
Keeping up with the Epic Meal Times, Evolution of Dances and Cookie Monster Sings Chocolate Rains of the world can be a daunting task: a flood of new videos hits the web each and every second, each and every day. How can you separate the diamonds from the coal? The venerable RealNetworks thinks it has the answer with RealPlayer Express, an Internet video aggregator tailored for the Windows 8 experience that may just make up for the current lack of a Windows 8 YouTube app.

RealPlayer Express sucks in the most popular free videos from across the Web and separates them into "Channels" such as travel, comedy, science, technology and more. It'll even include videos posted by your Facebook friends. A video aggregate tool would be cool enough, but RealPlayer Express includes additional features that amplify its appeal for Internet video buffs.

The app includes Watch Later and History options that do pretty much what you'd expect them to, along with a Search feature that scours the web for your chosen topic and generates relevant results. If you want to be part of the in crowd, the Popular option shows what's hot right now, while RealPlayer Express' social media integration helps you share cool vids with your Facebook and Twitter pals.

RealPlayer (appropriately enough) created a quick video showing off the app in action, which you can see below. Expect to see RealPlayer Express in the Windows Store when Windows 8 launches tomorrow, sporting the unbeatable price tag of absolutely free.