
The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Athens Attack Foiled?

Guantanamo Bay Detainees have given up intelligence that helped foil plans for a terrorist attack at the Athens Olympics next month ... according to a new report in the Chicago Tribune. The intelligence, described during a special intelligence briefing with the Tribune, was gathered through a series of interrogations.

What's more, military and civilian interrogators say the information they have recently gathered could help prevent a dozen attacks elsewhere. The Tribune, however, gave no further details.

War on Terror

Meanwhile, a new poll shows that 55 percent of Americans now approve of the way President Bush is handling the war on terrorism, up 5 points from three weeks ago. However, the Washington Post poll shows that, for the first time this year, a minority of Americans say the U.S. is winning the war on terrorism.

Speaking of polls and the war on terrorism, a new poll out of Afghanistan shows that two-thirds of Afghans approve of the U.S. action that ousted the Taliban. In addition, the poll, conducted by the Afghan Media Resource Center, shows that 64 percent of Afghans say their country is heading in the right direction, and 53 percent say the security situation in their areas is excellent or good.

The poll also shows that 62 percent of Afghans rate President Hamid Karzai's performance as good or excellent, and 81 percent plan to vote in elections, scheduled for this fall.

Spontaneously Combusted Server

Last night, we broadcast a clip from the political satire Website jibjab.com — that showed President Bush and John Kerry singing a parody of "This land is Your Land." Well, the 2 brothers who run that site report that they received so much traffic after the broadcast that — "Our server spontaneously combusted!" They are working to increase server capacity.

Bush 'Ain't' Got No Smarts, Really?

And finally, more Americans, as we noted earlier, think of John Kerry as intelligent than think of President Bush that way. Take, for instance, Lee Bondurant of the Seattle suburbs, who is quoted in newspapers across the country as saying he knows he doesn't like President Bush just by listening to the way he speaks.

After all, Bondurant concludes, — "He ain't got no smarts."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report