
The trouble begins… now! Does John's My Word make your blood boil? Click here to listen live to The John Gibson Show on FOX News Radio (weekdays, 6-9 p.m. ET). It's your chance to call in and argue with John!

Today's show could be called an exercise in a game I like to play called: What if a Republican or a conservative said that?

The game is easy. You take a statement from a noted liberal and ask, "What if a GOP person had said that?" How much handwringing and dire warnings would be sounded in the liberal media?

For instance, Barack Obama has been visiting churches in South Carolina campaigning for the upcoming primary there, one that is clearly crucial to any candidate. In speaking to an evangelical church the other day, Obama said: "I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth."

Now he was speaking to a congregation and I think it is significant that he did not say a Kingdom of Heaven, but what else can one assume he was referring to? A kingdom of what?

No, he was making a vaguely religious statement. We can all reach the promise land right here on Earth if you just vote for me. I will lead sinners from the wilderness with smart legislation, impeccable judgment, etc., etc.

Now had George Bush made that statement the media would be raising the roof with the hollering that the president was on a messianic mission to force a Christian Kingdom of Heaven after his own design upon a helpless nation.

And I don't know who gets to be in this kingdom either.

Obama's favorite minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, has said many things from the pulpit that are very close to this: "Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run."

Candidate Obama has distanced himself from his former pastor.

When Obama takes to the pulpit himself and makes vaguely religious prophetic statements like we can build a Kingdom right here on Earth, you wonder if he shares the sentiments expressed by Rev. Wright. And if he does, why doesn't he just come out and say so? Instead the Obama campaign mumbles placating statements about the candidate not subscribing to all of his pastor's views.

People are very darn certain they know what George Bush means if he were to make a statement that appears to reference God or his belief in Jesus and an afterlife. Why does Obama not get the same scrutiny Bush would? Because the mainstream media wants to give him a pass, and he'll have to be way more outrageous before he is subjected to tough scrutiny.

Stay tuned. You never know when we will be presented another day which would be perfect to play, "What if a Republican or conservative said that?" I play several times a week these days. You can, too.

That's My Word.

Watch John Gibson weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on "The Big Story with John Gibson and Heather Nauert" and send your comments to: myword@foxnews.com

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