
Vanity Fair stands by a controversial story that reported rumors of an affair between Bill Clinton and actress Gina Gershon, according to TMZ.com.

In a statement to the celebrity Web site, Beth Kseniak, a spokeswoman for the magazine, said: "Todd Purdum's article does not indicate that former President Bill Clinton had an improper relationship with Gina Gershon. The story merely examines the concerns of some of Clinton's aides about reports of his behavior. We don't believe that any correction is warranted."

The Vanity Fair article released this week suggests Clinton is out of control and “seeing a lot of women on the road.”

In the article, Todd Purdum wrote, “Over the last few years, aides have winced … at more recent high-end Hollywood dinner-party gossip that Clinton has been seen visiting with the actress Gina Gershon in California.”

Both Clinton and Gershon have admittedly dined the allegations.

According to Gershon’s attorney, “the truth, however, is that Ms. Gershon has only been in the same room as President Clinton on three occasions, during which she was always in the presence of anywhere from approximately a dozen people to several hundred or more.

“These are the true facts. … It is clear, however, that Vanity Fair wasn’t interested in learning the truth. Rumor-mongering was substituted for fact-checking,” the attorney wrote.

Click here to read more on this story from TMZ.com.