
Apple was first to hit it big with tablets back in 2010, but Android wasn't far behind. Four years later, the company faces more competition from Android tablets than ever. So how do you decide? Here are three great reasons to choose an iPad Air or iPad Mini with Retina Display over their Android counterparts.

1. You want the best apps first. Android is catching up to Apple as far as having many of the best apps. But Apple’s App Store is still the first platform of choice for many developers. The latest and greatest are often found there before Android, such as the new Monument Valley, a graphically beautiful puzzler. And Apple still gets plenty of exclusives, too.

Do your homework before you shop: Check our tablet buying guide and Ratings.

2. You like a clean, uncluttered home screen. If you don’t like fussing with app and folder groupings, and you think widgets and customized user interfaces just muddy the waters, it’s best to stick with the iPad. The icons have a uniform design, and the screens look neat and well organized.

3. You don’t want to worry about operating-system versions. Android tablets are all over the place when it comes to OS versions, and some apps don’t work on the older versions. If you don’t want to worry about that sort of thing, you know with Apple that all the latest apps will work with the newest tablets. A similar principle applies to the hardware—all iPads are products of Apple, and you know exactly what you’re going to get.

Not convinced? Here are three reasons to choose an Android tablet over an Apple. (Coming soon: Three reasons why a Windows tablet could be best for you.)

—Donna Tapellini

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