
Despite the controversy surrounding the California mother who gave birth to octuplets last month, donations have been flowing in to a Web site created for the massive family, FOXNews.com has learned.

The Web site, thenadyasulemanfamily.com, was created by the Killeen Furtney Group, a Los Angeles-based public relations and marketing firm retained by Suleman following the birth of her six boys and two girls. Suleman's publicist, Joann Killeen, declined to indicated how much had been donated thus far, but stressed that her firm designed the Web site for free.

"We put it together because of the massive public interest in Nadya and her family," Killeen told FOXNews.com Wednesday. "We wanted to give people the ability to make donations and send comments to the family."

Killeen said donations have already poured in, including books, clothing, cribs, bedding and diapers.

"People have been calling us from around the world trying to make donations," Killeen said. "We needed to provide a vehicle where people could write to the family or make donations because everyone wants to donate."

Click here for photos of the octuplets.

Killeen added, "All of this is pro bono. We haven't taken a penny."

The eight babies — who are less than three weeks old — are "healthy and growing stronger by the day," according to the Web site.

Click here to view the Web site.

Suleman — a 33-year-old divorced, single mother who already had six children — told NBC's "Today" in an interview broadcast Wednesday that her family receives no cash from the government and that the $490 in food stamps she receives are "not affiliated with welfare."

Suleman also told NBC she intends to go back to school to pursue her master's degree. In the meantime, she said she'll support her children with student loans until she can find a job as a counselor after graduating in a year or two.

The eight babies — Noah, Maliah, Isaiah, Nariah, McCai, Josiah, Jeremiah and Jonah — weighed between 1 pound 8 ounces and 3 pounds 4 ounces at birth, according to the site.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.