
Hey fashionistas!

Picture this: elevator doors open, your assistant runs to grab your coat and hand you coffee as you waltz into your corner office looking impeccably dressed as you do every day! Perfect make-up and not a strand of hair out of place, your co-workers often compare you to the characters on Lipstick Jungle— glamorous, stylish and put together.

Stooooooooooooooooop! If this is you, congratulations! Most of us though are simply psyched to get out the door with matching shoes! Our bigger challenge is staying neat and put together throughout the day. Well worry not, style mavens. All you need is a drugstore and a dream! I've put together an office mishap checklist that will help you avoid and fix any wardrobe crises.

Problem: A warm office + a wool sweater = looking like a linty lamb

Solution: Lint roller

Seems obvious, yes, but having a lint roller at the office is imperative! Available for $2.99 at drugstore.com, gals this is a no brainer.

Alternative: If you've used your very last roller sheet and desperation ensues, wrap the handle of a hair brush with masking tape and roll it along the linty area. You may need to re-apply the tape once or twice but you'll escape this mishap lint free.

Problem: A good joke + a big lunch= a popped button

Solution: Sewing kit

Duh! But if I had a dollar everytime someone at work asked me for a needle and thread I'd be rich! For a mere $2.89 you can get a traveling sewing kit at your local drugstore or online at drugstore.com.

Alternative: Double sided tape and safety pins. For shirts the tape will be sufficient in keeping you modest, but is not strong enough to keep your pants up. In that case, a safety pin is a stronger solution.

Problem: Getting dressed in a hurry + deodorant that never seems to dry = deodorant stains

Solution: Baby wipes

Not just for kids, a simple swipe will get rid of those pesky white stains!

Alternative: Never wet a paper towel and apply to the stain. The towel will peel and the water could make the stain worse. Instead, rub the fabric together where the stained area is. This will leave you deodrant free. Of course for all other stains, a Tide to Go stain remover is a must!

Problem: A sprint to the office= sweaty pits and stinky shoes

Solution: Baby powder

To avoid pit stains and smelly shoes, preventative measures must be taken. Before you leave for work, pour a tiny amount of powder in the armpits of your shirt and the toes of your shoes. The powder will absorb the moisture before it hits the fabric.

Problem: A nap on the train + a poor sleep the night before= a wrinkled shirt

Solution: Hand steamer

A hand steamer is easy, breezy and affordable. A simple trip to the bathroom and ten minutes is all it takes to heat up and steam a shirt. Great for traveling as well, at $31.99 this is a wrinkle free investment.

Problem: A cute guy + a curb= scuffed shoes

Solution: Sharpie Permanent Marker

You will almost never want to hit the shoemaker again! Keep a black and brown marker at the office to touch up scuffs.

Problem: An idiot commuter who stepped on your pants= a fallen down hem

Solution: Stapler

This is a safety precaution, people. A fallen hem can cause you to trip, fall, and most importantly embarrass yourself! A button is one thing, but most of us don't have time to sew a new hem. Any office staple will do the trick!

Ladies, I suggest grabbing an old shoe box and filling it with your office mishap must-haves. You can even get together with some of your co-workers to split the bill! Trust me, this wardrobe first aid kit is sure to fix your style malfunctions. If I missed one, e-mail me at imag@foxnews.com! I promise to find you a solution. And if you're feeling bored with your work wardrobe, check out my article- Invigorated Office Style.

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