
Here at CES 2013 we had a chance to test out the Samsung NX300 camera a bit more and see how it interacted with Samsung's Android app.

The NX300, a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera, has built-in Wi-Fi that lets you upload photos and videos to the cloud with just the push of a button. That's right, there's a physical button on the NX300 that will automatically pair the camera with your smartphone or tablet, and start transferring images. When we tested it out, it took no more than a few seconds after we took a photo for it to appear on a Samsung Galaxy Tab II.

While not as involved as, say, the Samsung Galaxy Camera or Polaroid iM836, both of which run the full Android operating system, Samsung's app also lets you use the NX300 as a remote viewfinder, great for taking group photos or even just having some fun with your friends. As far as the camera itself, we like its sturdy construction and faux black leather wrapping, and brushed metal caps, which give it a retro feel. Those who like something more modern can opt for an all-white body.