
This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," Jan. 25, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Impact" segment tonight, a story that's hard to believe. On August 4, 2003, Villanova History Professor Mine Ener (search ) slashed the throat of her 6-month-old baby girl who had Downs syndrome. After the baby died, Ms.Ener committed suicide. Those who knew her said she suffered from postpartum depression (search).

Now comes word that Villanova (search) has dedicated a memorial to the woman, a study alcove in the school's library. Villanova officials are hiding under their collective desks.

But joining us now from Philadelphia is radio talk-show host Michael Smerconish, author of the book "Flying Blind," and Nancy Lynn, a graduate of Villanova.

Ms. Lynn, I mean, this is fairly shocking, is it not?

NANCY LYNN, VILLANOVA ALUMNUS: Well, you have to understand she suffered from postpartum depression, and it sounds like, from what I read in the newspapers, she was suffering from postpartum psychosis, which is a mental illness.

O'REILLY: All right. We — maybe that's true, but, certainly, there's...

LYNN: It is true.

O'REILLY: Certainly, there's a doubt, and, certainly, her actions led to the death of a baby by slashing the baby's throat, and you think it's OK to have a little memorial to that?

LYNN: This is a woman, apparently, that was very endeared by her students and her colleagues. Prior to being diagnosed with postpartum depression, she was somebody that was, you know, "normal." She was a professor. Her students enjoyed her. She was a great teacher, apparently. She was diagnosed after her child was born with postpartum depression and, apparently, was psychotic when she killed her child.

O'REILLY: All right.

LYNN: We can't overlook the good things that she had done prior to this heinous act.

O'REILLY: Aha. Mr. Smerconish, what say you?

MICHAEL SMERCONISH, RADIO TALK-SHOW HOST: It's a no-brainer, Bill. This is inexcusable on the part of Villanova.

And you know what occurs to me? Had she not taken her own life, today she'd be in prison. And, if she were in prison, no one would be advocating on behalf of naming rights for a study lounge. So why should her own suicide change the dynamic?

If folks want to pray for her memory and her soul, that's terrific, but to honor someone who killed a 6-month-old is an outrage.

O'REILLY: I mean, I think it's appalling myself.

Now, Ms. Lynn, you must be aware that down in Houston a woman who killed her five children in a bathtub, you know, was sentenced to life in prison. Now there's an appeal and all of that.

But, as Mr. Smerconish said, if the woman didn't commit suicide, truly Villanova wouldn't be naming a study alcove after her. She'd be on trial for her life, madam.

LYNN: Yes, she would, but she was mentally ill, and we cannot under — we cannot overlook the good that she had done.

O'REILLY: So you — wait — look, I...

LYNN: She was mentally ill.

O'REILLY: Fine. Isn't there a difference between feeling sorry for somebody who's mentally ill and honoring them? Do — I mean, do we now honor people who kill babies, even if they're mentally ill? Is that what we've come to here? We honor that?

LYNN: I — you know, the mission of Villanova, the mission of St. Thomas of Villanova — he ministered to the poor, he ministered to the sick, he ministered to the outcasts of society.

O'REILLY: All right, but...

LYNN: She was somebody that had done good.

O'REILLY: I don't think St. Thomas of Villanova (search) is cheering up there in heaven that there's a woman who slashed the throat of her baby being honored because nobody could read the mind of the woman.

LYNN: She was mentally ill and psychotic.

O'REILLY: All right. That — you say that, but no one can know that for sure.

Now, Mr. Smerconish, what is Villanova — they don't — they don't put anybody out. I mean, we respect Ms. Lynn to come in. She's got — at least she's got guts to come in here and put forth her point of view. So what are these pinheads doing over there? Are they hiding or what?

SMERCONISH: Well, they are hiding. Sixty-three percent of the students surveyed by the campus newspaper say that they think this is a step in the wrong direction.

I can't get on my radio show in Philadelphia anyone to speak on the record on behalf of Villanova, and they sent out e-mails to some of my listeners who complained about this and equated mental illness and what took place in this case with cancer. Well, if someone contracts cancer and leaves this earth, you know, they lose their own life, but they don't take someone else's. So that analogy doesn't wash.

And here's the bottom line. A couple of years ago, John DuPont (search), heir to the DuPont fortune, had his name on a building at Villanova because he was a benefactor. He murdered a wrestler named Dave Schultz, and, Bill, they tore his name off the building, and that's what they should do in this case.

O'REILLY: Well, maybe he had post-wrestling psychosis. I don't know. I think Villanova alumni have got to step up here and have got to get involved and tell the president of that university this has got to be talked about.

Ms. Lynn, we respect you. Thank you for coming on.

LYNN: Thank you.

O'REILLY: Michael, as always.

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