
The U.S. Army said Thursday that two soldiers will be arraigned May 20 on criminal charges stemming from the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse case.

The military set the arraignment date for Staff Sgt. Ivan Frederick II (search) and Sgt. Javal S. Davis (search). Charges against the soldiers were announced Wednesday.

At the arraignment, the men must enter pleas. The military said the date and venue for their trials have not been set.

Another soldier charged in the scandal, Spc. Jeremy C. Sivits (search), of Hyndman, Pa., goes on trial May 19 before a special court-martial. That court cannot levy as severe a sentence as the general court-martial which Frederick and Davis face.

Frederick has been charged with conspiracy to maltreat detainees; dereliction of duty for negligibly failing to protect detainees from abuse; maltreatment of detainees; and wrongfully committing an indecent act by watching detainees commit a sexual act.

Davis has been charged with conspiracy to maltreat detainees; dereliction of duty for failing to protect detainees from abuse; maltreatment of detainees; rendering false official statements and assault.