
This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," May 12, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Welcome back to "Hannity & Colmes." I'm Alan Colmes.

Coming up next, a priest who taught thousands of Sunday school students confesses to molesting kids, and it's all on tape. We're going to show you the chilling testimony.

First, Humane Borders is a non-profit group that maintains over 70 water stations for immigrants crossing into the United States from Mexico. The group now plans to distribute maps in Mexican cities that warn of the dangers of walking through the desert.

The map includes a warning in Spanish: "Don't go. There isn't enough water. It's not worth it." The map also clearly shows the distance on foot from certain Mexican towns in the United States and marks water stations, Border Patrol rescue beacons, and places where migrants have died in the past year.

Is this a necessary humanitarian effort or an advertisement for illegal immigration? Joining us now, the president of Humane Borders, Reverend Robin Hoover.

Reverend, I know you're going to get beaten up by conservatives.


COLMES: In just a moment, at least one of them, who says this is terrible, you're encouraging illegals to come in. As I understand it, your mission really is just the opposite. You're warning them about the dangers of coming here.

REV. ROBIN HOOVER, HUMANE BORDERS: We want to get people out of the desert. Our government is not doing it. The Mexican government is not doing it. We want to give people real, concrete evidence of what happens. You die when you cross our desert.

Our government puts out these little public service announcements that scare people. We want to give people real, concrete information. As far as the conservatives, I just want you to know that Duncan Hunter's brother, John, also operates water stations in California, and maps for the California water stations are coming this month.

COLMES: All right. So how do you respond to the argument that you're encouraging them rather than helping them, rather than discouraging them from coming in?

HOOVER: You know, just show me how I'm helping anybody. This is a warning. If we wanted to get really good navigable maps, you can get better maps from our real estate office. You can get better maps off the Web site. You can get better maps from the Arizona Tourist Bureau.

All this is, is a little representation, kind of like you're at the mall, and it says, "Don't come."

COLMES: What about the idea of having water stations? Now, what you point out is where there are not water stations. And even that is controversial. Some people don't like the idea that water is being provided for those who are crossing, thinking that's encouraging them, as well.

HOOVER: In August of 1994, Doris Meissner, the then-commissioner of INS, signed off on a report that predicted how many people were going to die in the Sonora Desert once we implemented, the U.S. implemented its current strategies. And now we're reaping the fruit of that.

Two hundred and fifty people died out here last year. So if we can get the federal government to do something about immigration, about security, about the migration in the desert, and people dying in the desert, then we don't have to have any water stations.

COLMES: But do water stations encourage them and say, "Oh, look, I'll be able to make it because they have these water stations there?"

HOOVER: Show me how. How? How?

COLMES: This is the mindset on the other side. If they have the water stations, they say, "Look, this gives them a chance to get through and live."

HOOVER: We had 617,000 apprehensions in the Tucson sector of the Border Patrol in the year 2000. We had no water stations. In 2001, we started putting them up and the number of apprehensions went down.

HANNITY: Hey, Robin, do you call law enforcement, do you call the authorities when you see illegal immigrants taking your water?

HOOVER: Yes, Sean.

HANNITY: You do?

HOOVER: Yes, Sean.

HANNITY: Every time?

HOOVER: Not every time.

HANNITY: Why not?

HOOVER: If we find somebody that's healthy, and well, and knows where they're going, and they don't want us to call, that's not our business to implement the federal law.

HANNITY: No, but what you're doing is — you're acting really cute, because you're saying, "Oh, don't come, don't come, don't come. But, oh, by the way, this is the path, this is the map, this is the location. And by the way, we're going to provide the water along the route to help you, to assist you," to use other words, aid and abet in your law-breaking against the United States of America. You are assisting them in their law breaking.

HOOVER: We are doing this, Sean, under federal permits, to operate on the federal properties. We have city support, county support, and both of them...


HANNITY: In Mexico or in the United States?

HOOVER: ... governor of Arizona support this.

HANNITY: In Mexico or the United States?

HOOVER: The city of Tucson, the Pima County, and both congressmen, U.S. congressmen from Arizona in Southern Arizona support this.

HANNITY: I didn't ask you that. The map we're looking at, is that in Mexico or the United States?


HANNITY: OK, it's in Mexico. So what you are doing is you are giving a map, and you are giving water locations, to help aid, abet, and assist in the law-breaking of the United States of America, and to assist in the invasion of illegal immigrants into America, which opens up a door of security issues. And our law enforcement resources are being used to combat what you are assisting. So you're assisting law breaking.

HOOVER: Sean, in Canada, I can come up to the border and get maps of the U.S. side with bus connections to where I want to go. This is a warning poster.

HANNITY: No, it's not. It's an assist poster. It's, "Here, go this way, and if you come here, stop here for water, stop here for water. Take this path. This is the tried and true, one day here, two days here, three days here." You're assisting law breaking.

HOOVER: Anyone would be a fool to navigate with that map. It is not precise.

HANNITY: It's not precise? Then why did you put it out with the blue signs for where water is?

HOOVER: It doesn't have enough...


HANNITY: Then why did you put — why did you put it there then if you don't want them or expect them to use it?

HOOVER: It is a warning poster, Sean. It's a warning poster.

HANNITY: You're assisting law breaking.

COLMES: All right. Reverend, we thank you very much for being with us.


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