
Sunday, August 1 at 8 p.m. ET
Hosted by Lt. Col. Oliver North

Beginning with the creation of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in 1941, and continuing after the OSS became the CIA, there are thousands of nameless, and faceless men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving our country's clandestine services. They don't come home to march in ticker-tape parades, and their heroics are often unknown even to their own families. This edition of War Stories: Spies, profiles a number of individuals who have played extraordinary roles in defending the United States.

Elizabeth MacIntosh and Barbara Podoski both worked for the OSS during World War II. While stationed in Burma and China, Elizabeth organized covert action and propaganda campaigns against the imperialist Japanese. In Europe, Barbara convinced German P.O.W.s to become agents for the United States war against Hitler.

The story of Francis Gary Powers is one of the most famous, and controversial, in the annals of covert operations. In 1960, when his U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, President Eisenhower had to tell the world about U.S. spy missions to collect information from behind the Iron Curtain. His son, Francis Gary Powers, Jr. tells his father's story and explains how his father was received when released two years later from a Soviet prison.

Also, Duane Clarridge, a former high ranking CIA agent, recounts how, in 1987, a multi-agency team from the CIA, FBI, State Department and Secret Service teamed together to catch a notorious terrorist.— The first successful operation in America's War on Terror.

We hope you'll join us this Sunday, August 1 at 8 p.m. ET for another very special broadcast of War Stories with Oliver North: Spies.