
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Censured but Reelected

Former Republican Congressman Mark Foley resigned in disgrace after revelations of his lewd computer messages to a former house page became public — and has been universally disavowed by the GOP.

But a Democratic congressman who actually had a homosexual affair with an underage House page and remained an honored figure within the party right up until his death Saturday is being praised as a "pioneer" for gay rights.

Former Massachusetts Congressman Gerry Studds was censured for his actions by the House in 1983 — but he never apologized — in fact defended the relationship — and was re-elected six times. Congressman Barney Frank said Studds gave people "the courage to be who they are."

Ted Kennedy said Studds “changed Massachusetts forever and we'll never forget him."

And Congressman William Delahunt said "even now, his legacy is alive and well in the halls of Congress."

Educational Effort

Wal-Mart under attack by a group that wants to unionize its workers — is fighting back — and the attackers don't like it one bit. Wal-Mart has engaged in voter registration drives for its associates and handed out voter education materials.

But the campaign director for David Tovar tells FOX News the company is merely engaged in a non-partisan educational effort to inform its employees what politicians are saying about Wal-Mart — good and bad.

More Guns Less Crime?

In a culture of school shootings and other violence on campus — a man in Utah thinks he has a partial solution. So while the State Education Association held its convention in Salt Lake City over the weekend —he offered public school employees a class to help them get a concealed weapons permit. Clark Aposhian told the Deseret Morning News that he had about two dozen people sign up for the class.

While federal law prohibits weapons at schools — Utah law says schools cannot prevent people with concealed-weapons permits from packing heat.

Scarves and Turbins OK

And ...a British Airways employee in London says she plans to take legal action against her bosses after being suspended from work for two weeks.

Her offense—wearing a crucifix around her neck. The company says the cross violates its dress code, which prohibits jewelry. But that same code allows Muslims and Sikhs to wear headscarves and turbans.

One British cabinet minister is slamming the airline — calling its decision "loopy."

—FOX News Channel's Aaron Bruns contributed to this report.