
The news that is not White House approved...

Pay to Play

The White House is no longer a place where the president conducts his business, but also playground for some top DNC donors. That's right, the president is rewarding those who contribute over $4,000 with VIP access to the presidential mansion.

According to The Washington Times, one top donor received a birthday visit to the Oval Office. Another got to use the White House's bowling alley with his family. Financial bundlers who collect donations from many individuals and then pass them along also received perks.

The president's top New York bundler, UBS CEO Robert Wolf, was rewarded with a golf day with the president during his vacation on Martha's Vineyard.

Remember when the president vowed to change the way Washington works? I wonder if the Lincoln Bedroom is going to be on sale next.

Mixed Messages

The $787 billion stimulus signed by the president in February seems to be causing a bit of disagreement among his own advisers.

The president himself has said repeatedly that we will continue to feel the effects of the stimulus for the years to come, but his top economic adviser Cristina Romer suggested otherwise last week when she said this:


CHRISTINA ROMER, CHAIRWOMAN, COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS: Most analysts predict that the fiscal stimulus will have its greatest impact on growth in the second and third quarters of 2009, and by mid-2010 fiscal stimulus will likely be contributing little to further growth.


Apparently tax chief Geithner didn't get the message, because just this past Tuesday he said the stimulus was designed to have its effects over two years, saying "half that effect is still ahead of us."

So which is it? If you can't even get your own story straight about this disaster, how do you expect the American people to understand this?

The Clock Ticks

The congressional measure barring ACORN from receiving federal funds is going to expire this Saturday and, believe it or not, unless a new continuing resolution is passed, the controversial group that was exposed in undercover videos will once again be eligible to receive your hard-earned tax dollars.

As the clock ticks on this very serious issue, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley has revealed that a serious funding loophole for ACORN still exists: ACORN is still able to receive donations through a charity drive known as the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

The CFC is a government-wide effort that encourages federal employees to donate portions of their earnings to charities and, according to Senator Grassley, the Obama administration has refused to remove ACORN from the catalog of eligible charities.

Not only has Barack Obama supported ACORN in the past, he continues to do so now as president. Pretty unbelievable.

Bestseller Bound

Since garnering national attention during Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin has been known for making some controversial comments. After all, who could forget the speech he gave on Martin Luther King Day in 2006?


NEW ORLEANS MAYOR RAY NAGIN: We as black people, it's time. It's time for us to come together. It's time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans.


Now a brand-new coloring book is skewering the mayor for that statement and much more. According to the Associated Press, the 24-page book was created by Karen Ocker to call attention to the mayor's controversial tenure.

Although Nagin's office did not respond when asked if they had seen the book, they had in the past stated that the mayor's legacy will be viewed in a positive light when the history books are finally written.

Mayor, I think the only chance of that happening is if those books are written in crayon.

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