I had not yet. I know that hopefully over the next upcoming weeks, something will come about, Greta. I am just hoping that now something can be done to move forward, and I do not know what.

I think that all I can do is just hope for an answer, and, of course, justice is just out of my hands. Of course I would love to see it, but I do not know what would become of it. I do not know.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, in the tape, he says that she was shaking, that's something happened, that she fell unconscious, and that he later summoned someone to get rid of her.

Do you think that he was completely truthful, or do you think he murdered her?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I have to look back on it. Joran was a 17-year-old boy and in no way can make a determination whether a young woman is alive or not. So I would have to go with that Natalee was alive. She could have very well been in a coma and he disposed of for body alive.

But there is no way, there is no way we can go back and find out if she was alive or not, Greta. Absolutely we can never recapture that, never.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think she was in it, or shaking, or whatever her condition was because of her own drinking, or do you think she had been slipped something?

HOLLOWAY: I think absolutely she had been slipped something, Greta, absolutely. And I think that any medical professional would tend to agree, too.

Natalee had no history, there is nothing, absolutely nothing in her medical history to have something like that occur without having been given something.

And we have to go back. And we know that Joran was in charge of her drinks. We know that Joran purchased her drinks and paid for her drinks. We know that Joran served her drinks. So absolutely they had the ability to place a GHB, ecstasy, I do not even know what these drugs are that these males use, these perpetrators in bars slip these females. But, yes, she was drugged.

VAN SUSTEREN: If I was the prosecutor, I want to find out what condition she was in when she left; if she was simply just intoxicated or whatever going to the Kalpoe car, because if she is walking on your own volition that would make a difference to me, because if you took a drug, even if you took it at a bar, it probably would not hit you for 15 to 20 minutes.

So if she had been slipped something, or slipped something while she was in the car, so I guess—

HOLLOWAY: I am not exactly clear. I know that she was seen, I believe, leaving the establishment with one of the suspects escorting her by the elbow, almost as if guiding her. But I am not as certain about that as I have been about many other details.

But I think that that has always been a question in the back of our minds, that Natalee had been slipped some type of drug.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I am curious what some of the people who are hostile to you in the country of Aruba will now have to say, and we are going to keep our eyes on that, and we are going to stay on top of this.

Beth, as always, thank you. I am glad you got this answer, and I hope you get all of the justice that should come with your answers. Thank you, Beth

HOLLOWAY: Me too. Thanks, Greta.

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