
Odds are you have a digital camera or two on your holiday shopping list—or maybe you need a new one for yourself. Whether you've decided to fight your way through the crowds on Black Friday or shop online during Cyber Monday—or procrastinate a bit—consider these cameras. (Click on the links below for detailed model information.) You should find at least one camera that will match your needs and your budget.

All the SLR and SLR-like cameras featured here include a kit lens, generally an 18-55mm zoom. Most are among the models we recommended, though the cameras for $100 or less are not. Still, these inexpensive cameras are decent budget choices.

For more on SLRs and other advanced cameras, check out our buying guide and Ratings for digital cameras.

$100 or less

$250 or less

$450 or less

$750 or less

$1,000 or less

—Terry Sullivan

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