
Politico.com has a sad story concerning the White House Holiday Party, an event that allows reporters to get their pictures taken with the president.

Shockingly, this year some members of the press were left off the list and it looks like those invited won't be enjoying the "receiving-line photo."

What? Did I just say what I think I said? Can we replay that?

Shockingly, this year some members of the press were left off the list and it looks like those invited won't be enjoying the "receiving-line photo."

I know, I know: This is a crisis.

I mean, sure, we all have problems this year. Because of the recession, I'm cutting back on unicorn ornaments and colonics. But the real tragedy is missing out on that millisecond standing next to the commander-in-cuteness. I can't imagine anything more horrible and, believe me, I'm really good at imagining horrible.

I think one reporter said it best when he told Politico: "The White House is magical at Christmas."

So true. But it's even more true now that we have a real Santa Claus living there; a wondrous being beloved by the media because he promises them stuff they so badly want: A cleaner planet, an end to American arrogance, an increase in global popularity and — fingers crossed — free abortions! Yippee!

Anyway, "Red Eye" is coming to the rescue. Since there won't be a receiving line at the White House, we're having one at "Red Eye." I'll even be dressed as an elf and make my special homemade eggnog.

(The secret ingredient is love. And Vicodin.)

What can I say: We love to receive — some say too much.

And if you disagree with me, you're probably a homophobic racist who hates the planet.

Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 3 a.m. ET. Send your comments to: redeye@foxnews.com