
Gays and lesbians are more frequent blog readers than their heterosexual counterparts and are more likely to be members of a social network, according to a survey released on Tuesday.

Of the gay and lesbian respondents in the Harris Interactive survey, 54 percent said they read blogs, compared with 40 percent of heterosexuals.

The nationwide Harris Interactive survey involved 2,412 US adults, 271 of whom identified themselves as gay or lesbian, and was conducted in mid-June.

Thirty-six percent of the gays and lesbians polled said they read news and current affairs blogs compared to 25 percent of heterosexual adults.

A bigger percent of gays and lesbians also read entertainment and pop culture blogs, with 25 percent saying they are regular followers, compared with 16 percent of heterosexuals. Likewise, 22 percent said they read political blogs compared to just 14 percent of heterosexuals.

Travel blogs were also more popular among gays and lesbians, with 16 percent saying they read them compared to eight percent of heterosexuals.

Gays and lesbians are also more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to participate in social networking. While 65 percent of heterosexuals are on Facebook, 73 percent of gays and lesbians are members of the site. Only 22 percent of heterosexuals belong to MySpace, but 32 percent of gays and lesbians surveyed are members.

Gays and lesbians also belonged to professional social networking site LinkedIn in greater numbers than their heterosexual counterparts -- 22 percent to 16 percent.

Twenty-nine percent of gays and lesbians said they used micro-blogging service Twitter compared to 15 percent of heterosexuals.

Gays and lesbians are also more frequent visitors with 51 percent saying they visit social networking sites at least once a day compared to 41 percent of heterosexuals.