
There's a new CNN poll that shows a clear generational split in who supports Obama's health care plan. As the age goes up, support goes down. Our youth seem to be all for Obama's "free" health care.

Dude, like how could you be against free health care, man? And free meh-de… medi-chlorian… meh... .you know, free pot?

Gee, I don't know, maybe the provision in the bill that incentivizes hospitals not to keep treating the sickest among us — who typically are seniors. Yeah, why would old people be against that?

What the youngsters don't seem to get is government health care isn't exactly "free." It's actually back up over $1 trillion again. They think it's just magical Obama cash, like these Obama supporters who were looking for "free" stimulus money in Detroit:


UNIDENTIFIED HOST: Will you know today how much money you are getting?

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: No I won't, but I'm waiting for a phone call.

UNIDENTIFIED HOST: Where's the money coming from?

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: I believe it's coming from the city of Detroit or the state.

UNIDENTIFIED HOST: Where did they get it from?

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Some funds that was given by Obama.

UNIDENTIFIED HOST: And where did Obama get the funds?

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Obama might of got the funds from, umm... I have no idea to tell you the truth. He's the president.



UNIDENTIFIED HOST: Why are you here?

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: To get some money.

UNIDENTIFIED HOST: What kind of money?


UNIDENTIFIED HOST: Where's it coming from?


UNIDENTIFIED HOST: And where did Obama get it?

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: I don't know, his stash? I don't know. I don't know where he got it from but he's giving it to us to help us to help us. We love him. That's why we voted for him. Obama! Obama!


Hmm, the trail seems to go cold after Obama. Maybe it was another case of Jack and his magic beans? Oh, who cares? It's free! And besides, we must act now:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: If we do not act, 14,000 Americans will continue to lose their health insurance every single day. These are the consequences of inaction.

OBAMA: Pass health insurance reform now. This year.


Now is definitely not the time. This isn't "the moment" that needs seizing. America can't afford a Yugo, let alone a Cadillac or 20 million Cadillacs.

Democrats will argue this bill — even at $1 trillion — won't add to the deficit. You know what is 100 percent guaranteed not to add to the deficit? Doing nothing. Please Washington, do nothing!

Oh, Glenn! Doing something is better than doing nothing!

No, it's not. How will you pay for this? Will someone please explain how this is good for America? What's the exit strategy here? They certainly don't have one in Massachusetts, where they did try "something" and in just three short years Romney-care is failing so miserably they are already rationing services because of budget shortfalls.

But you probably haven't heard about that failure in the media. Why is that? Are they are embarrassed and hiding the fact they called it a "grand experiment" and "trailblazing" when it launched? Maybe. Or, could it be they don't view it as a failure at all and it's achieving exactly what they'd hoped.

Do you remember Rep. Alan Grayson?


REP. ALAN GRAYSON, D-FLA.: The Republican health care plan is this: Die quickly. That's right, the Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick.


Is that dangerous or is that the truth? Well according to Robert Reich, if a politician would actually tell the truth, they would say this:


ROBERT REICH, OBAMA ADVISER: We are going to have to, if you are very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you, maybe, going for another couple of months. It's too expensive. So, we're going to let you die.



No, that would be crazy. Just like Sarah Palin and her death panels. What a fear monger! That could never happen in America.

Uh-huh. Did you notice the audience actually clapped after the "let them die" comment? What kind of person would clap for that? Well, he was speaking to college students. College students, who apparently think like this one does, who wrote into Time magazine after I was on the cover and said this:

"I had to wait through eight years of an administration that brought this country to the brink. Frankowski should sit down quietly while the rest of us get to the task of cleaning up Bush's mess. Besides, this health-care debate isn't about those over 30; it's about the millions of uninsured, recently graduated young people saddled with loans we can't imagine paying off, who are sick and tired of living in an abyss created by our elders' stupidity. Obama would be smart to focus on college towns. Step aside, grandma. We want health care and we want it now."

That letter to the editor should chill you to the bone.

I've said this before — and I know I'll get heat for this — but I'm convinced we are raising a generation of would-be killers: the "me generation."

A generation that only cares about "me-me-me." A generation that never made anything on merit. A generation that doesn't understand what it means "to earn" something, because they've been handed everything.

A generation that was brought up by parents who wouldn't spank them because it was too barbaric and were graded in purple pen because red is too frightening.

A generation who got trophies no matter what place they finished. A generation too busy trying to get noticed on YouTube or Facebook or Twitter to accomplish anything of real lasting value.

We never expected it of them. We promised them a land of sunshine rainbows and lollipops. So it should come as no surprise that the "me generation" enters the workforce demanding high salaries, corner offices and promotions in the first few months — all while wanting to dress down and work less than 40 hours a week.

They feel entitled and are more concerned about "what's in it for me?" than anything else. Because that's what we taught them. Especially not what stupid grandma thinks about health care.

Radicals will seize this opportunity. They always go for the young crowd and the blame the problems of the world on "those old people" who aren't as smart as you are.

Here's what Al Gore likes to say to middle to high school students, when he doesn't know someone is rolling tape:


FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: There are some things about our world that you know, that older people don't know.


Like what?

Our schools encourage kids to take the Pill without parental consent and not to worry if you do get pregnant, because Planned Parenthood will help you not get punished with a baby:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE OBAMA: I've got two daughters: 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But, if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.


Punished with a baby.

A warning, America: Don't you see because we have tried to make life easier for our kids, we have bought into the lie that there is a free lunch; that you can have it all; that there is no right and wrong. We have destroyed ourselves and we are about to destroy our kids' future by teaching them that losers get a trophy just like winners do. We have taught them that no matter if you win or lose or if you play the game, all outcomes are equal.

It's a lie, but mark my words, all of society has reinforced this lie and when we yank that reality away, those who think they deserve the corner office, the prettiest girl, the biggest house and the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, will not accept no for an answer — even if that means taking it from others.

When we as parents went into their schools and said: "not my child, it is somebody else," when we accepted their cheating or stealing or lying and gave them a reward instead of a punishment we taught them they are above everything, even the rules — they will have no compassion on those that they will perceive destroyed what they had coming.

They mean it — it's not a joke — they mean it when they say this abyss was created by our elders' stupidity and Obama would be smart to focus on the college town because, step aside grandma, we want our health care and we want it now. Our leaders are continuing to teach this relentlessly:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE OBAMA: It's not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success too.

I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.

REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-CALIF.: Guess what this liberal will be all about? This liberal will be all about socializing... the government running all of your companies.

RAHM EMANUEL, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.

THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON: The other day, the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund...

VAN JONES, FORMER WHITE HOUSE GREEN JOBS 'CZAR': No more broken treaties. No more broken treaties. Give them the wealth! Give them the wealth! Give them the dignity...

ANITA DUNN, WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: And then the third lesson and tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers: Mao Tse-Tung and Mother Teresa...

RON BLOOM, WHITE HOUSE MANUFACTURING 'CZAR': We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun. And we get it that if you want a friend, you should get a dog.


How many more failures do you need to be convinced? This can't last. What is our exit strategy? I fear our exit strategy is to fundamentally transform this country and redistribute wealth. And when the inevitable rationing begins, that will mean somebody's not going to get a kidney transplant. Somebody's not going to get heart surgery. Somebody's not going to get chemotherapy.

Someone will be left out.

Who's it going to be? The 20-something whose future we promised would be carefree and pain-free? The one who doesn't give a crap about anyone or anything else but themselves because they're "special? Look at all my last-place trophies? Will it be them or will it be a 75-year-old past their prime?

I think you know the answer. Now, step aside grandma, and give me my damn health care.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel