
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 7, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News Alert. Hello, everyone and welcome to "The Five." I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle. We just heard moments ago from Speaker Paul Ryan and other House Republicans at a press conference on the American Health Care Act, the GOP's replacement plan for Obamacare. Ryan says Republicans will have enough votes to pass the plan in the house. Earlier, we heard from the president on the measure.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: And I'm proud to support the replacement plan released by the House of Representatives and encouraged by members of both parties. I think really that we're going to have something that's going to be much more understood and much more popular than people can even imagine. I think it's going to go very quickly. I hope it's going to go very quickly.


GUILFOYLE: His Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price also made the case for this new bill.


TOM PRICE, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: -- that is that we need a system that's affordable for folks, a system that's accessible for individuals that's of the highest quality that incentivizes innovation and that empowers patients.

Our goal is to absolutely to make certain that individuals have the opportunity to select their physician. In terms of premiums, we believe strongly that through this whole process and as it take effect that we'll see a decrease in not only the premiums that individuals will see but a decrease in the cost of health care for folks.

The American people have said to their elected leaders that the Obamacare process for them gaining coverage and care is not working So we believe it's important to respond to the American people and provide a health care system that allows for them to purchase the kind of coverage and care that they desire.


GUILFOYLE: OK, so a big day for the House GOP Republicans. A promise that was made, a promise that was kept. Eric, what do you make --

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: You didn't introduce us.

GUILFOYLE: Well, this is Bob Beckel or --


BECKEL: I just want to be sure that you got that. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: OK, sponsored by insanity -- Dana Perino, you're familiar with, Eric Bolling, Greg Gutfeld. OK, everyone good?


GUILFOYLE: You're welcome. OK, Bolling, kindly proceed (ph). So, what do you make of this in terms of the merit, the structure and also the rollout?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I don't see a lot of merits in it. It just feels, you know, some say its Obamacare lite, no, it's Obamacare 2.0. So, all day I've heard -- I've heard Sean Spicer. I've heard Dr. Price. I've heard Paul Ryan tell us that there is no mandate anymore but the plan actually does continue to have a mandate.

The individual mandate is still there only it's worse because now to let your insurance lapse, you get 30 percent pay -- you have to pay 30 percent not to the government anymore. Now you pay it to the insurance company. Cadillac tax, they don't touch Cadillac tax. We fought against Cadillac taxes on this show for years. It's still there. It's not touched until 2025.

Subsidies -- there's more subsidies in this bill than Obamacare. Medicaid expansion, they don't touch Medicaid expansion for another five years. I mean, these are all the things we fought against but the one that I really, really care about the most, the one that would make a free-market solution, drive the cost curve down on health care and insurance, would be being able to buy it across state lines. It's not in this bill as of yet.

I don't know why you put something out there that you say you're going to fix two more times over the next few months. Just fix the damn thing. You've had six years to come up with a replacement. Fix it. Put across state lines in there. Put the Tort reform in there and take out the mandates. You can do this, Republicans. There's no reason to do this and to vote on this bill now.

BECKEL: Well, this is just a hallelujah. Hallelujah.

BOLLING: It's a bad deal (ph).

BECKEL: Hallelujah. Let's hear it for Eric Bolling, come on.

GUILFOYLE: Take it easy on this.

PERINO: Why are we applauding?


GUILFOYLE: He's kind of agreeing with him.

BECKEL: No, it's not a whole lot different. It puts more poor people out on the streets, it's what it does. But outside of that, I mean, Ryan (ph), they can say repeal and replace all they want and they're trying to get that sunk into people's head. It's not repealed. It's not replaced. It is B.S. and that's being (INAUDIBLE)

GUILFOYLE: Bob, you clapped so loud and you popped a --

BECKEL: I was very proud of Eric.

GUILFOYLE: OK, perfect. All right, Dana, so do you share Eric's concerns as --

PERINO: Well, not necessarily because I feel like I've got a lot of reading to do even though it is a much smaller bill then the other one. But a lot of things that came out today are very interesting to me. Of course, the Democrats are going to trash it but conservatives are not going to defend it either.

But here's the thing, President Trump says this is his bill. He says this is our plan and for those concerned about the state lines issue, and I agree that that might be a concern, he says, well, there will be a stage two or three so don't worry because that's coming. So, I think that if this is going to pass, it is going to need the full weight of President Trump pushing for it.

You saw what it took for President Obama. I think he gave 58 speeches about it. He lost his majority basically because of it but he thought it was worth doing and the ways to define the benefits of this bill will be taking place over the next 36 hours. I do think that Secretary Tom Price arguably had the best presentation today and was able to answer questions in the most fulsome yet a synched (ph) way and with some confidence.

They've got a lot of work to do. And here's the other thing, today Obamacare is at its most popular ever, 4.5 percent above where it was before in the RealClearPolitics average. So, if they want to get this done, they are going to need the president's help and the president said he wants it done quickly and he can make that happen if he chooses to.

GUILFOYLE: OK. All right so, Greg, did you think this went far enough or why perhaps that they thought about this?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I think it's a good start. I have four positives -- I think I have four positives here. Number one, it's called the American Health Care Act, not the Kenyan Health Care Act.

GUILFOYLE: Good point.

GUTFELD: Thank you very much.

BECKEL: I can't believe you just said that.

GUILFOYLE: Delayed laugh, Greg, over here.

GUTFELD: What does a chasing dog do when it finally catches the car? This is what you're seeing. So, it's a little -- a car finally gets it. It's the Obama car. The Republicans finally get it and so they have to figure out how to do it. I don't think they were quite prepared, but the good news is, this is a good worry to have. It means you won the election.

Not being able to fight amongst yourselves about the repealing and replacement of Obamacare well, if you didn't have that fight that means you lost. So this is actually a good problem to have. This conflict happens when you win elections. Third, I do like that it's smaller than the previous -- when you went from Mama June from "Here Comes Honey BooBoo" to Dana Perino.

You just took this giant thing and you made it smaller and I think that empowers people. It's easier to read. Also, I talked to Dr. Marc Siegel and the one positive thing that I, you know, I didn't know before, how the tax credits worked which I think is positive. Who was really pissed off about this? The people that felt coerced by the mandate.

The tax credits are now the lollipop, you know, you take this money of the tax credits, you enter the marketplace and you buy a more cost-effective plan, which is the catastrophic health insurance so, you know, I don't have to pay for your mammograms and you don't have to pay for my prostate exams.

BECKEL: Did you get your drug dose (ph) late last night or what?

GUTFELD: Why? I did my research, Bob.

BECKEL: I did mine too.


GUTFELD: The tax credit still makes sense, right.

BOLLING: It's the same -- it's a pig by another name. A pig with lipstick because all you're saying is if you want the tax credit you have to buy insurance. But if you don't buy insurance, you're going to get this 30 percent increase in your tax.

PERINO: Isn't that at the discretion of the health insurance company?

BOLLING: No, listen to me. They're gaining the 30 percent. It's not even a government taking it anymore. It's not paying for Obamacare.

PERINO: Conceivably the health insurance company could decide from a competitive perspective not to if they want to win your business, they want to increase the numbers.

BOLLING: But why would they (INAUDIBLE) money that's been (INAUDIBLE). So here's the thing, if they really wanted to do all this, drop the state line issue and make it competitive.

PERINO: But the president said that's coming.

BOLLING: I know but they didn't say that at the beginning. All of a sudden, later in the day, it became phase two and phase three was going to happen. Here's the -- the end of the day, Greg, I know you hate this but what does it really do to your insurance premiums? This bill as we see it right now does absolutely nothing to it. They don't go down at all. In fact they may even go up.

GUILFOYLE: So the dog chases the car and sadly gets hit by it.

BOLLING: I have a niece outside of Chicago who has five kids who can barely pay for her health insurance. She hates Obamacare. It's awful. This does nothing to her premium. Not a darn thing.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, real quick and I got to hit this.

BECKEL: OK, let us just say, and I'm very serious now. The Democrats were going along with state lines. That's one thing they would've agreed to.


BECKEL: Yes, and I'm amazed they didn't put it in. It's a no-brainer.

PERINO: Oh, maybe they will in order (INAUDIBLE) later.

BECKEL: Yes, maybe, it could be but --

BOLLING: So what are they waiting for? It was one of the biggest talking points for the last six years.


GUILFOYLE: -- you put it through because they have the momentum and the goodwill. As we mentioned, not all Republicans are happy with the legislation either, particularly Senator Rand Paul.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R), KENTUCKY: The house bill that's been put forward is Obamacare Lite. It won't work. Premiums and prices will continue to spiral out of control. In fact, they acknowledge it in their own bill but I think Obamacare Lite doesn't fix it and I think it's a real mistake to go for this, but the negotiation will be conservatives saying, hey, we're not going to take Obamacare Lite.


GUILFOYLE: OK, so you're hearing some of this reaction today, that there is Obamacare Lite.

PERINO: Well, I wanted to pick up on something Greg said because I think it's important. You said that at least they're having this debate.


PERINO: So, as Republicans they can say, well, at least we're having this debate and not the other debate because if Hillary Clinton would have won, then we would be debating whether or not to go to single payer right now, which is what they left really wanted and so there will be Republican on Republican violence and they will have to try to work it out.

But I do think that now that they have President Trump to be able to help them push it altogether and he'll have to see how he can corral them. He might have to break a few kneecaps in a charming way.

GUILFOYLE: His charming way.

GUTFELD: You have to understand, this is a historic first. I mean you're having Republicans trying to create a government program. It's like a Democrat trying to say radical Islam.

PERINO: Well, it's like the Republicans have become the custodians --


PERINO: -- of an entitlement program that President Obama put in place and they're trying to do it in a way that doesn't cost as much money instead of, if they're going to make people mad, why not make -- just make them really mad, right, and do all of it at once.

BOLLING: The strange thing is Dana we've been talking about this for six years. They've had six years to fix this. CBO hasn't scored this. We don't know how much it's going to cost. We don't know how many people are going to lose their insurance as Greg points out.

BECKEL: -- or if there's more if there's --

PERINO: But I thought nobody believes CBO anymore.

BOLLING: But, OK, but here's the point.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, I see your hand, Bob.

BOLLING: Putting that competition across state lines in the bill wouldn't affect the cost of this to any individual at all. It wouldn't insure fewer people. It wouldn't cost the government anymore money. So the only thing I can think of is there must be a deal at the other end of it somewhere.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: So what's the deal that we have to give up to get that?

BECKEL: First of all, I want everybody to know that Kimberly and I are still here. We are still on the show. I'll give you the political answer to the -- across state lines. Eric is right. They used that over and over and over again and for Democrats campaign, it's a bad sales point. I mean people say, what do you mean I can't buy it over there if I get it cheaper over there, right? So Democrats got tired of hearing it and they ran the numbers and it didn't make that much difference.

PERINO: So, they haven't said yes.

BECKEL: Yes, they'd say yes. That's says free market, that's good and we're for it.

PERINO: Well that's good.

GUILFOYLE: The problem is they're not going to be able to escape some of the criticism that we saw with Obamacare because as it goes along, people there -- so may be people that are going to lose their coverage which is going to be problematic, especially when you have a system that is not sustainable financially to support itself. It's eventually going to cave in on itself.

BOLLING: You know what this feels like and I was talking to Dana about this earlier. It feels like, remember when Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it?


BOLLING: They are almost asking us to do the same thing. Trust us. Phase two and phase three will be great --

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: So vote for this now. I would like to see phase two and phase three -- look, call me crazy, first of all I don't think they're going to get it. I think the Freedom Caucus and the house is going to say no. That's enough to kill the bill and there are at least four senators that would say no and that would kill the bill too.

PERINO: And then what does the president do?

BOLLING: Nothing. I don't know. Wait, what you don't do is don't ever call it Trumpcare. Just never call it Trumpcare.

GUILFOYLE: I think it feels good.

BECKEL: Why would you say that?

GUILFOYLE: The new health care bill.

GUTFELD: American Health Care Bill, Kimberly. Get it right. Communist.

GUILFOYLE: Hey, I'm just telling. I'm reading the prompter to keep it clean here. The new health care bill, also known as the American Health Care Bill, defunds Planned Parenthood. The president says the abortion provider could still get federal money under one very important condition, next.


BOLLING: All right, back now to the rollout of the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. The legislation will strip away all federal funding for Planned Parenthood for a year, something the president warned would happened during the campaign season. Listen.


TRUMP: A lot of people say it's an abortion clinic. I am opposed to that and I wouldn't do any funding as long as they are performing abortions and they are performing abortion so I would be opposed to funding.

I would defund it because of the abortion factor which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent but I would defund it because I'm pro-life. But millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood does some very good work but I would defund as long as they are doing abortions.


BOLLING: But President Trump is offering the abortion provider a deal. The funding will stay if abortion goes away. Planned Parenthood has rejected that offer, saying they will always stand for women's ability to make decisions about their health and lives without interference from politicians. OK, bring it around, KG, I think the offer -- look, as it stands, federal funding can't be used for abortions but, you know, that's like gray area of Planned Parenthood.

GUILFOYLE: Right. So, what he's doing is he's trying to make compromise. He is acknowledging the past that in fact Planned Parenthood does provide valuable medical services and screening for women. It does. The problem that they have is that it is, you know, morally objectionable to millions of Americans that some of the federal funding from the United States government is allotted for abortion services.

So, the president is saying you also have taken a tremendous amount of money from private resources and donations. Perhaps you should earmark those funds that are private, do with it what you will, that's their business for their organization, but federal funds should not be marked for that.

BOLLING: Why don't we get, Dana in.

BECKEL: Of course.

BOLLING: Get the women in first.

BECKEL: No problem. Listen, of course they're one of the best shows I've seen in a long time.

BOLLING: Let's continue on this. Your thoughts on both the Trump administration and the Planned Parenthood response.

PERINO: So, I think this was a chance for President Trump to fulfill a campaign promise and social conservatives really want this. Republicans want -- I remember when they were going to shut down the government last year when Republicans were all mad and they said that the one thing that they really were mad about was that the Republicans weren't able to pull funding for Planned Parenthood even though Planned Parenthood itself actually has a pretty good approval rating so it's harder back home.

There are some senators like Susan Collins of Maine I think who said that this shouldn't be in the Obamacare bill at all or I guess what we're calling the American Health Care Act. The money then said they are saying will go to community health care centers. I don't know if there's going to be enough acceptance of that.

Sure (INAUDIBLE) of Planned Parenthood, they're going to fight tooth and nail and I think what would actually end up happening is Republicans will put on the table that they believe that access to contraception should be available easily over-the-counter. And that that would be a way to maybe try to get this funding pulled but be able to provide access to the kind of products that they provide there.

BOLLING: So, (INAUDIBLE) Greg, I think -- are you saying provide funds but earmark it for contraception --

PERINO: Well, the money would go to community health centers and arguably the community health center would say, oh, we can handle this better than Planned Parenthood.

GUILFOYLE: Where are you going Bob?

GUTFELD: Well, I mean, it comes down to if you believe that abortion is the taking of a life, than forcing you to pay for somebody else's abortion is immoral intrusion. That's the argument. I'm amazed how the media salutes conscientious objectors over war but not abortion.


GUTFELD: And so instead, the goal here is to dehumanize the unborn child through massive sales. So it's like a medical procedure, like getting a mole removed. So therefore, somebody else could pay for it. So someone actually has to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, which is why this dialogue, wherever it goes, is important because you're actually talking about this question.

BOLLING: Bob, why can't Planned Parenthood just decide to have one service for abortion and separate it with a Chinese wall and all the other services?

BECKEL: Well, they do. I hate to correct my learned colleagues here who actually have degrees. But there are not a single dime of federal dollars going to abortion. Something called the Hyde Amendment. Henry Hyde made it --

BOLLING: We're all familiar with the Hyde Amendment.

BECKEL: Well, that be --

BOLLING: But if 80 percent of what Planned Parenthood does is abortion than their services --

BECKEL: No, it's not even close to that.

BOLLING: We're giving them $300 million a year.

BECKL: Look, you're not asking a taxpayer to pay a single cent for an abortion. Planned Parenthood does among other things a lot of screening, and a lot of mammograms, they save a lot of lives. And the idea that he picked on this -- first of all, he was pro-choice when he was thinking about running for mayor about 15 years ago. And the other thing, he doesn't -- has no idea. He doesn't know what Planned Parenthood does.

BOLLING: Anyone?

PERINO: I actually think he does.

BECKEL: Planned Parenthood?

PERINO: One, I do believe that anybody can go from being a pro-choice person to being a pro-life person.

BOLLING: You did, didn't you?

BECKEL: Yes, I am pro-life.

PERINO: Right. So Bob, that is possible. That is possible for President Trump.

BECKEL: But I didn't do it for political reasons.

PERINO: How do you know that he did?

BECKEL: Well, I just sort of made a guess or something that he did it.

PERINO: I think that you don't know -- none of us can say what's in somebody's heart when it comes to that. BECKEL: Boy, that's what he said (INAUDIBLE)


GUILFOYLE: He had a very personal moving story about this. President Trump had a very personal moving story that he said that really changed his heart and his mind about abortion.

BOLLING: We've got to go, but Bob Beckel, you are pro-life?


BOLLING: And you're okay with sending $300 million to Planned Parenthood and (INAUDIBLE) every single day.

BECKEL: I'd send a billion five (ph) (INAUDIBLE). And I would do it on virtue of faith because faith doesn't allow me to accept abortion. I made that change about eight years ago.


BOLLING: I'm not questioning that part. I'm just questioning the funding part of it. I got to leave it right there. Next, new words from the White House on President Trump's allegations that President Obama had him wiretapped during the election. Stay tuned.


PERINO: Sean Spicer was back at the podium today in the White House briefing room and he had a lot of questions to field on President Trump's weekend wiretapping claims.


JONATHAN KARL, POLITICAL JOURNALIST, ABC NEWS: In those three days, did the White House come up with any evidence to prove the allegation?

SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Yes, I addressed this multiple times yesterday. I think the president -- we put out a statement on Sunday saying that we would have no further comments and we were asking the House and the Senate intelligence committees to look into this concern.

KARL: Can the president just ask the FBI director?

SPICER: No, I think. Look, I think --

KARL: Has he asked him?

SPICER: No, the president has not.

JIM ACOSTA, CNN NEWS: Will the president withdraw the accusation? Does he have any --

SPICER: Why would he withdraw it until its, I mean, until it's adjudicated?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does the president support (INAUDIBLE)

SPICER: I have no reason to believe he doesn't.


PERINO: Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly thinks the president's concerns shouldn't be dismissed.


JOHN KELLY, SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: If the president of the United States said that he's got his reasons to say it, he's got some convincing evidence that that took place.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: If Comey went public and said this never happened, as Clapper did, the former director of National Intelligence, would you believe Comey?

KELLY: I would expect Jim Comey to then turn that over to some investigative arm and we could get to the truth, to the bottom line. Again, Jim Comey is an honorable guy. So is the president of the United States. The president must have his reasons.


PERINO: Director Comey appeared before cameras today at a ribbon cutting ceremony but didn't address the subject, but he will be called to testify on March 20th at an open public hearing held by the House Intelligence Committee on Russia's allegedly meddling in our election. So, around and round we go on this. The question that they have a hard time answering, Kimberly, is why doesn't the president just ask for the evidence to come over to him if he's that concerned about it?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and the thing is we just don't know. We don't know what stage of the proceeding is it. We don't know who he's contacted specifically whether he's asked them to proffer any kind of evidence, the purpose, the nature, the subject matter of any warrant that was contemporaneous with that time.

Was there a warrant that was larger and encompass actually the area of Trump Tower as such that they were able to do metadata (ph) stuff and actually retrieve that? We don't know. And so I guess, in due course, when the president decides he will let us know but certainly it was a bombshell of a tweet and of a news story and breaking news. And now everybody is kind of scrambling to find out. But unless you actually see the facts and the proof, you know, we really can't know.

PERINO: But they're going to get closer because Devin Nunes, who is the congressman from California. He's the chairman of the House Intel Committee. Eric, he has asked for all the documents from the intelligence community by next Friday, the 17th, and then a public hearing on the 20th. And I think he said today that James Comey, that he doesn't necessarily have faith in him. So if they don't have this faith on the witness that they're calling, is it prejudging the outcome of the investigation?

BOLLING: Well, they're saying as you know, no one is really held by those hearings. I mean, you can go to --

PERINO: They will be open, which will be different for them.

BOLLING: Right. So, you can say whatever you want and then you can rephrase things later. Here's my issue now. OK, again, January 20th, the "New York Times" reporter, Michael Schmidt, who is the one who broke the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal, private server scandal, that was so massive, "New York Times" clearly writes wiretaps at the Trump Tower and the report was given back to President Obama.

So, According to him, and I am guessing he sourced it and second sourced it, these taps were going on. How did he know about it? He had to have a leak. It had to come from intelligence somewhere, OK, fine. On March 5th, on Sunday, Chuck Todd asked James Clapper, was there any surveillance at all to Trump Tower? Not to Donald Trump...

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: ... but to Trump Tower. He said none whatsoever.

Today Bill Hemmer asked General Hayden if there was any surveillance on Trump Tower. General Hayden said, if it were up to him, absolutely none whatsoever. So you have Comey, Clapper, and Hayden saying there were none; yet a very respected reporter saying he has, you know, sources saying that...

PERINO: Hayden wasn't -- hasn't been a government official for many years.

BOLLING: But according to him, he said there was none, and I'm...

PERINO: He's got good sources, but he's not -- he wouldn't have been responsible.

BOLLING: He was director of the NSA for a while. Right?

PERINO: Yes, but not for years.


PERINO: Bob, you are sitting there like a -- like a cat, Cheshire cat.

BECKEL: I -- I just -- you know, because I love you all so much. I used to say to my candidates, when they're digging themselves in a hole, "Hand me the shovel."

You guys have got to stop this. It is ridiculous. The reason Trump doesn't have evidence is he's lying. It's not true. He could pick up the phone and find out tomorrow, if he knew anything about the intelligence community. The idea of -- bringing to Hillary Clinton e-mails with what Trump said.

Trump said Barack Obama tapped him. Now, if that's the case, he's accused him of a federal crime. Now he ought to put his evidence up, but why not? Because he's lying. He doesn't know.

PERINO: But in the meantime, we'll...

BECKEL: Take care of Trumpcare, all right, and leave wiretapping to people who know what they're doing.

PERINO: OK. In the meantime, we saw...

GUILFOYLE: That's not wiretapping.

PERINO: ... there's activity in South Korea.


PERINO: Because they're worried about Korea. This was your point yesterday. They're worried about the North Koreans, and maybe we should.

GUTFELD: Yes, I think we should put a moratorium on this story for at least a week. We're going to pull a muscle defending or condemning Trump.

It was -- I'm going to go back. People disagree with me. I think it was a tweet born of frustration over Sessions. Shouldn't have happened, but it did.

But we're running around this story like crazy people, and we're -- we're assessing a tweet with this hyper-literalism. It's a tweet that he did in the morning. And the winner, again, is always going to be Putin. Chaos is his yoga. He enjoys every minute of this. And we contribute to his victory by constantly playing into hysteria. Let it rest for a week until we have some facts. I'm tired.

BECKEL: You know, I...

GUILFOYLE: What muscle are we going to pull? Heart muscle over here.

GUTFELD: I think Bob's already pulled a muscle.

BECKEL: No, no. I happen to agree with you. I think it was born out of frustration. But the thing to have done would have been to have sent one more out and said, "You know, I was frustrated. I was angry; I was mad. And I really don't have..."

BOLLING: Or there's an alternative. Another idea that maybe he was told by someone, an intel official who said, "Yes, we did have a FISA warrant, and we were listening." Maybe it was after -- look...

GUILFOYLE: Bolling, those three stories you said were Trump Tower specific.

BOLLING: Yes, that's what I -- my point is...

GUILFOYLE: I'm sure there wasn't one that said "Trump Tower."

BOLLING: Well, you have Comey and Clapper saying, no, there was none.


BOLLING: Then you have a problem with intel denying it. Not the Obama part of it but the Trump Tower part of it. Now I'm scratching my head now. Why is James Clapper saying there was none? I mean, we know there was.

BECKEL: Just so you know, both Trump and Obama got briefed on all this stuff during the campaign, No. 1. So Trump knew everything that Obama knew.

And this other this is, the idea that you would sit there and suggest -- I know you don't like Barack Obama -- and you know I don't like Trump but that's not the point. You're accusing the president of the United States of a crime, 20 years of jail.

BOLLING: ... anything, Bob. What the hell are you talking about? I said you have the head of the FBI, the head of the DNI at the time saying that there was no tap to Trump Tower whatsoever, and we know there was.

BECKEL: OK, it was a bad tweet.

PERINO: All right. Well, round and round the mulberry bush we go.

Ahead, can America survive a day without a woman at work or at home? Women across the country are going to try to prove it's not possible. That's tomorrow. But will they be contradicting their own message? Greg will try to prove that next.


GUTFELD: Tomorrow is A Day Without Women, a left-wing event designed allegedly to raise awareness of women's contributions. So women are being told to celebrate the day by skipping work. There's a great message for kids: So you're mad Trump won? Go home and sulk.

I say kids because roughly 80 percent of primary teachers are women. So naturally, tomorrow, who's missing? Teachers. In some cities public schools have had so many women call in sick they're shutting down.

The event is based on the idea that women are oppressed. Maybe so, but in the U.S.? Try the countries that sanction actual abuse. But somehow I doubt these organizers will.

So, do women need to take time off to deal with an election? What if men did the same thing? Electricians, sheet metal workers, bricklayers, tilers, joiners, truck drivers, laborers. Why not call in sick because it's Men's Day? How would your wife look at you? She'd laugh your lazy ass out of the house.

So how come it's OK for a woman and not for a man? Is it our inherent sexism that creates lower expectations for women? And what are we saying about teachers? That they're not as vital to civilization, so go ahead and play hooky, no one will care? But men's jobs, those matter, so you stay right there. So ironically, the women behind this posturing assume women's careers are less important.

Well, I hope the teachers spend the day off with their actual kids, unless that's just another job, too.

Wow, you know, I don't know where to start here. It's so ridiculous.

GUILFOYLE: This is a bad idea.

GUTFELD: Yes, it is a bad idea, Kimberly. It's all teachers, and so the kids suffer.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's exactly right. I think it's very selfish. I mean, if you really are passionate about what you do, you march forward. And you go into those classrooms and say, "Women are making a difference every single day in the lives of millions of Americans, and starting here with the classroom and children." Why would you want to have a child that's in desperate need of an education suffer at the detriment, because you're upset about who's in the White House? I mean, this is just ridiculous.

Go to a march if you want to. There's plenty of them, you know? And you might make an extra 50 bucks.

GUTFELD: Dana, if this job -- if this were a job that your boss would say, "OK, you're not getting paid." This is like a teacher's job. I'm assuming that they're getting comped.

PERINO: You mean, like, they're -- they're taking a sick day.

BECKEL: Sick day.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

PERINO: So yes...

GUTFELD: I don't think it's a sick day.

PERINO: I want to make it clear I will not be here tomorrow, but it's not because...

GUTFELD: Neither will I.

PERINO: ... I'm taking the day off. I am actually going...

GUILFOYLE: Where are you guys going?

PERINO: I'm going to Africa, and I'm going to be a part of the mercy ships, because tomorrow is actually International Women's Day. And one of the things I've learned...

BECKEL: You commie.


PERINO: ... and it's been reinforced for me is that women who live in freedom, like we do, have an obligation to help women around the world who do not and that need access to all sorts of things. Health care, food, education for their children.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. That's a good use.

PERINO: I am -- so I don't know if taking the day off tomorrow is worth it for these other women. Like, maybe they're all going to go and do some service projects or something like that. But it does seem to me that, what about the single mom that was to figure out how to get health -- child care for her child tomorrow?

GUTFELD: Yes, babysitter. And the babysitter has to be a guy.

PERINO: Right, right.

GUTFELD: Because there's going to be no girl babysitters, so that's going to cut down the...

PERINO: Apparently, Bob is available, in case anybody is looking for someone to take care of their kid tomorrow.

GUTFELD: Also, Eric, what about the teachers, will there be peer pressure not to -- they're at school, right, and all of their peers are going but they're staying. Will they be looked down upon?

BOLLING: Like the union line?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, you're a scab.

BOLLING: Fine, you want to do this, take a day off. Here's the thing. The only issue I have is the public-school part of it. In other word, so everyone is going to pay their tuition; you pay your taxes. Some of it goes to tuition. And so people who don't have the same aggrievements are paying the teachers to take the day off from school.

GUTFELD: That's true. Yes.

BOLLING: I believe there's a -- there's a handful of schools in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, doing it. It's not fair to the rest of people who...

GUILFOYLE: What about the moms at home? You know, who's going to take care of their children? I don't get this. I think there's other ways to voice your opinion. And women have fought so hard for so many rights in this country, I think the best way to show them who's boss is to celebrate by showing up for work.

PERINO: Working.

GUTFELD: Bob, do you -- how do you think the brass here would take if you called in and said, "I'm going to take tomorrow off, because it's a special moment for me"?

GUILFOYLE: They'd do the wave. Woo!

BECKEL: First of all, the -- a number of things you have to be careful about here. One is that, especially people like nurses who should not take the day off, obviously.

GUTFELD: That's my point. You just said that's an important job.

GUILFOYLE: Bob made me one.

BECKEL: Wait a second.

GUILFOYLE: Is it? Go ahead.

BECKEL: Women in this country do not make the equivalent of men. Until they do, they ought to stay home all the time if they want to, if that will get that for them.

GUTFELD: You don't even have a fact behind that.


GUTFELD: Tell -- is it the 77 cents for a dollar? Is it 70 cents? We've already debunked that many times.

BECKEL: It's 79 cents.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's over.

BECKEL: You're saying they get a dollar for a dollar?

GUTFELD: Yes, close. Close.

BECKEL: And the only other thing -- important people, cops. There will be a lot of sore shoulders tomorrow.

BOLLING: Do you think the women at Planned Parenthood are going to take the day off tomorrow?

GUILFOYLE: Bob, what does that mean?

BOLLING: Is there a silver lining there?

GUTFELD: And by the way, I think George Soros has given over, what, $250 million to groups that are partnering with this march.

BECKEL: What's wrong with that?

GUTFELD: Hey, you're OK with it.

GUILFOYLE: You notice Bob only wants the nurses that he might need to show up for work.

BECKEL: No, I need the physical therapists.

GUTFELD: All right, Bob. Don't dig a hole, as you always say.

PERINO: Yes, hand me the shovel.

GUTFELD: Yes. I think you're inventing the shovel.


GUTFELD: All right. Up next, Alec Baldwin breaks some news that could upset "SNL" fans and elate President Trump.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.



KATE MCKINNON, CAST MEMBER, NBC'S "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE" (AS HILLARY CLINTON): I mean, this man is clearly unfit to be commander-in-chief.


MCKINNON: He is a bully.

BALDWIN: Shut up.

MCKINNON: He started the birther movement.

BALDWIN: You did.

Google, what is ISIS?

Let's take another question from the press.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hi. Yes, I'm from BuzzFeed and...

BALDWIN: No, no, no, no, no. Not you, BuzzFeed. You're a failing pile of garbage, and you want to know why? Because I took your quiz yesterday. And I'll tell you right now, I am not a Joey. I'm a Rachel.


BECKEL: Yes, these are tough times we're living in today. President Trump. Americans need comic relief to help them decompress. So Alec Baldwin has done a lot to help us by his imitation of Trump on Saturday nights.

But some "Saturday Night Live" fans will be sad to learn he could be stepping down as president soon. I hope he steps up as president. That would be good. Here's why.


BALDWIN: The maliciousness of this White House is a real -- has people very worried, which is why I'm not going to do it much longer, by the way, that whole impersonation. I don't know how much more people can take it.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness.

BECKEL: That's a good point. You know, I'll do very quickly and let you guys take it, but it's like you know the guy who played Captain Dan in...


BECKEL: Gary Sinise? He's always been remembered as Captain Dan. And he once told me, he said, "I wish I hadn't done that one thing."

Here's one of the things he's got to be careful. The last thing you want to do is go around being known as Donald Trump for the rest of your life. You'll wind up in a leper colony someplace.


GUILFOYLE: Bob, God, what's wrong with you?

BOLLING: Except the fact that he's actually writing a book. He's doing a book about playing Donald Trump, I think in the Trump voice, actually. So he's embracing it. I think he's just playing around. He wants to play a little hard to get, because he is clearly in demand for ratings at "SNL."

BECKEL: You don't think he's going to leave?

BOLLING: I think he will bring it back once in a while. Right?

PERINO: Right. I think that that was a humble brag. Like, "I'm so good that I'm actually affecting people. So and I don't know if I should do that. And by the way, preorder my book."

BOLLING: Right. Right.

GUTFELD: You know what's interesting about this? I don't care. I don't care what Alec Baldwin does. I don't care if he continues doing that or if he doesn't. I don't care what he does for a living.

I find it beautiful that there was no danger of exhaustion during the eight years of Obama where there was nonexistent parodies of their lord savior.

PERINO: That's true.


GUILFOYLE: I mean, you know, maybe he's -- maybe he's just not that funny or that good at it any more. Maybe he just wants to, like, move on, like you said, and not be associated with him.

GUTFELD: He needs Trump Viagra.

BECKEL: I did Greg's show with his brother...


BECKEL: And his brother said to me, you know what you need, Bob? You need a gun and come with me to upstate New York to our camp. Which brother is that?

GUTFELD: Stephen.

BECKEL: Stephen, he's a good guy. Yes, his brother.

BOLLING: Dangling modifier.

BECKEL: I think...

BOLLING: Greg has a brother after all these years?

GUILFOYLE: Bolling just goes and turns right like, "Wait."

BOLLING: You did Greg's show.

PERINO: Because you're going to go hunting?

BOLLING: Alec Baldwin.

BECKEL: No, we're not going hunting. There are going to be survival or something.

GUILFOYLE: You did Greg's show with me and Stephen Baldwin.

BOLLING: Stephen Baldwin.

BECKEL: That's correct. You know, I'm really glad to have you enablers around me like this. It's very helpful.

GUTFELD: We're enabling you for common sense.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh, we're interpreters, OK?

BECKEL: I find that personally insulting. Yes, we'll read. I'll read right now.

BOLLING: Can we agree that Kate McKinnon is probably the most talented comedian on air right now? She can do everybody. She's awesome. No?

GUILFOYLE: I love her.

BECKEL: I don't know.

GUTFELD: But apparently, she couldn't laugh after Hillary lost.

BOLLING: Yes, that was...

BECKEL: Yes, that's true.

GUTFELD: I find that hilarious.

BECKEL: "One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: I hate today.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Eric.

BOLLING: OK, so after a seven-week hiatus for the new president to get into the White House and get settled in, White House tours opened again today. By the way, you have to go three months in advance to try and book these things. Go through your congressman. A 45 minutes self-guided tour.

But look what happened today.




BOLLING: So President Trump showed up at the tour on the reopening of the White House tours. Met the kids. They went crazy. It was almost like a - - it was like a rock star coming out.

But can we show the next clip? The other angle? Look. Look at where he ended up standing. Look at over his right shoulder, screen left. That's...

PERINO: The former first lady. And his opponent. I love this. So cute.

GUTFELD: She can see everything. Her eyes follow you.

BOLLING: It's always there.

PERINO: So cute.

GUILFOYLE: That's so cute.

All right. Bob, it's your turn. Do you have something really good?

GUTFELD: Oh, God, help us.

BECKEL: You know, it's really sweet to be back.

Folks, you know that Ben Carson, the guy that ran for president, the brain surgeon. Well, he was named, with no experience, the secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Big job. A lot of houses, a lot of apartments. And then he addressed -- in his first there, he addressed his employees, and this is what he said.


DR. BEN CARSON, U.S. SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT: That's what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunities. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of the slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less.


BECKEL: OK, just a thought, Dr. Carson. Go back to brain surgery, because they didn't come here as immigrants. They didn't get paid anything. And I suspect some place in your line, and maybe somebody that you knew, your family, was a slave. So be careful when you say stuff like that, OK? And I would not have my kid operated on by you.

GUTFELD: No, I wouldn't...

PERINO: Yes, you would.

BOLLING: He was great. He has one of the best brain surgeons.

BECKEL: He was great. I was making a joke.


GUTFELD: You could be his first patient.

BECKEL: There's nothing there to work on.

GUILFOYLE: Well, they would have to remove the whole thing.

GUTFELD: You'd have to remove the..

BOLLING: The first transplant.

GUILFOYLE: Take it all out.

GUTFELD: Take it out.

BOLLING: Take it all off?

GUTFELD: Take it out.

GUILFOYLE: Out of your head.

PERINO: Or off your head.

GUTFELD: Put it in a nutrient vat, and let Bob live in, like, this little nutrient that.

GUILFOYLE: Just do something about it.

BECKEL: Do you see what I put up with, folks? Every day.


GUTFELD: All right, time for this.


GUTFELD: Greg's Secret to Happiness.


GUTFELD: You know, in my life, there's nothing better than a nice warm bath, and there's nothing better than a nice, cool drink. So to make life better and save time, why not combine the two, like Frisky McPawface did?




GUTFELD: What we talk in here about. And he's figured out a way to get something to drink while also cleaning himself. And look, he doesn't mind if you watch, because he's into that sort of thing. You can find him on Tinder.

BOLLING: I thought that was a Mariah Carey video.


GUTFELD: Is it? I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Okie-dokey. Dana.

PERINO: All right, so Dana's secret to happiness includes check these guys out. This is a couple named Bon and Pon. And they are a Japanese couple. They've been married for a long time. They are 60 and 61. And every day they wear matching outfits, and they post it on Instagram. They have 89,000 followers and counting.

And they were asked, why do you coordinate outfits? And they said, "It's fun to wear matching clothes."

So Greg, you might want to tell Elena about that, and she could whip you up something.

GUILFOYLE: You know who would love this? Terrence Faulkner.

GUTFELD: Really?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, because of the color wheel. She would absolutely love it.

PERINO: Bon and Pon, check them out.

GUTFELD: I would like to abduct them and force them to change and wear different clothes. Just to see what...

PERINO: Not a good thing.

BECKEL: Just don't let her dress like you Greg.

GUILFOYLE: Excuse me.

BECKEL: Sorry, you're -- sorry, go ahead. Go right ahead.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you so much.

BECKEL: Don't blow it, though, Kim.

GUILFOYLE: No, this is very nice. Behave.

BECKEL: All right.

GUILFOYLE: Honoring Heroes. And this is World War II veteran Sergeant Eugene Leonard. And for his 99th birthday Saturday, he took a ride on a B- 17 bomber. He said it made him feel like it was 1941 all over again.

Sergeant Leonard joined the Marine Corps as a mechanic in 1936 and survived the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The veteran also served in the Air Force, where he spent thousands of hours in similar aircraft. And a friend of Sergeant Leonard, who set up the event, said the veteran is likely responsible for saving dozens of lives.

So we say happy birthday, God bless you, and thank you for your service.

BECKEL: That was wonderful. You know, there are very few World War II veterans left anymore. Right? They've got to be -- just 100,000 or something. That's wonderful.

GUILFOYLE: Sergeant Eugene Leonard is one of them.

Set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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