
Veterans Day With Iraq War Vets

I'm really happy to announce that Thursday on "DaySide" I will have three soldiers in the studio with me — all of whom survived serious injury in battle.

We'll also do live interviews with our embedded correspondents in Fallujah (search), bringing you any breaking news as it happens. And yes, they will answer any questions you want to send in via email: dayside@foxnews.com. Sorry I didn't get to read any on the air today — we got into a time crunch with breaking news from the Peterson trial.

Also, Lynne Cheney (search), the vice president's wife, is stopping by the studio. She's promoting her new children's book, but she has some VERY interesting things to say about Elizabeth Edwards (search). I was quite surprised by what she told me, so I'm curious to see your reaction.

See you on the air,


Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET