
Some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Mayberry Blues

It isn't just Democratic political figures who are dealing with bad numbers, but former TV sheriffs too. Public Policy polling says Andy Griffith's poll numbers in North Carolina have dropped by 25 points in the last two years. The Democratic pollster writes: "There's not much doubt that it's Griffith's forays into politics, most recently in support of the health care bill, that are driving his poll numbers down."

Griffith was featured in a July ad for the government, promising good things from the health care law. A Democratic consultant tells the Charlotte Observer: "Clearly it's pushback from the president's health care plan. It's a good time to call up barney fife."

Grab a Sweater

Despite continued dire warnings from global warming groups, the Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting most of the country will see a colder than usual winter, while summer and spring will be relatively cool and dry.

The 2011 issue -- out this week -- maintains its long-term prediction that the Earth is going through a gradual cooling period. The 219-year old almanac claims to be 80-to-85-percent accurate.

Top Chef

The first family brought along White House chef Sam Kass to cook for them on Martha's Vineyard for their vacation last month -- that's a departure from the days of former Presidents George W. Bush and his father -- George H. W. Bush -- who didn't take White House chefs on vacations, according to several former Bush staffers.

Former President Bill Clinton's staffers, including press secretary Joe Lockhart could not remember whether Clinton vacationed with the White House chef.