
Still not sure who to vote for in the U.S. presidential election? Let Tinder help.

The dating app is getting political with a new feature called Swipe the Vote. Developed in partnership with the nonprofit Rock the Vote and the real-time polling platform Wedgies, it helps match you with a candidate who best aligns with your views.

As you're swiping through potential dating matches in the near future, you may encounter the new Swipe the Vote feature. If you're interested, tap the Swipe the Vote card and you'll be asked a series of 10 questions — like whether you believe same-sex marriage should stay legal in the U.S. or whether we should drill for oil and gas here. Just like you would for potential dating matches, you'll swipe right on stances you like and left on those you don't. If you need more information, just tap the card to learn more about each issue before you swipe.

Once you've swiped through all 10 issues, Tinder will match you with the candidate who best matches your views. You can also tap on the other candidates to learn more about the specific issues you agree and disagree on, and share the results on social media, if you're so inclined.

"Don't worry if you haven't decided whether you're for Hillary or Bernie, whether minimum wage should be raised, or whether you are even registered to vote," Tinder wrote in a blog post. "Tinder has you covered."

The new feature also encourages online daters to register to vote ahead of the election.

"After all, millennials should play a big role in deciding who our next president is," Tinder wrote.

For more, check out 10 Tinder Tips to Help You Find True Love (or Something).