
Lou Sarah wrote "amen" on Sarah Palin's Wall.

And if you believe politics and gossip blog Wonkette, they're actually the same person.

The blog reckons it's found Sarah Palin's secret Facebook account under the name "Lou Sarah." Palin's middle name is Louise. Lou Sarah's two interests are Sarah Palin and Edge Fitness, a gym in Wasilla, Alaska.

She even left a message on Edge Fitness's Facebook page: "Edge Fitness is seen in upcoming TLC 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Sunday night episode because the Palins LOVE Alina!" Lou also recommends a video called "Sarah Palin's Favorite Things" and an opinion piece by Palin on the FoxNews.com website.

Wonkette said Lou had posted several messages of support on Bristol Palin's Facebook page as well, but they had been removed by the time news.com.au checked. The Lou Sarah profile page is still available.

Palin officially denies that the "Lou Sarah" account is hers. A note posted to her official Facebook page makes her position clear.

"On a side note, there’s always buzz about fake Sarah Palin Facebook and Twitter accounts. Please know that this is my only authentic Facebook account and SarahPalinUSA is my only authentic Twitter account. Pay no attention to the fake accounts and their fake messages."

Wonkette found the account by searching on Facebook for an e-mail address, alleged to be Palin's, which was contained in a leaked book manuscript. The manuscript, written by one of Palin's former aides, appeared late last week.

A tell-all titled In Blind Allegiance to "Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years," it includes the details of e-mails sent to and from Palin.

Read more at news.com.au.