NEW YORK – Carmen Elektra, Will & Grace, The Bachelor and Britney in the 15 minutes of fame glow of The Foxlight.
Carmen Elektra is getting married. Rock star Dave Navarro is the man who "rocked" her with a giant stone. She told Fox News she's happy. But the big question — will former five minute husband Dennis Rodman be one of the bridesmaids?
Want to join the cast of Will & Grace? Log onto eBay and outbid everyone else. But before you start picking out sofas for your dressing room, you should realize it's a walk on. You'll be lucky to have a line or two. And it won't be cheap: The current high bid is around $700. All the money goes to charity.
Is it just me or is The Bachelor the creepiest guy on the planet? A Nickelodeon-style sliming would have been a good thing to do on that finale. But guess what, good ratings trump bad taste every time. There will be another one. I wish I could act surprised.
Finally, didn't she learn anything from Crossroads? Britney is back in a movie. This one the next Austin Powers. Can she act? "Nah, baby, nah!" But it should be good for a bad dental grin.