
Monday, May 18 at 3 a.m. ET
Hosted by Oliver North

It is one of the Vietnam War’s most famous battles. The locals called it "Dong Ap Bia" or "Mountain of the Crouching Beast"; the Americans came to know it as Hamburger Hill.

But what do you really know about the fight?

Risking serious injury due to unexploded bombs and ordnance "War Stories Investigates" journeyed to the top of Hamburger Hill. We traveled over 8,000 miles and, in doing so, "War Stories" became the first journalists or camera crew to visit Hamburger Hill since the Vietnam War. This unprecedented expedition will provide you an amazing understanding of what it is was like to do battle on this rain forest-covered mountain.

In May of 1969 the famed 101st Airborne Division launched “Operation Apache Snow.” The goal was simple: enter the A-Shau Valley, find the enemy and kill them. But, even a good plan never survives first contact with the enemy.

From the beginning of the war, the A-Shau’s steep, jungle covered slopes and valleys were an enemy stronghold. This American and South Vietnamese assault would be met with stunning force, but not where or how anyone expected.

In this fascinating episode of "War Stories" you will meet a Vietnamese veteran who fought with the enemy. Hear him talk about the tactics that worked against America and our weapons he most feared. You will also learn what it was like from American veterans.

"War Stories" sat down with over a dozen men who battled for the mountain. Men like Frank Boccia, John Snyder and Ray Walker, all members of Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Regiment of the famed "Screaming Eagles." On May 11, 1969, it was Bravo Company that first encountered the heavily armed and fortified positions of the North Vietnamese Army’s 29th Regiment. The days that followed took hundreds of lives and wounded thousands.

Hollywood made it a movie, but you need to see this episode of “War Stories Investigates with Oliver North” if you truly want to understand the battle for Hamburger Hill.

Staff for this episode:

Executive Producer: Pamela K. Browne

Written and Produced by: Martin Hinton and Kelly Guernica

Senior Producers: Martin Hinton and Cyd Upson

Editor: Josh Parker

Production Associate: Andrew Stenner