This is a rush transcript from "The Story," May 3, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, HOST: You too, Chris. Thank you so much. Good evening everybody. I'm Martha MacCallum. And tonight's “Story,” the new scrutiny of this moment between Kamala Harris and Attorney General Barr this week.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Has the president or anyone at the White House ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone? Yes or no, please, sir.

WILLIAM BARR, ATTORNEY GENERAL: They have not asked me to open investigation, but --

HARRIS: Perhaps, they've suggested?

BARR: I don't know. I wouldn't say suggest, but --

HARRIS: Hinted?

BARR: I don't know.

HARRIS: Inferred? You don't know. OK?


MACCALLUM: So, where's that going? The Washington Post in a new editorial says they know what will happen now with one Russia collusion Theory busted, they are predicting that there will be a new plot.

"So get ready," Paul Waldman writes. "Trump is now going to order the Justice Department to launch an investigation of his opponent probably more than one, and Barr will likely do so eagerly," they write. "It doesn't matter how trivial the substance is. Did Elizabeth Warren shake hands with a guy whose cousin's neighbor dated a mobster? The Justice Department will investigating. Did Bernie Sanders have a congressional intern whose police officer dad fixed a parking ticket for him? The FBI is on it. Did Kamala Harris prosecute someone whose lawyer's husband got a state contract? Investigations are ongoing," they right.

That drumbeat carried on in the media today and some pundits jumping on that bandwagon.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I believe Donald Trump may weaponize the Department of Justice to go after Biden and his son.


MACCALLUM: So, without skipping a beat, the bitter disappointment that some seem to have over the fact that the Mueller report fell short of some people's expectations barely sinking in, it is now off to the races with more of these theories. Jason Chaffetz is the former chair of the House Oversight Committee and a Fox News contributor.

It's fascinating to me, Jason how quickly the narrative of, you know, well, we didn't get that, so here is what we are going to say the president is up to now based on, at this point, not -- no evidence that we can see of any of these things.

JASON CHAFFETZ, CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it's all just a wish list from the Democrats because you're right. I mean, Barr is a real professional. And I think the way he handled himself in the Senate was admirable. I think he's shown that he's very adept at this and knows the law better than anybody that was questioning him.

But I do think that Democrats from Pelosi and Nadler, to the Senators, and now, the Washington Post and the other pundits out there are trying to distract by saying, well, Trump will do this, and he'll do that. And it'll be outrageous, and it'll be -- it'll be wrong.

But we know is happening Martha is that the inspector general in the next 60 days is going to come out with a report. We know the attorney general is pursuing the origins of the stuff about Trump, and how did that all come about. And it is not going to look good for the Department of Justice, specifically the FBI, and potentially, some of the other departments and agencies in the Obama administration.

MACCALLUM: So, let me ask you this. So, is that what you see at work here? Is there, you know, sort of a panic mode setting in because Bill Barr said in these hearings that we've watched, you know, yes, there was spying going on. We need to see whether or not it was predicated.


MACCALLUM: Did a -- did a million alarm bells go off in a lot of corners including all the way back for potentially to the Obama administration about their concerns about that?

CHAFFETZ: You have to also go back, people forgot about the inspector general put out several hundred pages about the problems at the FBI. That -- but he left off where did they -- did they actually take action? Did people like Strzok, and Page, and McCabe, what did they actually do did with that information, this animus and this bias? That's what the inspector general has been looking at for more than a year now.

So, that we've already had this foreshadowing, we already know this. And when you see the New York Times put out this story in the last 48 hours, you know, saying that well, actually there was a spy sent by the FBI to go peek in on George Papadopoulos. That's not a coincidence that it shows up in the New York Times. It's how they inoculate themselves and try to lessen the blow.

MACCALLUM: Yes. I mean, this is what the president has said about this over, you know, this goes back to over a year ago. Watch this and people said he was, you know, he was crazy they didn't know what he was talking about.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: A lot of people are saying they had spies in my campaign. We now call it Spygate, you're calling it Spygate. A lot of bad things have happened. There was absolutely spying into my campaign.


MACCALLUM: Do you think that, that New York Times article vindicates? You know, and I go all the way back to when the president talked about, you know, people wiring Trump Tower, right? And everyone said it was just unbelievable that he would even suggest that. They were -- they jumped down his throat over that. And now, you know, versions of that appear to be perhaps, what we may end up seeing in this report.

CHAFFETZ: I remember back in the day. When that first came out, and I was the chairman, I actually contacted Reince Priebus who was the chief of staff. I said, "What in the world is the president talking about?" Reince didn't have any knowledge about it. But evidently, I think the president wasn't just guessing. I think the president had actually probably had some information that, that was actually true.

The other thing, Martha, I think is highly suspicious in retrospect, why is it that the FBI director first time he meets with Donald Trump, starts talking about this dossier, why does he start doing that? It's probably because he's very nervous about what he and his team had done with that. But that's why you have an inspector general, an attorney general, and others that are looking at it.

And like I said, we're probably within 60 days of knowing, and it's going to be ugly for a lot of those Democrats.

MACCALLUM: All right, thank you very much. Jason Chaffetz, good to see you tonight.

Richard Goodstein, let me go to you first. Oh, why don't I introduce you guys first, how would that be? Anthony Scaramucci is here, former White House communications director and author of Trump the Blue Collar President. And Richard Goodstein, who I gave you -- speak up.


MACCALLUM: Democratic strategist and former adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns. Great to have you both with us. So, you know, good, shake hands. Say hi to everybody.

ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI, FORMER WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Of course, before starts -- before we start beating on each other, we might to say --


MACCALLUM: So, Rich, let me start with you. Well, you know, I mean, when you look at where this is this is going, so now it's almost like I was watching all this reading all this morning. It's like, you know, before the fact anything that the president decides he is going to look into will be, Oh, see now, he's using his Justice Department to investigate everybody. When the question is actually now being investigated is whether or not President Obama did that during the last campaign.

GOODSTEIN: Right. So, here is what I don't understand about that narrative. George Papadopoulos was in the words of Lewandowski, Donald Trump, a liar, and somebody they'd never heard of. If the -- if the Obama White House administration was truly interested in spying on the Trump campaign, why wouldn't they have spied on Donald Trump Jr., or Jared, or anybody of any consequence.

MACCALLUM: Because, when these guys work this kind of things, and you know, maybe I've read too many spy novels, they look to sort of the softest points as entry points, right? So, you go to a Carter Page, you go to George Papadopoulos. And you're looking for a way into the operation.

GOODSTEIN: Right. And what we know is that five different nations who were friends of ours reported to our intelligence agencies that they were hearing all these stories that made them convinced as ultimately our intelligence agencies verified that the Russians were trying to attack our democracy. And Papadopoulos was the one who was spreading those stories. So, that's why I think they would go after him, not because he's weak. Because he was the one where they were getting these stories.

And incidentally, all this outrage about Carter Page and Papadopoulos, are we going to see a smidgen of that outrage about what the Russians did? I haven't heard that yet for all the defense of Carter Page and Papadopoulos.

SCARAMUCCI: Well, first of all, I think the -- in fairness of the president, I think he's more or less been vindicated. If you look at the top line stuff in the Mueller report, I'm 260 pages deep into it, he's more or less vindicated. They can -- they can pit if they wanted, we can debate it, but he's more or less vindicated.

Number two, let's wait for the inspector general. If there was a nefarious activity, that's their job they have to uncover it on. And if there was a nefarious activity, I would hope Richard would accept that those people, if they did things that were nefarious and unfounded that they deserve to get punished for that.

GOODSTEIN: 100 percent. I would just say, Peter Strzok, you'd agree with singularly able to blow up the Donald Trump candidacy by making public. What he knew, which was there were two counterintelligence campaign or investigation that had been launched. He's sat on that. He may a bad mouth, Trump, with his text. As did -- as did the Republican presidential candidate, openly say exactly what he said to --


MACCALLUM: But -- you know, I mean, you know, I mean that the issue is whether or not what actually was happening was that the intelligence agencies had planted people in the campaign to try to see what they could find. And that they didn't let the campaign know that they had those concerns which would have nipped it in the bud if their true concern was that they were genuinely worried about that.

SCARAMUCCI: This is what I would say to my democratic friends. OK, this Kabuki theater of the Kentucky Fried Chicken, and all this other nonsense go beat him as a ballot box. OK, get a candidate, you think that you can beat the guy. I think he's going to annihilate the democratic candidate.

That's just my point of view, that's my point of view as a capital allocator with $10 billion under management, not me talking as a partisan. That's just me looking objectively at the landscape, and the death of the economic growth. I think it's very hard to be the sitting president.

But if we were sitting here in 2011, and we were talking about Barack Obama, and you asked me, said boy, it's going to be tough for the Republicans because he has a rising economy and there's so much strength. So, to me, we can do the Kabuki theater, we have a failing industrial policy, education policy, and infrastructure policy.

Why don't we all get together and fix those problems for the American people, and then, let the Democratic nominee fight it out with --


MACCALLUM: I think, probably, the American people would like that.

SCARAMUCCI: But that's I would like to --


MACCALLUM: Before I let you guys go, I want to give you one more -- one more subject. That Washington Post did an enormous piece on Bernie Sanders honeymoon which was like decades ago, and let's put up some of this. Inside Bernie's 1988 10-day honeymoon on the Soviet Union, "As he stood on Soviet soil, Sanders criticized the cost of housing and health care in the United States, lauding the lower prices but not the quality of that available in the Soviet Union. Then, at a banquet he blasted the way the United States had intervened in other countries, stunning some of those who had accompanied him."

So, beyond -- and we -- let's put up the picture of Bernie Sanders and -- you know, they're all having vodka at the table. Anyway, it's very interesting honeymoon. He has no shirt on which you can't really see in this picture. I notice -- I don't think that -- I think that other people at the table appear to have shirts on. So I'm not really sure what was going on there.


SCARAMUCCI: They just get on the sauna. It's a Ryan -- it's a Ryan Kavanaugh moment. Hopefully, Bernie has a calendar and going to explain all that.

MACCALLUM: What's going on here? Because I think there's a lot of Democrats who were going after Bernie Sanders because they're afraid he's doing well. That's what going on?

GOODSTEIN: I don't think - I don't think, look, Bernie Sanders got away with murder in 2016 because, and I fault her for this, Hillary didn't say all that's crazy things that he said on foreign soil, what he said about nationalizing banks, and the transportation, and oil and gas. All the things that are truly socialist. He's a real socialist, he doesn't make any bones about it, but she didn't play that up because she was advised. Well, that you make him a martyr. Well, guess what, it's time for him to kind of grown up.

MACCALLUM: And he became a martyr in the whole super delegate thing anyway.

GOODSTEIN: He did. I mean, again, he lucked out. And frankly, he didn't go to bat for her in the way he should have even in the general election campaign, and it's time for him to have to explain what he said and done.

MACCALLUM: Anthony, what do you think?

SCARAMUCCI: You know, I think the guy is like a walking disaster. And so, I hope that they continue to lurch to the left because a further left that they go, the more moderate and sensible Democrats will say, OK, things are working great under the Trump administration.

The president should probably dial back Twitter a little bit, he could be obnoxious at times. But things are working great. So, keep moving the party to the left, Rich, and it could be great for us.

GOODSTEIN: And how do you explain Trump's poll numbers being so bad with this good economy?

SCARAMUCCI: Because it's just the way the people view Trump right now. It's sort of the reverse Bradley effect. You know that, and I know that. There were precincts that said that they weren't voting for him, and they've came out in size, and he won the presidency.

If you want to go about the poll numbers, I would -- I wouldn't do that because we're repeating history.

GOODSTEIN: But 2018, people said exactly what you said, in the run-up to it, and Democrats cleaned the Republican's clock.

MACCALLUM: Yes. All right. We got to go.


SCARAMUCCI: But not in this time, picked up season.

MACCALLUM: Gentleman, Richard, thank you.

GOODSTEIN: Thank you.

MACCALLUM: Congratulations on your new engagement.

GOODSTEIN: Thank you.

SCARAMUCCI: Happy week, thank you.

MACCALLUM: Anthony, great to see you. Thank you very much, guys. Have a great weekend.

Coming up next. You guys stick around that for this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: TPUSA is for Nazis, and you should be ashamed of your service in Afghanistan. You should be ashamed of yourself, not proud to your service.


MACCALLUM: Wow, Congressman Dan Crenshaw with a response to the protester who insulted his service to our country. Coming up next.



REP. ILHAN OMAR, D-MINN.: A lot of the policies that we've put in place has kind of helped lead the devastation in Venezuela. And we've sort of set the stage for where we were arriving today, this particular bullying and the use of sanctions who eventually intervene and make regime change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela, and it certainly does not help and it's not in the interest of the United States.


MACCALLUM: That's her take. The Trump administration fires back at Ilhan Omar, the congresswoman, for suggesting that the United States is at least partly to blame for the crisis that's unfolding in Venezuela. Here is the Vice President Mike Pence.


MIKE PENCE, VICE PRESIDENT: The Congresswoman doesn't know what she's talking about. Nicolas Maduro is a socialist and dictator who's taken what was once one of the most prosperous nations in this hemisphere and brought it literally to a level of deprivation, and oppression, and poverty that we have never seen.


MACCALLUM: Strong words there from the vice president. The freshman Democrat tweeting a short time ago, women of color have heard this before. Instead of we disagree, it's she doesn't know what she's talking about. They have to make us feel small, she says. This from an administration that thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax.

Joining me now Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw of Texas. Congressman, good to have you with us today.

REP. DAN CRENSHAW, R-TX: Great to be with you, Martha.

MACCALLUM: Thank you for being here tonight. What do you make of all that?

CRENSHAW: Well, her opinion is one that is not based on facts or reality, OK. I've been going to Venezuela a long time. My family actually used to live in Caracas and I've traveled there a number of times. I've watched these policies ruined the country. It's not U.S. policy and notice she didn't give an example because she doesn't have any.

But what's actually happened is through price controls and nationalization of private industry, you've ruined an economy. And we have 100 years of examples to show for this. When you put in these kinds of socialist policies, it destroys a country. It happens over and over again. People starve. That is what's happening right now. These failed ideas that keep bubbling up.

And it's a real shame to see that we have members of Congress actually defending them and always -- and always going back to this "it's the US's fault. It's always -- it's always America's fault. And if you disagree with me you're disagreeing with me because of my identity. That's basically what she said in that tweet, and that's really cheap, that's really cheap shot to tell you.

MACCALLUM: Well, let me ask you this, because there's discussion of -- that the military options on the table. We hear that all the time. You, of course, have fought for our country. You're a Navy SEAL, former Navy SEAL. I don't think you can say former right? You're always a Navy SEAL. And we thank you for your service.

But should we -- is it worth and Tulsi Gabbard was on the other night, she's running for president. She says it's not worth putting American lives on the ground for Venezuela and the mess that they have created for themselves in some ways.

CRENSHAW: Yes, it's an ongoing situation. I think we should take that option off the table. I would agree with Tulsi Gabbard at this point. I don't think we want to put troops on the ground. I'm not sure Juan Guaido and his followers want American troops on the ground. But we don't want to remove that from the table either. We don't want to remove that option.

We don't want to give you know, any sense of emboldenment to the Maduro regime right now. We want to keep supporting Juan Guaido and his movement and hope that they can be --

MACCALLUM: Do you think he's going to prevail, Guaido?

CRENSHAW: I mean, it's clear that he has the support of the people. It's clear that they -- that people want their freedom, they want Maduro gone, and they want change. And I think -- and I'm hopeful -- I'm hopeful that it takes place.

MACCALLUM: So we played it a little clip before you came on of a protester who was yelling at you at an appearance that you made. Let's play that for everybody at home.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: TPUSA is for Nazis and you should be ashamed of your service in Afghanistan. It was an illegal war of aggression by the United States. You should be ashamed of yourself, not proud of your service.

CRENSHAW: If you have to call somebody a Nazi, it's a good indicator that you haven't thought through your argument very well.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know how I followed.

CRENSHAW: That was fine. At least we have some little bit of -- but get more creative with your insults man, like Nazi, come on.


CRENSHAW: It was a good day.

MACCALLUM: Incredible, right?

CRENSHAW: I don't think I was called a Nazi once.

MACCALLUM: He was all fired up. He was all fired up.

CRENSHAW: He left very emotional. He didn't -- he didn't stay for the debate but --

MACCALLUM: No, that's true.

CRENSHAW: To be fair that was -- that was -- there was only one incident like that through that whole very good experience. Actually, I loved going to college campuses and just put myself out there for students. You know, reaching young people is the most important thing we can do.

But what you saw there is a real problem with American discourse right now. We always go to the first insult that we can think of, you know. And on the Left, what they -- what do they go to immediately, it's calling you a Nazi.

This is really problematic both in terms of discourse but also in terms of how these kids are getting educated, but also what it does to diminish the word Nazi. When you call someone a racist all the time or call someone a Nazi all the time --

MACCALLUM: It means nothing.

CRENSHAW: -- it means nothing anymore and it's getting ridiculous.

MACCALLUM: Dan Crenshaw, Congressman, thank you. It's always good to see you tonight. Thanks for being here. So did South Bend Mayor and 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg try to prevent a pro-life woman's center from opening next to an abortion clinic in the city of South Bend? A very interesting story here when we come back.


MACCALLUM: The University of Notre Dame recently awarding a Lifetime Achievement Award for the heroes of the pro-life movement that went to the Women's Care Center. The organization has become the largest network of Pregnancy Resource Centers in the United States. But it's new location that was set to open near a planned spot for an abortion clinic in South Bend became the center of a political showdown with the city's mayor 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.

In moments, the vice-president of the Women's Care Center, but first Jonathan Hunt brings us the backstory in this investigation tonight. Good evening, Jonathan.

JONATHAN HUNT, CORRESPONDENT: Good evening, Martha. The Women's Care Center offers according to its own Web site, free confidential counseling support and education to women facing unplanned pregnancies, honored by Notre Dame with an award given to those who quote proclaim the gospel of human life by steadfastly affirming and defending its sanctity from its earliest stages.


LOU HOLTZ, FORMER FOOTBALL COACH, UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME: We have people who want to have the child but really don't know how to parent, need help, maybe have financial problems, need nurturing. It's changed their life not just to the unborn. It's change the lives of the mothers and fathers as well.


HUNT: The Women's Care Center has 32 locations in 11 states. But when it applied to open a facility in South Bend, Mayor Pete Buttigieg vetoed it. His rationale being that the anti-abortion Women's Care Center was seeking to open its facility next door to a proposed abortion clinic run by the Whole Woman's Health Alliance, and that no one would benefit from the two organizations being so close to each other given that they have "deep and opposite commitments on the most divisive issue of our time."


MAYOR PETE BUTTIGIEG, D-IND., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think there's a very clear way forward. If this is really about serving women, if this is really about creating more options for women, take another site. There are a lot to choose from and we're happy to help.


HUNT: And after vetoing the rezoning, Buttigieg did, in fact, meet with Women's Care Center representatives encouraging them to find a new location. They did so and the new facility is under construction right now. The abortion clinic run by Whole Woman's Health Alliance by the way, has not opened having been denied a license by the Indiana State Department of Health.

The WWHA is now suing saying the department is motivated by anti-abortion politics rather than concern for the health of women in Indiana. Buttigieg by the way, Martha, will not be directly involved in that lawsuit and has not as yet commented on it. Martha?

MACCALLUM: Jonathan Hunt, thank you very much, Jonathan.

HUNT: Sure.

MACCALLUM: Here now Jenny Hunsberger, Vice-President of the Women's Care Center in South Bend, Indiana. Jenny, thank you for being here tonight. Good to speak with you.


MACCALLUM: So just to set a few things straight, in the other locations that you have, those are also next to abortion clinics and they're in 11 states, right?

HUNSBERGER: Yes. We have 32 centers in 11 states, and 22 times we've opened next door to abortion clinics.

MACCALLUM: So, when you do that, do you interact at all with women two want to walk into the abortion clinic? Are you protesting? Are you trying to corral them in any way or change their mind and bring them over to where you are?

HUNSBERGER: Martha, we are a peace-loving, peaceful place. We are where, we'd like to say we are where hope comes to town. We -- we exist solely to offer women, every woman, the opportunity to choose life. We do that with gentleness and welcome, and compassion and a lot of really concrete services to help and support women.

MACCALLUM: Well, I know you've had enormous success in Indiana. One out of every two births has come through a women's care center there. But what do you think the mayor's concerns were if it wasn't that? If he wasn't concerned that women who were making a different choice might be intimidated or might be harassed if the two places were right next to each other?

HUNSBERGER: Well, I -- we're not political. And I can't speak to the mayor's intentions. What I can speak to really is the experience that any woman who walks in our door, really what her experience is. That is one of absolute welcome. That is one where there is no judgment. That is one where she is valued. And she sees her own dignity and goodness and she is heard.

That is -- that is the experience that women have. We don't meet women outside. Women come to our center knowing what we do, and how we do it. That's why two-thirds of all women two come to us, come to us as referrals from a friend or a family member. Because the care we provide is so welcoming, so comprehensive and without judgment.

MACCALLUM: I read that 92 percent of the people who come through and have an ultrasound decide to stay and work with your folks and they decide to have their baby. Correct?

HUNSBERGER: That is true. When women come through our doors, overwhelming numbers of women I'll say just in this year -- I'll say this year alone. Thirty thousand women will come to our centers, 100,000 times. Last year, 16,000 babies were born to Women's Care Center moms. And they are all cared for. They all are greeted with love and compassion and skill.

MACCALLUM: Jenny Hunsberger, thank you very much, vice president of the Women's Care Center. We will watch this issue as it moves through the political process. I know you are not involved in that. But it is an interesting issue to take a look at. Jenny, thank you. Good to have you with us. Thank you for being here.

HUNSBERGER: Thanks for having me. Thanks for -- thank you.

MACCALLUM: You bet. Still ahead tonight, our ladies night panel addresses those royal baby rumors, speaking of babies, and incredible piece of American history direct from a World War II hero who served in the same unit alongside "Catcher in the Rye" author J.D. Salinger.


MACCALLUM: Tonight, we continue to bring you the incredible stories of our heroes as the 75th anniversary of D-Day approaches. John Keenan landed on Utah Beach on June 6, 1944, fought in the Battle of the Bulge and was among the first Americans in Paris the day it was liberated.

His fourth infantry division partner was "Catcher in the Rye" author J.D. Salinger who became a life-long friend. After the war Keenan worked his way up to become New York City's chief police detective. He supervised the investigation into the infamous of Son of Sam murders and was there with his detectives.

In fact, David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam confessed to John Keenan when they found him. It's an incredible story.

Mr. Keenan, it is a pleasure to have you with us, sir. Thank you very much.


MACCALLUM: As I said your life is too full for this segment but we're going to try to get some of it in with you tonight. So, I'm truly grateful for you for being here.

Landing on D-Day on the beaches. You were in waterproof jeeps, which you had worked on waterproofing which is something that I didn't know.

KEENAN: That's right.

MACCALLUM: And I found some amazing video of this. Just quickly, can you tell me what that was like?

KEENAN: Yes. Well, in England, we had to make sure that they were conditioned to run on the water so that the engines weren't flooded. We were instructed how to do that and we worked on them. We got them so that they worked in England. And eventually they worked in Normandy.

MACCALLUM: So, when you arrived on the beach, driving this jeep in about three and a half feet of water up on to the beach, somehow you guys, you made it through.

KEENAN: Right, right.

MACCALLUM: Many, many people didn't. What was -- what do you remember about that moment? About that day?

KEENAN: Well, I remember approaching the beach in the landing craft. There was another person in the jeep with me who is driving. I wasn't driving. We were waiting to land. And the landing craft pulled in to the beach, the end zone (Ph) in charge put the front down and said OK --


KEENAN: -- the first vehicle of -- went off and went under water. And so, we turned around and we paraded into that. He pulled back and he pulled in somewhere else. We were able to get off at that spot in the water. The ramp went down. We got into the water. The water was up to our waists in the vehicle. But thankfully, the waterproofing worked. We made it to shore.

MACCALLUM: And you are being fired at this whole time.


MACCALLUM: And people are dying all around you.


KEENAN: Unfortunately, there were bodies in the water. It was a first aid, American first aid stage on the beach helping to get them out of the water and take care of them, the dead and the wounded and the ones who weren't. We landed. When we went off the ramp, the landing craft we were in water up to our waists. But fortunately, the vehicle kept going. It gets up on the beach and we were directed inland.

MACCALLUM: Yes. And I know that by July 1st your regiment had lost about two-thirds of the men that you were with.

KEENAN: Yes, yes.

MACCALLUM: And one of the people who was by your side through this process and you were in Cherbourg, in Saint Lo in Paris was J.D. Salinger.


MACCALLUM: The author of "Catcher in the Rye." And I read that he had pages of the book with him all the time. Do you remember him writing? Do you remember him talking about it? What was he like, I guess?

KEENAN: I don't remember him having pages of the book. I remember talking about his book that he was writing. He talked about the young boy he was writing about who had no name.

MACCALLUM: Well then called Caufield (Ph) later. Right?


MACCALLUM: What was he like?

KEENAN: Salinger?


KEENAN: A very nice man. I got to know him when we were assigned as a team to go to the fourth infantry division from London. We were on London train for a couple of hours out to the Devon in the southeastern coast of England.

I found him to be a very affable guy. And we had a similar sense of humor. We got along very well. We got along very well for the next year, actually. He and I spent 24 hours, 24 -- seven days a week, 24 hours a day together.

MACCALLUM: You get to know each other pretty well.

KEENAN: Yes. Right, right.

MACCALLUM: What do you think about the -- you are about to turn 100. Is that correct?

KEENAN: Yes. I'll be 100 in December.

MACCALLUM: You know, every veteran that I speak to, whether it's from the Pacific or from the European theater, you know, what do you think about the fact that you lived to be 100? And there were so many who were with you that didn't get to experience life?

KEENAN: Yes. I thought about that many times from the invasion, knowing that thank God I was saved. I was all right. Unfortunately, there were many, many others that didn't, weren't, who died or seriously injured. Thinking how lucky I was. But I felt so badly for those who didn't, and who weren't, you know -- there were so many of them.

MACCALLUM: Seventy-five years ago.


MACCALLUM: Can you believe it?

KEENAN: Long time ago.

MACCALLUM: A long time ago. John Keenan, thank you very much. It's a pleasure to talk to you, sir.

KEENAN: Nice to talk to you.

MACCALLUM: Thank you so much for being here and thank you so much for your service.

KEENAN: And thank you for having me.

MACCALLUM: The greatest generation. Thank you, sir.

KEENAN: Thank you for having me.

MACCALLUM: Coming up, ladies night after this.


MACCALLUM: All right. The secret surrounding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's royal baby is in overdrive folks. Earlier this week, the queen reportedly went sort of across the lawn and she visited the couple at their cottage at Frogmore on the grounds of Windsor Castle leading some to wonder if maybe she was going there actually to see the baby, maybe the baby had already arrived.

But today, a rare statement from Buckingham Palace suggest well said, the baby has not been born but that the birth may be imminent after confirming that Prince Harry's upcoming trip to The Netherlands will now be just a one-day trip and then he will come right back.

Here now for ladies night. Harris Faulkner, Kristina Partsinevelos, and Jessica Tarlov. Ladies, thank you very much. So, what do you think?

HARRIS FAULKNER, HOST: Well, let me get the requisite hold.




FAULKNER: Which mine is only made by Doritos.

MACCALLUM: No. Every woman doesn't walk around like this all the time.

FAULKNER: I do when I eat a lot of Doritos. That's how I walk.

MACCALLUM: Yes. But now when you have a baby.

FAULKNER: No. You know what, I'm really excited about this. Because I'm kind of I celebrate births and weddings and all. I'm goofy like that.

MACCALLUM: It's always exciting.

FAULKNER: I also love the fact that this brings two different worlds together.


FAULKNER: And I don't mean Hollywood. I mean America and the U.K. and everybody kind of talking about it.

MACCALLUM: Absolutely.

FAULKNER: You've got a biracial. I'm in a biracial marriage. So, I mean, on a personal level, I think it's really cool. I think it is a little bit odd that everybody is guessing when the baby will be born.

MACCALLUM: And that's always the way with the royal thing now. Always.

FAULKNER: Anytime anybody moves it's like it's got to be about the baby.


MACCALLUM: Yes. My gosh, they had an ambulance showed up there --

FAULKNER: By the way, the one-day thing had more to do with Camilla and Charles' schedule and other people's schedules.


FAULKNER: Like when you read down the one-day thing with the --


MACCALLUM: Well, everyone is just looking for those little hints. There was an ambulance that came up to Frogmore near the -- near it. And everybody is wondering about that.

PARTSINEVELOS: Well, you just mentioned the queen walking across the lawn and we are reading into that which I think it was already telling in itself. But I'll admit I'm not a royal fan or anything like that but I do follow her best friend, Meghan Markle's best friend on Instagram. And that's the mother of the two twins that held the veil on her wedding.

MACCALLUM: I thought it was Serena Williams?



PARTSINEVELOS: No. She is a stylist. She's Canadian.


PARTSINEVELOS: She still in Canada at the moment. So that's my sign that as a bestie she'll fly over there --


MACCALLUM: Yes. But she can there like that.

PARTSINEVELOS: Exactly. But, you know, so that was one sign. And then also, my friend is a photographer. There's a bunch of photographers who set up and nobody has seen anything yet.

MACCALLUM: Yes. I mean, I was in London when --


PARTSINEVELOS: Guys, we could go with the library --

MACCALLUM: -- George was born, I was like literally outside of the window hospital reporting for about seven days, it was such a big deal because that child of course is, you know, so first in line for the throne.


MACCALLUM: This child is sentimental and lovely and everyone is going to be excited. But you, it's not like that. It's not like that.

TARLOV: It's already -- but only when with the king.

MACCALLUM: Put up -- put up the -- I want Jessica to tell us what she thinks of the names because they always bet on what the names are going be. Four to one adds on Diana. Allegra is the one that is now emerging.

PARTSINEVELOS: That's right.

MACCALLUM: And we can talk about why that is. And Grace, eight to one. What do you think, Jess?

TARLOV: I like them all, which now it hasn't happened with any of my friend's baby name list. There is usually like one that I'm into so I was just --


TARLOV: -- target that one. Diana obviously would be hugely sentimental and important. But Allegra makes a lot of sense. I lived in London for six years, I lived there during the royal wedding where the neighborhoods shut down for days.


TARLOV: And I got to say even though I'm not like obsessed about the royals, I think it's a lot of fun.

MACCALLUM: It is a lot of fun.

TARLOV: And Allegra totally fits them. I'm like, I know a lot of Clementine's from my time there. I'm going with Allegra.

PARTSINEVELOS: Some Apples too. You know, Apple Chris Martin (Ph) --

TARLOV: Apples was still even weird for them, though.

MACCALLUM: Allegra, I think I read that one of Diana's good friends claims and Annabel Goldsmith, who is a famous British socialite --


MACCALLUM: -- claims that Diana told her that if she had had a little girl, she wanted to name her Allegra. And I think that puts Allegra way up on the list.

Let's swing over to the special Sports Illustrated model, who is the first to model a burkini. She is absolutely beautiful. Halima Aden. She says, "Growing up in the United States I never felt represented because I could flip through a magazine and see a girl who was wearing a hijab. Don't be afraid to be the first."

Kristina, let me start with you. What do you think?

PARTSINEVELOS: I think it's great that she is the first. I hope it's not a trend because you are seeing that in the model industry as well. I think it's a little bit contentious within the Muslim community, just based off of what I've read online because some people think the magazine is not the most appropriate outlet given the culture and religion.


PARTSINEVELOS: But overall this -- it needs to be a representation. We are all different people. And I think in the media, across all the magazines you name it, there needs to be better representation of what our population around the globe looks like.

MACCALLUM: One of the things I found fascinating is that you immediately look at her face.

PARTSINEVELOS: Yes. She is stunning.

MACCALLUM: Her face is so beautiful.


MACCALLUM: And I thought it's so interesting. And it makes you wonder about the culture significance of that. Everything is drawn to her face, Jessica?

TARLOV: I think it's wonderful. Sports Illustrated for being a magazine that I would say was in the depths of sexism, and all of that has really done an amazing turn-around putting and having body positive covers.


TARLOV: Ashley Graham on the cover, being racially diverse now, now religiously diverse. I think it's very smart. I know there will be pushback. I don't exactly know about any in the Muslim community. But having --


PARTSINEVELOS: On Twitter, listen (Ph) to comments.

TARLOV: Well, my Twitter is full of George Papadopoulos --


MACCALLUM: I think there is something appealing about being completely covered.

TARLOV: Well, that's how I like to go on the beach in my 30s.

MACCALLUM: Harris, let's talk a little Tom Brady. You know, one of my very --


FAULKNER: That's your favorite subject.

MACCALLUM: One of my very favorite people to talk about.


MACCALLUM: Here he is in this. This whole thing was hilarious actually. I need you should watch it from the Jimmy Kimmel show. But here's one of the clips. Watch this.

FAULKNER: All right.


TOM BRADY, FOOTBALL PLAYER, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS: I think the thing I've always felt for me in my life, you know, winning, is been a priority. And my wife makes a lot of money, so.

JIMMY KIMMEL, COMEDIAN: I see, so. Good. That's right. I'm a little smarter than you think.

BRADY: I actually, it's a salary cap. Everyone, you know, you can only spend so much. And the more that -- you know, one guy gets is less for others. And I think for competitive standpoint, I'd like to, you know, get a lot of good players around me.

KIMMEL: I hope the Patriots --


MACCALLUM: I should have said that, so he is like 16th from the top quarterbacks.


FAULKNER: He's the 18th highest paid --

MACCALLUM: And he does it on purpose because he wants the other guys to get more money. There is a salary cap on the whole team because he wants a good team.

FAULKNER: Well, I'll give you an example of that. And I know this is a little bit more seriously than I normally get about the Patriots. Because you know I'm a Chiefs fan.

MACCALLUM: Of course.

FAULKNER: You may know.

MACCALLUM: I know that about you, my dear.

FAULKNER: But it is interesting because the person who was his protector on his left tackle, Trent Brown, though, has just been traded to the Oakland Raiders $66 million. These guys are worth a lot. They protect the quarterback. I think he is smart to be farther down the line in terms of his pay so that he stays healthy longer.

MACCALLUM: Plus, like he said his wife makes a lot of money, so.

TARLOV: I love that --


MACCALLUM: He doesn't have to worry about money. We got to go.

PARTSINEVELOS: Including his endorsement are up --


FAULKNER: I said I don't know.

MACCALLUM: Even Tom Brady.

TARLOV: -- always marry supermodel.

MACCALLUM: Thanks, girls. More of "The Story" coming up next.


MACCALLUM: Before we go the night, we want to tell you about a remarkable, unprecedented thing that just happened at the Morristown-Beard School in Morristown, New Jersey. Three students from the same graduating class make history by gaining early acceptance to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Watch this.


RICK MCGOEY, CAPTAIN, U.S. NAVY: The Naval Academy is ranked one of the top 10 most selected schools for students to be admitted to.

Typically, the highest performing high school may have one student enter the Naval Academy every three to four years. That Sarah, John, and George all received letters of assurance last fall offered to only the top performing and outstanding applicants.

There is no record of any high school in the country having three students from the same graduating class entering the academy all with letters of assurance. This is a remarkable record.


MACCALLUM: Amazing. The U.S. Naval Academy class of 2023, Sarah Williams, an aspiring pilot, John Trombetta, class treasurer and captain of high school swim team, and George Burke, senior class president and captain of the high school football team.

This incredible achievement likely as he said will probably never happen again. So, it's just an amazing moment. Credit to them, to the Morristown- Beard School, and of course to their parents and their families as well. Bravo! Well done.

That is “The Story” on this Friday May 3. We will see you back here on Monday night at 7:00..

Tucker Carlson is up next.

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