
Your Grrrs compiled by FOX News interns Jesse Lanier and Katherine Podkilicki.

Brandon from cyberspace on my Shuttle Bus Oblivion encounter: Why didn't you say something to the idiot and his kids on the shuttle? The only way to get Oblivions to stop to their inconsideracy (and that's all Oblivionism is) is to point it out and (dare I say it) humiliate them. Not only has this worked for me, it's also actually worked "on" me. So speak up next time. Not only will you feel better, but others will definitely support you.

Emily from Bristol, Tenn.: Grrr to the beautiful teenage girl who came in with her friends to the ice cream parlor while we were ordering (or trying to): Honey, you are drop-dead gorgeous and model-thin, but that does not give you permission to start a personal conversation with the employee behind the counter over my shoulder while he is taking our order. He is working, you know.

Ray from cyberspace: While I admit that it may be a kind thing to move out of the right lane on an interstate to allow someone to merge, it boils down to this: Drivers on interstate must check rearview mirrors, put on turn signal, move out of right lane, cancel turn signals, watch for a safe time/place to return to right lane, put on turn signal, move back to right lane and cancel turn signal. Drivers on on-ramp must move right foot either up or down.

Mike from Los Angeles, Calif.: What's with these Oblivions who use the last amount of water from the water cooler and don't replace the empty bottle with a new one? I can understand a woman unable to safely lift 50 lbs., but the men? Be a man and take some responsibility for your actions! The following proclamation absolutely true and non-debatable: Common courtesy is dead. People are so self-absorbed that their hemisphere of reality extends only about two feet out in front of them and ends at their backs. Anyone and anything that is outside of that hemisphere either doesn't exist or is so unimportant that it/they may as well not exist.

Dan from Riviera Beach, Fla.: After watching Conan the other night, I doubt that promotion of U2 is anything other than a fortunate coincidence for the band. While watching Bono say things like "We don't have to agree on everything to get on; we just have to agree on one thing" and "[the effort to clear debt] will define us," I couldn't help but remark on how truly brilliant he is. What he is doing will do more for peace than the Nobel Prize-winning atomic energy agency.

Jeanne from St. Charles, Mo.: Your story on the Oblivions in the shuttle at the airport scares me. The realization that Oblivions breed Oblivions sends chills up my spine.

Lynn from Atlanta, Ga.: I am so glad I am not the only one who has noticed these people (Oblivions)! For the longest I thought I was in "Bizarro World," because common courtesy has become not so common. So it really isn't just me!

Heather from cyberspace: Thank goodness Bono is reading Americans the Declaration of Independence, because we seemingly are for the most part too caught up in the ephemeral tides of the times to contemplate the ideals that lit the torch of liberty that birthed this great country, and I am terribly pleased that a rich Irish rock star feels enough passion to face all the grrrs and remind us.

Robert from Texas: I have an absolute intolerance for those who skipped English 101 (in college). The bastardization of our native tongue is abhorrent to me. I am seriously considering hiring an interpreter. When you end a sentence with "as well," the as well is redundant, merely filler.

Steve from cyberspace: The ramp/lane that you are on is called a “merge lane” or “merging ramp." That means YOU have to merge into traffic on the interstate. Not the other way around. Impor-tant, indeed.

Bill from Henderson, Nev.: Forty percent of cars in Brazil are running on ethanol. Why aren’t 40 percent of cars in the United States running on alcohol? Brazil isn’t dependent on foreign oil. Why should the United States be dependent on foreign oil? The United States is the breadbasket of the world. Why aren’t we growing corn to make enough ethanol to fuel alcohol-burning cars for every American driver? We have the technology and the farm capacity to do so. There is no excuse for dependence on foreign oil other than corrupt American politics. This is my GRRR. The greatest nation is the stupidest nation if we persist in making cars and buying cars that run on gasoline.

Rick from cyberspace on Bono: Amen Mike. There hasn’t ever been a more eloquent and intelligent rock star of his caliber on the political scene that is truly impacting our world.

Tom from cyberspace: "Stuck in a Moment" ... is from the "All That You Can't Leave Behind" album, not "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb." Otherwise, I appreciated the article. As a cynic, I appreciate Bono's sincerity.

Jim and Claudine from cyberspace: This article proves that you don't have to be a die-hard U2 fan to appreciate the work of a true humanitarian. Bono always talks of how his "day job" gives him the ability to make a difference in the world. In some ways I believe he has to work twice as hard to prove himself. He is a brilliant man who works tirelessly to educate himself on the matters of which he speaks. Oh, and when he's not reading about third-world poverty and economics, he puts on a hell of a rock show.

Dana from Farmington, Mo.: I honestly enjoy and admire Bono for his commitment to a cause and his willingness to listen to all sides. I suppose that is what we all should do, isn't it? As humans we don't have to agree, but we don't have to fight either.

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