
Your Grrrs compiled by FOX News intern Katherine Podkalicki.

Charleen from cyberspace: Today's Grrr! moment came when an radio newscaster referenced Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to or edit, as a credible background source for a story she was reporting. Even one of Wikipedia's co-founders, Larry Sanger, admits it has a reputation for unreliability. Ten seconds with Google would have made this obvious.

Tammy from Texas: I'm currently a receptionist for a car dealership. The reason I say "How may I direct your call" is because I don't know about financing rates, servicing your car
or the price for a part, but I can give your call to the correct person. My grrr goes to people who call for information and aren't prepared in advance. You're calling to see if your car came in?
Have the salesperson's name beforehand. You want a phone number to the financing company to get a pay-off? Have a pen and paper ready.

Doug from Arlington, Va.: The obliviots and oblivions are finally getting their 15 seconds of fame. I have to agree. Though I'm a baby boomer, and was a teen in the '60s, I was raised to have respect for people and be personally responsible for my actions. If I was "bad," I suffered the "punishment." The more I see such rudeness, the more I become self-conscious of my politeness to people with a desire to be more polite to the rude ones. I can't stoop down to their level. Did I hate my parents for their way of raising me? Quite the contrary. I loved them very much. Maybe people will read the article and think about their own behavior. It's a hope.

Dawn from Marion, N.Y.: I’m willing to bet that mine won’t be the only response that tells you AU CONTRAIRE. If I met Sean Penn face-to-face, I absolutely, unequivocally, without any shadow of a doubt would tell him to shut up and sit down. Here is my short list of others with whom I would take that same opportunity, if it were ever offered: Al Franken, Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon, Tom Cruise, Tim Robbins, Warren Beatty, Shirley MacLaine, Madonna, Michael Moore, Jane Fonda...

Tom from cyberspace: My wife and I went to a live performance and on the other side of my wife sat an elderly couple who were obviously hard of hearing. Throughout the performance, they kept talking to each other in loud voices, drowning out the performers. After 10 minutes, I decided I had to say something, so I leaned over and said "Sir! (the man was the primary offender) Please! Shhhh!" Unfortunately, they were so hard of hearing, they didn't respond to me and I didn't want to become more of annoyance than they were, so I didn't do it again. They continued to talk throughout the performance. Afterwards I was admonished for not being sensitive to the couple's hearing problems.

Tom, you couldn't have known they were hard of hearing, so don't feel bad about admonishing them. I would go so far as to say Grrr! to them. If they know they would have trouble hearing, most theaters rent hearing enhancement devices.

Susanna from cyberspace: I feel it necessary to grrr with the multitude with the following story. I am a teacher at a middle school, and my grrr comes from the male members of the faculty.
When going to use the lavatory the other day, I noticed that a faculty member had not lifted the seat (we don't have lids) and "dribbled" all over the seat. Is it too much to ask these foul offenders to wipe up their mess so I am not forced to either clean up the mess or use a different bathroom?

Doherty from cyberspace: I have a grrr for the ImporTants who think it is necessary to take up two parking spaces in a crowded lot, sitting right on top the yellow divider line, so no other cars can get near their precious vehicles. Do these folks ever stop to think that other people may have shopping to do as well?

Jen from Pennsylvania: "Africa needs capitalism to pull itself out of debt, not another billion or so of aid." Capitalism is not a perfect system and it does not work everywhere. No government or economic system is perfect. Just because we are from the industrialized power that is America does not mean that less developed nations are "backward." Do you think people want to live in poverty? How can they pull themselves up unless they have the resources to do it? No, we shouldn't just hand money over to them, we need to educate and train people so that they can support themselves.

Todd from Denver, Co.: I want to know why everyone completely ignores the fact that the Gulf Coast of Mississippi was destroyed — completely destroyed, with people displaced just the same as in Louisiana. Yet all the news is about New Orleans. I was just reading yet another article on FOXNews.com, and again nothing but southeastern Louisiana. We have children unable to attend school, displaced residents, lost historical sites and an infrastructure that is completely ruined. The Gulf Coast has lost everything, but we can't get any coverage.

Scott from Brunswick, Maine: You have correctly pointed out that the car on the highway has the right of way and that oncoming traffic has to yield, but you missed the point. It’s about being considerate, moving over to let someone else get on, a small gesture by you to help someone else out. If you are paying attention, and you should be while driving, then moving over a lane if the left lane is unoccupied is no big deal. If a simple lane change is too challenging for you, then you need to turn in your driver’s license. My grrrr is that practically every time I see someone not move over is because they're oblivious and talking on a cell phone.

Kristy from Wauwatosa, Wis.: My grrrr is the way people talk to receptionists. Why do people feel the need to scream and swear at the first person they speak with? I didn't upset you, I've done nothing to you but answer the phone and try and direct you in right place! I don't think people realize how much receptionists have to deal with. We are generally the grunts of our workplace, meaning we have to do everything for everyone! Order everything, pick up after the pigs, try to fix things, making coffee, etc. All the while we are still answering the phones and doing our normal work. To top if all off, we always have to be pleasant! No matter if we are getting screamed at or not! I can't tell you how many times I've heard the bosses yelling or employees swearing, but if we do it, we are threatened to be fired! Give us receptionists a break! We have enough to deal with, without you hotheads screaming at us.

Debbie from cyberspace: Grrr! If you sit next to someone thinner than you, whether it is on the bus, subway or train, it does not give you the right because you are larger to take a portion of that person's seat! I am a smaller woman but I tell you I paid just as much money for my SEPTA regional rail ticket as you and you are not entitled to take half my seat or any portion of my seat unless you are going to pay half my fare!

Shannon P. from St. Joseph, Mich.: Sorry to say that the most frrring thing about the Internet for me is not its anonymity — it is remembering the right passwords. Get on to the Internet at work — need password (A). Check work e-mail — need a different password (B). Get on to the Internet at home — need password (C). Check home email — need password (D). Pay bills online — need password (E). Log in to online games — need password (F). Log onto news site — need password (G). Everywhere you go, you have to have a password. And not just any password, but an easy-to-remember string of upper and lowercase letters and numbers that cannot be found in a dictionary or deduced from your personal information. And updating our passwords regularly ... what a joke! Unless we are forced to update our passwords, most of us don't even bother — I mean, how are we supposed to keep track of which password is used where when nearly every useful site you visit requires a password to access your "premium content?" Is it any wonder that we all pick a password and then increment from that?

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Mike Straka is the director of operations and special projects for FOXNews.com, writes the Grrr! Column and hosts the weekly "The Real Deal" webcast on FOXNews.com and FOXfan.com.