
Amazon unveiled the latest product in its line of smart hardware products, the Echo Look.

The $199.99 Echo Look, currently available by invitation only, will let users take full-length photos and videos hands-free. They can get a second opinion using Style Check, a new service which combines machine learning and advice from fashion gurus on how a person looks.


The new device has a built-in LED lighting and depth-sensing camera which lets you blur the background, with the focus going on your outfit. There's also the ability to share photos from the device.

An Amazon spokeswoman confirmed the release of the new product to Fox News.

Here is a video of the device and how it works:

Like Amazon's popular Echo smart speaker, it incooperates Alexa, which can read the news, set alarms and thousands of other skills.

Amazon is continuing to expand the ways it uses Alexa, which some analysts believe will be worth as much as $10 billion in revenue to the Jeff Bezos-led company by 2020.

"It is very early days so while we see significant opportunity from the proliferation of Alexa, the financial impact also carries significant un certainty," RBC Capital Markets Mahaney wrote in a March investor note. "Nevertheless, we see the potential financial tailwind as at least three-fold – 1) Device Sales; 2) Incremental Voice Driven Shopping Sales & 3) Platform Revenues."