
And now the most telling two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

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What Is Good For Iraq Is Good For Iran?

The grandson of Ayatollah Khomeini (search)…the late Iranian cleric who hated America and founded the Islamic state that rules Iran (search)…is now blasting his own country's clerical regime, calling it, ‘the worst dictatorship in the world’ and suggesting that U.S. military force might be needed to remove the regime. Hossein Khomeini, a Muslim cleric himself, says of U.S. military intervention, ‘I think the [Iranian] people would accept that. I would accept it, too, because it's in accord with my faith.’ Hossein, now visiting Iraq, told the Scotsman newspaper, 'I see that there's security, that the people are happy, that they've been released from suffering.'

Democratic Divide

The democratic divide over how to handle the recall of California Governor Gray Davis (search) continues. The California AFL-CIO (search) labor federation has now expressed staunch support for Davis, urging all democrats not to run in the recall election. Democratic leaders agree. But Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif., has now joined others who say there needs to be at least one viable democratic candidate just in case. In a column in the LA Times, Sanchez says, ‘it would be irresponsible to risk turning California over to ... [a] politician bent on a personal power grab.’

Notification About Notification Officers

People posing as Army casualty notification officers are now calling the families of soldiers stationed in Iraq, telling the families they have important information about their loved ones. These impersonators, working near Fort Collins, Colorado, then go to the families' homes dressed in Army uniforms and ask to see documents such as social security cards and birth certificates before divulging any information. One impersonator even asked a family for a $300 check. The Associated Press says no arrests have yet been made, but a real army officer wants to make one thing clear, ‘This is not the way we do business.’

Collecting Commandments

The ACLU (search), eager to remove all vestiges of religious expression from public sites in Utah, has so far gotten Ten Commandments (search) monuments removed from public property in 6 Utah cities and is trying in a 7th. But there is still one more of the monuments, donated to Utah cities decades ago, that the group has not been able to affect. That's because the ACLU doesn't know where it is. It has posed an action alert on its web site asking people to scour public buildings in 5 more Utah cities to help find the offending scripture so the group can try to get it removed.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report